I feel the depth of the background should be one paragraph to one page, depending on level started and GM desire. For example, I have a new character coming into a campaign at level 10. so I felt this required more detail than a first level character. I like to add a few threads/characters that the DM can use for adventure seeds as they chose. If they use them, great. If not, they are still there to mine.
Example (spoilered for campaign);
Sebastion (Bast) Mal’thais was born in Riverspire in the heart of Kyonin to a young elven hunter and his paramour, an aasimar druid. Soon after his birth, his mother stole away with him to the north and the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. He was raised in druidic tradition hermited away in a small hutted cave near Icestair by his celestial mother. Brought up so near the Irrisian Border, and the threat of the winter witches a constant threat he was guided in defense against the unnatural arts. She gifted him the rare talent to call a celestial elemental to bond and be his companion. Her unusual training methods drew him away from flora and fauna and tied him closely to the elements. Though instead of a soft breeze, he became a storm. Thunderous and hard as the realm in which he was raised. His elven blood ran hot in his veins, and his mother feared the wanderlust she saw in her child. Her attempts to curtail his anxious spirit were cut short when she was killed by creatures from the world wound while he was communing with his shadow in the hot springs near Tolguth. He left the north soon after her death. To seek a way to avenge her.
Overhearing some Ulfen Traders speaking of the demons that populated Ustalav, he decided to head there in his quest to seek a means to combat the denizens of the world wound. With only a frost sling, a dagger, and his faithful shadow Quothe he was ill prepared for what he met in cities of men such as these. Poor and desperate to find what he sought, he spent a year thieving to survive in Caliphas with frequent trips across the Avalon Bay into Illmarsh to fence his ill gotten goods. He met an old wizardly bounty hunter in Illmarsh at the beginning of his second year in Ustalav named Eloruh, and they became fast friends and accomplices. Between himself, his shadow, and Eloruh… Bast was able to build a small nest egg and a collection of various tools and knickknacks. He began to gain skill in tracking, and some more roguish abilities during this time. It was during his second year that he acquired, Kaysera, his exceptional Black Mithral Scythe. Stolen from the carriage of some Pharasmin inquisitor. Soon after, with a price on his head, Eloruh convinced Bast to head to Kyonin to seek out his past.
In Kyonin, Bast took up with a small druid circle and began to once again advance in the path of his lost mother. These Kyonin Druids were intrigued by this unique form of power and faith taught to Bast. And he garnered the attention of some minor noble spellcasters. Throughout his time in Kyonin he found out very little about his father and nothing about his past. But he became a bit of a popular oddity amongst the nobles. After a few years he took the gifts and favors they bestowed upon him and sought out a great smithy to produce a suit of armor that would honor his heritage, protect him during his quests, and not interfere with his cause and his druidic beliefs. The smithy created for him a miraculous chainmail made of dragonhide. Around this time he received a message from Eloruh. Eloruh himself had fled Ustalav shortly after Bast, but he headed west to Lastwall where he earned his keep as a scout. It seemed a horde of unnatural creatures had been assaulting the settlements, and with many and more knights errant heading to the world wound they were calling out for reinforcements to handle the threat. Distraught he had not found the answers he sought, but joyed to see his old friend again, he set out for The Lastwall settlement of Hallein Town.
Reunited once again, Bast, his shadow, and Eloruh seemed unstoppable. Together they lead many sorties and halted the advancement of a medium sized undead horde. Lauded by the people of Hallein and other settlements in Lastwall. They were inducted into the roaming order of Galadonian Knighthood. Bast then invited Eloruh back to Kyonin for a much needed respite. It was then that he was summoned by a great power to head to the gangster town of Riddleport were his destiny, and perhaps his past, awaits….
Ok, So Mark Sheppard is one of my favorite genre character actors. He has appeared in Supernatural, Dr. Who, Warehouse 13, Firefly, BSG, ST: Voyager, Sliders, etc.
Who could he play in future episodes/seasons of Game of Thrones?
My vote is for Halden Halfmeaster. A bit of a snarky quircky character, as well as I'd love to see him pit wits against Tyrion...
Oh no problem at all, I didn't mean to call you out so apologies for harping on your mistake, those two things stood out to me and since the first was something I missed I figured maybe I missed something that could turn a secondary into a primary,
No worries.
Anyway, anybody else find that while they are making up Eidola of various shapes and forms that some of your creations would make just proper creatures to inhabit a dungeon/world/campaign?
Echo the Shadow Serpent appears as a small and wispy shadowy form with soot colored small Eagle wings and Contagious Green Eyes. Droplets of shadow ooze off off him and dissipate into nothingness as he flies about.
