Who are your Kingmakers?


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thenovalord wrote:

nice that your party of 'goodly chaos warriors', can have as much success as my groups 'neutral arcane law-bringers'

think that shows the strength of the mod.

Agreed. While I usually run more of a "we're the good guys! Save the world!" kinda game, it's nice to have the uh... moral flexibility in this one. Fits well with the gritty frontier feel.

Dark Archive

thenovalord wrote:
scottybomb wrote:

I think this may very well be my first post on the message boards.

Just started running Kingmaker - the first Pathfinder adventure path I've run with some friends. We've played a few sessions and, so far, it's been lots of fun. I have a party of 5 misfit, would-be explorers who will one day be among the most influential and respected people in the region. But today, they're virtually unknown.


glad you are having fun

nice that your party of 'goodly chaos warriors', can have as much success as my groups 'neutral arcane law-bringers'

think that shows the strength of the mod.

Yeah, I was fairly open with what my characters could make, and they all naturally gravitated toward a good-aligned, fairly martial party.

I've been reading some of the other threads and am interested in how your party is faring, by the way. Their approach is very different than my party's, but seems to be just as effective.


Finalized group, as of session numero uno...

July 4, 2010.

Session 1 of Kingmaker.


Ganon “Villain” Malfoy: Lawful Neutral Male Human Sorcerer (Infernal)

Rilani Astin: Lawful Evil Female Human Cavalier (Cockatrice)

Artemis Gayle: Lawful Neutral Female Elf Druid (Plant Domain / Erastil)

Trixie Link Bootshiner Bushwacker Puffwuffle: Chaotic Neutral Female Gnome Barbarian

Captain HM “Flyin' Mad” Murdock, aka Wilfred von Humplestink III, Esq. nee Levela: Chaotic Evil Male Gnome Summoner, with “Foo-Foo” the Saber-tooth Moose Lion Eidolon

Altrum Vicis: Lawful Neutral Male Half-Orc Oracle of Bones

Just started running this campaign last night as well. I only have two players, so we're trying gestalt characters. So far it has kept the game on track while adding some excitement and suspense (since the players don't really know what their characters are capable of surviving yet).


Krusk Bronzebeard, LN Male Dwarf Monk 1/Cleric 1 (Irori)

Silverleaf, NG Female Ranger 1/Druid 1 (Weather Domain/Green Faith)

In choosing a deity for Silverleaf, we read through the section on Erastil in the adventure guide, and we were dismayed by the god's androcentrism. We decided that she'd been raised under Erastil, but gravitated to the Green Faith after confronting the priests on their patriarchal assumptions.

The first game was a smash. They scraped by at the Trading Post, and then rode straight out to reconnoitre the camp (without resting for spells). We ended on a cliffhanger (DMs: do this more often!), with the two of them split up in the forest and fleeing from an indeterminate number of bandits.

Started my game yesterday night with 6 players. I'm gonna be running two PC groups, the first one is on the Neutral/Good scale while the second will be more Neutral with a few Lawful evils.

Group #1

Alee Half-elf Paladin of Erastil(Sword Scion) LG - Orphaned and brought up by the swordlords of Restov.

Gortek Dwarf Barbarian(Brigand) CN - Former brigand looking to change his old ways

Nestor Halfling Bard(Sword Scion)CG - Fled a swordlord of Restov school to fulfill his wandering nature.

Hubert Halfling Ranger(Pioneer) NG - Pioneer, cartographer and a good competition for the bard in the never-stop-talking field.

Malazar Half-elf Fighter(Bastard)NG - Exiled bastard child turned guide and brilliant archer

Artuk Half-orc Sorcerer Red-Dragon(Noble born Lebeda) CN - Big game hunter and strength of nature

Just reached 2nd level in kingmaker woot!

Sanya, female ELf Alchemist 2 ln (twin sister of esmerelda)
Esmerelda, female Elf Witch 2 (twin sister of sanya)
Soanso, male Elf Wizard 1/ Ranger 1 (cousin to the twins)
Beetle, male Elf Bard
Barker, male 1/2 Elf Fighter 2
Shanequa, female 1/2 Elf Paladin

Turned out to be a pretty balanced group. All we're missing is a rogue and apparently the paladin is going to multi-class into rogue. The fighter is going to take some levels of barbarian as well.

We've got a good range of skills, multiple healers and casters, good mixed or range and melee. At first I didn't think we were that well balanced but It's looking pretty good now.

Note on Alchemist: Since it's new thought I'd share my experience. I took Martial Weapon Proficiency: Great Sword, as my 1st level feat. The idea was once I was out of bombs or an enemy got tired of being hit with them, i'd have a nice big sword to use. However I constantly end up in melee and having a mediocre AC:16 and not that many HP:10 I have shifted away from bombs and more towards melee. The 1st round I usually drink my Shield Extract and on the 2nd round I drink my mutagen. At that point my AC:22 is the best in the group. My strength increases to an 18, also highest in the group and its time to kick ass. Have been fortunate enough to land some crits and the damage is excellent. At second level after much thought I took feral mutagen and use a full attack action to swing with the great sword and then bite.

Scarab Sages

our group is a little small right now. I'm not sure if we'll have the major npc's rotate in and out to keep them at 4, stay with three, or add a 'DM Drone' character.

half elf bard 3 building toward arcane arhcer.

human fighter 1/wizard 2 building toward eldritch knight

human druid 3 with a deinychous companion.

all three are decent fighters and casters, so versatility has not been a problem. They had a couple of rough spots so far, but managed to pull through. They're aiming for the Stag Lord this week. We'll see how that goes for them.

My 2nd Group made characters last night.

