New Order of the Stick Strip Up


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I just want the rain to stop. :p

Dark Archive

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My endorphins spiked when I saw the Return of Team Evil.

(Now with new umbrella, I prefer the original umbrella Classic however)

Scarab Sages

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Oh, maybe Monster-san will get to see Mr. Stiffly again.

This reminds me. Wikia is being annoying, so has there been any recent discussion or guesses as to what MitD is?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
This reminds me. Wikia is being annoying, so has there been any recent discussion or guesses as to what MitD is?


RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Imbicatus wrote:
Oh, maybe Monster-san will get to see Mr. Stiffly again.

Will that force Monster-san to choose which side he wants to be on?

Tacticslion wrote:
This reminds me. Wikia is being annoying, so has there been any recent discussion or guesses as to what MitD is?
BigNorseWolf wrote:

*Ahem, dusts off memory*


I believe that doesn't count, as it came out after the monster's identity was determined and it is a construct...



(I did like that suggestion, though...)

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Guys, it's obvious: the MitD has a new job as a programmer, and he got a new umbrella so that he can "rubber duck" his buggy code.

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Tacticslion wrote:
This reminds me. Wikia is being annoying, so has there been any recent discussion or guesses as to what MitD is?

We're pretty close to hitting the limit on the eighth MitD speculation thread. I'm not sure how long it's been since a genuinely new idea that's still reasonable was proposed, though.

Silver Crusade

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Best costume I saw at GenCon last year was someone dressed as the Monster in the Dark. It was basically just the umbrella with a black curtain around it, and the two big eyes. Most original homemade costume I've ever seen.

137ben wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
This reminds me. Wikia is being annoying, so has there been any recent discussion or guesses as to what MitD is?
We're pretty close to hitting the limit on the eighth MitD speculation thread. I'm not sure how long it's been since a genuinely new idea that's still reasonable was proposed, though.

Okay, so... no one mentioned living spells?

While there's the whole "my father" thing going on*, and I don't know of an actual sentient living spell before Sean K. Reynolds made that one out of three different living spells in that daggum article I can't find** from c. 2006, it seems like it could easily qualify. As a creature, something with wilder or wild mage levels could explain something like the sudden surge of casting ability.

Psionic powers (functioning under magic/psionics transparency) could qualify. Heck, this could even be handled with epic spells or seeds. While the Giant noted that he didn't "Create" the thing, that doesn't equate to not having a modified base creature, right?

The strength score looks a little low, but it could be done with the standard conceits.

I'm kind of surprised that I didn't see that (though I suppose it falls under either Bingosaurus or Binks' Mystery Sword, though it actually side-steps "no Wish template" as the strip was September, though the template was released June 2004).

It's probably been mentioned, but since it's not on the list, there, I don't know if it is or not (and it's not even mentioned in the templates section).

* This is actually relatively easily handled.
** Not that I'm feeling disgruntled, right now, or anything. >:/

Tacticslion wrote:


Psionic powers (functioning under magic/psionics transparency) could qualify.

FYI, I strongly doubt that the MitD possesses any psionic abilities whatsoever. Not unless he can somehow gain abilities on the fly with a stupid level of flexibility.

During their "dig through all the splat books" interrogation of O'Chul, Redcloak makes an offhand comment while a psionic caster was doing their thing. Before that point in the story, Redcloak had no idea whether or not Psionics were in play. If he already knows exactly what the MitD is, then he would have known the answer to that question already if the MitD was psionic.

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There's also This version from 2009? which is even closer.

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While I understand it was probably just a joke, I wonder if the new umbrella has a purpose...

Tacticslion wrote:


Psionic powers (functioning under magic/psionics transparency) could qualify.
Snowblind wrote:
FYI, I strongly doubt that the MitD possesses any psionic abilities whatsoever. Not unless he can somehow gain abilities on the fly with a stupid level of flexibility.

In the thread, psionic abilities are explicitly on the table.

(In fact, the very first creature on the "Suggestions that Fit the Big Scenes" list in that thread is the "Athasian Nightmare Beast", a psionic creature.)

Beyond that, I don't know what you mean?

Snowblind wrote:
During their "dig through all the splat books" interrogation of O'Chul, Redcloak makes an offhand comment while a psionic caster was doing their thing. Before that point in the story, Redcloak had no idea whether or not Psionics were in play. If he already knows exactly what the MitD is, then he would have known the answer to that question already if the MitD was psionic.

Yes and no.

A "Living Spell" is a distinctive kind of creature, but has variable specifics about it.

Because of that, if using a magic-to-psionics transparancy, it could easily be a "living spell" that is based around a psionic power. What power? There are several, though the most likely candidates are the reality revision, reality bending, or greater metamophosis (maybe with that one feat that lets you grab stuff by way of changing shape?).

