>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Callous Jack wrote:
When is the date for your planned coup d'etat of the Paizo offices?

Never! I've seen what Erik and Jeff and Lisa and Vic all have to deal with. I don't wanna run the place!

James Jacobs wrote:
Tensor wrote:

What are Bigfoot's stats?
He's the same as a human, but with the "hairy bastard" template.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Studpuffin wrote:
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?


Even though cookies are a sometimes food.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Where are my keys?

You left them hanging from the lock to the safe that contains all of that vintage tentacle porn.

Liberty's Edge

We thank you for your time James. And stats for Bigfoot is a good idea.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jacobian #5 wrote:
Do you see yourself as more of a Fafhrd or Gray Mouser?

Gray Mouser, definitely. Even if I'm built more like Fafhrd, but replace the muscles with belly fat.

Liberty's Edge

More questions: What has your favourite campaign been to run and play in to date?

Liberty's Edge

What is your favourite adventure of the ones you have written?

Liberty's Edge

Are you currently writing any adventure for up-coming Adventure Path volumes?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Moorluck wrote:

Does knowing I have Big Blue tattooed on my arm weird you out?

Who would be the best choice for ruler in our Kingmaker campaign: Arolys the Elven ranger, Mikli the slave girl, Rowynn the bard, or Ginni the Dwarven cleric of Desna?

What's the best way to get Troll blood stains out of ones clothes?

And lastly, When are we gonna see a FAWTL template in the Bestiary?

Oh yeah, my wife wants to know if you would sign her breast at the next PaizoCon?

No, Rowynn the bard (because bards are the best), fire or acid, FAWTL?, sure!

James Jacobs wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Does knowing I have Big Blue tattooed on my arm weird you out?

Who would be the best choice for ruler in our Kingmaker campaign: Arolys the Elven ranger, Mikli the slave girl, Rowynn the bard, or Ginni the Dwarven cleric of Desna?

What's the best way to get Troll blood stains out of ones clothes?

And lastly, When are we gonna see a FAWTL template in the Bestiary?

Oh yeah, my wife wants to know if you would sign her breast at the next PaizoCon?

No, Rowynn the bard (because bards are the best), fire or acid, FAWTL?, sure!


Liberty's Edge

Do you really like Raspberry Wine?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

James, first I wanted to thank you for answering my previous posts.

I do have a question: What was the thinking behind the development of the Summoner?

The primary gap the summoner fills is that it provides the game with an arcane spellcaster with a combat pet. Divine classes have several: the druid for one, and the paladin and the ranger as well. Arcane spellcasters have familiars, but those are HARDLY combat options; with the summoner, we can have an arcane spellcaster who has a cool monster.

The summoner also was designed to appeal to folks who grew up on games like Final Fantasy, Warcraft, Pokemon, or any number of video games where you have the ability to capture and then summon and control powerful monsters to do your bidding.

And finally, the summoner gives players a chance to "play the monster." I'm not sure how many folks have realized this, but you can basically use the summoner as a way to play a version of pretty much ANY monster in the Bestiary, as long as you get a little creative. We don't have solid rules yet for folks who wanna play a minotaur or a babau demon or a treant, but with the summoner, you can customize your eidolon to scratch that itch.

Liberty's Edge

Do you like Peanut Butter?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Who put the ram in the rama-lama-ding-dong?
As a follow up, Who put the bop in the bop-shoo-bop-shoo-bop?

Shoo-Bop Shoo. Come on!

Liberty's Edge

Have you ever tried Vegemite?

Liberty's Edge

How many gnomes can you fit in a taxi?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
I noticed in the news that there is a lack of mention of mass awareness of a certain avian variety. Have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard?

No one knows about that.

Liberty's Edge

Why is the grass always greener on the other side?

The other side of what?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Why do other threads continue to exist when people can ask ALL their questions of James Jacobs HERE?

Some people hate me! And they want Jason's answers instead anyway.

Liberty's Edge

What are your thoughts on gay zombie porn?

What are your thoughts on The Human Centipede?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Can you tell me where I put my Harrow Deck? I can't seem to find it anywhere. :(

You left it at paizo.com's online store, where we will sell it back to you.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Oh, that reminds me: my brand new pack of Vis-a-Vis markers disappeared. Can you tell me where they went? Did Aztrucomon take them home the last time we gamed in Oak Cliff?

Nope; in your case, a four-foot tall sumo wrestler dressed as the Green Lantern snuck into your home and took them. She said she'll return them next week.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
JollyRoger wrote:
How do you solve a problem like Maria?

Charm person and grease.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
Why is that when ever I stick my finger in an empty light socket I wake up on the floor?

Because those sockets are where the floor's gravity is siphoned. By putting your finger in there, the gravity increases and you get slammed down on the floor. So does the rest of the world. We're getting kinda tired of it so knock it off. OUCH! I SAID STOP IT!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

CourtFool wrote:
How do you remove urine stains from a carpet? You see…I have this friend…

Flavor straws. I find that banana or mint work best.