Halfling Bard
Gnome Druid (Ranged)
Human Ranger (Ranged, wants to use Guns)
Elf Ranger (2 weapon fighting)
Dwarf Monk (AC Junkie, with 19ac at level 1)

As we are playing with just 2-3 PCs at a time, so we houseruled a level of an NPC class for minor buffing and background at the beginning:

Anthea (CG female elf sorcerer 1/warrior 1) feyblooded Forlorn and former bandit from the River Kingdoms.
Mediathas (LG male half-elf aristocrat 1/paladin 1) an adopted son of House Medvyed and pioneer totally devoted to Old Deadeye.
Tarjan (NG male human expert 1/ranger 1) son of a bounty hunter and sword scion from the southern border lands around Restov.
Tsadok (NG male half-orc druid 1/warrior 1) son of a Tymonian gladiator and pioneer from the lands of House Medvyed.

Dark Archive

Group of 5 starting Wednesday night:
Azgrim Voldrake (LN) – Dwarven Monk originally from Restov, but now calls a small monastery on the peak on Mt. Branthlend in the Stolen Lands his home.
Mathim Zillean (LN) – Disciple of Zon-Kuthon (Tiefling Inquisitor) who means to administer his own brand of justice in the Stolen Lands.
Bothmere (LN) - Short but stocky warrior (Human Fighter) from the Temple of Zon-Kuthon who was directed to accompany Mathim as protector.
Divinitia du Infini (N) – Elf Diviner, advanced in age, who hopes to find evidence of Brevic elvish ancestry in the Stolen Lands.
Tremain Maraisreq (CG) – A Tiefling Rogue hailing from Westcrown, the former capitol of infernal Cheliax, his previous profession makes him perfect for dealing with bandits and other miscreants.

Eska (LN) A druid "wave mistress" who believes in taming the wilds to make them work for you and safe exploitation of nature.
Aris Fairhand (LN) A dwarf inquisitor who is trying to bring law to the savage lands while dealing with issues of trust.
Patterson (CN) An Oracle of Lore who knows nothing about the gods. He started getting auguries on what to do and is following them blindly. He used to be a lookout for one of the gangs in Restov, and left with some of their loot.
Jared (LN) A tiefling minor noble who trained at an Aldori swordschool. He is also a member of one of 3 criminal organizations I put in Restov.
Anatol Garres A fighter of a major noble house, who has yet to reveal his lineage to the others. He wants to make his own way, not relying on his family. He is so far down the line of succession he needs to do it anyway.

Jaques, nobleman and jack-of-trades. "Leader" of the party who was sent by his father because the man likes his older brother better. Ouch.

Bedro, Paladin with issues

Bertrand, archer with a knack for bad rolls

Adamo, Half-elf rogue and comic relief

I'm currently running Kingmaker converted to my own system as a bèta test, but it's way fun.
They just arrived @ Oleg's and actually decided to help the poor couple against the bandits (having a paladin in the party sure helps, the others were conspiracing to just claim the trading post as a base for themselves). Next session the bandits will arrive...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My group is gonna start up Kingmaker in a few weeks and my GM is pretty excited, he's gotten to make our characters already. We have:

Alezandru Romoz - A Varisian swashbuckler looking for adventure and excitement taming the wilds.

Ridstrum Milinari - A jerk wizard (possibly with a heart of gold)

Sister Phaedral of house Orlovsky - A half-elf priestess of Calistria

Kolnirr Drakenborn - A veteran Cavalier

Drendas Freeborn - An Andoran born half-elf archer

Avshar Xin al-Kavass - Bastard son of House Kavass, monk.

My Kingmaker group (starts next Monday!):

Svetlana Restovich (NG) female aasimar druid (bear pet). A pioneer of southern Brevoy and adherent of the Green Faith, she wants to reclaim lands once owned by her family.
Ashab Zauzg Orlovsky (LN) male half-orc monk. His father--a particularly intelligent and less-evil orc, banished from Belkzen--was adopted into House Orlovsky; he prevented an assassination attempt against a minor noble and was given the hand of said minor noble's eldest (and least desirable) daughter, who birthed Ashab. A skilled calligrapher and scribe, he plans to chronicle the party's exploits and map their progress.
Caelash Arideth (CG) male elf fighter. Issian-born and full of wanderlust, he travels into the Stolen Lands to investigate rumors of ancient elven ruins and perhaps find his roots.
Alana (CN) female half-elf sorcerer (Abyssal bloodline). Originally from the River Kingdoms, she fell in with brigands at a young age, used her natural charm to rise to a leadership role, and fleeced her compatriots after a particularly profitable robbery. She is now on the run from her old associates; exploring the Stolen Lands is as good a place to hide as any. She is amused that she's doing this venture in an "official capacity".

...And me, as GM.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I'll be running the campaign in a few weeks, and this is my party so far:

Human Cavalier of the Star: A devotee of Erastil, he is taking advantage of the writ of exploration to find a new home for his extended family.

Human Fighter: A Brevoy noble who is bored with his station and purpose in life.

Half Elf Druid: The bastard son of a Brevoy noble and the former assistant of a Kyonin diplomat. After his mother's death, he was forced to return to Brevoy so that his father can insure that no embarassments happen.

Elf Summoner: The son of the Kyonin diplomat mentioned earlier, who has gone slightly native in Mwangi. He is tasked with keeping an eye on the son of his mother's departed assistant.

The troupe system sounds interesting, but I don't think I can handle something like that. However, after the party establishes their kingdom, I was going to have side groups or solo play; there are people on our gaming community's forum that want to play as well, so I figure that I could have fun with that.

Well we did session 1 and things went well thanks to our 1/2 orc barbarian and our alcoholic wizard. We were missing 2 more who might be regulars, but here's the group to date:

Lezeverin Bosh; Human Oracle 1/Paladin.... destined to greatness according to his parents, and his father who is a veteran oracle. They trained him for his rise to glory, hoping this sword scion knight "wanna be" might go find the family name a noble title. Will be primarily a mounted combatant soon... and possibly a king in time.

Denialator (run by my nine year old son); Half-Orc Barbarian 1/Cavalier... Good friends with Lezeverin for years, who is rubbing off on him about purity and wholeness, and likewise will become a mounted machine...

