The Next Poster...

Forum Games

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You take one 5 million year long nap, and people think that you're dead or missing! Honestly, people these days!

The next poster is a literal poster on the wall.

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I may be two dimensional, but you wouldn't believe the things a sentient poster sees while on Katie Perry's bedroom wall, WHOOO BOY!

The next poster extends into the 4th dimension.

...And I know what you did next Summer.

The next poster has always been, and alway shall be GM_Beernorg's fiend.

Define the word "friend".

The next poster has a seti eel in his ear.


((Note, I said "fiend" not "friend"))


Scarab Sages

I'll send a Yeerk in after it!

The next poster will describe the Thunderdome-like showdown now taking place within KahnyaGnorc's skull.

Sovereign Court

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The yeerk has got the seti eel in a half nelson!

*Watches a bit more.*

Now it's got the eel in a FULL nelson!

*Watches yet even more, before clutching the sports commentator's hat being worn.*

Oh no! It's the dreaded OZZY NELSON!!!

*GoatToucher briefly watches from his workroom and says "Rick, boys, you better come see what's happening".*

The eel is up, now it's down and I'm actually INSIDE KahnyaGnorc, we'll be right back after these messages!

Next poster, please play the first advertisement message.

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A collage of images showing a happy family standing around a computer, looking at the workbench of the newest version of Windows. Music of inoffensive tones ensues. A deep voice, full of confidence, speaks:

"Windows 10. When you CARE about SECURITY, TRUST, HAPPINESS, JUSTICE, TRUTH, GOD, and AMERICA. And about your FAMILY. We certainly are not selling any of your information to anyone, and it is not to get more of that information that it's important to us that you upgrade TODAY."

"Windows 10. It does everything Windows 8 did. And it has a new startup jingle!"

Back to the battle!

The feed from the battle has been severed, but the next poster has clairvoyance (and Clair Danes), so said poster can still give us play-by-play.

Dark Archive

They...are...circling around one another within KahnyaGnorc's brain-*gasp* and now they're shooting one another with nano-phasers...but neither is hitting, since they're both hiding behind opposite sides of KahnyaGnorc's parietal lobe...but what's this? The Seti eel is sneaking up on the stubbier Yeerk with the back of its tail...and it inserts itself into the synapse just above the Yeerk's antennae AND IT IS GIVING KAHNYAGNORC A GRAND MAL SEIZURE AND ELECTROCUTING THE YEERK IN THE PROCESS...oh, but then the Dying Yeerk turns around and gives the Seti eel a spiteful Kiss of Revolting Alien Acid-Microbe Death before collapsing to powder! What a show!!! Now then, Ms. Danes, where were we...?

*cut to Clair Danes, dressed in an inside-out Umayyad Caliphate-period royal dress, gagged by way of a first-edition PalmPilot jammed in her mouth, and bound with cypress-wood chains to the surface of a cyclopean emerald altar, while Skiron stands over her with a sacrificial obsidian bread fork*

The next poster will suggest what boon I should request of Great Yog-Sothoth for in exchange for Clair Danes! Hahahahahahahahaha...!

I'd say offering Clair Danes would do it.

The next poster is the world's lamest superhero.

Who you calling superhero and being ironic? Eh? I will have you know I killed fifty men in the Great War! Funny about that... Let's see now, we were in, um, somewhere in Alabama, fighting hard against the... *headscratch* the thugees, and... um. Did you know I won the state lottry once?

The next poster didn't.

Of course not! No states for us! However, I am the holder of the Alderman Slackthwaite Memorial Urn, awarded for sprotsmanship in Non-League Murglethigh.

The next poster was Alderman Slackthwaite, until the incident


Et Tu, Brute?

Next Poster: What Can Change the Nature of a Man?

A baleful polymorph spell?

The next poster will never tell.

I'll never tell my inseam... You'll have to measure it yourself.

The next poster is a tight fit.

I took it with me to my grave.

The next poster likes to pull the scabs off old wounds.

How else are you going to get them to heal properly.

The next poster told their wife what they did in Vegas.