Echo Shadow Serpent 1:
Lvl 1
Small Serpentine Eidolon
Spd 2o ft, climb 20 ft
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11;
BAB +2
Fort +0 Ref +7 Will +3
HP 20
AC 17 Tch 11 Ff 13
Bite +1 (1d4-1)
Tail Slap +1 (1d4-1)
Acid Splash 0 lvl SLA at will 2 pts
Color Spray 1 lvl SLA 1/day 1 pt
Free Evolutions
bite, climb, tail, tail slap
Echo Shadow Serpent 20:
Lvl 20
Small Serpentine Eidolon
Spd 2o ft, climb 20 ft, fly 40 ft
Str 16, Dex 24, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 15;
BAB +17
Fort +5 Ref +17 Will +10
HP 95
AC 36 Tch 18 Ff 29
Bite +21 (1d4+3)
Tail Slap +21 (1d4+3)
Modeled after Greebo from the discworld books. A witches cat that ends up a man for reasons that seemed good at the time.
"Appears as a shadowy swashbuckling, dastardly buccaneer with an eye patch who emanates enough sexual energy to power a television. He can speak individual words with a drawn out accent, and he was also pleased to find that his cat's agility had transferred over to his human form - as well as a set of retractable, razor sharp claws on each hand"
"he looks like a 'beautiful, brainless bully' who has raided a leather goods store for the discerning pirate, and appears ready to unbuckle any amount of swash, radiating an aura of raw sex that can be felt several rooms away, and of a megawatt magnitude. He is typically covered in scars, has retractable nails (or more accurately, claws) and maintains a slitted left eye."
To be honest, I love the SLA... but I think it should perhaps be less than 1 minute per level.
Agreed. Love the SLA. They are THE SUMMONER Class after all. And they have a rather limited spell selection as far as offense. Their Summons, including Eiddie, are their offense.
I would go for a reduced duration, or a staggered increase perhaps.
I kinda am leaning towards INT based for the Summoner and WIS or possibly CHA based for the Witch. Even if that leads the summoner to be a prepared caster.
Yeah I know, how often do we get to 18th level. But to get three extra castings of any 9th level spell is a bit powerful perhaps. The eidolon casts more 9th level spells than a wizard of 18th level. All for a mere six evolution points (4 pts for two ability increases and 2 pts for Spell-like ability 3/day).
I was just thinking. Oracles are a perfect venue for escaping the trappings of Domains. May take just a bit more work to build the Bonus Spell Lists, but;
Oracle of Music
Oracle of Illusions
Oracle of Shadow
Oracle of Time
or following a different vein...
Oracle of Lust
Oracle of Gluttony
Oracle of Greed
Oracle of Sloth
Oracle of Wrath
Oracle of Envy
Oracle of Pride
Just an Idea that popped in my head. I'm sure if I took a minute, I could follow the structure of the current Foci and create these for myself and my campaign. But thought I'd throw it out there.
Stealthy Hunter
You combine your knowledge of anatomy learned as a rogue with your strong hunting abilities.
Prereq: Sneak Attack +2d6, Favored Enemy.
You have a +3 rogue level (up to your number of HD) when determining Sneak attack bonus against your Favored enemies only. Example, a 4th level rogue/1st level ranger would apply +3d6 sneak attack damage against favored enemies and +2d6 sneak attack damage to all other creatures.
You have a +3 ranger level (up to your number of HD) when determining Favored enemies bonus. For example, a 4th-level rogue/1st-level ranger would have two favored enemies and could allocate an extra +2 bonus against one of those favored enemies, as if she were a 5th-level ranger.
In addition, this extra sneak attack damage applies against any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits or sneak attacks.
[This essentially allows a max +2d6 extra sneak attack damage against favored enemies only, and a max 1 extra level of favored enemies (+2/+2)]
A new version of the feat. Based more off of favored enemy.
Stealthy Hunter
You combine your knowledge of anatomy learned as a rogue with your strong hunting abilities.
Prereq: Sneak Attack +2d6, Favored Enemy
For every +2 bonus granted against the ranger's favored enemy, a character with the Stealthy Hunter feat adds +1d6 damage to sneak attacks against that enemy.
In addition, this extra sneak attack damage applies against any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits or sneak attacks.
Also - your ranger and rogue levels stack for the purpose of determining when you select additional favored enemies, as well as the total bonus granted against your favored enemies. For example, a 4th-level rogue/1st-level ranger would have two favored enemies and could allocate an extra +2 bonus against one of those favored enemies, as if
she were a 5th-level ranger.
Not that this makes the feat any more balanced. But a 7th level rogue can jump into 1 level of Shadow Dancer and get a Hide in Plain Sight that works in any terrain as long as she is within 10 feet of some sort of shadow.
Oh, I see the 70d6+70 now. It would be maxed at 48d6 +48(8d6X6 +8X6) at 20th with a 10rogue/10ranger with this feat though(bonus from feat only applies to 1/2 level)
The 2WF is a bonus for multi-classing to ranger, yes. But a rogue gets 4 bonus feats (special ability) by 20th and can take the full tree anyway. And this does burn one feat.
