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Organized Play Member. 41 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Scarab Sages

Jadeite wrote:

The Pathfinder Wiki should be what you are looking for.

Also, next month this product, to be released next month, will be much cheaper than the outdated campaign guide:
Pathfinder Player Companion: Inner Sea Primer

Thanks very much! When I saw 'Inner Sea Primer' I had no idea what that really meant. Thought it was going to be narrow info on just one area.

Scarab Sages

I myself am getting into the PF world after doing homebrew with the ruleset for quite some time. Unfortunately, getting the physical campaign guide is out of my financial reach for awhile (and once I get it I would have to share with players as broke as I am).

Has anyone compiled a Primer on History/Races/Religion/Nationalities? Nothing in depth but more "Oh! Okay, I get it!" kinda information I can share with a gaming group?

Thanks in advance!

PS - My search-fu is strong but impatient, I looked for threads but found none within first few pages.

Scarab Sages

64. Sachet of Lilacs and Roses - A small sewn handkerchief filled with expensive oils and flower petals. When held to the nose with one hand stops all ill effects from gas/cloud/vapor based attacks. Works for 30 rounds, non consecutive.

65. Clockwerk Hobgoblin - 12" tall mechanical hobgoblin attached to a stand. When button is pressed, goblin does a rigid mechanical dance for 3 rounds.

Scarab Sages

Eating a level of Fighter early on is not a bad idea for this build. I have built up a very good sword and board melee Inquisitor and from what I have seen of levels 13+ if you want to stay Melee you are going to have to go Fighter anyway.

Another option is to say that the Double Axe is the favored weapon of your deity. Done.

Scarab Sages

What about a Glove of Storing? Free action to store the item in that hand. That limits you to 3 Returning Items but more than usable until you get to higher multiple attacks.

Scarab Sages

Inquisitor - The Selfish Bard. Not as much in skill as a Rogue or Bard but still has a ton. Can buff himself significantly in nearly any direction to fill most roles as a back up. Excellent spotter, tracker, intimidator, lie detector and will usually be at the top of the initiative order. Offensively they can go range, melee or even spells with sick spell penetration. Defensively can get pretty gross and are another possible source of Cure spells.

Biggest weakness is HP and attrition. With so many reasons to invest in Dex and Wis, Con actually ties with Cha for 3rd stat. In long term battles without rest in between, uses of Judgment and rounds of Bane really start to matter and the best highest levels spells start to deplete fast if he is being a supporting buffer.

It is hard to pin him down in a single role but you can be sure an Inquisitor will be supporting several characters who are better in the main roles.

Scarab Sages

I love these alignment discussions.

Scenario with the Pixie as I read it:
Pixie-"I surrender"
Sorceror-"Surrender denied"
Oracle/Druid-"Wait he might have information or could be a plot hook."
Sorceror-"Or he could be a liability, he dies."
Oracle/Druid-"G@+%%$nit what does it matter? If he does it will be our problem you don't have to worry about it."
Sorceror-"I want to do what I want and that is to kill him."
End result: Cruel, selfish, immediate gratification. Chaotic Evil.

Scenario with the Barbarians:
Barbarian PC-"Crap, I am rolling like hell and not sure what to say keep this civil."
Sorceror - "I'm bored. This is stupid. Maximized Acid Ball."
Barbarian NPCs - "Ah! We are melting along with a cohesive story in which the PCs actually have a goal instead of just reacting to what the Sorceror does!"
End Result - Reckless, selfish, psychopathic. Chaotic Evil.

Honestly sounds like the only way you are gonna reign this guy in is to get him invested. Do a bit of DM trickery and hit him with a double edged curse. Every time you do something Chaotic Stupid you get a little more powerful (metamagics, increased caster levels, DCs, lot of little stuff spread out) but end up with permanent CON drain (NOTHING brings it back). He hits zero CON or is killed under curse, BAM evil NPC for the party to deal with and he rolls a new character.

