Forum Games

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Gruumash is banned because of his unwashed bandanna.

Shadow Lodge

Banned for obvious reasons

Sammy the Bull is banned for not being a bull.

Oooh Goody!, Itsa mutilating time

UAN is banned, um, 'scuse me while I find a weapon of suitable reach and power to "ban" you with. No mutilatin's here!

Matt Damon!!!

Banned for lacking DNA samples from which to harvest

The Grays probe is banned for trying to lure me on his ship with candy.

Banned for abandoning your mother..for shame, for shame

The Grays Probe is banned being one to talk!

Banned for not realizing we are always here.

UAN is banned for leaving Area 51. NAFB is looking for you.

Banned for shutting down the govt. Yes you harry blue pigeon are responsible for our escape

Unpronounceable Alien Name is banned for thinking us humans can't pronounce the name "Bob".

Well you are barely above primate level soooo....

UAN is banned for rectal probing without a license.

Spanky is banned for thinking that only happens in New Mexico.

True True, We mostly hang around the 37th parallel

The Grays are banned for not banning SnowJade.
SnowJade is banned so s/he doesn't feel left out.

Belphegor is banned for illegal banning you are only allowed to ban once. Report to the office of Redundancy immediately and fill out the following forms in triplicate.

Office is banned for trying to force his rules on others.

Belphegor is banned for getting himself mired in paperwork, and *headbonked* for making sure I'm not left out.

Kitty-Mama is banned for not soiling the paperwork.

2d4 Slaadlings is banned for not being 4d6 Kobolds.

Treefolk is banned for setting his neighbors on fire.

Ranger Alissa is banned for sneering.

Banned for not appreciating a good pouty lipped sneer

Flamewar is banned for not shaving his flaming mustache.

Dark Archive

Banned for smoking in bed

I have no bed, only a desk, thus you're are banned for misidentifying my furniture.

BMO is banned for harming a great nineties band.


Anklebiter Humperdink is banned for confounding me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Banned for not knowing midnight oil..beds are burning come on man

Flamewar is banned for .... well because I said so.

Thank you for educating BMO.

Banned for half arsed ban

You are welcome

Flamewar is banned for being courteous.

Belphegor is banned for looking to the right.

Your alias is too long, thus you are banned!

Banned for having a monobrow

Flamewar is banned for breaking my heart.

Painful Bugger is banned for sporting a heart : you asked for it, dude !

Quiche Lisp is banned for what he did last night in the porta potty.

BSM is banned for what he did this morning with the porta potty.

Sissyl is banned for what she did with me in the porta potty this morning.

Methinks this going down a road I do not wish to follow

Flamewar is banned for failing to ban.

He is also banned for having naughty thoughts.

Thirdly he is banned for SETTING ME ON FIRE !!!!!!

Banned for jumping to conclusions about my thought processes

And you know you want to be on FYAH!

Banned because this thread has gone on so long.

Banned for starting a pointless and evil thread, next time just start an alignment thread...jeez.

Flamewar is banned for not following the logical course of action, which would simply be to avoid this thread.

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