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What do you think would be the best class(es) to represent a character based on Robin Hood? Rogue, ranger, fighter, swashbuckler, duelist...?

Who/what is the undead-looking thing on the front of the Inner Sea World Guide?

My guess (and hope) was Tar-Baphon, as we don't have nearly enough information on him, in my opinion.
I've always loved a good lich/king/conqueror!

Unless I've missed something somewhere...

So I have been writing a setting of my own, and being a media designer I like to make good looking documents out of my stuff, so I went through the community use policy and tried to make my document in accordance with that, since it means I get a wealth of images to use which I otherwise would neither have the time nor money to get produced for myself.

Now I was wondering is there someone I can send my document to at paizo who would be so gracious as to look over it and tell me whether it is correctly done in accordance to the community use license?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Filby Pott wrote:
What do you think would be the best class(es) to represent a character based on Robin Hood? Rogue, ranger, fighter, swashbuckler, duelist...?

Yes... to any of the above. The class you create him asks reflects on what kind of story you tell.

The only thing that's consistent to the many variations of the Robin Hood stories is that he's a crack shot with a bow. and well versed with a blade. He can disguise himself well enough to get pass fairly unperceptive mooks. Beyond that you've got a lot of variability.

Is it true that if you type google into Google, you will cause an infinite logic loop in googles systems that will break the internet? If so I'm terrified I might do it out of a mad whim.

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Has either the Robot or the Gninja delved deep into the Temple of Sourcecode to find the mysterious curse on these boards that can turn any thread into a vitriolic flamewar? It seems even the most reasonable and logical individuals can fall victim to it...

Thank all of the Core 20 that vigilant guardians of silliness and good fun still exist, like Tacticslion and captain yesterday, or else this board would become trollish very quickly...

All in good fun, sorry if this post offends. But seriously, I've seen some pretty reasonable individuals froth at the mouth due to some innocuous-or sometimes not-comment and then the whole thread goes up in flames.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Based on the documentary Jurassic Park, T. Rex sees movement far better than stationary objects. Since I generally can't take a move action on an opponent's turn, does this mean T. Rex has a miss chance when it attacks me on its turn? How high would this be?

Seriously though, let's say a player decides to use this "fact" in a game. Assuming you wanted to allow this as a viable tactic, would you give them regular concealment?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm aware that half-elves who have kids with humans will usually have human kids, but what happens if a half-elf has kids with an elf? What do the kids usually end up as?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Jurassic Park was a documentary?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who's idea was the Smurf feature on the boards? It's such a wonderful little thing.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If Callistria is the diety that most defines the Elven culture and psychology, which is the impression I get from Queen of Thorns, and the adoration Elves have for wasps in general, how can the elven race be considered Chaotic Good? If they are in fact chaotic neutral, Would that be what might justify why they have such a standoffish attitude towards the other races?

How's Paizocon going?

The Archer archetype of Fighter, Trick Shot ability, lists feint. I've tried searching for this with no avail (most threads are over 4 years old anyway): Feint does not use your CMB to determine success, and is not technically a combat maneuver, so is there no penalty for using it with a bow, or does the -4 apply to your Bluff check instead?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Given the fact that geniekin are commonly found in Qadria, how are they viewed in Taldor? Do they suffer any form of discrimination?

Besides elves, half elves, half orcs, humans, and tieflings what other races worship calistria?

Would Taldor and qadria work together if they learned that someone had tried to make them go to war?

If you had to pick the next ruler of Taldor who would it be and why?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So... do we get an Aroden deity article in Song of Silver? With obediences, described planar servants and the like? Or is it just theories about his death?

Also, only following Paizocon from a country away, is the announced Hell's Vengeance adventure path going to draw inspiration from the Way of the Wicked? Because that's the first thing I thought of upon reading it's an evil adventure path with Hell inspiration.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1)I see were getting deep ones in the Bestiary 5, though I thought Skum were pathfinder's version of the deep ones?

2)Between the artwork they showed for B5 on Sunday's blog(Annunaki, Grays, Dream Dragon, Hsingo, Fastachee, and the Wood Colossus) which is your favorite?