Elven Druid (name I can;t recall) w/ Tiger animal companion. Keeps us in line and alive--- our only real PC with any kind of Survival and woods/fey knowledge (the 1/2 orc is solid w/Survival as well). Will be delving into Wizard and Mystic Theurge...and his tiger helped take a lot of pressure of the other two frontlines.

Human Wizard (universal) who saved us a lot of headaches with color sprays...He loves staying at the supply fort and drinking, but we drag him onto horseback while he's sleeping to whisk him away with us...

The first session went great, considering we had no real ranged threats. In the end, evry one of the 4 PC's played an equally important part in our success which doesn;t happen all of the time in gaming sessions.

Hoping we will have our:
Dwarven Cleric (Destruction and War)and our Elven Ranger in the next session.

We had one fight become "all about light" which was a unique and fun battle. The 1/2 orc's ferocity ability saved us big-time, along with moving just outside of view and around the perimeter... We ran like babies at the place with antlers (not giving any spoilers here....) and what we found there.

Hello, new around here. I started Kingmaker with my group this week. First session was a smashing success: they smooshed the bandits at Oleg's and laid a heavy smackdown on the mites. We're a 5-man party, as follows:

Kheva Orlovsky (Male Human Fighter/Bard): exiled member of House Orlovsky of Brevoy; father was a famous skald. He's only a fighter at this moment, but will start alternative bard levels soon. He's planning on taking the arcane duelist alternate class features out of the APG. Likely candidate for the kingship. Neutral good.

Alexei Talovich (Male Human Sorcerer): Wealthy noble trained as a barrister and scribe, inherited his famous sister's massive crossbow. Devoted worshipper of Abadar. Uses a repeating heavy crossbow with trait "Heirloom weapon". Dragon bloodline. Lawful neutral.

Nikolai Belinov (Male Human Cleric of Erastil): Woodsy, survivalist priest focused on bow combat. Lawful good.

Czorum Raudansk (Male Half-elf Barbarian/rogue): Half-elven son of an elf lord who settled in Iobaria, then vanished, leaving him to be raised by barbarian tribesmen. Has fierce, cruel streak in him, and is sort of amoral. Plans to go into Assassin PrC around 7th level. Chaotic neutral.

Deletath Easton (Male Human Fighter): Sword scion student of the Aldori school who was unfairly disgraced and exiled from the school by a rival to his family. Master of aldori dueling blade. Lawful good.

Finished our second game with all of these guys (all male) still alive:

Leithbridge Gravenhurst: Human Fighter, Aldori Duelist wannabe/scord scion, ran from home to avoid joining the priesthood.
Ar'Cor Narliss: Elf Ranger (human), seeking word from family in the Stolen Lands.
Da'vica: Human Cleric of Desna, wandering glaive artist.
Yaril[b]: Human (Varisian) Druid, master of the weather.
[b]Mitrim Thumblefoot
: Halfling Jester, raised by gnomes.

Progressing Nicley....after session 16

Ruslana, human sorceror 7 (celestial), LN.

Zalathes, half elf druid 7 (erastil fan boy), NG + bear.

Morhirr, elf sorceror 4 (infernal), Ranger 2 (anti-fey), LE.

Alagastor, elf sorceror 5 (infernal), LE

Kjatana, human Fighter 3 / Rogue 3, TWF, LE

Ranulph, half elf rogue 2, Inquisitor 5, TWF, N

Cheqin, human bard 7, N

....where there is chaos we will bring order....

next session should the last one of RRR given the troll boss had a horrible fail with his necklace of fireballs

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

My Kingmakers keep dying. I am having a horrible turnaround. Of the original party who obtained the charter, only one PC remains.

We had to quit our last campaign (Curse of the Crimson Throne) due to player shortage and started KM with two PCs playing at one time most of the time. Suddenly all the old players came back and some new wanted to join! We had to drop our first houserule (a level of an NPC class for minor buffing and background at the beginning). Here is the update:

Anthea (CG female elf sorcerer 1) feyblooded forlorn and former bandit from the River Kingdoms.
Barek (CN male human rogue 1) former soldier and deserter from Brevoy who wants to start a new life in the Greenbelt.
Lilith (NG female gnome bard 2) obsessed by feathers and searching the Narlmarches for portals into the First World.
Mediathas (LG male half-elf paladin 3) an adopted son of House Medvyed and pioneer totally devoted to Old Deadeye.
Tarjan (LG male human ranger 2) son of a bounty hunter and sword scion from the southern border lands around Restov.
Teshk (?? male half-orc barbarian 1) a companion of Tsadok, sent for absent druid (currently GMing Stolen Land).
Tsadok (NG male half-orc druid 1) son of a Tymonian gladiator and pioneer from the lands of House Medvyed.

And we are still waiting for the right moment to introduce two maybe three more players to the game and our campaign.

The Exchange

I have started a web page for my group. Some place to keep information and events between sessions. Since we will only be meeting once every other month. I've used a lot of things people have posted on the messageboards. Thanks to all of them. Computer literacy is not my strong subject and it is always welcome and appreciated to have those who have taken the time to create beautiful posters, maps, and conversions and post them on the boards.

My Kingmaker campaign.

Right now the players are creating their characters and developing backgrounds. They have been emailing each other and I have taken what they have been emailing and placing it under "Our story thus far...". I hope to compile it into a better format to start the campaign.

Group 2 : Sprayin' Colors

Started my second group of PCs(same players) last weekend. Fun to see the differences in character portrayals and I think the players like the challenge.

Cornelius Old Dwarf Transmuter LE(Noble born Garess) - Prospector on a mission for GOLD.

Langdul Mordedel Elf Rogue LE (Noble born Surtova) - Sneaky, discreet, cursing in Sylvan when answering the pranks of feys and the leader of the group.

