
Hitokiriweasel's page

***** Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon 226 posts (230 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 31 Organized Play characters.


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Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Whoohoo! Morgork and Mr. Bunbun have missed making new friends!

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I'm running this as well and here's my understandings on your questions

First question:
Jumping allows them to make an attempt to move rubble that same round, running down will take the entire round and a second floor isn't needed.

Second question:
You don't necessarily need stats for all the npcs and I would place then randomly on the map since they're all practicing different parts. It doesn't matter if any die (though they probably will from an attack), the pc's fail that part of the secondary if anyone gets injured.

Third question:
If it drags an NPC down there, I'd assume it retreats unless attacked. If a pc is dragged under, continue having them act while they can. I wouldn't allow persuit under the tunnels without very very good reason, especially this weekend when tone is of the essence. I'd have them show up down in what I assume is a sand area at the base of the stage, attack whatever is closest.

Hopefully this helps

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I'm interested, even with a stupid early flight Monday morning, but I'll have already played Ancients' Anguish Wednesday night

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

KitsuneWarlock wrote:

This might sound kind of crazy, but I have my hotel room until the day after Gencon and it looks like the convention closes early on the last day.

Would anyone be up for a (probably exhausted) post-con session? It'd be nice to actually play a game after all that DMing, and I do still need another 7-11 to prepare for my late August Eyes of the Ten with a friend back at home who is leaving the state.

Anyone interested?

I would most likely be. I'll be playing Ancients' Anguish Wednesday night, but that's the only 7-11 from season 7 I'll have played

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Mark Stratton wrote:
Hitokiriweasel wrote:
Where are the sign ups for ACG games? Assuming there are some this year
I believe the ACG table was cancelled due to low demand, and that table was converted to an RPG table to meet the increased demand on the RPG side.

That makes too much sense, but alrighty

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Where are the sign ups for ACG games? Assuming there are some this year

Grand Lodge

In a home game, this would be an easy question to get answered, but since it's for PFS it's a little more difficult. How long does the nauseated effect last? Is it the entire time the creature is in the cloud plus the 1d4+1 rounds after if it fails or just the one round that the cloud sticks around from the bomb? In my quick search I didn't find anything that answered that. Thanks in advance

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I'm running Core Thornkeep for some mostly new players and was wondering what some good scenarios to run for the level they need to get outside of Thornkeep would be. They'll be roughly level 5 at that point, so anything in the 3-7/5-9 range would be good. Ideally, I'd like some scenarios that open up some non-core things but scenarios that are just good in general would work just as well. The party consists of a half-elf bard, a dwarven cleric of Torag, a human fighter with greatsword, an elf evoker and a rogue of I forgot what race. So far the only scenario I can think of is In Wrath's Shadow for the Acrimony Veil for the evoker. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

While not a combat vet, I am a vet and am fairly active in PFS in the Seattle area.

I know Larry Smith (as mentioned by Dorothy) is also an army vet.

Ask your nephew to take a look at the NWPFS.org page and PFS in general and see if he's interested, you don't want to force it on him. Readjusting can be... difficult to say the least and it's different for everyone.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I'm looking for Aspis Defector. I have a bunch of boons to trade, just don't have them handy right now. Also looking for Extra Hours, it's a long shot but thought I'd give it a shot.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

They can be private games as long as they still meet the requirements for PFS.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I ran this at PaizoCon and even though I was at GenCon, I didn't play or run it. The most memorable part from when I ran it was

trying to get the key from Janira. The first slight of hand check to get it from her in the crowd failed, so given they were passing by I decided that she took it as trying to grope her. To which she replied that Shohiraj would have to buy her dinner first. The player then took her to an outdoor eating area (why wouldn't there be one?)attempted to seduce Janira and attempted to seduce her. All the while Marnarius (played by the husband Shohiraj's player) watched creepily.