3)What class(or classes) is your character who's art is on Hell's Rebels part 4(100th volume)?

4)Have you had a chance to look at all the unchained classes? If so what did you think?

5)Is the Manasaputra a single creature or a creature group/category? Same question but for the Sahkil?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey James. Hope you're able to catch up on any missed sleep from the con.

Got a question about harvesting poison. I saw in a very old post that you did, that you've allowed players to harvest poison from defeated creatures. I've looked around for specifics, but have only found some old rules from Dragon 349 and Book of Vile Darkness. As well as milking poison from Drow of the Underdark. I'm hoping in the near future that Paizo will have their own rules on how to harvest and milk poison for when the evil adventurers come out to play.

Now, what the three above sources do NOT tell me, is the amount of poison you get from a creature, regardless of whether or not you have a successful check. What's your ruling? Right now, on a successful check, we're playing around with the idea that a small creature gives 1 dose, and you can get 1 additional dose per size category larger. So, a colossal scorpion could give up to six doses. This requires 10 minutes of work, each.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ashkar wrote:

Did this "something else" seized the moment and sread its influence in Korvosa and its domain settlements after CoCT?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

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The NPC wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Tels wrote:
With the oncoming Kineticist, what are the chances of their being a team of 5 kineticist heroes, each of a different discipline, that fight against the forces of evil (and are totally not an homage to Power Rangers) making their way into Golarion lore?
Chances are pretty close to zero.
What about a group that when they combine their powers they summon an avatar of Gozreh?

There's a better chance of that, I guess... but not much better.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Draco Bahamut wrote:

Hello again Mr. James Jacobs,

There is an Azata dedicated to sports/competitions/tournments or such things should be under other race ? If not, who would be the best outsider races for a sports overseer outsider ?

Hmmm... It seems to me that sports and competitions feel more lawful than chaotic, and as such should be more of an innevitable/archon/devil thing, not an azata thing. In any event, I see these things as much more mortal concerns than outsider concerns. There ARE deities associated with sports and the like, particularly Kurgess. He's neutral good, so I guess that means agathions make the most sense for a sprots-related outsider thing...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Tels wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
(After being gathered by a different avatar of Gozreh, who lives under the water...)
Since Gozreh has two avatars...

You know, I think one could potentially turn this into a campaign. In which one of the two aspects of Gozreh has been driven mad/corrupted and sends his/her avatar down to destroy the world. The other aspect works to stop this from happening, but needs the help of the Servants of Nature, each of which is blessed with one of the elements. Perhaps the PCs need to seek out these ancient servants and gain their power in a series of quests in order to combine their power into a Guardian of Nature to restore the mad/corrupted Gozreh to normal.

Perhaps the PCs gain some sort of gestalt, or a homebrewed Simple Class Template (like from the Monster Codez) of the Kineticist... Hmmm...

James, do you think a game like this would work in Golarion?
Is it possible for the two aspects of Gozreh to clash with each other? Could they seek to oppose the actions of the other if it conflicts with the interest of one aspect over the other?

I think it COULD work in Golarion, but I'm not all that interested in the storyline. Gozreh, in my opinion, is lessened if he/she is at at war with him/herself.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
the xiao wrote:
Is there any closed IP from D&D that you would have liked to use in Golarion? like beholders, illithid, yuan-ti, slaad, or the gith races?

When we first started Golarion, I would have said all of it. Today though? I don't really miss any of those things, and am quite proud of a lot of the Golarion-unique races and creatures we've populated the world with.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Kalindlara wrote:

Questions, people. >_<

Mr. Jacobs, have you played many druids? One of my players discovered the glories of wild shaping into an allosaurus last night, and I thought of you. ^_^

After bards, clerics, and rogues, druids are probably my 4th favorite class. The first character I played with folks at Wizards of the Coast was a druid... got him from 1st level all the way up to about 22nd level over the course of a campaign that straddled the launch of 3rd eidtion. So... yup. I'm a fan of druids.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Filby Pott wrote:
What do you think would be the best class(es) to represent a character based on Robin Hood? Rogue, ranger, fighter, swashbuckler, duelist...?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

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bigrig107 wrote:

Who/what is the undead-looking thing on the front of the Inner Sea World Guide?