Point is, Redcloak, though he knows what MitD is, does not necessarily know all of its capabilities - I didn't even see him being suspicious of MitD's part in the escape (it might come later, but I stopped here).

With both wilder (psionic) and with wild mage (arcane) there are (two very different) methods of fluctuating caster level; the wilder even applying the enervation (generally meaning "tired" though in-practice it's more daze-like) effect afterwords. That said, I'm not saying that either of those are definitive, only that each have their own reasons for suddenly becoming powerful enough to do something when you weren't before.

None of these are definitively more definitive than others. But they do present surprisingly strong possibilities (to my mind, at least compared to some others) that were not in the specific suggestions. There are a few difficulties - the strength being a notable one (though it's able to be overcome by various methods), but I find it a surprising suggestion to just leave out.

Oh! I totally forgot!


A shadow mind (or subpsionic power) is inherently tied to the subconscious - i.e. the emotional state, and that which is of its own essence of genuine or great desire that is not the conscious mind.

That could tie back to the other things that were previously discussed.

Again, the major issues that I come up with are the strength and either Bingosaurus or Binks' Mystery Sword categories... but it otherwise does still seem like a valid category...


Does anyone know where the PrC "Spell Sovereign" comes from? I don't recall it, but I've seen it mentioned in about five or six different places on the internet in conjunction with Living Spells. I know this is a rather off-topic query, but, since I was mentioning living spells...

Liberty's Edge

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Tacticslion wrote:

Does anyone know where the PrC "Spell Sovereign" comes from? I don't recall it, but I've seen it mentioned in about five or six different places on the internet in conjunction with Living Spells. I know this is a rather off-topic query, but, since I was mentioning living spells...

Dragon Magazine – Issue #357

From Tim Hitchcock

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The Raven Black wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Does anyone know where the PrC "Spell Sovereign" comes from? I don't recall it, but I've seen it mentioned in about five or six different places on the internet in conjunction with Living Spells. I know this is a rather off-topic query, but, since I was mentioning living spells...

Dragon Magazine – Issue #357

From Tim Hitchcock

Oh! Maybe I have that one!


Also, related to the comic, the title, "Sound, But in This Case Inaccurate" seems like it may actually refer to the Umbrella itself - it's the only sound in the comic, and it's a sound assumption due to the art update, and difference in appearance... but technically inaccurate.

That could help with the MitD debate about it, at present.


Tacticslion wrote:


...I don't know of an actual sentient living spell before Sean K. Reynolds made that one out of three different living spells in that daggum article I can't find** from c. 2006, ...


Found it! Finally

Definitely past time, being from 2006, it is mostly just a "proof-of-concept" more than anything else.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, hey. The main characters are back. Does this mean the plot will lumber forward again for a month or so?

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Faith in Rich Burlew, you must have.

Voss, a minor character in Star Wars comics, a name you share.

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1037: Beast Practices

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Very good.

Nod. Get Treat.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Heh. More hints about what Monster-San is, or isn't. And one thing it clearly isn't: evil. It's just young enough not to understand it's relationship with Xykon, or have rebelled yet.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Nihlist Waorg!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

All I know is this is one of the funniest strips of 2016.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"Nod. Get treat." is a pretty good contender for memedom.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Nod. get treat. There is much wisdom from my people.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Like in wildest dreams, after remorhaz kebab too close to bed.

Man I have been there.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Nod, get treat.

Also good contender: All deaths horrible. Also inevitable. Nod, get treat.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Nod.Get Paycheck

In Russia, Sigh.Drink vodka.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
MannyGoblin wrote:

Nod.Get Paycheck

In Russia, Sigh.Drink vodka.

In Russia, treat get you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In Russia, drunk people on trains threaten thieves with semi-autos.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

4 people marked this as a favorite.

All I know is that it makes the next use of speak with animals at my table more amusing.

The Jedi Master YODA wrote:

Faith in Rich Burlew, you must have.

Voss, a minor character in Star Wars comics, a name you share.

Actually, it's the other way around given the length of time I've been using this screen name. (It shares a name with me). Also a planet in the Old Republic, which was extra annoying.

As for faith in Burlew.... eh, pass. It's been years since the main plot has been on track (and 900 strips since the protagonist last accomplished... anything), and we've just sadly paused (as in it will be another 100 strips over 2 years in the dwarven lands) a completely unnecessary world-ending subplot to the world ending main plot. (Even if the main plot probably isn't that anymore).

So, yeah, I just want some time with the few interesting characters in the comic, hopefully including a reunion between Mr. Stiffly and Monster-san.