Marius the Scavenger Human Fighter (Brigand) LN - Disfigured, stoic and former and present-day executioner

Bronoche Medvyed Gnome Illusionist (Noble born Medvyed) CN - Wears a large hat,annoying, pedant but quite helpful so far, speak with animals and faking fey pranks amuses him.

Andular Half-Orc Monk (Pioneer) LN - Typical monk, bites down on the rope and swims to the other side of the river and enjoys it. Throws shurikens at owlbears.

Heins Human Cleric of Gorum(?) CN - Lets out a primal scream in the morning and wields a morning star for some reason.

We've Got,

Beth LN Human Cleric of Irori. (Possible Loremaster)
Mjoniir CN Elvan Sorcerer Aberent Bloodline (Planing to multiclass Oracle for a possible prestige class)
Signum LG Human Paladin of Iomodea
Uriel CG Human Rogue (planning to multiclass into Wizard for the Arcane Trickster)

First session went ok. I ran an on the road to Oleg's encounter to kill time for another player showed up. The encountered a hunter on his way to Oleg's checking over a wagon wreck hit by bandits. They also ran across some wild sheep and decided to take one down for food. This led to a fight with the ram that gave then a few scraps and bruises.
Finally at Oleg's took out the Lead Bandit and two mook's. The third escaped. They decided to rest 2 days then head out (The paladin and the sorc got hit pretty hard). The got to the bandit camp after 2 days and re-conned at night. They saw they were out gunned and have decided to head back to Oleg's. Thats all we've got so far. It should be interesting.

Started a few weeks ago. Here's our line-up:

LG Human Male Paladin of Erastil - pretty straightforward sword and board paladin
CG Human Male Cleric of Cayden Cailean - trying to optimize for healing and combat support
N Human Male Rogue - reformed bandit who goes by the name of "Dangle" because he was hanged once (it didn't take) and still has the neck scar to prove it
LG Dwarf Male Fighter - tactical leader of the party and hoping to optimize as high AC combat beast
CG Half-Elf Female Sorcerer - very high Charisma party face, with fire elemental bloodline
LN Dwarf Female Druid - has tiger animal companion, and is more of a caster than a combatant
CG Elf Female Ranger - archer build

The group has been pretty much breezing so far, throught the first three sessions, despite my ramping up the encounters to account for seven party members, pretty high ability scores (we roll and they averaged out to between a 25 and 30 point build for comparison purposes), and general tactical excellence and experience of the group (4 of them have been playing for 25 years +). No fatalities yet, and only a few times have characters been knocked unconscious. The combination of sleep spells from the sorcerer and entangles from the druid have made a lot of encounters pretty easy. So far the most trouble they have had is with a couple of stealthy monsters they have encountered randomly. They have discovered where the Stag Lord's fort is, and gathered a fair bit of info from captured bandits, but have wisely been holding off attacking there until they gain a little more seasoning. They should level after this week.

Liberty's Edge

Started last week! Been dying to run this and soon I'll be doing so for a second group as well. I'll post the second group when that starts. Here's the first:

Lillian - NG Female Tiefling Witch. Role-plays her 8 charisma by often saying personal thoughts out of context and not understanding the concept of personal space (sidling up on people, standing too close to people when she talks). Has a bat familiar.

Ystina - N Female Halfling Druid. Rides a giant frog. Simiple clothing and general unkempt appearance make determining her gender at a glance difficult. Despite her lack of overt social skills, her small size and androgynous appearance lead most people to find her cute and take a liking anyways.

Ysobaerd Surtova - LN Human Cavalier. Being fierce combatant on foot, an absolute terror while mounted, and possessing an inexplicably magnetic presence does little to cover Ysobaerd's prodigious buffoonery. Slightly delusional, he perceives himself nothing short of a paladin-level hero when in truth he is selfish, self-aggrandizing and a bit of an ass. He thinks the halfling is a "slightly touched" elven boy and declared her his squire. He is Order of the Cockatrice purely by his lack of self-awareness. Named his horse "Mother and Country". Despite this, he does posses a deranged sort of loyalty to his friends. His player's primary inspiration is John Cleese as Lancelot in "Holy Grail".

Ivellos - NG Half-Elf Fighter. Incredibly strong and tough, and somewhat quick and observant to boot. Likes falchions. Gets along with everyone, even Ysobaerd. General nice guy. NPC to fill the party out until our fourth player joins us, but may be taken over by a fifth group member.

Unnamed Orlovsky - NG Aasimar Fighter (Archer archetype). Fourth player due to be present next week. Character isn't quite fleshed out yet, but plans to play off of the inherent Surtova/Orlovsky tension often.

Liberty's Edge

My group's been playing for a couple months now, so I guess I ought to put them up here, too.

Saachi Medvyed, NG Female Half-Elf Oracle 2 (Battle) - Saachi grew up in the lap of luxury, her every need attended to, but never allowed to venture outside "for her safety." Her childhood was lonely, brightened only by the stories she read of great heroes from the past, and the training she forced herself to undertake to emulate them. Only years later did she learn that she had been secreted away not to protect her, but to protect her father's family name, which would be tarnished by public knowledge of her very existence, as he had another house and family she never knew about. A sweet, forthright, and completely guileless young woman, Saachi set forth not in bitterness, but with a true spirit of heroism in her heart, believing herself to be destined for greater things. Her willingness to disregard danger in the name of justice caught the attention of an agent of the swordlords, and her impassioned speeches and unintentionally alluring feminine charms caught the attention of Arturo and Kalen.

Arturo Logan, NG Male Human Sorcerer 2 (Arcane) - Artie comes from a family with a long and honored history of producing the best and brightest wizards. Unfortunately for him, he lacked the genius for arcane formulae required of him to excel in this field. Fortunately, though, his natural willpower allowed him to shape magic without study, and he quickly became quite adept at the art of lying and misdirection to conceal what he believes to be his great shame: he is no wizard. He set out for adventure to escape the strain of living a lie, and to make a name for himself, so that his family would have to accept him, despite being so flawed. Handsome, quick-witted, and compassionate, as well as not being nearly as stupid as he believes himself to be, Arturo has yet to realize that out in the River Kingdoms, few can even make the distinction between sorcerer and wizard, and fewer still would care. Is a compulsive liar that has told the party he is a wizard from "...a place."
Saachi: What?
Arturo: Aplace. Apalacia. It's where I'm from. You've never heard of it.
Saachi: That's...definitely true.

