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![Jason Bulmahn](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/Jason2.jpg)
To help folks use them in their games and to see what sort of imaginations lurk out there in the lands of the playtesters, this thread is for the posting of sample eidolons.
Couple of rules...
1. Sample Eidolon's only. Lets leave the feedback and comment about the rules out of this thread.
2. Make sure to post the summoner's level along with the eidolon's stat block.
3. Make sure to pose up a bit of text describing what the eidolon looks like.
That is all... go to it.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
Zurai |
![Blue Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/greyhawk-dragon-2.jpg)
Reposted from a different thread, here's a take on Star Wars' Rancor, which is perfectly suitable in a typical D&D game:
Huge Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 12d10+72 (138 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Fort: 16=8+6+2 Reflex: 5=4+1 Will: 8=8+0 Bab: +12 CMB: +27 CMD: 40
Ac: 26=10+1(dex)+17(natural)-2(size) Tch:9 Ff:34
Str 37 Dex 13 Con 22
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (2d6+19, x2, BPS) +28, 15' reach
2 Claws (1d8+13, x2, S) +28, 15' reach
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f), Limbs (legs, f), Claws (f), Bite x2 (2), Grab (bite, 2), Swallow Whole (3), Damage Reduction (10/alignment, 5), Large (3), Huge (4)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Grapple, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Great Fortitude, Intimidating Prowess
Climb: 28=12+13+3
Intimidate: 28=12+13+3
Perception: 15=12+0+3
Survival: 15=12+0+3
It's mostly a combat brute, chowing down on anything smaller than it is and using its Awesome Blow to toss around enemies while it's digesting its first victim. It's not hard to hit, but it has a lot of damage reduction, and do you really want to get up close and personal with a rancor?
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9093-RedDragon_500.jpeg)
I think I'll post a different Eidolon this time.
Medium Quadruped Eidolon
HD: 2d10+4 ( 24hp)
Speed: 40ft, Climb 20ft, Swim 20ft
Fort: 5=3+2 Reflex: 5=3+2 Will: =0+0 Bab:+2 CMB:+ CMD:
Ac: 1=10+2(dex)+2(natural) Tch:12 Ff:
Str14 Dex14 Con13
Int7 Wis10 Cha11
Bite(1d6+3, x2, BPS)+4 10ft reach
Evolutions: Bite(f), Limbs(legs, x2, f), Climb(1 point), Swim(1 point), Reach(Bite, 1 point)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency
Perception: 5=0+2+3
Swim: 6=2+1+3
Climb: 6=2+1+3
Handle Animal: 4=0+1+3
Heal: 4=0+1+3
Acrobatics: 7=2+2+3
fanguad |
Garuda, Final Fantasy XI style. Summoner level 5 (minimum level to get wings, which are key).
Looks like this.
I'm unclear on what languages, if any, Eidolons can speak. I assumed none, but that they could learn how by taking Linguistics.
Base Form Biped
Size Medium
Senses darkvision 60ft, link; Perception +8
HP: 47 [5d10 (27) +15 (con) +5 (toughness)]
AC: 20, touch 12, ff 18 (+2 Dex, +8 natural armor)
Fort +7, Reflex +3, Will +4
Defensive abilities evasion
Ability Scores
Str 18, 16 base, +2 level
Dex 14, 12 base, +2 level
Con 16, 13 base, +1 ability score, +2 evolution
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11
Speed 30ft, fly 30ft (good)
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+4) and 2 wing buffets +4 (1d4+2)
Fly +10
Knowledge (planes) +9
Linguistics (Auran) -1
Perception +8
Survival +7
Additional Class Skills: Survival, 3 others
BAB +5, CMB +9, CMD 21
Languages Auran
(free) claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs)
(8) ability increase (Con), improved damage (claws), improved natural armor, fly, magic attacks, wing buffet
Skill Focus [Knowledge(planes)]
Weapon Focus (claws)
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Okay here is my take.
Medium Quadruped Eidolon
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp: 42 (4d10+8)
Fort: +6, Ref: +6, Will: +1
Speed: 40 ft
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Bite +6 (1d6+2), Claw +6 (1d4+2), Gore +6 (1d6+2)
Evolutions: Bite, Claw, Gore, Limbs (Legs) (x2), Scent, Tail
Special: Darkvision, Evasion, Link, Share Spells
Skills: Bluff +7, Intimicate +7, Perception +9, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +9
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes
Ellington |
EDIT: Looks like someone beat me to the punch in another thread. Oh well, this one has some minor differences and is attainable at a lower level I guess.
Charizard for all you pokémon trainers out there. There are a few things wrong in there, especially when it comes to the attacks and damage calculations, couldn't be arsed to get them right, but this gets the general image across. He's got the attacks Fly, Flamethrower, Slash and Wing Attack.
Large Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 12d10+48 (126 hp)
Speed: 30 ft Fly Speed: 70 ft
Fort: 12=8+4 Reflex: 6=4+2 Will: 8=8+0 Bab: 12 CMB: CMD: 29
Str 30 Dex 14 Con 18
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (1d8+10) +22 10' reach
2 Claws (1d6+10) +22 10' reach
2 Wings (1d6+10) +22 10' reach
Breath Weapon 3xDay: 12d6 Fire damage DC 20 Reflex Half
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f) Limbs (legs, f) Claws (f), Bite x1 (1), Tail x1 (1), Resistance Fire x1 (1), Wing Buffet (1), Rend x1 (2), Flight x3 (4), Large (3), Breath Weapon x3 (6)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Power Attack, Intimidating Prowess, Flyby Attack, Ability Focus (Breath Weapon), Hover, Wingover
Fly: 14 12+2
Intimidate: 16 12+4
Perception: 12 12+0
Survival: 12 12+0
And a picture, for those unfamiliar with him.
riatin RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |
Was thinking of summoner type villains in popular media and thought of Skeletor and his snarly, mean-spirited equivalent to Battle Cat. So here's Panthor (stole Zurai's formatting cause I'm lazy).
lv 10 Summoner's Eidolon
Large Quadruped Eidolon
HD: 9d10+30 (75 hp)
Speed: 40ft
Fort: 9=6+3 Reflex: 9=6+3 Will: 3=3+0 Bab: +9 CMB: +18 CMD: 31
Ac: 30=10+12(natural)-1(size)+1(dodge)+8(armor) Tch:10 Ff:30
Str 28 Dex 16 Con 17
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (2d6+13, 19-20 x2, BPS) +19
4 Claws (1d6+4, x2, S) +13
Evolutions (Total Points 14): Bite(f), Limbs(Legsx2)(f), Clawsx2(2), Large(3), Improved Natural Armorx2(2), Scent(1), Rend(2), Pounce(2), Armor Training(Heavy)(2)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Power Attack, Dodge, Weapon Focus(Bite), Improved Critical(Bite), Improved Natural Weapon(Bite)
Climb: 10=9+8-7
Intimidate: 9=9+0
Perception: 9=9+0
Survival: 9=9+0
Equipment: Half-Plate Barding
Pretty nice little armored pet for old skull head. And an awesome picture in case you have no idea what I'm talking about Panthor
Urizen |
For some of us with less than a vivid imagination or not familiar with the conceptual source, it would be awesome to be able to include a link to a graphic that helps us better visualize your eidolon (like what David did) -- if it exists.
EDIT: I see that fangaud did too, but that one's being blocked for me now, so I'll have to look again when I'm home.
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9093-RedDragon_500.jpeg)
Time for a Digimon!