My guess (and hope) was Tar-Baphon, as we don't have nearly enough information on him, in my opinion.
I've always loved a good lich/king/conqueror!

Unless I've missed something somewhere...

Yes, that's Tar-baphon. You do know we statted him up in Mythic Realms, and that the Carrion Crown adventure path is more or less all about his cult, the Whispering Way, and that we detailed his lair, Gallowspire, in Dungeons of Golarion? I feel that we've done quite a lot with him... ;)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Threeshades wrote:

So I have been writing a setting of my own, and being a media designer I like to make good looking documents out of my stuff, so I went through the community use policy and tried to make my document in accordance with that, since it means I get a wealth of images to use which I otherwise would neither have the time nor money to get produced for myself.

Now I was wondering is there someone I can send my document to at paizo who would be so gracious as to look over it and tell me whether it is correctly done in accordance to the community use license?

Liz Courts is our community manager; she'd probably be the best person to contact.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Is it true that if you type google into Google, you will cause an infinite logic loop in googles systems that will break the internet? If so I'm terrified I might do it out of a mad whim.

Even better... type Yahoo into Google and watch your internet have civil war?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Misroi wrote:

Based on the documentary Jurassic Park, T. Rex sees movement far better than stationary objects. Since I generally can't take a move action on an opponent's turn, does this mean T. Rex has a miss chance when it attacks me on its turn? How high would this be?

Seriously though, let's say a player decides to use this "fact" in a game. Assuming you wanted to allow this as a viable tactic, would you give them regular concealment?

I would treat the character as flat-footed against the t-rex.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
I'm aware that half-elves who have kids with humans will usually have human kids, but what happens if a half-elf has kids with an elf? What do the kids usually end up as?

Either half elves or elves. Whatever choice makes for the more interesting story. Either that or flip a coin.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
thegreenteagamer wrote:
Who's idea was the Smurf feature on the boards? It's such a wonderful little thing.

MAYBE Gary? Not sure. It's been around for years and years and years.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LazarX wrote:
If Callistria is the diety that most defines the Elven culture and psychology, which is the impression I get from Queen of Thorns, and the adoration Elves have for wasps in general, how can the elven race be considered Chaotic Good? If they are in fact chaotic neutral, Would that be what might justify why they have such a standoffish attitude towards the other races?

Calistria is merely the most popularized of the elven gods throughout all of the Inner Sea. The elves themselves have a pantheon of deities, all of whom taken together define elven religion. Elven culture is defined by their religion, their art, their government, their magic, and more.

Religion is only PART of elven culture, and Calistria is only PART of elven religion.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Haladir wrote:
How's Paizocon going?

Busy enough that I wasn't able to post here till today. Just got back from Paizocon and taking the time to get caught up on the thread before collapsing into a video-game or movie-watching fugue for the next several hours.

Paizocon was super exhausting, with spikes of great fun (particularly the two games I ran) and a few spikes of frustration (not everyone is awesome, alas).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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YttriumDervish wrote:
The Archer archetype of Fighter, Trick Shot ability, lists feint. I've tried searching for this with no avail (most threads are over 4 years old anyway): Feint does not use your CMB to determine success, and is not technically a combat maneuver, so is there no penalty for using it with a bow, or does the -4 apply to your Bluff check instead?

This needs to be a post to the rules forums so it can be FAQed. I'd just ignore the mention of feint in my games.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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SCKnightHero1 wrote:

Given the fact that geniekin are commonly found in Qadria, how are they viewed in Taldor? Do they suffer any form of discrimination?

Besides elves, half elves, half orcs, humans, and tieflings what other races worship calistria?

Would Taldor and qadria work together if they learned that someone had tried to make them go to war?

If you had to pick the next ruler of Taldor who would it be and why?

They're often faced with discrimination in Taldor, yes.

All of the core races have worshipers of Calistria. That's the same for ALL the core 20 deities. That's why they are on that list; because they have worshipers among all the races and are widespread faiths.

Maybe, but probably not.