Yeah, lost all our money, and ran up a $1,234.97 tab at the rooms mini bar

The next poster has mastered the unreadable poker face.

There's no thing as too much Botox!

The next poster's skincare regime is truly legendary.

Sure is.

Those who done particular crimes, get the lava or roast skin treatment.
Very painful, but they won die of it.

The next poster has witnessed this and was horrified of the sight.

I filmed it and gave it to Pulg.
The next poster is transported back in time, to a time machine that transports them forward in time, to the time machine that sent them back, and so on and so on

Scarab Sages



Hey! Now I actually 'get' the lyrics to Angela Lansbury's number in Beauty and the Beast!

The next poster has live sea anemones growing down their arms and legs.

Yarr when you've gone to visit davey jones you tend to gather friends.

The next poster wears ninja clothes to work.

I do, and you can no longer see me, plus my black shinobi shozoko still passes our corporate dress code.

The next poster is the last dragon, and has the power!

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The next poster gots The Glow!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Who's the Master? I AM

The next poster knows what to do with a lady and a paintbrush

Yep, give her the paintbrush and let her paint the room the color she wants.

The next poster has a map with an X on it.

Yeah. It would be marginally more helpful if there was anything OTHER than the X on it.

The next poster steals my map for a nefarious purpose!

Sovereign Court

Indeed, the look on a person's face when they see a map or other useful document get used like a tissue is priceless enough, so if I give the document to GoatToucher the look will be even better.

The next poster, has got, the look!

Indeed. This is the look.

The next poster is a mean one.

*kicks virtual puppies and kittens*

The next poster lived to tell about . . . It.

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My actual cousin, and very, very dear to me.

The next poster knows what happens when Uncle Fester takes his overcoat off.

Scarab Sages

It's like the most messed-up hentai you've ever seen, but entirely platonic. I'm sorry, but that's the best I can explain it.

The next poster just recently found Mickey Mouse's shirt and Donald Duck's pants, which they'd lost and given up on finding 80 years ago!

Liberty's Edge

Found them in the back of a WAFFLE HOUSE! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!




Indeed. I will do such wonderful things with those that prefer waffles.

The next poster will suggest what flavor syrup to use in this endeavor.

Goat and clover flavored syrup of course, it is the only kind GoatToucher Brand corp makes, though the secret ingredient will remain, errrr, very secret, very, very, very secret....

The next poster, alas, does know what the secret ingredient in GoatToucher Brand Goat and Clover syrup is, and has suffered for it.

The ingredient is <CENSORED>.

The next poster took the <CENSORED> <CENSORED> and put it in the <CENSORED>, the combined concoction can <CENSORED> the whole world, if not universe.

And that, children, is how Pulglings are made!

The next person took a stork and put it under a gooseberry bush and will tell us what happened as a result.

Sovereign Court

The stork suficated of course! I also ate one of the gooseberries and had an allergic reaction.

The next poster only asks two questions: "what are we dealing with?" and "how do I kill it?"

Yet, you never answer :(

The next poster rules all he can graze upon.

All fear Ventnor, King of Doritos, Chex Mix, and Cocktail Shrimp! But not walnuts, can't stand them.

The next poster sweats a little more profusely than they are comfortable with.

Poog eat chicken wing too spicey.....ugh. Poog now sweat off healthy dirt...NOO!!!

Next pozter be plotting the fall of the Kremlin.



*looks from man to pig, then from pig to man, then from pig and man to Putin*
Which one is which?

Whoever's out there: Can Entropy be inverted?

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The next poster is in charge of the above redactions.

Yes. I want the <REDACTED>'s to go gang up on KahnyaGnorc.

The next poster is in charge of defending KahnyaGnorc

Dark Archive

"Defending?" Defending, oh, yes! It's like killing, only with an excuse the sheep respond quite well to! Ahahahahahahaha....

The next poster has the very special opportunity to suggest just what manner of nightmare entity I should bid descend into the waking world to assist me in dispos- uh, *defending* KahnyaGnorc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, something friendly that couldn't hurt anyone, of course. How about the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man? No way that could go wrong!

The next poster wants to change the subject.

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