Huge Biped Eidolon
HD: 10d10+20+10 ( hp)
Speed: 30ft,
Fort: 13=7+6 Reflex: 6=3+1+2 Will: 7=7+0 Bab:+10 CMB:+25 CMD: 36
Ac: 24=10+1(dex)+15(natural)-2(size) Tch:9 Ff:23
Str36 Dex12 Con22
Int7 Wis10 Cha12
Bite(2d6+, x2, BPS)+21
2 Slams(2d8+, x2, B)+21
Breath Weapon(10d6 fire, 30ft-cone or 60ft-line, DC:21) 1/day
Evolutions: Slam(f, replaced Claws), Limbs(arms, f), Limbs(legs, f), Tail(1 point), Bite(1 point), Breath Weapon(4 points), Large(3 points), Huge(4 points), Trample(2 points)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency, Intimidating Prowess, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus(Intimidate), Toughness
Intimidate: 33=1+10+3+13+6
Use Magic Device: 14=1+10+3
Sense Motive: 14=1+10+3
Heal: 14=1+10+3
lenankamp |
![Grey Maiden](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/GreyMaiden_final.jpg)
A humanoid beast, plated with armor wielding a huge greatsword, Soul Calibur inspired, he's just a huge warrior that hits pretty damn hard while power attacking with a free bite/trip on full attacks and a very nice vital strike when he can't.
Nightmare pic here if you're not familiar
Biped Eidolon of 15Smn
CE huge outsider
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15
AC 34, touch 10, flat-footed 33 (+16 natural, –2 size, +9 armor, +1 dex)
hp 149 (13d10+78)
Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in fullplate)
Melee Huge Greatsword +27/22/17 (4d8?+26/19–20) or 2 Claws +24 (1d8 +9), bite +26 (2d6+18 plus trip)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Str 47, Dex 14, Con 21, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +33; CMD 45
Feats Power Attack, Weapon Focus(Greatsword), Toughness, Vital Strike, Critical Focus, Improved Vital Strike, Sickening Critical, Multiattack*
Skills Intimidate +15, Ride +17, Perception +15, Sense Motive +15
Evolutions 2 Armor, 2 Weapon, 6 Ability Increase Str, 3 Large, 4 Huge, 2 Bite, 1 Trip
QOShea |
This is what I am considering for my game on Saturday.
It is currently subject to change, but the fact that I'll be using it as a flying mount will not change.
STR 17 DEX 17 CON 17
INT 07 WIS 10 CHA 11
AC 21 (10 + 8 NA + 3 Dex)
BAB +8 (+11 to hit; +12 with bite)
HD: 8d10
Movement: 30'; Flight 50'
Resist Acid 10
Bite (Improved Natural Attack) - 1d8+3
Claws (2) - 1d4+3
Breath Weapon (Acid) - 8d6 (DC 10 + 4 + 3)
Fly +22; Perception +11; Stealth +14; Survival +8
Improved Natural Attack (Bite)
Weapon Focus (Bite)
Flyby Attack
Evolutions: Bite (f); Legs x2 (f); Claws (1); Improved Natural Armor (1); Tail (1); Resist Acid (1); Ability Increase - Con (2); Flight - Winged (2); Increased Flight Speed (1); Breath Weapon - Acid (4)
Blazej |
![Magenta Ioun Stone](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9435-Magenta_90.jpeg)
Friziktal, The Eater of Hope
Description: A dark writhing sphere surrounded by nearly a dozen flailing tentacles floats above the ground. Several red eyes cover the body and seem float on top of the creature's gelatinous skin. A pair of claws stand positioned to shovel food into it's gaping maw with hundreds of jagged teeth.
Biped Base with a 15th level Summoner
Evolutions: bite (1 point), flight (Su, wingless flight) (4 points), large (3 points), pull (tentacles) (1 point), reach (tentacles) (1 point), scent (1 point), tentacle (x9) (9 points)
CE Large outsider (extraplanar)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +11
===== Defense =====
AC 28, touch 11, flat-footed 25; (+3 Dex, +16 natural, -1 size)
hp 123 (13d10+52)
Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +8 (+12 against enchantment spells and effects)
Defensive Abilities devotion, improved evasion
===== Offense =====
Spd 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee bite +22 (2d6+10), 2 claws +20 (1d6+5), 9 tentacles +21 (1d8+5 and pull)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tentacles)
===== Statistics =====
Str 31, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +13; CMB +24; CMD 37
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Natural Attack (bite), Improved Natural Attack (tentacle), Intimidating Prowess, Lunge, Multiattack, Stand Still, Weapon Focus (tentacle)
Skills Fly +19, Stealth +9, Intimidate +26, Knowledge (planes) +10, Perception +11, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (religion) +9
Languages Aklo, Common
SQ link, share spells
Tyler |
kaa from jungle book! Cuz I wanted to do a charming snakey charmy pet. I was debating between Swallow Whole and Constrict, but Constrict seemed cooler; he can always eat them after they're dead...
Also, can they take Quicken Spell-like at 10HD?
Hmm... fascinate might be better, too...
Lvl 8 Summoner’s Eidolon
Large Outsider (Serpentine Eidolon)
HP 76 (8d10+32)
AC 22=10+10(natural)-1(size)+3(Dex) Tch:12 Ff:19
Fort 6 Ref 9 Will 6; +4 against Enchantment
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 20ft., climb 20ft.
Melee Bite +13 (2d6+6), Tail Slap +8 (d8+6)
Spell-likes Charm Person 3/day (DC 16)(CL 8th, Concentration +10)
Space 10ft. Reach 5ft.
(yeah, what IS the CL of the Eidolon, just its HD?)
STR 23 DEX 17 CON 18
INT 7 WIS 10 CHA 14
Bab +8 CMB +15 (19grapple) CMD 28
SQ Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion
Feats Ability Focus (Charm Person), Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Greater Spell Focus (Enchantment)
Evolutions bite, climb, tail, tail slap, Spell-like Charm Person 3/day (2), CHA stat boost(2), Grab(2), Large(3), Constrict(2)
skillsIntimidate +10, Bluff +10, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +7
"We're friends, right? Come here and hug me..."
Zurai |
![Blue Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/greyhawk-dragon-2.jpg)
Here's a series of Draconic Eidolons. I provide a statblock for the same Eidolon at levels 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20. There's some things that could be done differently (earlier Breath Weapon, add Frightful Presence); this is just one set of examples.