Being the creative director... I can't really say without folks reading way too much into that... and there MIGHT be long-term plans in the works... so for now... no comment. ;-P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
VoidHerald wrote:

So... do we get an Aroden deity article in Song of Silver? With obediences, described planar servants and the like? Or is it just theories about his death?

Also, only following Paizocon from a country away, is the announced Hell's Vengeance adventure path going to draw inspiration from the Way of the Wicked? Because that's the first thing I thought of upon reading it's an evil adventure path with Hell inspiration.

Erik Mona is writing an Aroden article for Song of Silver in Pathifnder #100, yes. But Aroden is still dead. The article will be similar to what the other deity articles were about but we will NOT be giving him obediences and the like. He's still dead.

Hell's Vengeance is certainly drawing inspiration from Way of the Wicked... After all, Rob and I and Adam and Andrew, the four people who are more or less "in charge" of and creating Hell's Vengeance, are all playing in a Way of the Wicked campaign. But Hell's Vengenace is going to cover different ground than Way of the Wicked... in a way, it's a reverse of Way of the Wicked, in that you're not a group of evil PCs seeking to destabilize a nation... you're a group of evil PCs seeking to PROTECT a nation.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)I see were getting deep ones in the Bestiary 5, though I thought Skum were pathfinder's version of the deep ones?

2)Between the artwork they showed for B5 on Sunday's blog(Annunaki, Grays, Dream Dragon, Hsingo, Fastachee, and the Wood Colossus) which is your favorite?

3)What class(or classes) is your character who's art is on Hell's Rebels part 4(100th volume)?

4)Have you had a chance to look at all the unchained classes? If so what did you think?

5)Is the Manasaputra a single creature or a creature group/category? Same question but for the Sahkil?

1)When we printed Bestiary 1 years and years ago, yes, we set up the skum to fill a deep-one like role. Things change as years advance. We'll have an "ecology of the skum" article in Pathfinder #98 that'll talk more about how they work, and the ways they diverge from the deep ones themselves will be more clear then. The short version is that skum are the non-religious version of the trope while deep ones are the religious ones. There are other differences as well, such as different creature types and different alignments and different CRs and so on. We'll have more to say later in the year.

2) Wood Colossus. Not even CLOSE to my favorite artwork in the book though.

3) Shensen is a bard (dervish dancer) 8/fighter 4.

4) I really like the rogue a LOT. I think the summoner is a vast improvement. Haven't looked in detail yet at the barbarian or the monk.

5) Stay tuned. Not ready to reveal more there yet.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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kevin_video wrote:

Hey James. Hope you're able to catch up on any missed sleep from the con.

Got a question about harvesting poison. I saw in a very old post that you did, that you've allowed players to harvest poison from defeated creatures. I've looked around for specifics, but have only found some old rules from Dragon 349 and Book of Vile Darkness. As well as milking poison from Drow of the Underdark. I'm hoping in the near future that Paizo will have their own rules on how to harvest and milk poison for when the evil adventurers come out to play.

Now, what the three above sources do NOT tell me, is the amount of poison you get from a creature, regardless of whether or not you have a successful check. What's your ruling? Right now, on a successful check, we're playing around with the idea that a small creature gives 1 dose, and you can get 1 additional dose per size category larger. So, a colossal scorpion could give up to six doses. This requires 10 minutes of work, each.

Keep in mind that if you allow PCs to harvest poison... poison has a gp value. The amount of poison you allow them to harvest should thus be in line with what a monster's CR and treasure suggest. AKA: If a monster should have 500 gp of treasure, and you allow poison harvesting, you should allow the PCs to harvest 500 gp of poison from the creature.

In hell's vengeance since you play evil characters does that mean it will show evil versions of the iconics? Or the iconics turning evil toward the end of the ap?

James Jacobs wrote:
VoidHerald wrote:

So... do we get an Aroden deity article in Song of Silver? With obediences, described planar servants and the like? Or is it just theories about his death?

Also, only following Paizocon from a country away, is the announced Hell's Vengeance adventure path going to draw inspiration from the Way of the Wicked? Because that's the first thing I thought of upon reading it's an evil adventure path with Hell inspiration.

