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James Jacobs wrote:Kaiju are more about the folly of humanity rather than the wrath of the gods.History shows again and again/ How nature points out the folly of men
Are you a fan of the Blue Oyster Cult song "Godzilla?"
(I think it's kitchty, but kinda dig it!)
I"m not a fan, no.

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Is there currently a class (archetype) that’s basically Power Rangers, or future plans for a class that is so? I’d really love the idea of basically being a vigilante who when the battle calls for it, hops in a construct that is huge sized or something. Even better if there are teamwork feats or a class feature for the class that let multiple members of this class combine their constructs for a stronger and larger construct.
No plans, since a Power Ranger type character is inappropriate in its power to be merely an archetype. It'd probably need to be a mythic something.
Furhtermore, the Power Rangers model of kaiju stuff (a bunch of people getting into big robots or whatever) is my LEAST faborite model of kaiju movies. It's why I was so disappointed in Pacific Rim. If that movie had had only ONE giant robot against ONE or a few more kaiju I would have liked it much better.
Put more succinctly, I like Ultraman, but do not like Power Rangers.

Brondy |

Is it possible to get a flanking bonus if an enemy has a total concealment towards the ally on my opposite border? To clarify, in this case, the source of concealment is an illusory wall beteewn my ally and the enemy.
Fundamentally, Total Concealment allows the possibility of being flanked?
Another thing, is there a difference when it speaks to threatening the "square" and threatening the "creature"? The paragraph that speaks of "Flanking" seems to refer to the creature and not to the square.

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Is it possible to get a flanking bonus if an enemy has a total concealment towards the ally on my opposite border? To clarify, in this case, the source of concealment is an illusory wall beteewn my ally and the enemy.
Fundamentally, Total Concealment allows the possibility of being flanked?
Another thing, is there a difference when it speaks to threatening the "square" and threatening the "creature"? The paragraph that speaks of "Flanking" seems to refer to the creature and not to the square.
Rules questions need to be asked in the rules forums.

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If a player in your game asked for advice on how to play Batman, how would you go about it? It doesn’t have to be at the same level of power as Batman, but it also has to be believable as Batman. This means no spellcasting of any kind, and has to stay true to the no killing rule.

Reksew_Trebla |
What was the inspiration behind the Mythic Vampire? It reminds me a lot of Vampire Batman, what with the bat wings it gets (though it is my personal belief that Batman got those wings from also being a werebat, since he developed them before Dracula bit him, from another vampire giving Batman power, and in the story, it was revealed that a vampire in animal form biting you turns you into a were your spirit animal here).

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What was the inspiration behind the Mythic Vampire? It reminds me a lot of Vampire Batman, what with the bat wings it gets (though it is my personal belief that Batman got those wings from also being a werebat, since he developed them before Dracula bit him, from another vampire giving Batman power, and in the story, it was revealed that a vampire in animal form biting you turns you into a were your spirit animal here).
The design team did all the mythic monsters in that book. I don't know if there was any specific inspiration for it, as a result; you'd have to ask them.
Personally, I think that Batman is exactly the wrong type of inspiration or flavor for a vampire; he's in the wrong genre.

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Hey, James. Since you guys don’t appear to have any sources saying chitin armor is a thing, what kind of armor could one make out of the carapace of a giant beetle or exoskeleton of a massive vermin. It couldn’t be hide, could it? Bone? Something else?
Why couldn't it be hide? That's what I would use for it.

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kevin_video wrote:Hey, James. Since you guys don’t appear to have any sources saying chitin armor is a thing, what kind of armor could one make out of the carapace of a giant beetle or exoskeleton of a massive vermin. It couldn’t be hide, could it? Bone? Something else?Why couldn't it be hide? That's what I would use for it.
Fair enough. I always considered hide to be of thicker texture used taken from a yeti or bear than carapace. Good to know.

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Are interested in seeing the movie Annihilation(2018) and have you read the book it is based on?
I've red the Southern Reach trilogy; it's astoundingly awesome! I've been eagerly anticipating the movie for well over a year now. Looking very much forward to it; the trailers so far look pretty promising!

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So the book series is a trilogy, do you think(know if) the movie version is just covering one book or trying to condense 2-3 books it into one movie?
My understanding is that the movie is adapting the first book. The trailer and teaser both seem to support that.
I certainly HOPE they're not trying to condense all three into one movie. The last time someone did that resulted in The Dark Tower which is my 2nd-most disappointing movie experience of all time.

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If the Last Jedi isn't truly the last of the Jedi, do you think that we'll finally get a Dino-Jedi, Mister Jacobs?
All I know is that I want a Star Wars movie that's rated R and is directed by David Cronenberg, David Fincher, John Carpenter, Guillarmo del Toro, or someone like that.

AlgaeNymph |

[...]SO toxic, with SO much caustic self-entitlement from gamers, that I have no interest in wading in there and becoming a public punching bag. No thanks. Sometimes fans ruin things they say they love, and that's another reality of working on something for publication, as frustrating and sad as it is.
No plans for new "Empyreal Lords" to come out anytime soon.
Which reminds me, have I come across as toxic when I expressed my complaints and concerns?
A follow-up question, if I may. Does the general toxic environment of the Web make you less receptive to criticism in general?