Kalen Cook, N Male Half-Elf Alchemist 2 - A bright, curious, and exceedingly intelligent young man who has always felt a bit out of place. (out of Apalacia?) Growing up at a slightly different rate than his human peers, he spent most of his time helping his mother cook and tend the garden at the inn; these "feminine" pursuits did not make him any more popular. A gnome alchemist was taken with Kalen's innovative use of spices and seasonings, and took him as an apprentice. Kalen has adopted the gnomish affectation of always having a project at hand to work on, and is looking forward to expanding Oleg's so he can sell more of his crafted goods to a wider market. Kalen shifts between being somewhat shy and awkward, to being offensively pragmatic, to being a creepy, catlike monster on the battlefield, playing with his prey, and burning his obstacles to the ground. This mutagen-induced shift does tend to unnerve his fellow party members. Kalen is (awkwardly, of course) pursuing Saachi's affections, though whether he is genuinely interested or simply wants her as a matter of supply and demand remains to be seen. He's quite the little economist...

Nico Friedmont, N Male Halfling Fighter 2 (Crossbowman) - A fierce and cocky "gunslinger" character. (Complete non sequitur: now I want to play a video game called "Halfling Fighter 2: Crossbowman") An ex-bandit who joined the group because, despite his gruff demeanor, he isn't a bad guy and didn't want all the inexperienced adventure-seekers to wander off to their swift and grisly deaths in the dangerous Greenbelt. This character fits almost perfectly into the campaign setting, faithfully following the Six River Freedoms, and maintaining a grudging devotion to Erastil, the deity his parents worshipped. Nico would probably still be a bandit if he hadn't attracted the attention of Dovan of Nisroch, who saw that he was more competent than the average bumbling mook, and started getting close to him. Nico wasn't sure if Dovan wanted him as an apprentice, lover, or next victim, and he certainly wasn't going to stick around long enough to find out.

I love love love my little party of adventurers! They find new ways to entertain and delight me each and every game session. The players all put considerable thought into their backstories, help manage the considerable workload of tracking campaign data, and just generally make running game something I get excited about, rather than making it feel like a chore. It's fun seeing the dyed-in-the-wool do-gooders clash with the entrepreneur and the ex-bandit, and listening to their zany dialogue as Saachi makes a dramatic speech ("Bandits! Your villainy cannot go unpunished! Please surrender now, or you will only know the mercy of justice in death!") or mutagen-Kalen smiles placidly and purrs, "Ohh...I LOVE it when they run..." or as Kalen and Arturo vie for Saachi's attention, and she remains naively oblivious to their intentions. Such a great AP! Such great characters! :)


Our first session will be next weekend and it looks like the party finally has a plan, although character names are still being selected and details fleshed out. Genders indicated are the character, not necessarily player.

Half-orc Druid, male - sort of a 'native guide' type, also influenced by Strider from LOTR

Gnome Ranger, female - archer and comic relief

Human Cleric of Iomedae, female - one beacon of goodness and valor, standard issue

Human Cavalier, Order of the Dragon, male - disenfranchised tertiary son of a minor Brevoy noble house out to seek his fortune. Focus on mounted combat

Elf Alchemist, male - not originally from Golarion, this character hails from an alternate world with low magic, but a focus on fantasy science, including alchemy and ritual magic. Dropped into Golarion 20 years ago by an unexplained accident, he has been studying to apply what he knows in this strange new world

My group is VERY excited at playing the Kingmaker campaign, but we are not big fans of any of the D&D rules systems so I have converted the campaign to the new Warhammer 3rd edition rules system. The Pathfinder setting remains the same except that I replace the Golarion gods with the Warhammer gods and the wizard's magic system (8 colleges) replaces arcane magic.

The conversion is ridiculously simple and with such strong world-building and story construction from Paizo we are eager to see how truly social characters (with very limited combat abilities) are able to shine as rulers and administrators of a Kingdom.

Our party consists of:

Human mercenary who is a wannabe sword scion of Restov

Human catburglar/street orphan who is fleeing Brevoy after having been framed for a murder

Wood Elf Amber Wizard (similar to a D&D/WoW druid) with oversized pointed ears which makes people think he has a Chaos mutation

High Elf Forger who is wealthy and used to hob-nobbing with the nobility until he got cuaght fabricating noble titles for teh Thief's Guild.

Our Kingmakers are an eclectic bunch.

Knu-Kyle-Ra, my Osirion Paladin of Abadar. He is an Osirion nobleman who is trying to carve out part of a new country with his cousin, a Cleric of Wadjet.

Our leader is a Half-Orc Bard named Carthage. He became our Baron and he has been extremely useful to the group. The little bonuses he provides with his song has saved us on many occasions and he's pretty resourceful. (I should be careful though, I think his player reads these boards and may find out I'm talking nice about him!)

Our group also includes:

Ferrestrel, an Elven fighter (specializes in archery.) He's an Elven Supremacist who never balks at an opportunity to cause trouble for the humans or to help his kinsman. He tends to shoot first in certain situations which has saved us from a sneak attack by bandits but also cost us the allegiance of the lumberjacks when he killed two of their number.

Our Dwarf Fighter, who I think is named Dourn but I'm not sure, is our resident tank. He's got the highest AC of our group and our point man. He's the last of his Dwarf brothers who came to our land. The others were former PCs who met their ends to trolls in the Green Belt. Dourn is also our General.