If he has a problem with it. Fine let him. Give him the opportunity to get rid of the curse by doing Lawful Evil things or switch his alignment to Chaotic Stupid. When he finally starts to get how he should be acting, have a storyline that runs around with him confronting the curse giver and getting it broken/removed.

Scarab Sages

I love PF and I love IK but, IK in a D20 setting is a dismal failure. Spellcasting is an entirely different animal. Hell, MAGIC is an entirely different animal in IK.

After looking through a half dozen other systems, I think the only viable option for IK is a game based off their already existing rules for Hordes/Warmachine, made more in depth and deliciously complex.

Scarab Sages

Just like a job you aren't fond of, quitting is a bad idea. I would stick with it until you can find a better game to play in. That way you give it more time to improve and if it doesn't it isn't like saying "I would rather be doing nothing than this."

Scarab Sages

If you are in combat it is almost guaranteed you will have something buffing your saves (Good Hope, Prayer, Bard-Awesomeness). This is the reason to have Iron Will. Taking your sorry will save with a 50% or less success rate (with buffs) and adding 10% chance for success and eventually a re-roll (when you take Improved Iron Will) if you fail will be enormously helpful.

Scarab Sages

*Steeples hands and begins contemplating with a mischievous grin*

If you want to draw things out a little more and give the PCs a chance to figure out what is going and to work up the player in question. I would have them encounter someone who works for the King but all they see is someone committing a crime and low and behold he has a winged serpent tattoo. Not the guy who killed his parents but definitely someone associated. Then draw out the threads even more.

Scarab Sages

This really sounds like "The ends, justifies the means."

I think we can agree, using a contracted Glabrezu is in, and of itself an evil act.

Now, if you use him sparingly only when you absolutely need to (save yourself, save someone else). That is Justified and no alignment shift.

If you are using him all the time to make every encounter easier you are doing exactly what a Glabrezu would want you to do. That is not Justified and an Alignment shift to Chaotic.

If you are using the Glabrezu to do humiliating things like get kittens out of trees or work at a soup kitchen or help an old lady across the street. That is Justified and Hilarious.

Scarab Sages

waltero wrote:
I was looking into the Weapon focus feat chain, namely Dazzling Display. With that feat you make an intimidate check for foes within 30'. If they fail, they are shaken. Something nice for a fighter to do in his first round before running up to engage. There are some other feats which build off this chain.

As a side note, Dazzling Display + Barbarian's Terrifiying Howl is a Hoot. Especially when one character is doing the Display and then the Barbarian Howls after him. No upper limit on HD and range is Sight/Hearing. Good Times.

Scarab Sages

How about a Throwy Fighter?

Quick Draw, Point Blank, Deadly Aim, Weapon Focus with favorite type and then pick up Throw Anything for the Hell of it (Nothing like hitting someone with a Tankard with a ton of damage stacked on it).

I admit it would be just as tempting to do this as a ranger but as a Fighter he can have much higher AC and be able to get stuck in when he gets penned down (with a two handed weapon when he clears who ever is fighting him he can go right back to throwing without dropping/sheathing).

I played a Throwy Barbarian and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Scarab Sages

Kaisoku wrote:

With IUS you are considered armed, and you aren't using a weapon, so you qualify for both aspects of disarm.

You are getting hung up on a phantom "unarmed" that doesn't exist in the disarm rules.

There is a rather idiotic listing of Unarmed Strike as a Simple Weapon. If you accept that, you would have to assume that all unarmed attempts to disarm with were with weapons. So unless you cut off your hands you couldn't take what they were holding and if you did (Cut off your hands) you couldn't hold the weapon anyways.

I would house rule this that if you are using Natural, Unarmed (including Spiked Gauntlets), or any appendage that could conceivably hold a weapon you successfully take the weapon from them if you roll 4 higher than CMD (with no possibility to get 2 items if you roll a 14). With that 4 or higher it still allows you succeed on disarm with a possibility of NOT getting the item you disarmed and instead having it drop at their feet.

Scarab Sages

Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons.

