Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() After reading much of the material in Tyrant's Grasp and the few issues of Extinction Curse, it is more and more clear that Aroden was more than a little bit of a jerk and bigot. How is it that he attracted/retained good heralds like Arazni and Iomedae? And, assuming she didn't already figure it out, was Iomedae aghast when she discovered some of the things Aroden had done (as his worshippers would have had to shift to her good alignment and she did not conform to his neutral)? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() I guess what I was really trying to ask, is does Pharasma's church sponsor a militaristic wing that addresses problems of powerful undead such as Tar-Baphon? It seems like the majority of the organizations opposed to him are sponsored by other deities (Aroden first, then Iomedae) even though it seems like this type of thing would be more of a pressing concern for her followers to lead the charge against. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Is there a reason Pharasma has not taken a larger role in the opposition of Tar-Barphon? He seems an affront ton all she stands for, but the crusade against him seems to have been lead by Aroden, Iomedae, and Arazni. He creates undead by the thousands, shreds souls, and refuses judgment himself... yet she seems almost uninterested in the "greatest necromancer Golarion has ever seen" despite the fact that necromancy is something that she detests. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Does Pharasma become annoyed with the destruction of a soul (such as via being intentionally fed into a sphere of annihilation or as can occur in certain other situations) and does she tend to punish those who do so or is the destruction of individual souls (or a small group of souls) beneath her notice or out of her area of concern? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() I've got a DM perspective question for you regarding 1st edition. A sorcerer who maximized one of the various pit spells from the APG (let's say acid pit). Do you think it would maximize both the falling damage and the acid damage or do you think the falling damage should be rolled independently? I actually have a villain with this combo and I'm trying to come up with how it would function (he wasn't intended to maximize this spell.. but backed into a tactical corner he combed it). ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Can any god make a recommendation to Achaekek to kill someone or does he only listen to specific ones or does he act completely autonomously? If the former, why didn't Aroden send him to kill Tar-Barphon initially, it seems like what he was made for? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Would the Red Mantis Assassins take out a contract on the Whispering Tyrant (with a contingent of Death Slayers from Adventurer's Guide) or is he off limits as a ruler... he had a pretty extensive empire he ruled for a long time, does his imprisonment make a difference to them? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() I appreciate your response and one of the things I really miss about you guys not doing Dungeon in the last 10 years is how well you embraced the lore of Greyhawk (and the Easter eggs you left) as I grew up with that setting and love the respect with which you treated it. Alas, my current group skew younger and started with Pathfinder so have no connection to the classics. They love Golarion and it's lore, but are reluctant about learning a new edition any advice on what I should tell them? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Although Aroden's death is a secret, can you say why the Starstone chunk is able to infuse people with god-like power? Did it somehow absorb some aspect of the gods who died trying to stop Earthfall or was it infused as some type of artifact before that which Aroden somehow recognized and that is why he raised it? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Id there a reason Lissala seems to be off-limits as a player option (read that as no options for deific obedience) where other evil gods and even forgotten gods are not? I only ask because she is one of my favorite goddesses (and if it isn't too much of a violation of the one question rule, is she from your homebrew or did she come from some other place?) ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() I know the Pharasman faith is does not look favorably on those who extend their lives through undeath, how do they feel/view those who avoid death for extended periods through other means like the Sun Orchid Elixir, infernal pacts, ect (this comes to mind based on the lore for Armag in the Kingmaker computer game)? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() I was wondering how well known certain organizations are outside of their regions. For example, would the average citizen of Sandpoint recognize and respect an Aldori Swordlord, or do they just regard him/her as some mercenary? Does the general populace know of (and fear) Red Mantis assassins or are they oblivious to their existence? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Are there any specific deities who like to push the boundaries of the "non-interference in the mortal world" edict (Iomedae seems to have tried to see the limits, in some manner, during Wrath of the Righteous) and is this something Casandalee and Nocticula would struggle with upon becoming new divinities? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Do you ever take time to reflect on how your creativity, efforts, and extension of Dungeons and Dragons have affected people? For instance, I have a close friend who has been a close friend for 20 years through gaming and the last 10 of those have been games you are directly involved in. Likewise, my relationship with my sister has been solidified by gaming at a table supported by Pathfinder Adventure Paths. It seems like you should know how you efforts bring people together, but I wonder if you actually do. I thank you for it regardless. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() What titles are "off limits" to Red Mantis assassins? They wouldn't touch the King (or queen of Korvosa)- even though that's not a kingdom- would Mayor Grobaras of Magnimar enjoy the same exemption? Would Kendra Deverin? The Jade Regeant- while the throne rejects him? I just wonder where they draw the line with titles- I mean would Pilts Swastel of Old Korvosa be exempt? Thanks for your insight. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() GM to GM I was wondering if you can give me some guidance on what spells can be affected by permanency. Beyond the core rulebook things have been surprisingly silent on this spell. It seems like the upper limit for spells with the target of caster is 5th, but most spells being 3rd level or lower. Also this is a very select list. So I'm trying to tag for my home game a general guideline, such as Permanency affects any spell with a target of you (or one other creature) as long as that spell is of 3rd level or lower. This is to cover spells beyond the core rulebook (or which there are now many). Are their any other guidelines or variable I should take into account from your perspective? Thanks, as always, for making my game better with every response. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() As I play the Kingmaker game it got me thinking at what point in a kingdom's development (such as the adventure path or the computer game) would a "ruler's" name come off of the list as a viable target for the Red Mantis Assassins since they don't take contracts on leaders? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() For a long while ( I think since the statue of her was illustrated and included way back in a History of Ashes) have been fascinated by the goddess Lissala. As a "forgotten" god she has had a lot of easter eggs and a few articles about her, and even a hint that someday she might reestablish herself. Unfortunately, the article dedicated to her did not include obediences and boons... any chance of more information on her in Return of the Runelords (as Krune was her high priest)? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Can you clarify the responsibilities in Korvosa of the various law enforcement sects that are active? I'm pretty clear on the role of the Gray Maidens and I suspect the Korvosan guard is essentially the police force. I'm most curious as to the principles responsibilities of the Sable Company Marines and Hellknight order and how/if these organizations view their roles, especially before/after Curse of the Crimson Throne.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Isn't changing from 3.5 to 4.0 what damaged Dungeons & Dragons and ultimately lead to the rise and success of Pathfinder? How do you anticipate (as a company) avoiding the same downfall with a new edition that doesn't much seem to resemble the previous one? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() You have previously said you were not a fan of the way elves were portrayed in Second Darkness, which I am about to run as a campaign. As there is no forthcoming hardcover (like there was for Rise of the Runelords and Curse of the Crimson Throne) can you give me some idea of what changes you would have made if this had become a hardcover product (which would have been awesome if you headed it up, by the way!) ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() I'm DMing a Rise of the Runelords group and have a player who is a Varasian Juggler (Flying Blade swashbuckler). I've been pondering which skill would best simulate juggling. I'm strongly leaning towards sleight of hand (after pondering acrobatics or perform, although juggling seems more dex based than cha based). The juggling kit in Ultimate Equipment actually gives a +2 bonus to Perform (act). I was just wondering what your decision would be in my place? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() I had been holding out hope for a while now that a hardcover conversion of Second Darkness and Legacy of Fire adventure paths would eventually come to be (as the only remaining adventure paths in 3.5), but now with that seeming highly unlikely with Pathfinder 2.0 on the horizon, I'd like to ask when converted by me to Pathfinder should the characters use the fast experience track- similar to what happened with experience progression in Rise of the Runelords and Crimson Throne when they were brought up to date? