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James Jacobs wrote:
Frankly, questions like that are really frustrating to me, in the same way a question like "Have you stopped beating your wife?" is annoying. It's a question you can't answer without making folks think you're admitting to something./me scratches out his next question:
Have you stopped beating your developers/authors/contributors?Actually, I had been wondering, I read about all the co-creators of Golarion, but who had and how long ago did the first inspiration for it come into existence?
Well... Golarion started coming into being about 7 or 8 years ago, once we realized we were losing the D&D magazine license.
But significant portions of Golarion come from my homebrew setting, particularly several of the deities and several locations (like Magnimar, Tanglebriar, Mediogalti, Belkzen, and more), which I've been working on since the early 80s.

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The Chronicle of the Righteous says that the relationship between the empyreal lords and there worshipers is more personal then that of full deities what does this actually mean?
That means that the Empyreal Lords tend to have smaller congregations, and often only one worshiper in a partiuclar region. Unlike the core deities, who have large numbers of worshipers.
Thinking of it in terms of business, the core deities are mass market, while things like the Empyreal Lords are independants.

xavier c |
Guy St-Amant wrote:Archpaladin Zousha wrote:James Jacobs wrote:I have a friend who specifically thinks that's a bad thing, that it's a roleplaying crutch for me.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Inner Sea Gods is a PHENOMENAL book! Thank you so much! Do you think the Evangelist is too powerful, in that the prestige class doesn't replace class features so much as supplement them? I think a lot of people will flock to the prestige class as it allows you to continue gaining spell levels and capstone abilities along with a prestige class.We'll see, I suppose, but frankly... if that means more folks play religious characters and get into the game world and its religions... I'm okay with that.You mean he/she says you have trouble getting outside of your zone of comfort?
On topic: which would be easier to play; agnostic, atheist or Rahadoumi?
Are you asking me or Archpaladin Zousha? Cause his ask questions thread isn't this one... ;-P
For me, the easiest to play would be agnostic.
But head still have to worship a god to play a Evangelist right?

GM DarkLightHitomi |

GM DarkLightHitomi wrote:Magic. That's why.Okay, semi-serious question.
There are rules for how long air lasts before folks start suffocating.
Then there are rules for a portable hole having only enough air to last 10 minutes.
However, since the size of a portable hole is known, we can see that the rules for how long air should last according to suffocation rules is very different from how long the portable hole description says air lasts.
Portable hole description says 10 minutes, the suffocation rules say about 101 minutes (minus a few for the volume consumed by the individual, about 98 minutes of breath time for a human)
So why the difference? Does the air get lost somehow? If the air does get lost, what about trying to put other gases in a portable hole, do they disappear too?
Aww I was hoping for something funny at the very least :)
(Or am I missing the joke. Do wizards really make these bags with the intent to suffocate? Perhaps they should be renamed Portable Pits of Suffoction)

Tels |

xavier c wrote:The Chronicle of the Righteous says that the relationship between the empyreal lords and there worshipers is more personal then that of full deities what does this actually mean?That means that the Empyreal Lords tend to have smaller congregations, and often only one worshiper in a partiuclar region. Unlike the core deities, who have large numbers of worshipers.
Thinking of it in terms of business, the core deities are mass market, while things like the Empyreal Lords are independants.
So... would Paizo be a Deity or an Empyreal Lord?

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James Jacobs wrote:But head still have to worship a god to play a Evangelist right?Guy St-Amant wrote:Archpaladin Zousha wrote:James Jacobs wrote:I have a friend who specifically thinks that's a bad thing, that it's a roleplaying crutch for me.Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Inner Sea Gods is a PHENOMENAL book! Thank you so much! Do you think the Evangelist is too powerful, in that the prestige class doesn't replace class features so much as supplement them? I think a lot of people will flock to the prestige class as it allows you to continue gaining spell levels and capstone abilities along with a prestige class.We'll see, I suppose, but frankly... if that means more folks play religious characters and get into the game world and its religions... I'm okay with that.You mean he/she says you have trouble getting outside of your zone of comfort?
On topic: which would be easier to play; agnostic, atheist or Rahadoumi?
Are you asking me or Archpaladin Zousha? Cause his ask questions thread isn't this one... ;-P
For me, the easiest to play would be agnostic.
Nope. Agnostics don't have to worship a god. Clerics do. Clerics can't be agnostic.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:So... would Paizo be a Deity or an Empyreal Lord?xavier c wrote:The Chronicle of the Righteous says that the relationship between the empyreal lords and there worshipers is more personal then that of full deities what does this actually mean?That means that the Empyreal Lords tend to have smaller congregations, and often only one worshiper in a partiuclar region. Unlike the core deities, who have large numbers of worshipers.
Thinking of it in terms of business, the core deities are mass market, while things like the Empyreal Lords are independants.
Demon lord!!!! NO! Great Old One!!!

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I honestly like playing religious characters (despite my own atheism) because they provide some helpful cues and motivations that I'd have trouble with coming up with on my own. It's why I enjoy settings like Golarion so much. It helps cure my chronic indecisiveness.
James, what would you say is the most debauched and sinful society in the Inner Sea region?