I do like this change as I think the mechanic was a pain for gaming and for my DM (Yeah you hit... Wait is this round 2 or 3? Yeah you missed).

But now I am REALLY wondering what is going to be in store for levels 13+ when the Inquisitor starts to slump in effectiveness (Exploit Weakness and Slayer were simply subpar and now Slayer is moot). I do love the class but switching to a class with a High BaB Progression after level 12 is just too tempting (and unless there are some serious carrots besides spell progression after 12 it will be even worse with these changes).

Scarab Sages

Themetricsystem wrote:
Powergamers concerned with min/maxing so they can get the feat. That's who.

It all depends. A human can mimic nearly any build. I will use an Inquisitor as an Example. This Inquisitor's focus will be on High Saving Throws and High Perception, while keeping skills in general high and HP steady.

Elf - +2 vs Enchantment, +1 Ref, -1 Fort, +2 Keen senses, +1 Skill pts for Int bonus, +1 HPs per level for Favored to cancel Con hit.

Human - Extra Feat (Alertness, Skill Focus Perception or Saving Throw Boost), +1 Skill Points Regardless, +1 HP for Favored, +2 to Dex to shore up AC and Ref save.

If you look at this, they are about equal. The Elf gets some nice natural abilities that the Human would have to use his feat to equal (and eventually exceed) but the Elf has to juggle his stats around to get what the human has naturally.

Also, as you slowly level you find the human slowly gaining advantage as gear starts to fill in the deficiencies but the other races never truly lose their edge.

NOTE: I actually play an Elf Inquisitor and now looking, It would have been far more 'power-gamery' of me to take an Half Elf since I am about to multi-class at 13.

Scarab Sages

I personally took mine into the Melee area of things but the things that jump out at me are your spell lists.

Sanctuary - Way too easy to get around.
True Strike - Not Horrible but I have always found myself dreading the "Yeah I move and cast the spell and get to wait to next turn to do something"
Protection From Evil - Just too awesome. +2 Deflection against most opponents, nearly complete protection vs. summoned creatures and enchantment based spells.
Expeditious Retreat - The main staple of my Inquisitor, I would have to think that it would be even better on a Ranged PC.

I also second Galnorag. Improved Init on a high Dex Inquisitor is just awesome (currently +11 Init :-P )

Scarab Sages

Gelatinous Cube Rogue... Well this guy was really more a threat if my current Inquisitor was killed.

Scarab Sages

Ice Titan wrote:

I agree with these points-- tremorsense remains one of the least defined abilities in the game, and it's why I find it humorous that the deaf oracle and the...

Hrmm, since the interpretation can be skewed to any purpose let us come up with some scenarios of how I would interpret it.

You are blindfolded and enter a room. An invisible Rogue with an incredible stealth skill is lying perfectly still on a stone slab. His heart beats, the stone table carries this to the ground. You detect him.

You are walking down a hallway lined with statues and you are blindfolded. You are aware of the size of the hallway, columnar objects occupying 10x10 squares and little else. One of the statues is animated but has remained perfectly still the entire time. It lifts a finger. You are within TS range you detect it. You knew an object was there but coudl not determine whether it was animate or not until it moved (no heartbeat, no clockworks, no nothing).

You are blindfolded. A thief steals your purse on a busy street and ducks into a crowd still within your TS range. You must make a Perception check (DM decides DC) to pick out his footsteps from the myriad of other footsteps around you.

You are walking down a narrow cavern. You enter within TS range of an empty chamber on the other side of the cavern wall and become aware of the void in the stone. While there is nothing in the rules that says this is possible it is in reality the only way a creature such as an Earth Elemental or Xorn could navigate through solid rock.

For some inexplicable reason a gnome is limboing on stilts on the other side of a locked door. A perception would need to be made to discern what in the hell is going on. With absolute minimun being 'something bipedal moving about' to 'a gnome on stilts doing the limbo'.

On the other side of a locked door you sense shelves in contact with the ground. You know their basic shape and are aware that they are very well laden and no animate critters are on them.