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Aside from Tar-Baphon who has the emaciated skeletal look of the classic D&D lich I've noticed a trend of many Paizo liches (including or maybe starting with Arazni) retaining a more "alive" look more akin to a vampire, is this true of lichdom in Golarion? P.S. The Adventurer's Guide was AMAZING so thank you for all the work you put in to that project! ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() In the time since Wrath of the Righteous has your stance towards mythic rules softened (I know you were pretty jaded by some of the fan feedback... although my group quite liked them and were sad to see them not really reappear in another adventure path... although there was one opening in a certain adventure path you developed after)? It seems mythic characters would be necessary to stand against the Runelords/ and or redeem Nocticula. ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() For both the oracle and the shaman who take the Heavens as their mystery the 20th level power includes "if you are killed you come back as a star child that matures over 7 days". What exactly is a "star child" it does not appear in any Beastiary and it seems to be specifically chosen wording without much explanation? ![]()
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but Dragon magazine has addressed, at least twice (including 3.0 I think while Paizo was in charge) paladins of every alignment. It would take a little tweaking, but essentially their 3.0 version of the CG paladin (or archetype) was called a Garath (not certain it that was the name from the first or second time) The changes would be as follows: Aura of Good is replaced by Aura of Chaos, Detect Evil becomes Detect Law, Smite Evil becomes Smite Law, Divine Health becomes Slippery Mind (as the rogue talent). Uses of mercy are swapped out for a static Break enchantment chained to lay on hands. All other "evil" descriptors are swapped out for their "law" equivalent.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Wrath of the Righteous Part 14- The Ungrateful Savior Talongaard spun the flail above his head deftly, conjuring the wreath of flame- a legacy of his father. He was two steps away when the elven woman lost her step and tumbled to the ground. She nimbly fell and rolled so as to release her baby in a rolling bundle that caused it no harm and sent it spinning half hidden under a shrub. It was a desperate gambit he knew, one quite likely to fail under the scrutiny of an orc’s keen sense of smell, but she had a fading hope that it may succeed. The half-demon could see the doubt clearly in her mind, she hoped fervently that while the orc was doing it’s worst to her that it would completely forget about her child. She prayed briefly to the gods of her kind that it would not cry despite the horrific fate that was about to befall her and, thus, be saved. Talongaard knew what the orc intended and a last great stride landed him beside the despicable creature.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Part 14- The Ungrateful Savior Talongaard spun the flail above his head deftly, conjuring the wreath of flame- a legacy of his father. He was two steps away when the elven woman lost her step and tumbled to the ground. She nimbly fell and rolled so as to release her baby in a rolling bundle that caused it no harm and sent it spinning half hidden under a shrub. It was a desperate gambit he knew, one quite likely to fail under the scrutiny of an orc’s keen sense of smell, but she had a fading hope that it may succeed. The half-demon could see the doubt clearly in her mind, she hoped fervently that while the orc was doing it’s worst to her that it would completely forget about her child. She prayed briefly to the gods of her kind that it would not cry despite the horrific fate that was about to befall her and, thus, be saved. Talongaard knew what the orc intended and a last great stride landed him beside the despicable creature.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() 1.When you play an adventure do you have a favorite set of dice you use? 2.Do you have a large die collection and pick based on color or some other element that you relate to the character?
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() 3. Does Desna hold any particular interest in redeeming/saving changlings (specifically night hag descended changlings from their fate? It seems she may have a strong interest here.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() 3. Does Desna hold any particular interest in redeeming/saving changlings (specifically night hag descended changlings from their fate? It seems she may have a strong interest here.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() 1.Does Iomedae know how Aroden died or did she inherit his domains via a mysterious "call"?
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
![]() Are there any planes of existence where time moves significantly faster? For example, is there a place a high level eccentric elven mage (with access to gate) could hunker down an train an elf child to maturity while only 1-3 years passed on Golarion? (It seems like the First World might be a likely candidate and if I recall correctly the artifact Kakishon from Legacy of Fire would also serve this purpose)