I may or may not have also been saying "Marcos Failabellus" but I don't know if any of my players noticed.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Despite getting it at GenCon, I haven't read through all of it yet. Though my current idea is Dr. Mindbender, human mesmerist, though I'm not sure if that really fits for Dr. Mindbender.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What you could do is try to find people in the same boat, have a CORE ticket but want to play on normal, pre-muster the group, then when it comes time to play, tell your GM you're playing normal. It happened a decent amount at PaizoCon and I already put together a group doing the same thing.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I have an excel sheet I use that has all the scenarios (and most of the mods). It wouldn't be difficult to add each player to that and have them go through and mark what they've played. Though it sounds like your VL is taking care of that already.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I wouldn't necessarily say you need new friends, but you should definitely educate this guy. Debuffing can be really powerful. Dorothy knows about this guy, but there's a guy in her area that HATES tetori monks. Like to the point that if one sits at his table, he just wants to give them a chronicle sheet and send them on their way.

That being said, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

1) Make sure you can still do damage. Trying to trip the colossal centipede is probably a terrible idea. Or trying to use most combat maneuvers.

2) Know when debuffing (or a particular) might not be the best idea. This goes in hand with the above, but if you can't manage the check to do something, stop doing it rather than keep trying. The sunderer BlazeJ mentioned probably should have started doing something else.

3) Know how your debuffs and how you apply them works. Few things are more annoying than having a sunder build at your table who doesn't know how many hit points things have. But sundering the BBEG's +5 sword of Pathfinder slaying is an awesome idea to make that fight a lot easier.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

BigNorseWolf wrote:

I've had multiple people tell me i DO look like my profile pic

What about smell like your profile pic?

Grand Lodge

So I had an issue come up in my last pfs game with sundering. Character with improved sunder broke a magic headband, but we had no idea how many hit points it had to know how much damage bled into the enemy with it. Is there a list anywhere of how many hit points magic items like headbands and such have?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Ignore my previous comment. For whatever reason I was thinking you meant the Thursday night special that I don't have a group for. I already have a group for 7-00

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I was hoping to play my plague bringer alchemist (level 5), but I could do 10-11 too. Have a couple things in tier that could be fun

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

If it's at the hotel, I'd like to play Sealed Gate. Assuming it doesn't matter that I haven't played Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread, which I don't think it does

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I'd be interested in something at the hotel. I'll be at Scotty'a for some acg stuff in the morning, but heading back after that. I could also bring pathfinder munchkin if people wanted something else to play

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the quick responses.

I wasn't sure about the multiple spiritual weapons cause I've never seen more than on get cast at a time, but it was her only real option at the time.

Also good to know that it's only a move action to change targets, not to move it in general. So I kinda screwed up on that part since there was only one target.

Grand Lodge

I had a few questions that came up in my running of Golemworks Incident today and if I made the correct ruling.

1) Can a player have multiple Spiritual Weapons out at once? It doesn't say that you can't (which I dislike as a reason) but it doesn't say you can either. I allowed it at the time since there was nothing saying it couldn't be done.

2) Character that had the Spiritual Weapons out then got hit with feeblemind and failed the save. Since she couldn't communicate effectively, I ruled that she couldn't redirect the weapons to keep hitting the BBEG. Even with the effects of feeblemind, would she still have been able to use her move actions to move the hammers or does she need to be able to effectively communicate for that?


Grand Lodge

I know this is last minute, but is anyone looking for a ride to GenCon from either the Fargo or Minneapolis/St Paul areas?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Congrats. If you're at GenCon, I may just have to buy you a beer. Or whatever it is that pirates drink.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

On the Job Training
Adopted Weapon Training
Mendevian Weapon Training

Extra hours
Make an offer

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I've considered the VO sign off idea too, but the big question I keep coming back to is "How does the VO know they actually own the book? What if I just borrowed it from a friend and got the VO to sign off on it?" I realize not many people are going to do this, but I'm sure it's an issue that's been brought up. I do think this is probably the easiest solution. If you have a VO near you.

As for finding rules on-line, the Archives of Nethys does a good job of having all the character options and a label of what's PFS legal. Though it does lack specific rules, but that wasn't the intention of the site.

Regardless of what campaign leadership decides to do, there's always going to be cheaters or people who don't thoroughly enforce rules.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

If there's still room, I'm in. Assuming I read the title right as it starts at 10 Saturday morning American eastern time.

Player name: David Peever
Character Name: TBD
Number: 76900-8
Faction: Andoran?
Race: Human Cavalier (Spellscar Drifter) 1

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Half elf 1
Aasimar 2
Human 3 (2 are GM baby ideas)
Ifrit 1 (dead)
Dwarf 1
Suli 1
Halfling 1 (GM baby)
Ratfolk 1

Has anyone totaled all the races?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

1 person marked this as a favorite.