James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Why is that when ever I stick my finger in an empty light socket I wake up on the floor?
Because those sockets are where the floor's gravity is siphoned. By putting your finger in there, the gravity increases and you get slammed down on the floor. So does the rest of the world. We're getting kinda tired of it so knock it off. OUCH! I SAID STOP IT!

~laughter~ Smartass!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

drunken_nomad wrote:

Do you know the way to San Jose?

Why is it you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

If you build it, will he come? whoa! that one could be dirty...

What is going to happen to Eric? Will he live? Will Pam sacrifice herself?

Is Russell the coolest badguy on that show or what?

You're speaking in squeaks and honks. I'm gonna take a wild guess at what you're asking about and say:

Yes, irony, depends on how long you nail it, chicken pox, no, yes, nope.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Jade wrote:
Is the bird really the word?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:
Dónde está la biblioteca?

Me gusta! Mi gato come mi burrito!

Stiffler's mom or Stacy's mom?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
Donde esta tu hall pass?


AKA: Kruger took it. Good luck getting it back.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Caterpillar wrote:



The unnecessary letter taxman. You owe me $22,549.00.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Hey, hey...were you there when I farted?

You said it was a barking spider! YOU LIED!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Hugo Solis wrote:
Is this the funniest thread ever?

I dunno... there's a LOT of competition.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nstrivaxon, the Cunning wrote:

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

blah blah blah succubus blah . Succubi, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ...

Mmmmm... succubus... (drools)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Makarnak wrote:
Jacobian #5 wrote:
Do you see yourself as more of a Fafhrd or Gray Mouser?
Or, if it's more appropriate, a Ningauble of the Seven Eyes, or Sheelba of the Eyeless Face?

Ningauble! Although doesn't Sheelba have a better house? Maybe Sheelba then.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

delabarre wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
delabarre wrote:
He skipped my question. I haz a sad. :-(
Post it again! Of course, if I skipped it because it wasn't worthy, that'll just get you a DOUBLE sad. The internet is FULL OF RISKS.
Okay then: Where is the current location of the Ark of the Covenant?

OH! It got blown up by the nuclear bomb, and since it wasn't in a lead-lined refrigerator, I suspect it's gone forever. If it wasn't blown up, it might be hidden in our own warehouse. It kind of looks similar with all the giant scary shelves filled with boxes now...

James Jacobs wrote:
Nstrivaxon, the Cunning wrote:

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

blah blah blah succubus blah . Succubi, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ...
Mmmmm... succubus... (drools)

Nom nom!?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Celestial Healer wrote:
James Jacobs, will this rash go away on its own?

No. You need to press a brand new Core Rulebook to it for 20 minutes every evening. And make sure it's a fresh, brand new, just purchased one. Repeat this process for 3 weeks and if you don't see an improvement, you might need to add a daily Bestiary to the procedure.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Are you bored with answering questions, found a new interest and are going to let this thread fade into Paizo legend?

Nope! I was working on the Bestiary 2 for a bit, then I came home to watch Creepozoids. Which, despite a steamy bit of Linnea Quigley nudity... was NOT all that good of a movie.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:
Have you ever seen Bigfoot?

Alas... no.

I once thought I saw a pterodactyl fly by my window at Paizo, but it was just a heron.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Crimson Jester wrote:
When will we all get tired of asking you questions?

Probably a few minutes before the heat death of the universe?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

Coincidence! I'm rereading A Mote in God's Eye.

What's your favorite Niven/Pournelle book and why?

Good book.

I am going to go out on a limb and say James' favourite would be The Legacy of Heorot, with Footfall in second place.

James, am I right?

Nope. As I mention above, Lucifer's Hammer is the only one I've read so far, but it was DAMN good.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sharoth wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?


Even though cookies are a sometimes food.

What is your favorite type of cookie? (Mine is oatmeal raisin.)


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
More questions: What has your favourite campaign been to run and play in to date?

Favorite one I've run: A tie between one I ran for a bunch of friends back in college; they all played Shoanti tribe members defending their homeland from the advance of a nation of Lawful Neutral gun-wielding civilized expansionists, and Savage Tide.

Favorite one I've played in: A tie between Jason Nelson's game where I played Shensen (see our "NPC Guide" for her stats) and Erik Mona's Age of Worms campaign.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
What is your favourite adventure of the ones you have written?

Burnt Offerings.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
Are you currently writing any adventure for up-coming Adventure Path volumes?

Yup. I'm writing the first adventure in the Jade Regent Adventure Path. It doesn't currently have a name.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sharoth wrote:


Never. The bestiaries are plenty long as they are!

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Are you currently writing any adventure for up-coming Adventure Path volumes?
Yup. I'm writing the first adventure in the Jade Regent Adventure Path. It doesn't currently have a name.


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