Medium Quadrupedal Eidolon
HD: 2d10+2 (13 hp)
Speed: 40ft
Fort: 4=3+1 Reflex: 5=3+2 Will: 0=0+0 Bab: +2 CMB: +4 CMD: 16
Ac: 14=10+2(dex)+2(natural) Tch:12 Ff:12
Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (1d6+2, x2, BPS) +4, 10' reach
2 Claws (1d4+2, x2, S) +4
Evolutions: Limbs (legs x2, f), Bite (f), Claws (1), Reach (bite, 1), Tail (1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Alertness
Fly: 4=2+2
Intimidate: 5=2+0+3
Perception: 7=2+0+3+2
Sense Motive: 7=2+0+3 +2
Medium Quadrupedal Eidolon
HD: 5d10+10 (35 hp)
Speed: 40ft, fly 40ft
Fort: 6=4+2 Reflex: 7=4+3 Will: 1=1+0 Bab: +5 CMB: +8 CMD: 21
Ac: 19=10+3(dex)+6(natural) Tch:13 Ff:16
Str 16 Dex 16 Con 14
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (1d6+3, x2, BPS) +8, 10' reach
2 Claws (1d4+3, x2, S) +8
2 Wing Buffets (1d4+1, x2, B) +3
Tail Slap (1d6+1, x2, B) +3
Evolutions: Limbs (legs x2, f), Bite (f), Claws (1), Reach (bite, 1), Tail (1), Flight (2), Wing Buffet (1), Tail Slap (1), Resistance (your choice, 1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack, Flyby Attack
Fly: 15=5+3+3+4
Intimidate: 8=5+0+3
Perception: 10=5+0+3+2
Sense Motive: 10=5+0+3+2
Large Quadrupedal Eidolon
HD: 9d10+36 (81 hp)
Speed: 40ft, fly 40ft
Fort: 10=6+4 Reflex: 9=6+3 Will: 3=3+0 Bab: +9 CMB: +18 CMD: 31
Ac: 24=10+3(dex)+12(natural)-1(size) Tch:12 Ff:18
Str 27 Dex 16 Con 18
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (1d8+8, x2, BPS) +16, 15' reach
2 Claws (1d6+8, x2, S) +16, 10' reach
2 Wing Buffets (1d6+4, x2, B) +14, 10' reach
Tail Slap (1d8+4, x2, B) +14, 10' reach
Evolutions: Limbs (legs x2, f), Bite (f), Claws (1), Reach (bite, 1), Tail (1), Flight (2), Wing Buffet (1), Tail Slap (1), Resistance (your choice, 1), Large (3), Blindsense (3)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack, Flyby Attack, Vital Strike, Improved Initiative
Fly: 13=9+3+3-2
Intimidate: 12=9+0+3
Perception: 15=9+0+3+2
Sense Motive: 15=9+0+3+2
Huge Quadrupedal Eidolon
HD: 13d10+78 (149 hp)
Speed: 40ft, fly 40ft
Fort: 14=8+6 Reflex: 13=8+4 Will: 6=4+0+2 Bab: +13 CMB: +30 CMD: 44
Ac: 31=10+4(dex)+19(natural)-2(size) Tch:12 Ff:25
Str 40 Dex 18 Con 22
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (3d6+15, x2, BPS) +26, 20' reach
2 Claws (1d8+15, x2, S) +26, 15' reach
2 Wing Buffets (1d8+7, x2, B) +24, 15' reach
Tail Slap (2d6+7, x2, B) +24, 15' reach
Evolutions: Limbs (legs x2, f), Bite (f), Claws (1), Reach (bite, 1), Tail (1), Flight (2), Wing Buffet (1), Tail Slap (1), Immunity (your choice, 2), Large (3), Blindsense (3), Huge (4), Improved Damage (bite, 1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack, Flyby Attack, Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will
Fly: 12=13+4+3-4-4
Intimidate: 16=13+0+3
Perception: 20=13+0+3+4
Sense Motive: 20=13+0+3 +4
Huge Quadrupedal Eidolon
HD: 17d10+102 (195 hp)
Speed: 40ft, fly 40ft
Fort: 16=10+6 Reflex: 15=10+5 Will: 7=5+0+2 Bab: +17 CMB: +35 CMD: 50
Ac: 36=10+5(dex)+23(natural)-2(size) Tch:13 Ff:29
Str 43 Dex 20 Con 22
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (3d6+16, x2, BPS) +31, 20' reach
2 Claws (1d8+16, x2, S) +31, 15' reach
2 Wing Buffets (1d8+8, x2, B) +29, 15' reach
Tail Slap (2d6+8, x2, B) +29, 15' reach
Evolutions: Limbs (legs x2, f), Bite (f), Claws (1), Reach (bite, 1), Tail (1), Flight (2), Wing Buffet (1), Tail Slap (1), Immunity (your choice, 2), Large (3), Blindsense (3), Huge (4), Improved Damage (bite, 1), Breath Weapon (same as Immunity, 3/day, 6)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Alertness, Power Attack, Flyby Attack, Vital Strike, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Greater Vital Strike, Ability Focus: Breath Weapon
Fly: 17=17+5+3-4-4
Intimidate: 20=17+0+3
Perception: 24=17+0+3+4
Sense Motive: 24=17+0+3 +4
Tyler |
I was going to stop at one, but then I thought up something ridiculous-- THE SPAWNER... Lvl 13 Eidolon. This serpent-like creature pairs with its master to destroy their enemies under their innumerable summons...
Lvl 13 Summoner’s Eidolon
Medium Outsider (Serpentine Eidolon)
HP 92 (12d10+24)
AC 27=10+12(natural)+5(Dex) Tch:15 Ff:22
Fort 5 Ref 13 Will 8; +4 against Enchantment
Defensive Abilities evasion
Speed 20ft., climb 20ft.
Melee Bite +15 (1d6+3), Tail Slap +10 (d6+3)
Spell-likes Quickened Summon Monster VI 3/day, Quickened Summon Monster V 3/day (CL 12th, Concentration +16)
STR 17 DEX 21 CON 13
INT 7 WIS 10 CHA 18
Bab +12 CMB +15 CMD 20
SQ Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion
Feats Combat Casting, Quicken Spell-like (Summon Monster VI), Quicken Spell-like (Summon Monster V), Spell Focus (conjuration), Augment Summoning, Combat Casting, Toughness
Evolutions bite, climb, tail, tail slap, Spell-like Summon Monster VI 3/day (7), Spell-like Summon Monster V 3/day (6), +4 CHA (4)
skills Diplomacy +16, Bluff +16, Sense Motive +12, Stealth +17
(alternately, you could do Summon Swarm, which would be awesome for a pestilence Eidolon)
Basically he floods the board with d4+d3+1 medium elementals on the first turn if he thinks it's serious business, plopping them around the Summoner so the Summoner can get his own summons off. YEAH. Yeah... Um... It's FUNNY. maybe.
I'm still not sure if you can take Quicken Spell-like with the Eidolon, but he is 12HD at this point.
Estragon |
![Kelim Esteban](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/KelimEsteban.jpg)
Greebo (cat man) - 4th Level Summoner
Modeled after Greebo from the discworld books. A witches cat that ends up a man for reasons that seemed good at the time.
"Appears as a shadowy swashbuckling, dastardly buccaneer with an eye patch who emanates enough sexual energy to power a television. He can speak individual words with a drawn out accent, and he was also pleased to find that his cat's agility had transferred over to his human form - as well as a set of retractable, razor sharp claws on each hand"
"he looks like a 'beautiful, brainless bully' who has raided a leather goods store for the discerning pirate, and appears ready to unbuckle any amount of swash, radiating an aura of raw sex that can be felt several rooms away, and of a megawatt magnitude. He is typically covered in scars, has retractable nails (or more accurately, claws) and maintains a slitted left eye."
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
Share Spells
STR 18
DEX 15
CON 13
WIS 10
CHA 11
AC 24=10+6(natural)+6(breastplate)+2(dex) Tch: 12 Ff: 22
HP 30 (4d10+3)
Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +4
BAB +4
Natural AC +6
Feats 2
Two weapon Fighting
Power Attack
Skills 16 Ranks Ability
Acrobatics (dex) +7 2 +2
Bluff (cha) +4 1 +0
Climb (Str) +8 1 +4
Disguise (Cha) +5 2 +0
Knowledge (planes) (int) +2 1 -2
Perception (wis) +6 3 +0
Sense Motive (Wis) +4 1 +0
Stealth (dex) +9 4 +2
Survival (wis) +4 1 +0
Evolutions (7)
Limbs (arms)
Limbs (legs)
Claws (1d4)
Armor Training 2pts
Weapon Training 2pts
Ability Increase DEX 2pts
Improved Natural Armor 1pt
Breastplate AC +6 Max Dex +3
LongSword +6 1d8+4
ShortSword +6 1d8+2
SecSeibzehn |
No love for level one? I put together a basic "angry bobcat" eidolon for the newbie summoner. No skills, but here it is.
