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Celestials can fall, fiends can raise. But do you think there can can be interesting stories about freed angels (angels that became chaotic), or pleading demons (demons who became lawful) ?
How such conflict could be made relevant in a home game set in Golarion ?
Do you think angels would mind more about one of them turning their back from responsability than one of them falling just because it would be easier ?
(if angels aren't LG, consider archons, i never remember whitch of the two is the lawful one)

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Celestials can fall, fiends can raise. But do you think there can can be interesting stories about freed angels (angels that became chaotic), or pleading demons (demons who became lawful) ?
How such conflict could be made relevant in a home game set in Golarion ?
Do you think angels would mind more about one of them turning their back from responsability than one of them falling just because it would be easier ?
(if angels aren't LG, consider archons, i never remember whitch of the two is the lawful one)
Angels are normally any Good. Archons are normally Lawful Good.

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I've seen the original Godzilla many, many times. The American version and the Japanese version. Both are pretty bleak and serious... the Japanese one (unsurprisingly) more so. And while most (but certainly not all) of the Godzilla movies moved away from the bleak & serious tone, that tone is what makes the 1st one such a legitimately powerful and excellent movie. And it's what makes Godzilla such an enduring icon.
It's a popular belief that the purpose of the original Godzilla movie was not meant to be light entertainment. (Raymond Burr was not in the original Godzilla film as released, he was later added in for American distribution, which is why there is such a severe disconnect between the scenes in which he appears and the rest of the film.) That it was meant to be a protest against American nuclear policy.
It didn't help that Godzilla was released shortly after what is known as the "Lucky Dragon 5" incident In which about 100 Japanese fishing boats their crews and several islands were exposed to nuclear fallout during the Castle Bravo atomic test when the bomb proved to be twice as powerful as expected and the prevailing winds miscalculated.

Captain Bria Tharen |

My group just finished pt5 of Skull & Shackles. I play the captain, a LE bard2/witch(sea witch)11. I took the Nemesis story feat, against Barnabus Harrigan. I now have...
Any cool ideas for what to do with it? How much would it be worth?

Midnight_Angel |

O mighty T-Rexaur!
I (once again) have a couple of questions regarding Shamira:
1) Where on Golarion could one find art depicting her?
1a) What kind of pose, or motif would be most likely for said art?
2) What kinds of things would a Shamiran Inquisitor be doing?
3) Given the information that we wil learn more about her in WotR #4... is she intended to be someone the PCs get to fight in the official run of the AP?

Threeshades |

The mythic monster advancement rules say a mythic monster should have half its CR in Mythic Rank. Is this a rule or a guideline?
For example if i wanted to create a truly legendary Steed, kind of like Shadowfax by just taking a heavy warhorse and adding 10 mythic tiers to it, would it screw with the CR too much?

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How would you stat up the following, off the cuff:
-Dracula from Brahms Stokers Dracula (unique vampire?)
-Randall Flagg from Stephen King-verse (no clue)
Dracula... it depends on what actor is playing him. There's a major difference between Bela Lugosi and Leslie Nielsen :)
Randall Flagg... I wouldn't stat him at all. He's essentially GM Fiat incarnate. I also would not use him outside of the Stephen King's style setting he appears in. A good deal of Flagg's horror is from the fact that he comes from a fairly ostensibly "normal" world, where the players aren't god level wizards and warriors. In Golarion, next to all of the other horrors that visit the place, he's just last Tuesday's news.

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What would be a good way, in your opinion to differentiate paladins from cavaliers? Both are really knightly types, so I'm not sure how best to take two knightly type classes and make the characters seem like they're not just the same person with just different class features.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Is their anywhere I can find a complete collection of the Demonomicon of Iggwilv articles or do I have to go through each individual Dragon issue to find them?
Eventually our plan was to collect them all into a hardcover once we covered all 14 of the core demon lords for D&D... but obviously fate had other plans.
At this point, the only way to get them all is indeed to get the individual Dragons. The first one, Pazuzu, was in #329, and the following installments appeared regularly every 4 issues...
Fraz-Urb'luu in 333
Zuggtmoy in 337
etc., on down to the last one which was in the last issue and broke the pattern.
OR you can just click here for the list!
I did write one more for the online Dragon a few months after that for Graz'zt. I know that the series continued after that in Dragon, but I had no involvement in it at all after Graz'zt.