Erik Mona is writing an Aroden article for Song of Silver in Pathifnder #100, yes. But Aroden is still dead. The article will be similar to what the other deity articles were about but we will NOT be giving him obediences and the like. He's still dead.

Hell's Vengeance is certainly drawing inspiration from Way of the Wicked... After all, Rob and I and Adam and Andrew, the four people who are more or less "in charge" of and creating Hell's Vengeance, are all playing in a Way of the Wicked campaign. But Hell's Vengenace is going to cover different ground than Way of the Wicked... in a way, it's a reverse of Way of the Wicked, in that you're not a group of evil PCs seeking to destabilize a nation... you're a group of evil PCs seeking to PROTECT a nation.

So... is Hell's Vengeance Hell's Rebels' sequel, with the players' goal being to clean up the mess the heroes caused in the previous one and crush Kintargo's rebellion?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Nick O'Connell wrote:
In hell's vengeance since you play evil characters does that mean it will show evil versions of the iconics? Or the iconics turning evil toward the end of the ap?

Neither; we'll be introducing some new characters as proxy PCs. Not class iconics... but evil iconics, sorta. They'll have personalities and stats and appearances of their own.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
VoidHerald wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
VoidHerald wrote:

So... do we get an Aroden deity article in Song of Silver? With obediences, described planar servants and the like? Or is it just theories about his death?

Also, only following Paizocon from a country away, is the announced Hell's Vengeance adventure path going to draw inspiration from the Way of the Wicked? Because that's the first thing I thought of upon reading it's an evil adventure path with Hell inspiration.

Erik Mona is writing an Aroden article for Song of Silver in Pathifnder #100, yes. But Aroden is still dead. The article will be similar to what the other deity articles were about but we will NOT be giving him obediences and the like. He's still dead.

Hell's Vengeance is certainly drawing inspiration from Way of the Wicked... After all, Rob and I and Adam and Andrew, the four people who are more or less "in charge" of and creating Hell's Vengeance, are all playing in a Way of the Wicked campaign. But Hell's Vengenace is going to cover different ground than Way of the Wicked... in a way, it's a reverse of Way of the Wicked, in that you're not a group of evil PCs seeking to destabilize a nation... you're a group of evil PCs seeking to PROTECT a nation.

So... is Hell's Vengeance Hell's Rebels' sequel, with the players' goal being to clean up the mess the heroes caused in the previous one and crush Kintargo's rebellion?


Hell's Vengeance and Hell's Rebels are assumed to take place simultaneously. Their endings both resolve without impacting the other, and events in each indirectly enable or cause events in the others to occur, but as written there's no direct interaction between the two.

Of course, you could run both, and there'll be some advice on how to have the PCs of one AP confront those of another if that's of interest.

But we VERY MUCH did NOT want to set this up as one AP defusing the other. Both of them can co-exist and have their own triumphs without neutralizing each other.

Grand Lodge

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James Jacobs wrote:
kevin_video wrote:

Hey James. Hope you're able to catch up on any missed sleep from the con.

Got a question about harvesting poison. I saw in a very old post that you did, that you've allowed players to harvest poison from defeated creatures. I've looked around for specifics, but have only found some old rules from Dragon 349 and Book of Vile Darkness. As well as milking poison from Drow of the Underdark. I'm hoping in the near future that Paizo will have their own rules on how to harvest and milk poison for when the evil adventurers come out to play.

Now, what the three above sources do NOT tell me, is the amount of poison you get from a creature, regardless of whether or not you have a successful check. What's your ruling? Right now, on a successful check, we're playing around with the idea that a small creature gives 1 dose, and you can get 1 additional dose per size category larger. So, a colossal scorpion could give up to six doses. This requires 10 minutes of work, each.

Keep in mind that if you allow PCs to harvest poison... poison has a gp value. The amount of poison you allow them to harvest should thus be in line with what a monster's CR and treasure suggest. AKA: If a monster should have 500 gp of treasure, and you allow poison harvesting, you should allow the PCs to harvest 500 gp of poison from the creature.

That's a good baseline to have, but size should play some part in it. Chances are you wouldn't get 500 gold worth of poison out of a small creature as opposed to a huge creature, even if their CR is equal.