Medium Quadrupedal Eidolon
HD: 2d10+2 (13 hp)
Speed: 40ft
Fort: 4=3+1 Reflex: 5=3+2 Will: 0=0+0 Bab: +2 CMB: +4 CMD: 16 (20 vs. trip)
Ac: 14=10+2(dex)+2(natural) Tch:12 Ff:12
Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Bite (1d6+3) +4, Trip
2 Claws (1d4+1) -1
Evolutions: Limbs (legsx2, f), Bite (f), Claws, Trip, Pounce
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Combat Reflexes
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The Scout
Small Serpentine (2d8+0)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.;
AC 18 +4Dex +2 NA +1Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2;
Attack bite +1 (1d3-1), tail slap -1(1d4-1);
Ability Scores Str 8, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth
Feats: Dodge
Skills: Bluff, Perception 15, Sense Motive, Stealth 22, Acrobatics 9, Escape Artist 6, Fly 10
Small Serpentine (5d8+5)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 20 ft.;
AC 25 +5 Dex +8 NA +1Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +4;
Attack bite +4 (1d3), tail slap +4(1d4);
Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armor, Swim, Flight, Resist Fire
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness
Skills: Bluff 4, Perception 20, Sense Motive 6, Stealth 27, Acrobatics 13, Escape Artist 7, Fly 14
Small Serpentine (9d8+9)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 20 ft.;
AC 29 +5 Dex +12 NA +1Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +6;
Attack bite +11 (1d3+1), tail slap +11(1d4+1);
Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 12;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armor, Swim, Flight, Resist Fire, Spell Like (Invisibility)*, Blindsense**
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Acrobatic
Skills: Bluff 8, Perception 24, Sense Motive 8, Stealth 31, Acrobatics 23, Escape Artist 12, Fly 19
*Pick up a Junk 1 point at level 6-7 at 8 bump up CHA buy drop the 2 junk points, Pick up Spell Like and 2 Pt Tremorsense.
**Drop 2 point Tremorsense pick up 3 pt Blindsense
Small Serpentine (13d8+13)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 60 ft.;
AC 32 +6 Dex +14 NA +1 Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +5, Ref +15, Will +8;
Attack bite +11 (1d3+2), tail slap +11(1d4+2);
Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armor, Swim, Flight 3, 3x Spell Like (Invisibility)*, Blindsight
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Acrobatic, Skill Focus Stealth, Skill Focus Perception
Skills: More of the same but redonkulous now due to being over 10 ranks and feats
*Dropped Resist Fire to bump up to 3x
Small Serpentine (17d8+17)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 60 ft.;
AC 40 +6 Dex +22 NA +1 Size +1 Dodge; Saves Fort +6, Ref +18, Will +10;
Attack bite +19 (1d3+3), tail slap +19(1d4+3);
Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 26, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 12;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armorx3, Swim, Flightx3, 3x Spell Like (Invisibility)*, Blindsight, Spell Resistance 30
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Acrobatic, Skill Focus Stealth, Skill Focus Perception, Pfeh who cares at this point
Skills: Pretty Disgusting Perception and Stealth
Edit: Crud, got all that done and realized I forgot to redo scent since it becomes superfluous after you get Blindsense unless you want to track.
Maeloke |
![Doll, Soulbound](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/paizo_PF7_living doll_2.jpg)
Posted this chap elsewhere, but he's just too fun to not show off.
Wiggles the Astral Starfish
CN Large Outsider
Init +5; Senses blindsight 30ft., darkvision 60ft.; Perception +10
HP 144 (17d10 + 51), fast healing 1
AC 42 (+20 natural, +4 dex, -1 size, +9 +5 chain shirt starfish barding)
Saves Fort +20, Ref +20, Will +12; +4 against Enchantment effects
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved evasion
Speed 40ft., fly 60ft. (perfect)
Melee Bite +28 (d8+12), 2 slams +28 (3d6+12/19-20 and grab)
Space 10ft. Reach 10ft.
Str 30 Dex 20 Con 16 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 12
BAB +17 CMB +28 (+36 grappling) CMD 43 (47 grappling)
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Greater Grapple, Iron Will, Improved Critical (Slam), Improved Grapple, Improved Natural Attack (Slam), Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
SQ Blindsight, Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion
Skills Disguise (c) +22, Fly (c) +29, Perception (c) +10, Sleight of Hand (c) +23
Languages Abyssal, Auran, Aquan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Terran, Undercommon,
SQ devotion, link, share spells
Organization Usually carrying Twill the Halfling Summoner
Treasure +2 amulet of mighty fists, +5 chain shirt starfish barding, +5 cloak of resistance
Base Form quadrupedal
Free Limbs (legs) x 2, bite
Chosen armor training, blindsight, fast healing 1, flight (perfect, +20ft.), grab, large size, improved natural armor, limbs (arms) x 2, slam x 2.
Wiggles is a magical flying starfish from the astral plane.
In combat he swoops around bashing creatures with flyby attack, ideally catching one with a grab to double maul them (via Greater Grapple) high in the air. He wishes he could regenerate like a real starfish, but contents himself with fast healing.
In his off time, he enjoys translating books from across the planes, masquerading as a horse, and picking other horses' pockets.
Mahrdol |
![Mind Flayer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/flayer.jpg)
Share Spells
STR 36
DEX 15
CON 22
WIS 10
CHA 11
AC 33=8+17(natural)+6(breastplate)+2(dex) Tch: 10 Ff: 30
HP 126 (11d10+66)
Fort +13 Ref +9 Will +7
BAB +11
Natural AC +17
Feats 6
Power Attack
Combat Reflexes
Stand Still
Improve Critical Greatsword
Critical Focus
Bleeding Critical
Skills 44 Ranks Ability
Acrobatics (dex) +16
Fly (dex) +12
Climb (Str) +27
Jump (Str) +27
Evolutions (16)
Limbs (legs) F
Limbs (legs) F
Bite (2d6) F
Limbs (arms) 2 pts
Armor Training 2pts
Weapon Training 2pts
claws 1pt
Flight 40' 2pts
Large 3pts
Huge 4pts
Breastplate AC +6 Max Dex +3
GreatSword +22,+17,+12 4d6+19 17-20x2 crit
Bite +20 2d6+13
Claws +20x2 1-8
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This is a good old favorite with the serial numbers filed off. Same Str as a Pack Lord with half the HD. WOW.
lv 10 Summoner's Eidolon
Large Quadraped Eidolon
HD: 9d10+ 27+ 9 (80 hp)
Speed: 50ft
Fort: 9=6+3 Reflex: 9=6+3 Will: 5=3+0 +2 Bab: +9 CMB: +18 CMD: 31
Ac: 25=10+3(dex)+12(natural)-1(size)+1(dodge) Tch:13 Ff:21
Str 26 Dex 16 Con 17
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 13
Bite (1D8+8, BPS) +16, 5' reach
2 Tentacles (1d6+4, x2, B) +14, 10' reach
Evolutions: Limbs (legs) x2 ( f), Limbs (legs) ( 2), Bite (f), Spell-Like Ability (Displacment 3/day) (4), Tentacles x2 (2), Reach (tentacles) (1), Tail (1), Skilled (Stealth) (1), Large (3),
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Toughness, Iron Will, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Climb: 20= 9+8+3
Stealth: 19=9+3+3+8 -4
Perception 12=9+0+3
Acrobtics: 15=9+3+3
'Rixx |
Cutter, the bipedal automaton warrior.
Lv. 1 Summoner's Eidolon
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 2d10+4 (15 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Fort: 3 = 2+1 Reflex: 1=0+1 Will: 2=2+0 Bab: +2 CMB: +5 CMD: 16
AC: 13=10+1(dex)+2(natural) Tch:11 Ff:12
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Longsword (1d8+3) +1
Longsword (1d8+1) +1
Evolutions: Limbs (legs, f), Limbs (arms, f), Claws (f), Weapon Training (martial, 2), Improved Natural Armor (1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Two Weapon Fighting
(Extra class skills: Acrobatics, Intimidate, Use Magic Device, Escape Artist)
Acrobatics 6=2+1+3
Escape Artist 6=2+1+3
Stealth 6=2+1+3
Intimidate 4=1+0+3
Use Magic Device 4=1+0+3
A picture I sketched up. He's kind of adorable.