Fabius Maximus |

Fabius Maximus wrote:Hi James,
I just stumbled over Izyagna's entry in "Lords of Chaos". Her obedience lists as benefit "Gain a +4 profane bonus on saves against charm effects". Given that her area of influence is swarms and you have to meditate inside an ant swarm to get that benefit, shouldn't it be swarm effects?
Nope. She's also a demigod of angry mobs, remember, and thus of mob mentality and hiveminds. The fact that you gain a bonus against charms is because when you worship her to that extent, you have multiple additional fragments and minds and personalities in your head that make it more difficult to charm you as a whole. In effect, the ants you meditated among are bolstering your mind by giving it a sort of hivemind effect against being controlled via charm.
She offers no special defenses against swarms. If you can't meditate in an ant swarm on your own, you're doing it wrong and should worship another god, in other words! :-P
Thanks. That does make sense.

Dr. Gherklen |

I noticed the product description for The harrow Handbook lacks any indication of what classes will be receiving archetypes, was this done on purpose or a product of oversight? I will be rejoining a group I haven't played with in over 2 years as an 8th level character and had planned on playing the Harrower prestige class. As it stands our GM has decided that if the Handbook isn't out by the next game (May 24th-25th) I would need to use the retraining system. I'd rather not miss out on anything interesting from a CHA based class by starting as a Wizard, could you clarify what classes will be getting an archetype? I've started a subscription in hopes that I may have access to the publication before that weekend, any idea when the product will ship?

Shadow_Charlatan |

1. Does Limited Wish allow the caster to choose which class list it copies from ?
Such as Plane Shift Level cleric 5
or Create Demiplane Level summoner 6
both of which are 2 levels lower than what they are on the sorcerer/wizard list
2. Can Giant Form be used to turn into the different Oni (Outsiders) that have the giant subtype ?

Zark |

Zark wrote:Cool. JJ just promised us Paizo is going to do a psyhic magic book a bit later on!
Later on as opposed to "going to do it soon", hehe. :-P
Way to read into my words.
Frankly, questions like that are really frustrating to me, in the same way a question like "Have you stopped beating your wife?" is annoying. It's a question you can't answer without making folks think you're admitting to something.
I’m sorry James. It was just a joke.
My apology.
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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I noticed the product description for The harrow Handbook lacks any indication of what classes will be receiving archetypes, was this done on purpose or a product of oversight? I will be rejoining a group I haven't played with in over 2 years as an 8th level character and had planned on playing the Harrower prestige class. As it stands our GM has decided that if the Handbook isn't out by the next game (May 24th-25th) I would need to use the retraining system. I'd rather not miss out on anything interesting from a CHA based class by starting as a Wizard, could you clarify what classes will be getting an archetype? I've started a subscription in hopes that I may have access to the publication before that weekend, any idea when the product will ship?
That's kinda hard core, in my opinion. If I were your GM, I'd let you go ahead and rebuild the character for free once the book came out, since it's obviously the right resource for the character.
That said, I wasn't involved in the book's writing or development, nor do I have a copy here at home... but I CAN get to the PDF from home, so hang on...
Looks like there are archetypes for...
And class options for:

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1. Does Limited Wish allow the caster to choose which class list it copies from ?
Such as Plane Shift Level cleric 5
or Create Demiplane Level summoner 6both of which are 2 levels lower than what they are on the sorcerer/wizard list
2. Can Giant Form be used to turn into the different Oni (Outsiders) that have the giant subtype ?
1)Yes. The spell HAS to allow that, otherwise it's written wrong.
2) No. They're outsiders, not giants.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

What region of Golarion would you personally like to see detailed next? To clarify, I'm not asking what region is being detailed next (after Numeria), but rather where do you want to detail next?
Turns out, those are kind of the same things. AKA: In my position as Creative Director, what I want tends to heavily influence what we publish, so me saying "this is the region I'd like to detail next" is more or less the same as me announcing a book too early.
So I'll just say it's [REDACTED].

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:Zark wrote:Cool. JJ just promised us Paizo is going to do a psyhic magic book a bit later on!
Later on as opposed to "going to do it soon", hehe. :-P
Way to read into my words.
Frankly, questions like that are really frustrating to me, in the same way a question like "Have you stopped beating your wife?" is annoying. It's a question you can't answer without making folks think you're admitting to something.
I’m sorry James. It was just a joke.
My apology.
No worries!
Just that jokes sometimes don't really translate well into messageboards.

poiuyt |

Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:What region of Golarion would you personally like to see detailed next? To clarify, I'm not asking what region is being detailed next (after Numeria), but rather where do you want to detail next?Turns out, those are kind of the same things. AKA: In my position as Creative Director, what I want tends to heavily influence what we publish, so me saying "this is the region I'd like to detail next" is more or less the same as me announcing a book too early.
So I'll just say it's [REDACTED].
So, we will learn more at Paizocon and Gen Con?

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:James, what would you say is the most debauched and sinful society in the Inner Sea region?Probably the drow of Far Parathra.
Where's that?