Silver Crusade

Hi James, I have a few setting questions today.
1: What is Qudria's relationship with the rest of the Empire and is the Empire going to be detailed at some point?

2:Would it be possible to do a setting book based on the geopolitics of the inner sea nations?

3: In the mythic book there is a universial ability that gives the character the ability to grant spells to followers. Is that how one becomes an Emperyal Lord?

4:This is not a setting question would it be possible for Paizo and lone wolf to work together to get digital renderings of Paizo art for people to use for their characters I would gladly pay $20 to $30 for a set of art work to use for my characters in hero lab.

5: Who is yo favorite iconic from the new Occult Book?

6: Almost forgot would it be possible for Paizo to record the official Paizo seminars and do a subscription web cast for those of us that are not able to go to Paizo Con?

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A thread on another forum got me thinking of some setting questions for the Shackles:

1. Is there "traditional" buccaneers in the Shackles?(Like the ones who hunted wild cattle and pigs on Hispaniola in the Caribbean)

2. The Shackles seem to have all the Human ethnicities represented on the islands with the understandable exception of the land locked Kellid. Is it possible for there to be some Kellid tribes in the Shackles, perhaps descending from Taldan and Chelish slave plantations?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

kevin_video wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
kevin_video wrote:

Hey James. Hope you're able to catch up on any missed sleep from the con.

Got a question about harvesting poison. I saw in a very old post that you did, that you've allowed players to harvest poison from defeated creatures. I've looked around for specifics, but have only found some old rules from Dragon 349 and Book of Vile Darkness. As well as milking poison from Drow of the Underdark. I'm hoping in the near future that Paizo will have their own rules on how to harvest and milk poison for when the evil adventurers come out to play.

Now, what the three above sources do NOT tell me, is the amount of poison you get from a creature, regardless of whether or not you have a successful check. What's your ruling? Right now, on a successful check, we're playing around with the idea that a small creature gives 1 dose, and you can get 1 additional dose per size category larger. So, a colossal scorpion could give up to six doses. This requires 10 minutes of work, each.

Keep in mind that if you allow PCs to harvest poison... poison has a gp value. The amount of poison you allow them to harvest should thus be in line with what a monster's CR and treasure suggest. AKA: If a monster should have 500 gp of treasure, and you allow poison harvesting, you should allow the PCs to harvest 500 gp of poison from the creature.
That's a good baseline to have, but size should play some part in it. Chances are you wouldn't get 500 gold worth of poison out of a small creature as opposed to a huge creature, even if their CR is equal.

---This is not true at all.

Toxicity is the sole measure of a venom.
A colossal black scorpion might have considerably less potent venom then a tiny white scorpion (as it is in real life), it just pumps out a lot more of it.
Meaning you'd have a lot of distilling and so added time/effort to take all that colossal venom and render it down to equal the tiny.
In real life, King Cobras and pit vipers pump out large amounts of venom. But the Tiger Snake of Australia is both smaller and has venom 10-50x more potent then either.
Just for clarity, James, you announced an AP for next year for Evil characters defending a town in Cheliax, and this year you're putting out the AP for characters rebelling in a town in Cheliax?

Not to put a fine point on it, but isn't that kind of retreading what Curse of the Crimson Throne does, since that AP caters easily to the LE alignment?


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Nick O'Connell wrote:
In hell's vengeance since you play evil characters does that mean it will show evil versions of the iconics? Or the iconics turning evil toward the end of the ap?
Neither; we'll be introducing some new characters as proxy PCs. Not class iconics... but evil iconics, sorta. They'll have personalities and stats and appearances of their own.

Will one of these proxies possibly be the desired Anti-Paladin?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

kevin_video wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
kevin_video wrote:

Hey James. Hope you're able to catch up on any missed sleep from the con.

Got a question about harvesting poison. I saw in a very old post that you did, that you've allowed players to harvest poison from defeated creatures. I've looked around for specifics, but have only found some old rules from Dragon 349 and Book of Vile Darkness. As well as milking poison from Drow of the Underdark. I'm hoping in the near future that Paizo will have their own rules on how to harvest and milk poison for when the evil adventurers come out to play.