My idea is that he would be advanced with armor and combat feats, with less flashy offensive abilities and more defensive stuff (like spell resistance). I'd like for him to eventually shoot out Scorching Rays through his forehead jewel, though. LASERS, PEWPEWPEW
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![Bag of Devouring](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/treasures-devourer.jpg)
Well... I guess you folks can imagine how this one looks like :)
N Medium outsider
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsense 30 ft., Perception +12
AC 28, touch 14, flat-footed 24
(+14 natural armor, +4 Dex)
Resistance acid 15
HP 68 (9d9+18)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +6 (+10 vs. enchantments)
Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +14 (1d6+5 and 1d6 acid/19-20), bite +12 (1d4+3 and 1d6 acid)
Special Attacks rend (1d6+8), trip (bite)
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 28
Feats Multiattack(b), Improved Natural Attack (claw), Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Stealthy, Toughness
SQ darkvision, link, share spells, evasion, devotion
Skills Perception +12, Climb +17, Stealth +18, Acrobatics +16 (+18 balance)
Free Evolutions: claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs).
Evolutions: Blindsense , Rend , Resistance Acid, Energy Attacks Acid, Bite , Climb Improved Natural Armor x2, Tail, Trip
MaverickWolf |
![Hoary Muntjac](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/9HoarynMuntjac.jpg)
A 4-armed longsword-wielding angel-I imagine it gaining an extra set of wings for every speed boost (though not gaining extra wing buffets out of it), so it's got 3 pairs of wings by the end of this.
Small Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 2d10 (11 hp)
Speed: 30ft, swim 30ft
Fort: 3=3+0 Reflex: 3=0+3 Will: 3=3+0 Bab: +2 CMB: +2 CMD: 15
AC: 18=10+ 3(dex)+ 2(natural)+1(size)+2(leather armor) Tch:14 Ff:15
Str 12 Dex 16 Con 11
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
2 Claws (1d4+1, x2, B/S) +3
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f), Limbs (legs, f), Claws (f), Ability Score Increase (Dex, 2), Swim (1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting
Fly: 7=2+3+2
Swim: 14=2+1+8+3
Heal: 5=2+0+3
Perform (Sing): 5=2+0+3
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 5d10 + 5 (32 hp)
Speed: 30 ft, swim 30 ft, fly 30 ft (good)
Fort: 5=4+1 Ref: 4=1+3 Will: 4=4+0 Bab: +5 CMB: +9 CMD: 22
AC: 19=10+ 3(dex)+ 4(natural)+2(bracers of armor) Tch:13 Ff:16
Str 18 Dex 16 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 12
2 claws (1d4+4, x2, B/S) +9
2 wing buffets (1d4+2, x2, B)+4
2 MW longswords (1d8+4, 19-20/x2, S)+8
2 wing buffets (1d4+2, x2, B)+2
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f), Limbs (legs, f), Claws (f), Ability Score Increase (Dex, 2), Swim (1), Flight (Winged, 2), Wing Buffet (1), Weapon Proficiency (Martial, 2)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion
Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Over-sized Two-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice
Fly: 15=5+3+4+3
Swim: 20=5+4+8+3
Heal: 8=5+0+3
Perform (Sing): 9=5+1+3
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 9d10 + 9 (32 hp)
Speed: 30 ft, swim 50 ft, fly 50 ft (good)
Fort: 7=6+1 Ref: 7=3+4 Will: 6=6+0 Bab: +9 CMB: +14 CMD: 28
AC: 28=10+ 4(dex)+ 8(natural)+6(bracers of armor) Tch:14 Ff:24
Str 20 Dex 18 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 13
2 claws (1d4+5, x2, B/S)+14
2 wing buffets (1d4+2, x2, B)+12
4 MW longswords (1d8+5, 19-20/x2, S)+13/+8
2 wing buffets (1d4+2, x2, B)+10
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f), Limbs (legs, f), Claws (f), Ability Score Increase (Dex, 2), Flight (+20 ft Winged, 3), Wing Buffet (1), Weapon Proficiency (Martial, 2), Limbs (arms, 2), Gills (1), Swim (+20 ft, 2), Magic Attack (1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Multi-Weapon Fighting, Over-sized Multi-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice, Multi-Weapon Defense, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting
Fly: 20=9+4+4+3
Swim: 25=9+5+8+3
Heal: 12=9+0+3
Perform (Sing): 13=9+1+3
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 13d10 + 13 (84 hp)
Speed: 30 ft, swim 50 ft, fly 50 ft (good)
Fort: 9=8+1 Ref: 9=4+5 Will: 8=8+0 Bab: +13 CMB: +19 CMD: 34
AC: 35=10+ 5(dex)+ 12(natural)+8(bracers of armor) Tch:15 Ff:30
Str 22 Dex 20 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 14
2 claws (1d4+6, x2, B/S)+19
2 wing buffets (1d4+3, x2, B)+17
4 MW longswords (1d8+6, 19-20/x2, S)+18/+13/+18
2 wing buffets (1d6+3, x2, B)+15
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f), Limbs (legs, f), Claws (f), Ability Score Increase (Dex, 2), Flight (+20 ft Winged, 3), Wing Buffet (1), Weapon Proficiency (Martial, 2), Limbs (arms, 2), Gills (1), Swim (+20 ft, 2), Magic Attack (1), Improved Damage (Wing Buffet, 1), Spell Resistance (4), Reach (Wing Buffet, 1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Multi-Weapon Fighting, Over-sized Multi-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice, Multi-Weapon Defense, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multi-Weapon Defense, Greater Multi-Weapon Fighting
Fly: 25=13+5+4+3
Swim: 30=13+6+8+3
Heal: 16=13+0+3
Perform (Sing): 17=13+1+3
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 17d10 + 34 (127 hp)
Speed: 30 ft, swim 70 ft, fly 70 ft (good)
Fort: 12=10+2 Ref: 10=5+5 Will: 10=10+0 Bab: +17 CMB: +19 CMD: 34
AC: 39=10+ 5(dex)+ 16(natural)+8(bracers of armor) Tch:15 Ff:34
Str 24 Dex 20 Con 15
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 19
2 claws (1d4+6, x2, B/S)+24
2 wing buffets (1d4+3, x2, B)+22
4 MW longswords (1d8+7, 19-20/x2, S)+23
2 wing buffets (1d8+3, x2, B)+20
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f), Limbs (legs, f), Claws (f), Ability Score Increase (Con, 2), Flight (+40 ft Winged, 4), Wing Buffet (1), Weapon Proficiency (Martial, 2), Limbs (arms, 2), Gills (1), Swim (+40 ft, 3), Magic Attack (1), Improved Damage (Wing Buffet, 1), Spell Resistance (4), Reach (Wing Buffet, 1), Ability Increase (Cha x2, 4)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Improved Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Multi-Weapon Fighting, Over-sized Multi-Weapon Fighting, Double Slice, Multi-Weapon Defense, Improved Multi-Weapon Fighting, Improved Multi-Weapon Defense, Greater Multi-Weapon Fighting, Greater Multi-Weapon Defense, Improved Natural Attack (Wing Buffet)
Fly: 29=17+5+4+3
Swim: 35=17+7+8+3
Heal: 20=17+0+3
Perform (Sing): 24=17+4+3
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As built for a 5th level Summoner:
Initiative +2, Senses Darkvision 60 ft.,
AC 19 (+2 natural, +4 chain shirt, +2 Dex, +1 buckler); Flat-Footed 16; Touch 12
HD 5d10+5 (35)
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +4
Fire Resistance 5
Speed: 30 ft., Climb 30 ft.,
Melee: Gore +9 (1d6+4 +1d6 Fire) and Two Claws +9 (1d6+4 + 1d6 Fire)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
BaB +5 CMB +9, CMD 21
Feats: Light Armour Proficiency, Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Skills: Acrobatics +5, Intimidate +6, Perception +5, Stealth +5
(EP Breakdown: Bipedal Body (Free Evolutions: claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs). Gore (2 ep), Energy Attacks (Fire) (2 ep), Climb (1 ep), Improved Damage (Claws) (1 ep), Improved Natural Armour (1 ep), Fire Resistance (1 ep) (8 ep total)
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Okay, here is one I was challengd to do. This one is for Jason
Large Bipedal Eidolon
AC 22 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +8 natural, -1 size)
hp: 99 (9d10+27)
Fort: +9, Ref: +2, Will +6
Speed: 30 ft
Str 24, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 11
Claw +15 (1d6+7), Gore +15 (1d10+9), Slam +15, (2d6+7)
Evolutions: Armor Training, Bipedal body, DR 5/Lawful, Improved Natural Attack (Gore) Large, Gore, Trample, Slam
Special: Drkvision, Devotion, Evasion, Link, Share Spell, Multiattack
Skills: Intimidate +12, Knowledge (The Planes) +11, Perception +12, Profession (Sailor) +12
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Horns)
Gear: Chain Shirt
A Bulmahnaut is a Minotaur like beast that rows Lord Jason around in his world wide quest for booze and babes.