With We Be Goblins Free coming out soon, I was wanting to run some adventures with everyone's favorite green skinned, football headed creatures. Other than the We Be Goblins scenarios and Frostfur Captives, what other scenarios has goblins in them?

Grand Lodge

PaizoCon did that last year. I'm not sure if they're doing it again this year

Grand Lodge

Oh! Somewhat relevant, I'll also be bringing Munchkin Pathfinder if anyone wants to play during down time over the weekend.

Grand Lodge

TetsujinOni wrote:
Hitokiriweasel wrote:
anthonydido wrote:
FYI. since there was a lot of interest in my 6-21 game at 1:30. James Hazel offered to drop out and run the same game at noon so if anyone is interested in playing it a little sooner you can jump in his game. It's on the Warhorn page.
Awesome. Just signed up for this.

I didn't see you on the table, Hitokiri...

(Helen is NOT a strong melee without buff time, but somewhat versatile)

If I have time to update her, I'll also bring Lucille Chieni of Draekleer, my Chelish expat Librarian.

I'm the 2nd person signed up for the noon slot of 6-21.

Grand Lodge

anthonydido wrote:
FYI. since there was a lot of interest in my 6-21 game at 1:30. James Hazel offered to drop out and run the same game at noon so if anyone is interested in playing it a little sooner you can jump in his game. It's on the Warhorn page.

Awesome. Just signed up for this.

Grand Lodge

I'd like to play something for PFS since I'm GMing all weekend. I can be there pretty much whenever. I signed up for a couple games, but I'm on the wait lists for both

Grand Lodge

I should be able to make it. Just need to figure out how to get there and budgeting

Grand Lodge

I'm leaning towards no at this point. Haven't had enough solid yes's or anyone to GM it

Grand Lodge

I won't be able to make it to this event (that whole having to get back to work thing), but I'd still like to do some trading. Mostly I'm looking for an Efreet from the Legends of Golarion set.

Grand Lodge

Oh. Well OK then. Guess I should have looked at that.

Grand Lodge

I recall someone organizing a miniatures trading thing at the end of the con in the past, but I haven't seen anything about it this year. Whether or not it's happening again this year, I figured I could start a thread for anyone interested. Doesn't need to be anything organized, though there's plenty of time for it. Feel free to post if you're looking for anything specific

Grand Lodge

I'm available all of Thursday, Friday afternoon, Saturday afternoon and most likely evening, Sunday afternoon. Haven't heard anything about anyone willing to GM

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

This might have already been answered, but can someone with a summoner with more than 4xp rebuild into an unchained summoner? I know there are players out there that have summoners but don't really know what they're doing with them

Grand Lodge

My flight gets in late Wednesday, so I should be available all of Thursday to get this started. I know we're still waiting to find out about lottery pulls, but we can probably work around those. Hopefully.

If you're interested, post what your character is and your current availability or if you're willing to GM.

Gidian - Bladebound magus

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

If it's after 4 central time on Mondays, I'd be interested as well. Don't technically have any level 1s, but that can easily be fixed.

Grand Lodge

This might be in the wrong place and might not work, but I had a crazy idea. Would it be possible to play through eyes of the ten at Paizocon? I just hit 12 and would like to play it, but no one in my area is close to being there, let alone able to go it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Will you be running this again? Possibly on a weekend?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

I'd be interested in this. I'm up in DL but can easily retrieve you on my way down that way

Grand Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, Conventions—PaizoCon

Congrats, sir. As a (somewhat) new member of the Fargo branch of your lodge, I look forward to meeting you at some point, hopefully in the near future.

Grand Lodge

Ms. Pleiades wrote:
Hitokiriweasel wrote:
Crap. Need to read those things further. So I guess that's out. What about carrying around a wand of CLW to heal people I hit with splash damage?
You should be carrying a wand of CLW to heal people between battles anyway.

People around here tend to have their own CLW wands that they give to those who can use them for healing, so difference is that I'd be using my own to heal them.

I may not want to take it (more for the flavor of the character than anything else), but I'll see if I can work it into my build.