Liberty's Edge

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I have a theory that MitD's appearance has an effect based on alignment. It seems disturbing / sickening to Good people and impressive / magnificent to Evil people

Also excellent strip, vastly due to the Worg quotes

Voss wrote:

As for faith in Burlew.... eh, pass. It's been years since the main plot has been on track (and 900 strips since the protagonist last accomplished... anything), and we've just sadly paused (as in it will be another 100 strips over 2 years in the dwarven lands) a completely unnecessary world-ending subplot to the world ending main plot. (Even if the main plot probably isn't that anymore).

So, yeah, I just want some time with the few interesting characters in the comic, hopefully including a reunion between Mr. Stiffly and Monster-san.

I'm on board with this sentiment. I love the story, but I'm tired of legitimate criticism being waved aside because I don't have "faith" in him.

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Just relax. Nod. Get Treat.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

<waits expectantly>

Liberty's Edge

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Looking at the Beastmaster 3.5 class, how could Oona select MitD as a companion ?

Small but will grow makes me think of age categories thus Dragon

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thejeff wrote:


<waits expectantly>

<nods better>

<waits more expectantly>

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Voss wrote:
The Jedi Master YODA wrote:
Voss, a minor character in Star Wars comics, a name you share.
Actually, it's the other way around given the length of time I've been using this screen name. (It shares a name with me). Also a planet in the Old Republic, which was extra annoying.

It's from Summer 1981.

For the Star Wars Historians

I out Wookiepedia, Wookiepedia.

Dark Archive

The Raven Black wrote:
Small but will grow makes me think of age categories thus Dragon

I've thought that a few times over the years as well, after all TOotS started in Dragon Magazine, but aren't there a few key points that argue for it not being a dragon?

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Small but will grow makes me think of age categories thus Dragon
I've thought that a few times over the years as well, after all TOotS started in Dragon Magazine, but aren't there a few key points that argue for it not being a dragon?

- surprise that it speaks

- the fact that several wizards didn't know what it was

- don't have the high strength scores necessary for one scene

- reactions don't really match visuals of one scene

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Newest thread.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think MitD is a Magical Beast

Oona says she is a Beastmistress, which I take as meaning the Beastmaster 3.5 PrC which allows you to get several Animal Companions.

Which fits her having special bonds to both the Yrthak and the Worg.

But the Beastmaster is limited to Companions from the list of a 1st level Druid, hence animals only.

But maybe there is a feat out there that allows you to select Companions with a type different from Animal.

Since both Yrthak and Worg are Magical Beasts and Oona thinks she could take MitD as a Companion, I believe that MitD too is of the Magical Beast type.

Which also fits the Beast quotes from Oona as well as the title of this strip.

And would explain the surprise of the hunters that MitD could speak because not all Magical Beasts do.

Also Redcloak (One-eye Redcloak now I guess) knowing what MitD is might have been a subtle clue that the required Knowledge is a class skill for Clerics. And Magical Beasts are identified with Kn : Arcana which is a class skill for Cleric and one any caster will max out.

I believe we are very close to the unveiling of MitD which will need a new name. And who better than O'chul to give him one ? Or to inspire MitD to take a name for itself that honors the memory of its dead friend.

Maybe O'chul's death is what will bring the Monster out of the Dark

Dark Archive

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Tacticslion wrote:
Newest thread.

Thanks that took two hours off my much needed REM sleep.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Voss wrote:

As for faith in Burlew.... eh, pass. It's been years since the main plot has been on track (and 900 strips since the protagonist last accomplished... anything), and we've just sadly paused (as in it will be another 100 strips over 2 years in the dwarven lands) a completely unnecessary world-ending subplot to the world ending main plot. (Even if the main plot probably isn't that anymore).

This is the main plot, not a "sidequest."


If one does not care about the protagonists or antagonists and is not emotionally invested in their struggles—whether those struggles are external or internal, relevant to the MacGuffin plot or not—and all one cares about is the resolution of the MacGuffin chase, then you will almost certainly be bored with a lot of the material I'm producing. And more importantly, I won't care. The Snarl plot is part of the armature upon which I hang the characters' conflicts; it is not the whole of the story. The strip is titled The Order of the Stick, not The Chase for the Snarl or even Saving the World. Ultimately, it seems like you want the story to be about things it is not going to be about, so it's unlikely you are ever going to enjoy it.

Monster reveal will be the Duke Nukem Forever of reveals. Ultimately an event that has been made irrelevant by the extended tease and responded to by a resounding 'meh.'

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Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

To parallel Ben's post above, if all you care about for the reveal is the shock value of solving a mystery, as opposed to learning more about the character and watching them develop further, you probably aren't waiting for the reveal for the right reasons.

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