We also have an Elven druid and used to have a human sorceror who had an IQ of 7. He spoke like a caveman but was able to unleash hellish devastation on our enemies!

a very odd party using some 3.5 rules. the focused specialized one for wizards. where they drop a third school of magic for more spells a day.
i forgot all there names.

elf necromancer, banned schools, illusion, evocation, enchantment. is obsessed with torcher does not want to do anything with the undead. and is the party and kingdoms treasurer.

elf abjorationist, band schools, necromancy, evocation, illusion. the crazy one in the party does the unexpected and casts sleep on most foes.
is the grand diplomat

elf divination, banned schools, necromancy, evocation. wants to know all the secrets others have but keep his own. is the magister

elf evocation. banned schools, illusion, necromancy, enchantment. has only cast one harmful spell and is the voice of reason in the party, is the ruler

gnome illusionist banned schools, necromancy, evocation, transmutation. the wild card of the party. if no one does something then they will act. is the kingdoms spy master.

halfling barbarian, who has raged once, named its great ax butter knife, has a dog named bisket and talks like mayor bee from family guy. is the marshal

as a whole the party has had an easy time of things mostly become of sleep but now that they are out of that hd area going to be harder for them. and kind of hard for me as a gm vs a party of mage's. and still have it not be dull for them.

Well we have started, and no one has died yet. Been close now and then.

Abigail: Half Elf Cleric of Erastil, going to Paladin from 2nd lv
Sven: Half Orc Rogue, ex military scout, uses a Great Axe.
Carson: Gnome Illusionist, going to item creation. Excludes necromancy and enchantments
Jarken Dwarven Ranger (Archery) Fav Enemies Human.

after session 21, my group (see posts above have 3 members who have just reached 8th level!)

Our first session is in about a week and a half, and the group consists of the following:

Khaedira Kelir: female half-elf summoner with a combat eidolon.

Malachai Tsarion: male human druid with a roc familiar.

Vladimir Ustinov Jaroslav: male human cavalier of the order of the cocatrice.

Arael Azalie: male half-elf oracle of life (DMPC).

Since our group only consists of 3 players I decided to add a healbot oracle as a DMPC. He is also a potential love interest/mate for the summoner, who has her eyes set on the ruler position.

My group consists of 2 players, playing 2 characters each one. We have just ended Varnhold Banishment:

Tarlak: Kellid barbarian and General of the kingdom. Unconcerned, proud and quarrelsome, but still an awesome combatant. His position is more a question of image than a practical one. His imminent clash with Armag will be epic.

Thandara: Druid, fey-touched (fiend folio), from Gronzy forest in Brevoy, being scion of a minor family of the Medyev. She's the Queen. She has a particular concept of royalty and nobility: they're intermediaries between the land and people, but it's a duty, not a privilege. However, her fey heritage make's she distant and cold to the people.

Dargan: Human Fighter, from Brevoy. A bastard of house Lebeda. Mercenary. Very sensitive to the suffering of the disadvantaged. Now, married with Thandara, and King. Unlike his wife, his attitude make's him closer to the people.

Laurea: Female elf ranger. Beautiful and deadly. Master of assasins. Friend of kobolds. Doom of bandits.

Grand Lodge

out party was

Tangai, chaotic neutral human male tiger lord human-half taiga giant Barbarian - warmaster

Filidh, neutral male shiirkiiri (sp?) shoanti human Druid-Ashwavg Tamer of the Green Faith and his coeurl companion - warden

?, chaotic neutral male lyrune shoanti Ranger-Bard-Spherewalker of Desna - spymaster, royal assassin

Ungarr, neutral male human ulfen-half fey Cleric of Nethys, skaldish runemaster type - adviser, councilor, grand diplomat

Sword-lady Anna, chaotic good female aldori human Rogue-Duelist-Chevalier of Cayden, from Mivon - ruler

Artas Nai, neutral human male taldan Crusader (ToB) of Abadar, from Galtran - marshall, treasurer

We've been playing Kingmaker since March or April, currently working chapter 2.

The Party

Nico - Human Chevalier, Baron of Haldur
Landon - Human Ranger/Cleric, follower of Erastil and general stick in the mud
Valhalric - Human Fighter/Rogue, layer, err sorry, slayer of the night...
Turin - Elven Ranger, because you really shouldn't accept imitations

As you can see, we're running sans arcane fire-power. I expect it will all end badly. :)



Magistra Anthea Berraitinu (CG female elf sorcerer 5) feyblooded forlorn and former bandit from the River Kingdoms. Expecting a child from Tarjan.

Spymaster Barek (CN male human rogue 6) former soldier and deserter from Brevoy who wants to start a new life in the Greenbelt.

Grand Diplomat Lilith Mannopoppel (NG female gnome bard 6) obsessed by feathers and searching the Narlmarches for portals into the First World.

Baron Meliathas of Medvyed (LG male half-elf paladin 7) an adopted son of House Medvyed and pioneer totally devoted to Old Deadeye.

Councilor Tsadok (NG male half-orc druid 6) son of a Tymonian gladiator and pioneer from the lands of House Medvyed.

Companions and Cohorts

Galadon (LG male human cleric 5) a priest from Restov originally sent to help in the defeat of the trolls, he stays and helps Meliathas to rule the realm in the name of Erastil.

Makoa (tiger) the animal companion of Tsadok.

The [unnamed] Steed (heavy warhorse) the divine mount of Meliathas.


Marshal Tarjan (LG male human ranger 5) son of a bounty hunter and sword scion from the southern border lands around Restov. Expecting a child with Anthea. (currently GMing Rivers Run Red).

Royal Assassin Teshk (?? male half-orc barbarian 5) an old companion of Tsadok.

Warden Vasili (CN male human fighter 5) a sellsword from Brevoy and new appointed Warden of Medvedonia replacing Kesten Garess in the role.

And we are still waiting for the right moment to introduce one maybe two more players to the game and our campaign.

Well we have started, and no one has died yet. Been close now and then.