Now, what the three above sources do NOT tell me, is the amount of poison you get from a creature, regardless of whether or not you have a successful check. What's your ruling? Right now, on a successful check, we're playing around with the idea that a small creature gives 1 dose, and you can get 1 additional dose per size category larger. So, a colossal scorpion could give up to six doses. This requires 10 minutes of work, each.

Keep in mind that if you allow PCs to harvest poison... poison has a gp value. The amount of poison you allow them to harvest should thus be in line with what a monster's CR and treasure suggest. AKA: If a monster should have 500 gp of treasure, and you allow poison harvesting, you should allow the PCs to harvest 500 gp of poison from the creature.
That's a good baseline to have, but size should play some part in it. Chances are you wouldn't get 500 gold worth of poison out of a small creature as opposed to a huge creature, even if their CR is equal.

Size probably SHOULD... but the fact that gear (including poison) is balanced in the game by its cost means that size actually cannot play a part in it unless you want to risk breaking your game's economy. And in fact, it's due to that sort of complication that there AREN'T official poison harvesting rules in the game.

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1)Will Hell's Vengeance have a lot of good aligned monsters in it's bestiaries?

2)Can you play any evil alignment in Hell's Vengeance? What about neutral alignments?

3)Will the Occult Realms book have a similar set up to Mythic Realms?

4)It's safe to assume that the cover art for Bestiary 5 is a mockup, correct?

5)I take it that Bestiary 5 will be around 15% psychic creatures, correct?

6)Is it safe to assume that B5 will have reprints from APs, campaign setting books, etc. like past books?

7)I heard something about 0HD race for darkfolk and a sasquatch-like 0HD race for B5, is it true?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Lou Diamond wrote:

Hi James, I have a few setting questions today.

1: What is Qudria's relationship with the rest of the Empire and is the Empire going to be detailed at some point?

2:Would it be possible to do a setting book based on the geopolitics of the inner sea nations?

3: In the mythic book there is a universial ability that gives the character the ability to grant spells to followers. Is that how one becomes an Emperyal Lord?

4:This is not a setting question would it be possible for Paizo and lone wolf to work together to get digital renderings of Paizo art for people to use for their characters I would gladly pay $20 to $30 for a set of art work to use for my characters in hero lab.

5: Who is yo favorite iconic from the new Occult Book?

6: Almost forgot would it be possible for Paizo to record the official Paizo seminars and do a subscription web cast for those of us that are not able to go to Paizo Con?

1) It's the gateway to Avistan. It's very important, a bottleneck for trade, and a bulwark in a foreign land. VERY important. We'll talk more about Qadira and the rest of that empire for sure some day.

2) Yes, but I'm not sure how interested in that book I'd be. The point of the Inner Sea isn't as much how the nations interact as much as it is a patchwork setting where each GM can pick and choose the parts he or she wants to use. In a way, a book like what you're asking for kinda goes against one of the design philosophies of the setting. Not impossible, but unlikely to be produced by us in favor of other stuff.

3) No. That's how one becomes what's known as a "quasi-deity." An empyreal lord is more powerful, occupying a niche that sits between CR 26 and CR 30, and is not a creature built via class levels but as a unique outsider monster. In theory, one could transform from something into an empyreal lord, but those are not rules we've yet published.

4) That'd be a question for Lisa, Vic, and Erik... but I suspect the answer would be no. Our art is worth a lot to us.

5) The psychic.

6) The excellent podcast "Know Direction" was there all weekend recording seminars.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Starglyte wrote:

A thread on another forum got me thinking of some setting questions for the Shackles:

1. Is there "traditional" buccaneers in the Shackles?(Like the ones who hunted wild cattle and pigs on Hispaniola in the Caribbean)

2. The Shackles seem to have all the Human ethnicities represented on the islands with the understandable exception of the land locked Kellid. Is it possible for there to be some Kellid tribes in the Shackles, perhaps descending from Taldan and Chelish slave plantations?

1) There could be. That's not the thematic focus of the region though.

2) There are some Kellids there. The Shackles are a melting pot. They don't really care what your ethnicity is if you wanna be a pirate.

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