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Rysky wrote:Is their anywhere I can find a complete collection of the Demonomicon of Iggwilv articles or do I have to go through each individual Dragon issue to find them?Eventually our plan was to collect them all into a hardcover once we covered all 14 of the core demon lords for D&D... but obviously fate had other plans.
At this point, the only way to get them all is indeed to get the individual Dragons. The first one, Pazuzu, was in #329, and the following installments appeared regularly every 4 issues...
Fraz-Urb'luu in 333
Zuggtmoy in 337etc., on down to the last one which was in the last issue and broke the pattern.
OR you can just click here for the list!
I did write one more for the online Dragon a few months after that for Graz'zt. I know that the series continued after that in Dragon, but I had no involvement in it at all after Graz'zt.
cool thankies :3 add this to a growing list of things I'm gonna have to compile into it's own pdf

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Celestials can fall, fiends can raise. But do you think there can can be interesting stories about freed angels (angels that became chaotic), or pleading demons (demons who became lawful) ?
How such conflict could be made relevant in a home game set in Golarion ?
Do you think angels would mind more about one of them turning their back from responsability than one of them falling just because it would be easier ?
(if angels aren't LG, consider archons, i never remember whitch of the two is the lawful one)
There can be interesting stories for ANY outsider who changes alignment. I would never call them "freed" or "pleading" though.
As for how to make conflicts like this relevant in any game... that's just a factor of the story. Indeed... it's a rare enough event for an outsider to change alignment EVEN A LITTLE (like a neutral evil devil, or a chaotic good protean) that this event should become the story, or at the very least an important part of the story.
I think that whether or not angels would mind depends on the angel... but of all the outsider races, angels have the most range in their alignments. As long as they're good, that doesn't raise too much of a shock. But the vast majority of angels are neutral good.
A non lawful archon would certainly cause problems and would absolutely be kicked out of heaven.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hey James a couple of questions...
1) I am picking up the Shackled City AP hard back....where in Golarion would you set it?
2) I am also thinking of running a Golarion Godling campaign...good idea or bad idea?
1) Somewhere just south of Sargava, just barely off the edge of the map. Barring that, I'd set it in the Shackles.
2) What do you mean by "Godling campaign"?

Jaime Sommers |

Dear Mr. Jacobs,
I would appreciate your opinion on the lifesense ability of the Oracle of life. I'm being told that a blinded (by an enemy, not by her curse) Oracle of life with lifesense moves at half speed inside a dungeon, since the Oracle only perceives her friends and not the surroundings (walls, doors, inanimate obstacles and so on). Moreover, she should probably be considered flat footed against missile and reach weapons.
I'm thinking that as long as the Oracle can follow in the footsteps of her allies (which she perceives perfectly thanks to the lifesense ability) she should be able to move at full speed. As to the flat footed matter, I'm really not sure what to think.
What is your take on the subject?
Thank you.

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My group just finished pt5 of Skull & Shackles. I play the captain, a LE bard2/witch(sea witch)11. I took the Nemesis story feat, against Barnabus Harrigan. I now have...
** spoiler omitted **
Any cool ideas for what to do with it? How much would it be worth?
See "Horsemen of the Apocalypse" for prices on souls.
I'd make him into an intelligent magic weapon!

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O mighty T-Rexaur!
I (once again) have a couple of questions regarding Shamira:
1) Where on Golarion could one find art depicting her?
1a) What kind of pose, or motif would be most likely for said art?2) What kinds of things would a Shamiran Inquisitor be doing?
3) Given the information that we wil learn more about her in WotR #4... is she intended to be someone the PCs get to fight in the official run of the AP?
1) Pathfinder #76, "The Midnight Isles."
1a) Her looking around for someone to shoot with her burning bow.
2) Corrupting the pure and innocent.
3) Her stats are in the adventure. Make of that what you will.

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The mythic monster advancement rules say a mythic monster should have half its CR in Mythic Rank. Is this a rule or a guideline?
For example if i wanted to create a truly legendary Steed, kind of like Shadowfax by just taking a heavy warhorse and adding 10 mythic tiers to it, would it screw with the CR too much?
It's only a guideline. You can give a CR 20 monster 1 mythic rank, or a CR 1 monster 10 ranks. The results in adding a few ranks to a high CR monster actually work out pretty well. Adding lots of ranks to low CR things is kinda weird though.
In any event... when you finally are done statting up the monster... set the CR to what it should be, not what the math says. Table 1–1 in the Bestiary is your best friend here.

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How would you stat up the following, off the cuff:
-Dracula from Brahms Stokers Dracula (unique vampire?)
-Randall Flagg from Stephen King-verse (no clue)
All vampries are unique, since it's a template. I'd stat up Dracula as a human fighter/aristocrat.
Randall Flagg is a unique outsider. The fact that he claims to be ...

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

What would be a good way, in your opinion to differentiate paladins from cavaliers? Both are really knightly types, so I'm not sure how best to take two knightly type classes and make the characters seem like they're not just the same person with just different class features.
Paladins should be more religious than cavaliers overall. If you want to say ALL paladins must worship a deity, that can certainly help. Also... Paladins are all about supernatural magic, while cavaliers are not at all.