Abigail: Half Elf Cleric of Erastil, going to Paladin from 2nd lv
Sven: Half Orc Rogue, ex military scout, uses a Great Axe.
Carson: Gnome Illusionist, going to item creation. Excludes necromancy and enchantments
Jarken Dwarven Ranger (Archery) Fav Enemies Human.

We have now leveled up to 2nd.

Abigal has gone Paladin as planned, how using a Battle Axe. (We have done this a bit in Pathfinder. If no one is going Cleric we take 1st lv dip in cleric with one character. It improve low level survivability alot until you have the cash to invest in items)

Sven has been a combat monster but is changing to falchion, mainly because my Serpents Skull character is a great axe wielding inquisitor, so Sven is hoping to become a criticalling monster.

Carson is, as expected a colour spraying monster.

Jarken has ended up doing a lot of melee, I am sure the archery will come out later

Grand Lodge

We're a few sessions in, I think we started RRR last week, but here's the party Karui Kagi is DMing this for

Leon Isold - Human summoner with Gribbit the frog like eidilon
Tristan - Elf ranger
Korgoth - half-orc invulnerable barbarian
Jarendlon Windrunner - Elf druid with Swiftstalker the wolf
Storn- Half orc zen archer monk

This is the original party, we've had a few close calls (mostly Korgoth, but his DR and half orc ferocity has saved his hide) and one DM fail that would have killed Tristan but then said DM realized Tristan isn't a human or half elf. If you want, you can read about our antics here.

Still in the middle of Council of Thieves. However once that is completed looking at the following two parties not sure which to use.
Party 1
Alauril CN 1st level Female elf Alchemist
Zoresk TN 1st level male human Druid
Ai LG 1st level female human monk
Hulga LG 1st level Female dwarf Fighter (plans to become an eldritch knight)

Party 2

Andrezi LG 1st level Male Human paladin (Sarenrae)
Violetta NG 1st level Female Human rogue
Amakiir CG 1st level Male elf Wizard (evoker)
Quintius NG 1st level Male gnome cleric (Sarenrae)



Steward Anthea Berraitinu (CG female elf sorcerer 5) feyblooded forlorn and former bandit from the River Kingdoms. Expecting a child from Tarjan.

Spymaster Barek (CN male human rogue 6) former soldier and deserter from Brevoy who wants to start a new life in the Greenbelt.

Grand Diplomat Lilith Mannopoppel (NG female gnome bard 7) obsessed by feathers and searching the Narlmarches for portals into the First World.

Thumbrag Goldhand (LN male dwarf fighter 5) is the greedy son of a merchant family of Clan Golka from the Golushkin Mountains in Brevoy.

Councilor Tsadok (NG male half-orc druid 6) son of a Tymonian gladiator and pioneer from the lands of House Medvyed.

Companions and Cohorts

Makoa (tiger) the animal companion of Tsadok.


Marshal Tarjan (LG male human ranger 5) son of a bounty hunter and sword scion from the southern border lands around Restov. Expecting a child with Anthea. (currently GMing Rivers Run Red).

Royal Assassin Teshk (?? male half-orc barbarian 5) an old companion of Tsadok.

Warden Vasili (CN male human fighter 5) a sellsword from Brevoy and new appointed Warden of Medvedonia replacing Kesten Garess in the role.

And we are still waiting for the right moment to introduce one maybe two more players to the game and our campaign.

we just started kingmaker last night, we decided to go with a all halfling party, as their are no halfling run kingdoms in the inner sea region (also allows me to bust out my favorite faction from the faction guide: the bellflower network).
our party:
rides a wolf he named fluffy, also likes to put bows and flowers in her fur (me)
really wants to turn into a lightning bolt
inspired by disney cartoon from his youth
favored enemy: humans (also people who make fun of his name)
the last two are a backwoods wanna be bounty hunter husband-wife duo.

zapp hails from oppara was on his way thru river kingdoms to mendev but was scammed and his guides robbed him in middle of night and left him on brevoy border where he made his way to oleg's and saw the charter.

it is still a mystery as to where idalia is from (tho everyone suspects she is an escaped slave from cheliax.

johnny appleseed is from andoran, the sun of a winery owner, one day afer his coming of age johnny was overcome with a wanderlust, and just started walking north with a stout club he fashioned on the way, encountered a broke and lost cavalier in southern brevoy and joined him (zapp see's him as his "squire").

captain yesterday wrote:

we just started kingmaker last night, we decided to go with a all halfling party, as their are no halfling run kingdoms in the inner sea region (also allows me to bust out my favorite faction from the faction guide: the bellflower network).

our party:
rides a wolf he named fluffy, also likes to put bows and flowers in her fur (me)
really wants to turn into a lightning bolt
inspired by disney cartoon from his youth
favored enemy: humans (also people who make fun of his name)
the last two are a backwoods wanna be bounty hunter husband-wife duo.

zapp hails from oppara was on his way thru river kingdoms to mendev but was scammed and his guides robbed him in middle of night and left him on brevoy border where he made his way to oleg's and saw the charter.

it is still a mystery as to where idalia is from (tho everyone suspects she is an escaped slave from cheliax.

johnny appleseed is from andoran, the sun of a winery owner, one day afer his coming of age johnny was overcome with a wanderlust, and just started walking north with a stout club he fashioned on the way, encountered a broke and lost cavalier in southern brevoy and joined him (zapp see's him as his "squire").

there has been a slight change of characters: idalia is no longer in the group she has been replaced by a gnome ( since she is still small size it still fits with theme),

also a change to another party member changes are as follows:

ZIM (CN FEMALE GNOME WITCH) rather strange little creature
DAISY ROARINGBOAR (N FEMALE HALFLING ALCHEMIST) still same person, different class, she is now a self-taught alchemist from daggermark area, still married to percy.
i also wanted to clarify that the person playing johnny appleseed was inspired by disney cartoon not the actual character :)

Julia (yule ee ah) Swanson Ulfen Femal, Neutral Good, Bard/Cleric of Saranrae. Got converted by a travelling Cleric from Qadira.