Urizen |
Okay, here is one I was challengd to do. This one is for Jason
Bulmahnaut** spoiler omitted **
A Bulmahnaut is a Minotaur like beast that rows Lord Jason around in his world wide quest for booze and babes.
Awesome, David! You took the challenge.
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This long heavily armored beast is blue and red with several small oddly shaped legs, two very large eyes and one even bigger mouth. The symmetry and angles indicate this creature is from a plane of Law and order. As you approach it Transforms into a huge metallic giant….and theme music begins to drift in.
lv 20 Summoner's Eidolon
HUGE Quadraped Eidolon
HD: 17d10+ 102 (200 hp)
Speed: 60ft
Fort: 16=10+6 Reflex: 14=10+4 Will: 7=5+0+2 Bab: +17 CMB: +32 CMD: 46
Ac: 37=10+4(dex)+25(natural)-2(size) Tch:12 Ff:33
Str 34 Dex 18 Con 22
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 18
Bite (2D6+18, BPS) +27/+22, 10' reach
Evolutions: Limbs (legs) x2 (f), Bite (f), Limbs (legs) x2 (4), Spell-Like Ability (Giant Form II 3/day) (9), Improved natural Armor x2 (2) Large (3), Huge (4)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack, Improved Evasion
Feats: Power Attack, Iron Will, Martial Weapon Proficency (Composite Longbow), Leadership, Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Greater Vital Strike, Critical Focus, Staggering Critical
Diplomancy: 28= 17+8+3
Sense Motive: 20=17+0+3
UMD(Use Entergon): 25=17+8+3
Acrobtics (Monster Truck Jumps): 24=17+4+3
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9093-RedDragon_500.jpeg)
Seeing he and his companions may be out-numbered by the charging orcs, the small gnome speaks in Celestial. Seconds before the orcs reach them, a six-winged angel wielding a golden staff appears before them in a flash of light and flies right at the orcs, his staff lashing out.
Medium Biped Eidolon
HD: 9d10+9 ( 99hp)
Speed: 30ft, Fly 70ft(good maneuverability)
Fort: 7=6+1 Reflex: 6=3+3 Will: 6=6+0 Bab:+9 CMB:+14 CMD: 27
Ac: 30=10+7(armor)+3(dex)+10(natural) Tch:13 Ff:27
Str20 Dex17(16+1) Con13
Int8(7+1) Wis10 Cha11
+3 Chainshirt(+7AC, +4 Max Dex, acp-1, 25lbs, 30ft, Fly 70ft.)
+1 Ghost Touch/+1 Ghost Touch Quarterstaff(1d6+8, x2, Lbs, B)+15/+10 wielded 2-handed
TWF (1d6+6) +13/+8 and (1d6+6)+13/+8
2 Slams(1d8+7, x2, B)+14
Summoner still has 36,050gp left to spend on him/herself
Evolutions: Slam(f, replaced Claws), Limbs(arms, f), Limbs(legs, f), Flight(x3, 4 points), Skilled(Fly, 1 point), Spell-Like Ability(Cure Light Wounds, 3/day, 2 points), Resistance(Acid 15, 1 point), Resistance(Electricity 15, 1 point), Resistance(Cold 15, 1 point), Spell Resistance(SR 21, 4 points)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells,
Feats: Light Armor Proficiency(1), Simple Weapon Proficiency(2), Two-Weapon Fighting(5), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting(7), Double Slice(10),
Heal: 12=0+9+3
Acrobatics: =3+9+3-1
Fly: 22=3+9+3-1+8
Knowledge(the Planes): 11=-1+9+3
Knowledge(Religion): 11=-1+9+3
The Wraith |
Ok, this is Valefor, the Winged Aeon from Final Fantasy X.
20th level Summoner's Eidolon
Serpentine Form
HD 17d10
BaB +17
Fort + 5, Ref + 10, Will + 10
Base Speed 20, Climb 20
Nat Armor +2
Bite 1d6 ,Tail Slap 1d6
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Bite, Climb, Tail, Tail Slap
Skills 68; Feats 9; Nat Armor increase +16; Str +8, Dex +8, 4 Ability Score increases (Dex); 26 evolution pool
Limbs (Legs) (2)
Claws (1)
Resistance (Sonic) (1)
Large (3)
Breath Weapon (Sonic, Line) (3/day) (6)
Flight, 160 (9)
Magic Attacks (1)
Wing Buffet (1)
Ability Increase – Dex +2 (2)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Acrobatic, Dodge, Mobility, Flyby Attack, Hover, Wingover, Skill Focus (Fly), Ability Focus (Breath Weapon)
Skills: Fly (17), Perception (17), Survival (17), Acrobatics (17)
Complete Form:
HD: 17d10 + 51 (144 hp)
Init: +13
Spd: 20 ft, Climb 20 ft, Fly (average) 160 ft
BaB +17 , CMB +27, CMD 46
AC: 36 (-1 size, +9 Dex, +18 Natural), Touch 18, Flat-Footed 27
Fort +8, Ref + 19, Will +10
Abilities: Str 28, Dex 28, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Skills: Acrobatics +31 , Fly +35 , Perception +20 , Survival +20
Feats: Ability Focus (Breath Weapon), Acrobatic, Dodge, Flyby Attack, Hover, Improved Initiative, Mobility, *Multiattack, Skill Focus (Fly), Wingover
Full Attack: 1 Bite +25 (1d8 +9), 2 Claws +25 (1d6+9), 2 Wings +23(1d6+4), 1 Tail Slap +23 (1d8 +4)
Special Attacks: Aligned Magic Natural Attacks, Breath Weapon (Line, Sonic) 3/day (17d6, DC 21)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Devotion, Evasion, Improved Evasion, Sonic Resistance 15
As you can see from the characteristics, this avian lady (yes, it's a she - as you can figure from the breasts in her picture...) is a rocket in the sky, quite vulnerable (few hp and low Fort) but EXTREMELY capable to punch you and run away...
Mahrdol |
![Mind Flayer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/flayer.jpg)
Share Spells
STR 19
DEX 19
CON 13
INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 11
AC 27=11+12(natural)+4(dex) Tch: 15 Ff: 23
HP 72 (11d10+12)
Fort +8 Ref +12 Will +7
BAB +11
Natural AC +12
Feats 6
Improve natural attack
Improve Critical Bite
Spring attack
improve initive
Skills 66 Ranks Ability
Acrobatics (dex) +18
Fly (dex) +18
Knowledge Planes (int) +14
Perception (wis) +14
Sense Motive (wis) +14
Diplomacy (cha) +14
Evolutions (16)
Bite (1d6) F
Bite (1)1.5 dam
Flight 40' 2pts perfect when mort gets fly he has bad accident and his head detaches
Magic Attack(1)
Improve Damage(1)
Energy Attack acid (2)
Spell resistence (4) 23
Damage Reducion(5) dr/10
Bite +16/+11/+6 2d6+6 +1d6 acid 19-20x2
The Wraith |
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![Ice Devil](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/TSR95053-35.jpg)
I was going to stop at one, but then I thought up something ridiculous-- THE SPAWNER... Lvl 13 Eidolon. This serpent-like creature pairs with its master to destroy their enemies under their innumerable summons...
