Dr. Gherklen |
Tundra Dragondust wrote:James, this came up the other night. A player cast chill touch, which states he can touch one target per level, but the spell has an instantaneous duration. Does his hand remain charged until he touches as many targets as he has levels or can he just sweep around and touch everyone nearby? I'm assuming his hand stays charged and he can make one touch attack a round. So how long would his hand retain the charge? (I ruled 1 round per level, but other similar spells continue for 1 minute per level.)
Chill touch is worded awkwardly. I'm not sure what the intent there is, honestly... worth FAQing.
I suspect the intent is, actually, to let you make multiple attacks over the course of the next several rounds, up to a maximum number of times equal to your level.
Any hope of getting that FAQ?