Bran Ravensong Neutral Good, Halfelf Bard/Rogue

Brand Torgarsson Ulfen Warrior. Lawful Neutral Fighter/Monk Was Trained by a wandering Tien Monk of Irori that came over the Ice.

Mikhail Orlovski Lawful Good, Monk/Rogue Trained by the same Tien Monk of Irori.

Orsenal Davoren Chaotic Neutral, Dwarven Fighter. Greatsword.

Danika Davoren Chaotic Neutral, Dwarven Rogue/Fighter Crosbow Master.

Children who were sent for after the cities where under way...

Swanson siblings...
Tian Swanson Ulfen Male Neutral Good, Wizard (Universalist), Cat.

Caisa Swanson Ulfen Femal Neutral Good, Bard, Sing, Dance,

Orlovski Twins Mendevian girls
Kira and Betha Lawful Good, Monks...

Younger Sister Mara

When the Time comes and the party has to deal with the goon in that nearby river kingdom... I am thinking they might take him out and give the place to the kids...

Cedric Antonius Timmon Lebeda, Human Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline). Nominally the party's leader and diplomat. His spells have been either the thing to turn an encounter in his favor or failed utterly.

Boran Thundershield, Dwarf Fighter/Cavalier. A wall of iron on horseback and nigh immune to the attacks of most creatures encountered. Can't roll a hit to save his life...

Grom Slavish, Half-Orc Invulnerable Barbarian. Whatever his greatsword connects with tends to die. Came close to death on two separate occasions. Once to the deadly axes of Kressle and then again to the deadly fury of an owlbear.

Tandor, Half-Elf Cleric of Saranrae, Slayer of Bugs and Scorcher of Tables. Has yet to cast a spell that didn't have Cure in the name.

Turnip..., Half-Elf Ranger. A recent addition. Has made himself useful.

Sovereign Court

We started last Tuesday:

Caius Zinaatis (LN human (Rostland) conjurer 1)

Grimwulf Koslovski (NG half-orc ranger 1 - APG skirmisher variant)

Thrumblewarry Q. Zinglefubble (?? gnome sorcerer 1 - aberrant bloodline)

The Wanderer (?? suli (Qadira) fighter 1)

Elesias Orlovsky (NG half-elf (Issa) cleric 1 of Erastil) -- my PC

My party decided to do a little something different for Kingmaker. We Started 3 months ago playing once a week as a evil party of Six.

Dr. Victor Von Claw- Human Alchemist 4 -NE-. After being chased out of many towns by peasant rabbles he went to the Stolen Lands for live test subjects no one will miss. His surgically grafted four fingered claw serves him well for on field vivisection's and handling deadly chemicals. He currently preforms unspeakable experiments in the castles basement.

Gibbles- Human Bard detective kit 4 -Ne- The mystery man who dresses in all black carrying a cane, no one know quite where is is from or who is his but he seems to know who every one is and their dirty secrets. Now heads the kingdoms secret police.

Noonan- Human Fighter 4 -CE- Noonan is a mad man no questions about it he was purchased by the Doctor as a live test subject from a group of bounty hunters. After being a test subject of things such as Mind Fire and the Black Plague Von Claw has taken a liking to the man keeping him as a body guard and proven sturdy subject.

Sake Alam- Human Wizard Necromancer 4-LE- Sake hails from the far reaches of mana wastes and has traveled to the stolen lands for reasons that remain a mystery. Her shaky spell hand is easy made up by her dominion over the living dead. She now sits as Baroness in the new kingdom for political purposes only there is no love in the Barons court.

Tayla- Human Rogue 2 /fighter 2 NE - The party's thief and thug. She traveled to the Stolen lands with the hopes of easy gold and fame but now finds her self in a tight spot. She volunteered as the Barons Assassin however one to many botched missions has lead to being looked at as disposable as she tries desperately to prove her self.

Ariah El Diablo Esq.- Cleric of Asmodeus 4 -Le- Ariah once a framed lawyer on the lamb has found him self in a comfortable seat of power. After writing out a seamless contract with the other charter holders and riding the lands of the Stag Lord Ariah now sits above him party as Baron keeping them in like with promises of power or through fear. The kingdom to be that has been set before him will become his testament to his god that will rival the other Asmodain empires assuring him a powerful seat in hell.

If anyone has any questions about how a very evil party deals with the adventure path I will be more then happy to take questions.

We start this coming Monday (January 31st, 2011), and will play on every other Monday evening, alternating with one of my players DM'ing Serpent's Skull.


Aegon...................TN Human, male Wizard(Evoker) - Issian
Calenhad Medvyed..LG Human, male Paladin of Erastil - Noble Born
Edwardo................LN Human, male Swashbuckler (Tome of Secrets) - Rostlander
GreenBow..............LG Human, male Ranger (Treantmonk Switch-hitter) - Rostlander
Kabal.....................TN Half-Orc, male Druid(Bear Shaman) - Pioneer
Darro....................TN Bear, male Animal companion (Kabal)

I am using 20 point buy, and the 6 PC version (dividing XP by 6), at least for the first chapter, till I get a handle on exactly what they are capable of. They have a lot of pointy stick damage, but not a lot of healing initially, so we will see.

-- david

Grand Lodge

We had our character creation and intro session last night. My party is as follows.

Nomel Fletcher: a human priest of Erastil. He is a loyal Rostlander.

Hakak & Wolf: a half orc druid dedicated to Erastil with his white wolf companion named Wolf.

Lana Orlovsky: A half elf fighter of noble blood.

Otis: a half orc barbarian. He grew up an orphan in the rough parts of Restov fighting for every scrap of food he got.

Arryol: a human draconic bloodline sorcerer. He grew up with Otis on the mean streets together the friends have been through a lot.

I am starting a campaign thread to tell the exploits of the party. We started with how it came to be that they each received the charters. If interested look for Dorgar's Kingmaker Tale in campaign's section.

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