Any feat can probably be abused I suppose.
Look at swift ambusher;
A 20th level rogue17/scout3 swift ambusher can move 10 ft to flank (or be invisible, etc) and do +9d6 sneak attack bonus, +5d6 skirmish bonus AND get a +5 competence bonus to AC. Or just have +9d6 Sneak attack damage without moving.
Looks OK, but is it balanced with the Hide in Plain Sight the Ranger gets? Especially with 2 weapon fighting, you're getting 70d6 points of extra damage at higher levels (+70 against some enemies).
70d6? +70? is this a typo?
a 20th level 10rogue/10 ranger would have a possible +8d6 sneak attack and a possible +8 damage to one favored enemy. (effective 15rogue/15ranger)
For him to get Hide in plain sight, he would have to be a ranger17/rogue3.
a 20th level 3rogue/17ranger would have a possible 6d6 sneak attack and a possible +8 to damage to one favored enemy. (effective 11 rogue/18 ranger)
I can see how hide in plain sight can be abused. It is limited to a "natural terrain". Does attempting to hide in plain sight count as a standard action? a move action? Can he do a full attack round then HiPS then do a full attack the next round?
Thanks for the comment, and any further feedback would be appreciated.
Swift Hunter
Prereq: Favored enemy, skirmish +1d6/+1 AC
Benefit: Ranger and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses, favored enemies
I've updated the feat a little.
You combine your knowledge of anatomy learned as a rogue and your strong hunting abilities.
Prereq: Sneak Attack +2d6, Favored Enemy
Your rogue levels and 1/2 your ranger levels stack for the purpose of determining the extra damage granted for sneak attack. For example, a 4th-level rogue/3nd level ranger would deal an extra 3d6 damage when using sneak attach, as if she were a 5th level rogue.
Your ranger levels and 1/2 your rogue levels stack for the purpose of determining when you select additional favored enemies, as well as the total bonus granted against your favored enemies. For example, a 4th-level rogue/3rd level ranger would have two favored enemies and could allocate an extra +2 bonus against one of those favored enemies as if she were a 5th level ranger.
SWIFT HUNTER also adds;
In addition, your skirmish extra damage applies against
any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if
it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits
or skirmish attacks.
I felt leaving this out and halving the levels stacking brings this closer to being workable and not broken.
Heh... I knew someone would catch the reference :) The sad part is... it's a true story and my plea for divine intervention with the drawer was completely spontaneous.
Definitely agree the man is a genius. One of the best writers of the past 444 years.
Yesterday I'm in the kitchen and looking for those little corn cob poker things. I try to open a drawer and the darned thing is stuck. "Grrr", I try the classic push it in fast pull it out... no luck. A couple wiggles and a few growls later and I cry out "Anoia!". Miraculously the drawer pops open and I am able to access it's contents.
Swift Ambusher
Prereq: Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, sneak attack +1d6
Benefit: Rogue and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses
Swift Hunter
Prereq: Favored enemy, skirmish +1d6/+1 AC
Benefit: Ranger and scout levels stack for skirmish bonuses, favored enemies
Looking for suggestions/comments on this feat --
Stealthy Hunter
Prereq: Sneak Attack +2d6, Favored Enemy
Benefit: Ranger and rogue levels stack for Sneak attack bonuses, favored enemies
Skirmish 1d6/+1 Ac is scout 3rd level ability.
Sneak attack 2d6 is a Rogue 3rd level ability.
Yes, Sneak attack goes up to 10d6 while skirmish only goes to 5d6.
BUT - Skirmish also adds +5 AC and can be used without having to flank or surprise.
Scout does need a 10 ft move to skirmish.
Rogue needs circumstances for sneak attack to work
I see this as the Ranger/Rogue hunting her prey, hidden in the bush and Shoots a perfect arrow for the kill. Or sneaks(rogue and ranger class skills) up to her prey and performs a quick finishing blow. And adding to favored enemies bonus with rogue levels makes sense as rogues(Sneak Attack) tend to know the best ways to kill things anyway.
I think it's pretty balanced.
Let me know what you think.
A 20th level rogue10/scout10 swift ambusher can move 10 ft to flank (or be invisible, etc) and do +5d6 sneak attack bonus, +5d6 skirmish bonus AND get a +5 competence bonus to AC
A 20th level ranger10/scout10 swift hunter Has full favored enemy bonuses, can move 10 ft to do +5d6 skirmish bonus AND get a +5 competence bonus to AC
A 20th level rogue10/ranger10 stealthy hunter can flank(or be invisible, etc) and do +10d6 sneak attack bonus, and gets full favored enemy bonuses.