** spoiler omitted **
Basically he floods the board with d4+d3+1 medium elementals on the first turn if he thinks it's serious business, plopping them around the Summoner so the Summoner can get his own summons off. YEAH. Yeah... Um... It's FUNNY. maybe.
I'm still not sure if you can take Quicken Spell-like with the Eidolon, but he is 12HD at this point.
If he's a 12th level caster, he can Quicken up to 2nd level SLAs (3/day for each SLA he takes the feat for).
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![Jason Bulmahn](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/Jason2.jpg)
Okay, here is one I was challengd to do. This one is for Jason
Bulmahnaut** spoiler omitted **
A Bulmahnaut is a Minotaur like beast that rows Lord Jason around in his world wide quest for booze and babes.
I approve of this product and/or service.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9093-RedDragon_500.jpeg)
Jason Bulmahn wrote:To help folks use them in their games and to see what sort of imaginations lurk out there in the lands of the playtesters, this thread is for the posting of sample eidolons.Maybe have a different thread for remaking copyrighted/already established creatures?
We are using our imagination to create Eidolons that look like creatures others have already made. Just like when people make drizzt clones.
I am not advocating the creation of Clones.
WelbyBumpus |
![Montlarion Jeggare](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/pfc1106_montlarion.jpg)
Here is a basic fighter-replacement eidolon for a 1st level summoner: reasonably armored, good damage, and good reach. A great platform to evolve into a large or huge platemail-clad bruiser at high levels.
Lvl 1 Summoner's Eidolon
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 2d10+2 (13 hp)
Speed: 30 ft
Fort: +4 (base 3 + 1 Con)
Reflex: +1 (base 0 + 1 Dex)
Will: +3 (base 3 + 1 Wis)
BAB: +2
CMB: +6 (+2 BAB, +4 Str)
CMD: 17 (10 +2 BAB, +4 Str, +1 Dex)
AC: 15=10+1 (Dex)+2 (natural)+2 (armor)
Str 18 Dex 12 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Longspear +6 melee (1d8+6/x3), 10' reach: usually power attack for +5 melee (1d8+9/x3)
2 Claws +6/+6 melee (1d4+4)
Javelins (5) +3 ranged (1d6+4)
Evolutions: Limbs (arms, f), Limbs (legs, f), Claws (f), Ability Increase (Str+2) (2), Weapon training (simple weapons) (1)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Power Attack
Equipment: Leather Armor (no ACP), Longspear, 5 javelins (cost to equip: 20 gp)
Bluff: +4 (1 rank, +0 Cha, +3 class)
Climb: +5 (1 rank, +4 Str)
Knowledge (planes): +2 (1 rank, -2 Int, +3 class)
Perception: +5 (2 rank, +0 Wis, +3 class)
Sense Motive: +4 (1 rank, +0 Wis, +3 class)
Stealth: +5 (1 rank, +1 Dex, +3 class)
Swim: +5 (1 rank, +4 Str)
Kevin Murphy 340 |
Mortagimus: A hulking hunchbacked like humanoid; Other bodies fused to its back with hollowed eyes, their faces silently screaming, while their arms flail towards the sky. An acidic bile drips from his pores.
lvl 13 Summoner's Eidolon
Large Biped Eidolon
HD: 10d13+39 (126)
Speed: 30 ft.
Fort: 11=8+3 Reflex: 6=4+2 Will: 8=8+0 Bab: +12 CMB: +22 CMD: 34
Ac: 25=10+2(dex)+14(natural)-1(size) Tch:12 Ff:24
Str 29 Dex 15 Con 17
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 14
Slam (2D6+9+1d6 (acid)) +21/16, 10' reach
Evolutions: slam (1), limbs (arms) x3 (6), Large (3), Energy attack (acid) (2), Spell-like ability (animate dead 3/day) (5)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Feats: Corpsecrafter, Deadly chill, nimble bones, Hardened Flesh, destructive retribution, Weapon focus (slam)
Climb: 22= 13+9
Stealth: 11=13+2-4
Perception: 13=13+0
Knowledge (Religion): 11=13-2
The feats are in Libris Mortis.
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David Fryer wrote:Okay, here is one I was challengd to do. This one is for Jason
Bulmahnaut** spoiler omitted **
A Bulmahnaut is a Minotaur like beast that rows Lord Jason around in his world wide quest for booze and babes.
I approve of this product and/or service.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing
This makes me very happy.
Ice Titan |
I decided that I wanted to make an eidolon that had a ton of attacks. My friend suggested I make Gilgamesh from the Final Fantasy series, and, well, here he is.
Not a lot of promise in this build right now...
Medium LG Bipedal Eidolon, Level 1
HD: 2d10+2 (13 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Fort: 4=3+1 Reflex: 2=0+2 Will: 3=3+0 Bab: +2 CMB: +5 CMD: 16
Ac: 18=10+2(dex)+2(natural)+4(armor) Tch:12 Ff:16
Medium bastard sword (1d10+3, 19–20/×2)+0
Small bastard sword (1d8+1, 19–20/×2)-3
Str 16 Dex 14 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Evolutions: Limbs (legs, arms f), Claws (f), Armor Proficiency, Ability Bonus: Dexterity
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
And then around 5, it comes together...
Medium LG Bipedal Eidolon, Level 5
HD: 5d10+5 (30 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Fort: 4=4+1 Reflex: 2=1+2 Will: 3=4+0 Bab: +5 CMB: +8 CMD: 20
Ac: 22=10+2(dex)+6(natural)+4(armor) Tch:12 Ff:20
Medium bastard sword (1d10+5, 19–20/×2)+9
Small bastard sword (1d8+2, 19–20/×2)+9
Small bastard sword (1d8+2, 19–20/×2)+9
Small bastard sword (1d8+2, 19–20/×2)+9
Str 21 Dex 14 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Evolutions: Limbs (legs, arms f), Claws (f), Armor Proficiency, Ability Bonus: Strength, Limbs (arms), Improved Natural Armor, Skilled (Acrobatics) , Spell-like Ability (Expeditious Retreat)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Multiweapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword)
Wait, isn't this getting a little out of hand?!
Large LG Bipedal Eidolon, Level 10
HD: 9d10+27 (72 hp)
Speed: 30ft
Fort: 7=6+1 Reflex: 5=3+2 Will: 6=6+0 Bab: +9 CMB: +16 CMD: 29
Ac: 28=10+2(dex)+12(natural)+4(armor)+1(enhancement)-1(size) Tch:11 Ff:26
Large shocking bastard sword +1, (2d8+1d6+11)+17
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+5, 17–20/×2)+17
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+5, 17–20/×2)+17
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+5, 17–20/×2)+17
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+5, 17–20/×2)+17
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+5, 17–20/×2)+17
or, Power Attacking...
Large shocking bastard sword +1, (2d8+1d6+17)+14
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+11, 17–20/×2)+14
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+11, 17–20/×2)+14
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+11, 17–20/×2)+14
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+11, 17–20/×2)+14
Medium bastard sword +1 (1d10+11, 17–20/×2)+14
Str 32 Dex 14 Con 17
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Evolutions: Limbs (legs, arms f), Claws (f), Armor Proficiency, Ability Bonus: Strength x2, Limbs (arms)x2, Improved Natural Armor x2, Large
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Multiattack
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Multiweapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Power Attack, Improved Critical (Bastard Sword)
And that's not even scumming around the magic items section of the core book. He's only wearing a +1 chain shirt and he's using six +1 shocking bastard swords. Nothing besides!