Alleran |
A query on one of Karzoug's predecessors, specifically the one who summoned the Oliphaunt:
What happened to him after he managed to pull off the summoning? He called the Oliphaunt, he dominated it, it destroyed an army from Azlant, and when it finally went home it took out a hefty chunk of Xanderghul's army in the process as part of the "Guardian of Jandelay" ability.
I can't imagine that Runelord just going back to being the regular old Runelord of Greed. Did Xanderghul get revenge later? Was he killed by his successor to the position?
And what happened to the results of his research that developed a way to summon and control it?

AbsolutGrndZer0 |

All fuel for my argument that lycanthropes shouldn't keep popping up in bestiaries. It's a template, not a new monster.
Thanks, and yeah I do kind of agree we have the classic wolf, boar, bat, bear, rat, tiger already so no need for more lycanthropes unless the GM wants to make them, like for example I have werecheetahs in my games, but there is no need for Paizo to put a werecheetah in a future Bestiary.

Tels |

James Jacobs wrote:All fuel for my argument that lycanthropes shouldn't keep popping up in bestiaries. It's a template, not a new monster.Thanks, and yeah I do kind of agree we have the classic wolf, boar, bat, bear, rat, tiger already so no need for more lycanthropes unless the GM wants to make them, like for example I have werecheetahs in my games, but there is no need for Paizo to put a werecheetah in a future Bestiary.
I think Desna needs a werebuttterfly! /joke

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James Jacobs wrote:Steven "Troll" O'Neal wrote:What region of Golarion would you personally like to see detailed next? To clarify, I'm not asking what region is being detailed next (after Numeria), but rather where do you want to detail next?Turns out, those are kind of the same things. AKA: In my position as Creative Director, what I want tends to heavily influence what we publish, so me saying "this is the region I'd like to detail next" is more or less the same as me announcing a book too early.
So I'll just say it's [REDACTED].
So, we will learn more at Paizocon and Gen Con?
That's when we usually announce a lot of things, so it's possible.

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What would you set as the obedience requirement and boons for Aspu?
I am playing a paladin of Aspu and like the feat so was hoping for i could show my gm....
Not sure, and I prefer not to hide design work on this thread. If I were you, I'd look at other similar deities in the book or in the Chronicle of the Righteous and take a stab at writing one up for Apsu to submit to your GM, or barring that tell your GM what you want and let him/her design it for you.

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Have you seen NASA's live streaming video of the ISS orbiting earth?
Yup! Is fascinating!

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A query on one of Karzoug's predecessors, specifically the one who summoned the Oliphaunt:
What happened to him after he managed to pull off the summoning? He called the Oliphaunt, he dominated it, it destroyed an army from Azlant, and when it finally went home it took out a hefty chunk of Xanderghul's army in the process as part of the "Guardian of Jandelay" ability.
I can't imagine that Runelord just going back to being the regular old Runelord of Greed. Did Xanderghul get revenge later? Was he killed by his successor to the position?
And what happened to the results of his research that developed a way to summon and control it?
That's all we've revealed about it so far. More to come some day, later.

Drock11 |
I'm reading through Inner Sea Gods now (I'm liking it so far by the way.) and I'm at the section about Rovagug. Near the beginning of his section it said that Gorum helped forged his prison along with Torag. Is that in error or is my information about Gorum or Golarion's timeline off? From what I understand and what's stated earlier in the book Gorum came into existance around the time the Orcs surfaced and started fighting humans which should be much later than when the deities allied to stop Rovagug.

Fabius Maximus |

Hi James,
I've got another question about nascent demon lords. Under the obediences listed for Sithhud, Treerazer and Yamasoth, there are no profane boni mentioned, only the boons. Is that intentional?
I ask because it looks like an oversight. It's weird that they wouldn't grant the most fundamental bonus for an obedience. They are also the last three nascent demon lords in that chapter.

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Mr. Jacobs,
Hi. Is there a price tag for dragons? In the game I am running the party killed a feral adult Bronze dragon. They are wondering how much they can sell the whole beast. Just in case, I already found how much armor can be made out of the hide.THX
However much you, the GM, want to let them sell the dragon for. Use its CR and the expected treasure values as a guide... regardless of whether the monetary reward for defeating a monster comes from its treasure, its gear, or selling its body, the gp gain to the PCs should be roughly the same.

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I'm reading through Inner Sea Gods now (I'm liking it so far by the way.) and I'm at the section about Rovagug. Near the beginning of his section it said that Gorum helped forged his prison along with Torag. Is that in error or is my information about Gorum or Golarion's timeline off? From what I understand and what's stated earlier in the book Gorum came into existance around the time the Orcs surfaced and started fighting humans which should be much later than when the deities allied to stop Rovagug.
That's probably a continuity error. Gorum did not help imprison Rovagug. At least... not while he was a full on deity... but who knows what he got up to in the early times?

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Is it possible for followers of neutral-branched gods (NG, NE, LN and CN) to be True Neutral? Is that considered "within one step of their god's alignment?"
Depends on the GM. I really really really prefer my NPCs and PCs and player's PCs to match the deity's alignment.
But yes... neutral is one step away from those alignments and is legal.