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James Jacobs wrote:[...]SO toxic, with SO much caustic self-entitlement from gamers, that I have no interest in wading in there and becoming a public punching bag. No thanks. Sometimes fans ruin things they say they love, and that's another reality of working on something for publication, as frustrating and sad as it is.
No plans for new "Empyreal Lords" to come out anytime soon.
Which reminds me, have I come across as toxic when I expressed my complaints and concerns?
** spoiler omitted **
A follow-up question, if I may. Does the general toxic environment of the Web make you less receptive to criticism in general?
I didn't read that post of yours so I don't know.
And yes, the toxic environment of the internet makes me less receptive to ANY interaction with others, both online and off, be it criticism or compliment. It just makes my natural introvert characteristics take over and makes me hole up.

Black Dougal |

Would you prefer to eat a Mcdonalds McChicken sandwich or a Wendy's Chicken Breast sandwich?
here in Vancouver Mcdonalds has raised the prices of all their burgers by 50 cents recently, which has created the insane situation where the Mcchicken is more expensive than a Wendys chicken burger.
Personally, I think its a sign to sell Mcdonalds stock.

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Would you prefer to eat a Mcdonalds McChicken sandwich or a Wendy's Chicken Breast sandwich?
here in Vancouver Mcdonalds has raised the prices of all their burgers by 50 cents recently, which has created the insane situation where the Mcchicken is more expensive than a Wendys chicken burger.
Personally, I think its a sign to sell Mcdonalds stock.
Wendy's gave me food poisoning a few decades ago... but I'd still prefer to eat food from Wendy's than from McDonald's. But THAT SAID I'd rather skip a meal entirely; I don't really do fast food anymore and I don't really miss it at all.

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Ral' Yareth |

Hi James, how are you?
1) Do you still answer questions regarding the RAI of rules and options you've designed yourself?
2)I've recently found the runeguard prestige class and I am in love with it. Can I hope to see more about the organization itself and any relationship that Soralyon may or may not have with ancient Thassilon, in the future?

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James Jacobs wrote:Personally, I think that Batman is exactly the wrong type of inspiration or flavor for a vampire; he's in the wrong genre.Read this.
A: that wasn't a question, and...
B: my taste in comics is not Batman.
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How do you feel about stories where everyone, or near everyone, has the same power, but it manifests differently from one person to the next? Specific examples, Semblances from RWBY, Zanpakuto from Bleach, the Patronus spell from Harry Potter, the Mutant Gene in Marvel Comics.
Doesn't sound like horror to me, so I'll pass.

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Hi James, how are you?
1) Do you still answer questions regarding the RAI of rules and options you've designed yourself?
2)I've recently found the runeguard prestige class and I am in love with it. Can I hope to see more about the organization itself and any relationship that Soralyon may or may not have with ancient Thassilon, in the future?
1) Depends entirely on the situation, the timing, and the vibe I get from the way the question is asked.
2) Probably not. We'll see though.

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have you seen Justice League yet? If so, what do you think about it?
I have seen it. It was pretty formulaic, cliched, and mediocre overall. The Wonder Woman parts were great. Aquaman was cool. The rest was just sound and thunder and empty spectacle that didn't really set itself apart from the mediocrity of superhero movie standards. Which is a step up from something like Batman vs. Superman, which set itself apart from the mediocrity by being so awful!


Potato disciple wrote:have you seen Justice League yet? If so, what do you think about it?I have seen it. It was pretty formulaic, cliched, and mediocre overall. The Wonder Woman parts were great. Aquaman was cool. The rest was just sound and thunder and empty spectacle that didn't really set itself apart from the mediocrity of superhero movie standards. Which is a step up from something like Batman vs. Superman, which set itself apart from the mediocrity by being so awful!

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James Jacobs wrote:Would you agree with this?Potato disciple wrote:have you seen Justice League yet? If so, what do you think about it?I have seen it. It was pretty formulaic, cliched, and mediocre overall. The Wonder Woman parts were great. Aquaman was cool. The rest was just sound and thunder and empty spectacle that didn't really set itself apart from the mediocrity of superhero movie standards. Which is a step up from something like Batman vs. Superman, which set itself apart from the mediocrity by being so awful!
No, because Thanos is kinda boring to me. The Netflix shows have the interesting Marvel bad guys these days.

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Since the First World was a created major plane, does that mean that there could be more major planes? Or perhaps more to be discovered?
All of the planes were created. The First World is not special there. There's enough room in the Great Beyond for MANY more planes awaiting discovery.

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James Jacobs wrote:What are your thoughts on porgs?Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Have you gotten a chance to see the new Star Wars movie?Yes.
Seems like a pretty obvious merchandising ploy to sell toys, but that's kinda what all of Star Wars has been for decades, so I'm pretty ambivalent toward them.