Maeloke |
![Doll, Soulbound](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/paizo_PF7_living doll_2.jpg)
I heartily cheer the other mega critters popping up here. Here's my own menace to the rational world:
A primordial creature of frantic confusion, the Quithling Fury appears to be little more than a flying, raucously shrieking cloud of multicolored arms with scaly, webbed talons. Massive limbs paddle the creature swiftly through the air while smaller claws slash erratically at everything that approaches. Cradled amongst the talons is a small halfling with wild hair and a pleased, if slightly deranged expression on her face.
You can't run fast enough
CN Huge Outsider
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60ft.; Perception +24
HP 195 (17d10 + 102)
AC 46 (+23 natural, +3 dex, +9 +5 mithril chain shirt, +3 deflection, -2 size)
Saves Fort +23, Ref +15, Will +21; +4 vs enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved evasion SR 31
Speed 30ft., fly 70 ft (perfect)
Melee 6 claws +37 (3d6+21/19-20 plus rend); or power attack 6 claws +32 (3d6+31/19-20 plus rend)
Space 15ft. Reach 15ft.
Special Attacks rend 3d6+30; power attack 3d6+45
Str 46 Dex 16 Con 22 Int 7 Wis 18 Cha 12
BAB +17 CMB +37 CMD 50
Feats great fortitude, improved critical (claw), improved natural attack (claw) iron will, light armor proficiency, lightning reflexes, multiattack(b), power attack, weapon focus (claw)
Skills Intimidate +21, Fly +27, Perception +24, Use Magic Device +21
SQ devotion, link, share spells
Treasure +3 amulet of mighty fists, +5 mithril chain shirt, +5 cloak of resistance, +3 ring of deflection, +6 belt of strength, +6 headband of wisdom
Free claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs)
Chosen claws x 2, improved natural attack (claws), flight (+40 ft, perfect), huge size, large size, limbs (arms) x 2, rend, spell resistance
I had to throw out a good 'run for the hills, you're all going to die' eidolon before Jason presents revised rules to clamp down on this sort of thing.
Given a full attack against the average AC of a level 20 target (36-38), this fellow averages more than 5 regular claw hits (for 31 damage apiece, average) and 2 additional rend hits (avg 40 each). Total average output is 235 damage in one round! Subtracting an absurd DR 15/x from each hit, it still dishes out more than 120 damage - enough to pulverize a great wyrm, pit fiend, or solar in 3-4 rounds.
Not that its resilient enough to do that alone, of course, but it's scary anyhow.
Jason Kossowan |
In contrast to some of the (wonderfully) vibrant examples above, my mind keeps returning to something more simple - a spectral slave body-guarding a hegemonic elven diplomat princess. Would look like a ghostly apparition of an ancient warrior.
I've only included the stats with mundane equipment - obviously any magical gear raises the stakes dramatically.
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 2d10+2+3 (25 hp)
Speed: 20ft
Fort: 4=3+1 Reflex: 1=0+1 Will: 3=3+0 Bab:+2 CMB: +5 CMD: 16
AC: 18=10+1(dex)+5(scale mail)+2(large shield) Tch:11 Ff:17
Str 16 Dex 12 Con 13
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Spear (1d8+3, x3, P) +5
Evolutions: Claws(f), Limbs(arms, f), Limbs(legs, f), Armor Training x2 (2 points), Weapon Training (1 point)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells
Feats: Toughness
Acrobatics: 2=2+3+1-4
Perception: 5=2+3+0
Sense Motive: 5=2+3+0
Stealth: 2=2+3+1-4
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 5d10+10+5 (~51 hp)
Speed: 20ft
Fort: 6=4+2 Reflex: 3=1+2 Will: 4=4+0 Bab:+5 CMB: +9 CMD: 21
AC: 24=10+4(natural)+2(dex)+6(breastplate)+2(large shield) Tch:12 Ff:22
Str 18 Dex 14 Con 14
Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Long Sword (1d8+4, x2(19-20), S) +9
Evolutions: Claws(f), Limbs(arms, f), Limbs(legs, f), Armor Training x2 (2 points), Weapon Training x2 (2 points), Skilled (Perception, 1 point), DR 5/evil (3 points)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion
Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush
Acrobatics: 6=5+3+2-4
Perception: 16=5+3+0+8
Sense Motive: 8=5+3+0
Stealth: 6=5+3+2-4
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 9d10+18+9 (~89 hp)
Speed: 20ft flying (good)
Fort: 8=6+2 Reflex: 6=3+3 Will: 6=6+0 Bab:+9 CMB: +14 CMD: 26
AC: 30=10+8(natural)+3(dex)+6(breastplate)+3(large shield) Tch:13 Ff:26
Str 20 Dex 16 Con 14
Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 11
Long Sword (1d8+5, x2(19-20), S) +14
Evolutions: Claws(f), Limbs(arms, f), Limbs(legs, f), Armor Training x2 (2 points), Weapon Training x2 (2 points), Skilled (Perception, 1 point), DR 5/evil (3 points), Flight (2 points), Reach (1 point)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Multiattack (useless with non-natural weapons ?)
Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Shield Focus
Acrobatics: 11=9+3+3-4
Fly: 5=3+3+3-4
Perception: 20=9+3+0+8
Sense Motive: 12=9+3+0
Stealth: 11=9+3+3-4
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 13d10+26+13 (~125 hp)
Speed: 50ft flying (perfect)
Fort: 10=8+2 Reflex: 8=4+4 Will: 8=8+0 Bab:+13 CMB: +19 CMD: 33
AC: 34=10+12(natural)+4(dex)+4(chain shirt)+4(large shield) Tch:14 Ff:30
Str 22 Dex 18 Con 15
Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 11
Long Sword (1d8+6, x2(19-20), S) +19
Evolutions: Claws(f), Limbs(arms, f), Limbs(legs, f), Armor Training x2 (2 points), Weapon Training x2 (2 points), Skilled (Perception, 1 point), Skilled (Fly, 1 point), DR 10/evil (5 points), Flight (magical - 5 points), Spell Resistance (4 points)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Improved Evasion, Multiattack (useless with non-natural weapons ?), Spell Resistance 26
Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Flyby Attack, Shield Focus, Greater Shield Focus
Acrobatics: 18=13+3+4-2
Fly: 20=7+3+4+8-2
Perception: 24=13+3+0+8
Sense Motive: 16=13+3+0
Stealth: 18=13+3+4-2
Medium Bipedal Eidolon
HD: 17d10+51+17 (~178 hp)
Speed: 50ft flying (perfect)
Fort: 13=10+3 Reflex: 10=5+5 Will: 10=10+0 Bab:+17 CMB: +24 CMD: 39
AC: 39=10+16(natural)+5(dex)+1(dodge)+3(studded leather)+4(large shield) Tch:16 Ff:35
Str 24 Dex 20 Con 16
Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 11
Long Sword (1d8+7, x2(19-20), S) +24
Evolutions: Claws(f), Limbs(arms, f), Limbs(legs, f), Armor Training x2 (2 points), Weapon Training x2 (2 points), Skilled (Perception, 1 point), Skilled (Fly, 1 point), DR 10/evil (5 points), Flight (magical - 5 points), Spell Resistance (4 points), Fast Healing 2 (6 points)
Special: Darkvision, Link, Share Spells, Improved Evasion, Multiattack (useless with non-natural weapons ?), Spell Resistance 26
Feats: Toughness, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Greater Bull Rush, Dodge, Mobility, Flyby Attack, Shield Focus, Greater Shield Focus
Acrobatics: 24=17+3+5-1
Fly: 26=11+3+5+8-1
Perception: 28=17+3+0+8
Sense Motive: 20=17+3+0
Stealth: 24=17+3+5-1