Yes, I have my own place and a solid job (though there are some issues that have arisen on that end recently concerning my pay). I can't say I care for Arkansas either. I'm thinking of moving to Oregon in the future. Perhaps the West Coast calls to me...
Yep, definitely migration instinct.
No, I didn't care for Arkansas. That part of the country has never appealed to me. Besides, every time I wanted to sleep, the mattress smelled moldy.
...I am curious, but, no, I really don't want to ask about the mattress.
I'm just not comfortable with the intense summers and the winters that are brutal on occasion here. I have family out here, so I'm kinda loathe to leave, but I've accomplished little besides getting my bachelor's degree out here. And a fat load of good it has done me in the nearly three years since I graduated from college.
Uh-huh. I call my degree in Anthropology my "Would you like fries with that?" degree. I've had better luck in retail.
As to the mattress, it was in a motel, and there was no dehumidifier. Everything smelled moldy to me.
I just don't get America. West, you get earthquaked. East, you get hurricaned. In the middle, you get tornadoed. It all sounds pretty horrible.
Yup, we put up with it for the right to eat greasy fast food and be as fat as we want. Until the government makes us feel ashamed...Actually, I'm not sure why I'm still here. I guess I'm too confrontational to be a Canadian.
May I suggest becoming a Frenchman, then? :-)
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
You can be anything you want. I will be the winner.
I am anything I want to be and that include eating breakfast.
I'm having breakfast with bacon thus I win.
Keep eating your breakfast and don't worry while Intakenthe win.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
And I take it right back from you.
What comes around goes around, thus I win.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
And it comes around to me again.
Only if it is draped in flames. Heh, I win again.
*puts fires out by sneering at them*
The flames lick higher and higher
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Nope, that's a create pit. Sorry.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I win. You can head back to your debate club, cap.
Hahahaha, I am the living one man orgy of win, and nobody can beat that.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Charles Scholz wrote: I can.
No no no. You are made of fail, I am made of WIN!
I thought you were made of kitty-stuff.
You're made of feathers, thus I win KFC.
And you are made of CFC's and the EPA would like to have a chat with you. Buh-bye.
I'm not a coolant, I'm hot as the sun thus I win.
You're a detriment to the environment. If you win, we lose. Therefore, you must lose.
"Bouncer"? That must be some kind of bar.
Nah, he just played that game on the PS2 like a madman.
Well the issues with my pay have been resolved, though now I'm faced with dealing with only one income for a while.
Hey, at least you have an income. There are folks who can't even say that.
There are many instances where I can say that I am better off than person X. Yet, the margin by which I am better off does not seem like much.
I just think it's easier to say "It could be worse" rather than asking myself "What can I change to make my situation better?". Does that make me a bad person for wanting more when others have so little?
No. You're human. Welcome to the world.
So why does the world make me feel bad for not being an altruist?
Because the ones who are making the most noise aren't any better than the rest of us, but they perceive self-puffery as being a big selling point - which it is, if you don't bother to read the fine print.
I think I read the comments on Yahoo's "news stories" too often.
My name is Zombie Ninja, Winner of Threads: Look on my awesomeness, ye mighty, and despair!
SnowJade wrote: "Bouncer"? That must be some kind of bar. "Used to work for the Sunny Godhead at his resort/Casino as head of Security. It was great gig."
"Hey boss, when are you goign to open the resort again. Winter's coming..."
"...mumbles under his breath..."
Been thinking about it...
Oh, if I open my new Casino/Resort, I win.