Goblin Pirate

Dr. Gherklen's page

Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


James Jacobs wrote:
Tundra Dragondust wrote:

James, this came up the other night. A player cast chill touch, which states he can touch one target per level, but the spell has an instantaneous duration. Does his hand remain charged until he touches as many targets as he has levels or can he just sweep around and touch everyone nearby? I'm assuming his hand stays charged and he can make one touch attack a round. So how long would his hand retain the charge? (I ruled 1 round per level, but other similar spells continue for 1 minute per level.)

Chill touch is worded awkwardly. I'm not sure what the intent there is, honestly... worth FAQing.

I suspect the intent is, actually, to let you make multiple attacks over the course of the next several rounds, up to a maximum number of times equal to your level.

Any hope of getting that FAQ?

I noticed the product description for The harrow Handbook lacks any indication of what classes will be receiving archetypes, was this done on purpose or a product of oversight? I will be rejoining a group I haven't played with in over 2 years as an 8th level character and had planned on playing the Harrower prestige class. As it stands our GM has decided that if the Handbook isn't out by the next game (May 24th-25th) I would need to use the retraining system. I'd rather not miss out on anything interesting from a CHA based class by starting as a Wizard, could you clarify what classes will be getting an archetype? I've started a subscription in hopes that I may have access to the publication before that weekend, any idea when the product will ship?

I'm curious about building challenging adventures for Mythic characters. The suggestion is to set 1/3rd of the encounters at character level, 1/3 at the modified APL with the rest ranging somewhere between the two but I'm a little concerned that this may prove to be a bit on the easy side especially at lower levels. Until now I've been using a formula I believe was originally presented in an issue of Dungeon/Dragon that used percentages (APL-1 10%, APL 20%, APL+1 50%, APL+2 15% and APL+3 5%) and it's served me well, however, I'm uncertain whether to base it off of the parties modified or base level. Would a group of 5 level 20 characters with 6 mythic tiers (APL 23) be able to take on something like The Whispering Tyrant (CR 26), or would this lead to a TPK more often than not? Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Thank all of you, I wasn't sure I would find any help as it seemed a bit obscure. I'm currently writing a campaign for my group based around a twice revised game. Our original game was cut short due to a few of our players moving and our GM losing interest. Since the move to Pathfinder I've found that Ustalav fits the original setting almost, and quite eerily, to a T. The main problem I ran into was keeping our player founded tavern super-tower (The Rusty Tankard), within the realm of reason. With the rise and fall of the Whispering Tyrant, emergence of the Pharisman Inquisition, and Ustalavs borderline xenophobia I feared I would have to scale back the heart and soul of our core concept to little more than shadow of its former glory. Using The World Serpent Inn as a template and the fact that one of our original players had aspirations of building a demiplane I may still be able to salvage this game.

A while back I stumbled upon a write-up for an extra-dimensional tavern and cant seem to remember where. From what I can remember the front door would every so often open to a new location and the basement was a maze of tunnels that lead to more doors. I think it was a RPG Superstar submission or maybe something out of an issue of Dungeon/Dragon Mag. Anyone else remember seeing this or something like it?

I recently picked up the anniversary edition of Rise of the Runelords for my group. Unfortunately some of my players have difficulty developing characters that fit within a setting. Lately I've taken to making pre-gens to help sidestep any potential pitfalls and help provide a more seamless transition into the story line. I was hoping to hear from players and GMs alike who have played trough this adventure path and would like to share class suggestions or general campaign advice.

Paizo keeps changing my title from "Need an Official Ruling on Falconer" to "Need a Ruling on Falconer". I was hoping to get some clarification from an employee although I appreciate the help supplied here. I've seen this issue before in the forums with basically the same answers but I told my player I'd try to get an official ruling from the Paizo staff to end this debate.

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I'm building a game set in Andoran and one of my players wanted to play the Falconer archetype of Ranger. The issue is with the feathered companion class feature, it states that "The bird can be of any type of large hunting or scavenging bird (even a vulture)", does this refer to actual size category? And what does it mean when it says the companion has half its normal hit points?