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Name Violation wrote:I think the contents of this thread are reason enough why there isn't one. :)We have headband/helm, eye, throat, shoulders, body, cloak/armor, belt, boot, and 2 ring slots, but why no legs slot? is everyone runnin around like in reign the conqueror and 300 with speedo's on? where are magical pants and a pants/legs slot?
My Horny Helm says it's not limited to magical pants...

Laurefindel |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pants are already a very powerful magic item in itself: regardless what happens to you, your pants have the property to remain intact (at least above the knees).
You can expend like Hulk or a werewolf and all your clothes are going to burst out the seems, except for the pants...
You can get disintegrated multiple times but as long as you are not a pile of dust yourself, your pants will still be there.
Fall in lava and even your magical sword may melt. Fortunately, your pants are magically fire-proof.
Unlike underpants however, your pants may get slightly frayed, discolored or get a bit smokey... That's why true heroes like batman and superman wear their underpants OVER their pants...
Obviously, some settle for tights instead; a wise middle-ground according to robin hood and the catwoman.

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I'm reminded of my character that had some spells permanency'd onto his clothes (which were not normally subject to permanency); with Mending, Prestidigitation and Endure Elements, I was able to create:
The Self-Cleaning, Self-Repairing, Climate-Immune Leisure Suit.
If you feel your pants slot is going to waste, get creative! Use that slot for a bit of flavor-and just a touch of legitimate in-game usefulness!

Ravingdork |

Well, I don't think they were ever fully stated up, but Elminster had magic undergarments of some kind in Elminster in Hell. The book never said what they were, just that they were, indeed, magical.
So THAT'S what we never read about him ever going to the bathroom! The magical undergarments likely took care of everything!

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KnightErrantJR wrote:Well, I don't think they were ever fully stated up, but Elminster had magic undergarments of some kind in Elminster in Hell. The book never said what they were, just that they were, indeed, magical.So THAT'S what we never read about him ever going to the bathroom! The magical undergarments likely took care of everything!
The one time I read that book I was under the impression he really wasn't wearing anything once he fell burning through the sky. Hell his hat even burned up. And considering the number of times he was emasculated, I don't think he would've been able to keep any pants on anyway.

Shadowborn |

Pants of Truth A cursed pair of pants. When worn, any verbal deception on the part of the wearer causes the pants to ignite, causing 1d6 points of fire damage plus a burn effect, causing the wearer to incur another 1d6 points of damage every round until the truth is told, or the wearer makes a Reflex save DC15 to extinguish the flames.

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Ya know, as far as I can tell, there's nothing in the RAW that prevents you from doing this. It doesn't say anything about NEEDING to be restricted. In fact, there are specific magic items which state that they are not counted towards the maximum number of magic items one can wear.
In fact, under the Magic Item Creation table, there is a category for items that do not have a space limitation. Seems like that'd work just fine.
That said...
Pants of Arrow Deflection
Pants of Holding
Pants of Enlarge... Person...

Zog of Deadwood |

Werecorpse wrote:Pants that grant +2 enhancement bonus to Int. SmartypantsI was going to propose Fancy Pants of Charisma +2.
You can't just allude without linking. That's not kosher.

Jaçinto |
Back when I as still playing AD&D and had not tried 3.0 yet, I thought up Bill's Pants of Holding based on Bill from The Red Green Show. Coveralls that bend the dimension rules for sizes of things you can put in, mainly cause I saw Bill pull a wheelbarrow out of there once. The rule was, you have to pull out several objects you believed useless to your immediate situation before you get to the one you wanted.

revaar |

Mothman wrote:I find your lack of pants disturbing.Yay for Star Wars pants-jokes!
Yoda: I cannot teach this boy, he has no pants...
Lando: Han will get those pants down, we gotta give him time!
Emperor: There is a disturbance in the pants.
Vader: I have felt it, my master.:D
Han: Chewie and I haven gotten into pant much more heavily guarded than this!
Yoda: Lost his pants, Master Obi Wan has. How embarrassing.
And of course:
Obi Wan: Use the pants, Luke!

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Laithoron wrote:Mothman wrote:I find your lack of pants disturbing.Yay for Star Wars pants-jokes!
Yoda: I cannot teach this boy, he has no pants...
Lando: Han will get those pants down, we gotta give him time!
Emperor: There is a disturbance in the pants.
Vader: I have felt it, my master.:D
Han: Chewie and I haven gotten into pant much more heavily guarded than this!
Yoda: Lost his pants, Master Obi Wan has. How embarrassing.
And of course:
Obi Wan: Use the pants, Luke!
We're entering the pants and making our final attack run.

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We have headband/helm, eye, throat, shoulders, body, cloak/armor, belt, boot, and 2 ring slots, but why no legs slot? is everyone runnin around like in reign the conqueror and 300 with speedo's on? where are magical pants and a pants/legs slot?
Headband? I have a loincloth of alluring charisma that just so happens to occupy the same slot.

Geistlinger |

revaar wrote:We're entering the pants and making our final attack run.Laithoron wrote:Mothman wrote:I find your lack of pants disturbing.Yay for Star Wars pants-jokes!
Yoda: I cannot teach this boy, he has no pants...
Lando: Han will get those pants down, we gotta give him time!
Emperor: There is a disturbance in the pants.
Vader: I have felt it, my master.:D
Han: Chewie and I haven gotten into pant much more heavily guarded than this!
Yoda: Lost his pants, Master Obi Wan has. How embarrassing.
And of course:
Obi Wan: Use the pants, Luke!
Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your pants.

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I'm trying hard to think of an enchantment that could be invested in a pair of chaps, slacks, dungarees, corduroys, pantaloons, leggings, trousers or bell-bottoms that is neither A) too pragmatic and/or solemn to be associated with these vaguely comical garments, nor B) too comical and/or prurient to disrupt suspension of disbelief.
I got nothin'.

Loren Pechtel |
What's this with parachute pants???
Parachute skirts.
Or, for the males, parachute kilts.
And how about the el-cheapo version:
Skirt of feather falling:
Cost: 200gp.
When a character wearing a skirt of feather falling falls far enough that they would take damage the skirt will billow and be ripped off by the wind. In doing so the character will be slowed enough so as to not take damage no matter what the fall. The skirt lands at a location of d360 degrees, d% * fall distance/200 from where the character lands, offset fall distance * prevailing wind speed/100 (note that the wind speed in the air is often not the same as the wind speed on the ground).
The skirt is not harmed in the process although it's subject to the normal environmental hazards of wherever it might land and there's no guarantee it lands in an accessible place (if you fall off a cliff it very well might end up caught on some projection on the cliff.)
(As for the pricing logic here--single use items are normally 1% of the price of an at-will item. This is an at-will item but it must be recovered each time and sometimes won't be recoverable so I took a midrange value on a log scale.)

Jeven |
Leggings of the Steed - you can transform your lower body into a horse, gaining the movement speed of a centaur and able to carry a rider.
Leggings of the Sea - gives you the lower body of a fish, swim as a merman.
Skirt of Razors - a dervish skirt that give you a slashing pirouette attack.
Codpiece of Lust - summons a succubus.