Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Bears can't win; look at Chicago.


*Those are fighting words you scum s@#^ing piece of filth!

Bret Favre

New York Jets he was great on that team. :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I Win.

Wow Chaz, you had the win for like 12 hours almost. Good for you! Let me celebrate with... umm... oh hey, this win I found laying around!

So I guess I am winning now and I rule?


Now yes?



I am hungry

You're bound to be hungry, you beast.

Always yearning for the win, never tasting its sweet flesh !

The win is an exclusive gnome delicacy, not to be sullied by anyone and anything other than an anointed gnome.

Blessed be me !

Blessed by Garl Glittergold then?

Did I hear my name called as the winner.

I belive I did.

I heard the Sunny Godhead. I win


It's Me.

Here for the Win, See?

I ain't no seagull, I ain't no gnome.

Just the mighty Waterhammer, all happy in my home!

Thank you, thank veddy mush!

Hangs warhammer on the mantle and above the fireplace to collect dust

I win!

*pops head out of fireplace*

Ho ho ho! Hey anybody seen that Bucko guy? I found somebody he should meet.

*vwips back up into chimney*

No idea who or what that was.

I win nonetheless.

Stupified, but I am winning.

Were winning. That was then. This is now.


So says the woman with the medusa complex and the world of Warhammer orc wanna-be. That two for the win and I'm done with a third.

Dude, go home and wash your face; your nose is a little shiny

So I clean myself with heat and fire. Always sunny and winning.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Actually, you look more like a Time Lord during a bad regeneration.

But I'm winning still.


Where is your scythe?

*pulls scythe out of robe and waves*


Just Checking

*nods solemnly and heads for the pantry*


*Good thing I am not a rat. I Win.

Jumps the bear for the win.

*makes Ref save* Yeah, I'm ahead of the sorcerer!

unlikely, I have Dragon's blood, thus wings. For the win IMHA.

Give me that win !

[*Extends grabby grubby hand*]

Or I'll sic "He Whose Name Must Not be Uttered"[1] on you !... Yeah, I'm merciless that way - Moma Gnome has done a good job educating her precious child !

And don't think for a moment, Sissyl, that your blasphemous utterance of the name of the Impostor* has escaped my notice. Retribution will be as subtle as terrible !


What ? My hand is filthy ? Yes, it's very improper for a meticulously groomed gnome such as myself... But I've been busy. Digging a hole. In the ground. Relating to certain individuals who questioned my magnificence.


[1] Garble Slushnoodle

Oh, I really hope you heard it, bowling ball head. Saves me the trouble of repeating myself.

Aaaaand the win is mine, btw.

Only if your name is Alissa.

But... it isn't! And... yet I still have the win!!!???!!! Curiouser and curiouser!

Sadly lady Sissyl, i must disappoint you.
Infernal timing....


Is chaotic.

For now the spot is mine.

Only for 30 minutes.

Paging Dr House, Dr G House... you're needed in the morgue...

Calling mr Hoover, you're needed back at the top secret office.

So for now, i will oversee business.

I heard your business went belly up.

Haha, why would i care? Pity for Hoover when he gets back.

*Echo voiced laughter*

I assume each of you need a bankruptcy attorney.

I'm back! And WINNING!

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