Ardentscholar's page

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Hugo Solis wrote:

A small item commission for Ardentscholar

Thourngrim's Waraxe

I hope you like it!

PS: The description was quite elaborated and I'm not so good at english, so I hope I understood correctly.

Wow! That's even better then I had imagined it would be. In a word. BEAUTIFUL! In another word... ART!

Thank you doesn't say enough. May the enlightened hand of what ever god you believe in lay peacfully apon your shoulder.

Hugo Solis wrote:
Dennis da Ogre wrote:
Hugo, are you still doing the female characters? Are you 'all booked up' already for that?

I will open the female commissions until monday 29th. There are 4 available and the first four to post their character with the "requirements" listed a few posts back will go in.

As for the item, I'll do it. I'll put it on the list for I have a few more stuff that's be on hold for a while.


if you are still looking for items...I have an item for you.

The Dwarves of the bitter peak mountains are known not only for their ability to delve beneath the rocks of the high foot hills but also in harvesting the great iron wood trees that grow along it’s craggy sides. Theses trees are “tough as the dwarves that work them” and thus it is said only a good dwarven axe will fell them. Of course this is said by the dwarves themselves for the most part, but none the less has given birth to the legend of the dwarven woodsmen ability to cut a tree in a single stroke with one of their mighty axes. There is no doubt that such an axe would make a fine weapon of war and as such the Dwarves carry the deadly weapons to war as much for the reputation as for the keen edge.

In this tale however the axes spoken of are not known for their edge, quite the contrary. In the fell years of the hobgoblin taking of Gurnst halls a lone dwarf fell from grace at the hands of dark dealings. He would become known as the fallen son. The Doro. Thourngrim the fallen son would not dishonour the memory of his fathers fathers by using his axes. So he did what was required by his lost honour. He blunted the blades. Turned the fine edges of his twin axes to the blunt working ends of savage weapons. No longer a fine cut would these weapons deliver. Now a brutal impact. Shattering bone and metal in equal measure.

Characters change. And in this there is story and game elements. I wanted the character to work with hammers but the back story was all axe so with some evolving story plots and the help of a good DM, The dwarven war axes Thourngrim carried were turned into warhammers.

Here is the description:

Long hafted wooden handles thick and carved in a tribal hatch pattern. Caped at the end with steel bandings, studded with a stout iron ring at the base. At the base of the axe/hammer head a similar capping as to the below. Leading to an ornate tribal design cut deep into the metal. Sharp and angular. As the weapon comes to the axe face it turns more fluid at the top of the axe as it is carved to look like a flowing image of an elder dwarven god working the edge with a wetstone or something similar… his hands fade into the working edge of the axe. In contrast to the fine edge you would normally see here, the blunting has left a pitted and cracked surface. Opposite to the axe head is a stout iron spike aligned more to the top of the axe face as opposed to the center of it. The spike is more Pike like not rounded so much as it is flattened. And it turn downward ever so slightly as would a pick axe.

The entire thing is business with no flash outside of the carving, no gems or gaudy stickings out. It’s dwarven, practical and at the same time useful and artistic. A thing meant to be used for a hundred years and then and only then called reliable.

It’s complicated I know, but the imagery is important to the back story.

My original character concept called for axes but this is the new developed replacement. And I likes it!

Hugo Solis wrote:


I've made the changes of seeker. The Sash is bigger and with more ornaments, the "thing" in the back now its fully draw, the pants are more detailed, and some other changes. I hope you downloaded the fisrt so you can compare it.

I fell this one is better, I hope you like it!

Akori Revisited

You have to be kidding me... You sir are more then ready for comissions! This is really great work, I am not thread stroking here, I am simply stateing, that this is beyond good.

Hugo Solis wrote:
Ardentscholar wrote:

Ok here goes…

Dour Dwarf Ranger – Thorngrim


Woa, very good description! The quota is full thou... I'll keep the character in line after I finish the other guys; I need to practice my "dwarven".

This thread really has some legs, and based on the awsome art I can see why!

Hugo do you do comissions? I would love to get a few characters done by you... your "Dwarven" is amazing!

Ok here goes…

Dour Dwarf Ranger – Thorngrim

A stout, thick muscled dwarf clad in bulky leather armour, cut in a plate pattern. The shoulders chest and knee plates are tooled leather featuring the dwarven ancestor faces common in Dwarven stone cutting. The majority of his armour is covered in his thick course hunting cloak with great pointed hood. His long wild hair is kept out of his eyes by a braided leather cord tied about his temples. His downcast stare menacing through thick eyebrows and a furrowed brow.

His beard cut short save for the great fu man cho moustaches that frame his mouth, braided and intricately tied at the ends

His relaxed pose belies his lightning quick reflexes. He carries two equally sized long hafted dwarven battle axes with cresent single blades, in his hands resting downwards. His fore arms bare of armour or shirt save for the large metal studded leather wrist bands on each arm.

On his back a leather quiver full of arrow fletching and the top of a Dwarven long bow. A A thick angled dark wood composite bow with multiple strings.

At his belt, a long handled knife and a short sword. Around his chest a great shoulder pouch (Dr. Jones style)

His boots are laced with a stout and thick sole, and turned over at the tops.