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Other than an event like the genesis of Zon-Kuthon, or the death of a deity, has any deity chosen to lose or stop granting a domain they ever had / gave out previously?
If so, why?
I suspect this has happened before. Likely due to significant changes in reality or the deity's personality. For example... before the thing with her brother happened, I suspect Shelyn granted the domain of Nobility instead of Protection.

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Let me see if I have this right.
The Adventure Path is a full campaign, where you start at 1st level and end significantly higher, while the enemies grow ever stronger and the story progresses.
Is this correct?
The typical adventure path has enough content for player characters to start at 1st level and end at 16th to 17th level.

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Dear Mr. Jacobs,
I would appreciate your opinion on the lifesense ability of the Oracle of life. I'm being told that a blinded (by an enemy, not by her curse) Oracle of life with lifesense moves at half speed inside a dungeon, since the Oracle only perceives her friends and not the surroundings (walls, doors, inanimate obstacles and so on). Moreover, she should probably be considered flat footed against missile and reach weapons.I'm thinking that as long as the Oracle can follow in the footsteps of her allies (which she perceives perfectly thanks to the lifesense ability) she should be able to move at full speed. As to the flat footed matter, I'm really not sure what to think.
What is your take on the subject?
Thank you.
First of all... my take is only my take, not your GM's take, and it's your GM's take that your character should abide by. If you don't agree with your GM, let him/her know in a respectful way, and if it has to be a big discussion, try not to have it in the middle of the game... but in the end it's your GM's call.
That said, blindness is intended to be a really bad effect that, barring its removal or cure, has few ways of getting around it. Things like scent can soften the penalties, but it'd take something like blindsight to remove all penalties.
If you're blinded, I'd say that you can't see. That includes all effects like detect evil and detect magic that require visual cues... and I would pretty much agree that lifesense falls into that category. At BEST, lifesense would function sort of like scent in that while blind it would let you note what square a living creature was in, but it'd still have a 50% miss chance against you. It wouldn't let you move full speed, and you'd still be flat footed.
That said... if a GM is using blindness attacks against a party, the party should be able to overcome them via a spell like remove blindness... if not soon, then by buying the resource.

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James Jacobs wrote:hmm and which other one did you want to be female?Rysky wrote:Out of the Four Horsemen, why was War chosen to be female?Because we wanted at least one female horseman. I kinda wanted two, but that didn't pan out.
Any one but Charon, who was the only one of the 3 locked in. It was half a decade ago or so that we first started talking about it so the details are hazy.

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Hi mr Jacobs.
When designing the gods of golarion, of all the d&d demon lords why lamasthu was the one chosen for godhood?
Because she's a real-world mythological figure, so that alone gives her more heft and inertia. And because she's a demon that D&D barely touched at all ever... and ONLY as a result of my own work in the Demonnomcion after I learned about her association with Pazuzu. She didn't have any significant established lore in the game's traditions, and was a really interesting deity to boot.

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James Jacobs wrote:Randall Flagg is a unique outsider. The fact that he claims to be ... ** spoiler omitted ** in "The Stand" may or may not be true, after all... but I like to think it is!Do Mullets add to CR or subtract from it?
Depends on the Aggressiveness and Mullitude.

Nicos |
Nicos wrote:Because she's a real-world mythological figure, so that alone gives her more heft and inertia. And because she's a demon that D&D barely touched at all ever... and ONLY as a result of my own work in the Demonnomcion after I learned about her association with Pazuzu. She didn't have any significant established lore in the game's traditions, and was a really interesting deity to boot.Hi mr Jacobs.
When designing the gods of golarion, of all the d&d demon lords why lamasthu was the one chosen for godhood?
What was your (or paizo) creative thinking to rise a demon and a devil to godhood for golarion?

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:What would be a good way, in your opinion to differentiate paladins from cavaliers? Both are really knightly types, so I'm not sure how best to take two knightly type classes and make the characters seem like they're not just the same person with just different class features.Paladins should be more religious than cavaliers overall. If you want to say ALL paladins must worship a deity, that can certainly help. Also... Paladins are all about supernatural magic, while cavaliers are not at all.
And if someone's trying to play a paladin who specifically ISN'T religious? I've been engaged in a debate as to whether I put too much emphasis and am too interested in the pantheons of any RPG I'm in, tending to use them as a crutch in backstory and personality development, that there's a wealth of great RP material I'm ignoring due to my myopic focus on the setting's mythology and deities, and that as a result, my characters tend to just be boilerplate examples of the descriptions of clergy in the deity articles, regardless of whether or not the character's an actual cleric. I hasten to add that this is not a question about real-world faith vs. Golarion faith, but more a question of how pervasive and important religion actually is in Golarion (very much, I imagine, given one of the most important story aspects of it is Aroden's relatively recent death and its aftershocks), and ways to develop a character in a more secular direction, so that they're personality's not defined solely by the name in their deity slot.