On the other side of a locked door in a tower and a spider climbing vampire waits in ambush on the ceiling. You sense nothing. You are another character with Blindsight on the story above the Vampire. You detect him but not the party. Silly but how I would play it.

You walk by a secret door concealed with a wall. As soon as it enters your TS you can make a perception check immediately against how well the crafter of the door made it similar to the wall. Once again something not in the rules but imagine 2 massive rooms with an adjoining wall, that is the only time this would ever matter since a narrow passage on the other side of a secret door would be very easy to limit the searchable area too.

This whole thing should be another thread. Didn't mean to hijack the "Deaf Oracles are way gimped" thread for "Tremorsense is ill defined and silly" discussion.

Scarab Sages

Okay I am reading

Universal Monster Rules (Pathfinder_OGC) wrote:
Tremorsense: A creature with tremorsense is sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground. Aquatic creatures with tremorsense can also sense the location of creatures moving through water. The ability's range is specified in the creature's descriptive text.

I find your interpretation of this ability EXTREMELY liberal. The very first thing that comes up "inanimate objects do not vibrate" this makes the whole ability contradictory. You detect vibrations but you pinpoint the location of anything in contact with the ground. Which is it? Do you pinpoint the location of anything in touch with the ground or anything in touch with the ground that gives off vibrations?

Now assuming you can sense the atomic vibration of inanimate objects. You can say, "Hey there are shelves behind this brick wall." It does not say you know what is on them or even how much they weigh. Only their location and tacitly their size. So no saying there 1986234 coins in burlap sacks on the granite shelves. "Fine the sacks are on the floor." Same thing. X amount of sacks that could be filled with gold, flour, ants or empty. "Fine then, the coins are on the ground!" Then better hope they have been used to tile the floor and not stacked on each other. It can get even more retarded from there and someone moving across the coins would not be detectable because he is not in contact with the ground.

I am not mocking. I am trying to point out how someone can take the definition of Tremorsense and give it a Draconian/Opposite end of the spectrum definition. Also, if there is some kind of official ruling on this in rule section I would love to see it because I did do my research before writing this.

Scarab Sages

17 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So tonight in our campaign a party member took nearly 80% of damage of his total from a Clay Golem.

The party was mostly 9th level (8 people) and when we were done and went to heal we looked at the full explanation of the ability and were stunned.

No naturally healing. Magical healing needed a DC 26 Caster Level check to succeed.

After much rule mongering we came to this realization. Supernatural healing would automatically fail (cannot make a spellcaster level check on it) and Spell and Spell like would fail 85% of the time due to the constraints on it.

Supernatural - Since a SU affect cannot be dispelled but was technically still magic as per the rules of Anti-Magic, we decide that SU healing could not overcome this ability. (The Golem ability reads "No Magical Healing without Caster Level Check" Anti-Magic states "Supernatural Abilities do not work" therefore Supernatural is Magical)

Extraordinary - This would fall under the realm of Natural Healing and therefore be irrelevant. (Clay Golems are Trolls worst nightmare)

Spell and Spell Like - For a level 9 caster, a flat 85% failure rate. Nothing in the rules to boost it.

Now the question of the night... Why the hell is this ability on a CR 10 mob?

This ability is disgusting and does not seem to fit any of the normal rules. If it is a curse, why isn't it disspellable? If the CL to create a golem was 11 why is it at 26 instead of 21 (I find DC 15+CL difficult creation rules irrelevant to what the DCs against its abilities are).

Did we work around it? Yes. Was the work around sound? ZNo, the DM had to make an on the spot ruling to make sure the game continued (We had our Wizard with Break Enchantment roll to remove the 'curse' and he only did so with the help of Luck domain Cleric giving a re-roll).

Why am I posting this if we worked around it? Because -

A - If somebody is seeing something we didn't I would love to hear it.
B - If not, this thing needs errata badly. (i.e. DC 21 Caster Level, Saving Throw or allowing Remove Curse, Break Enchantment to work on it.)

We were fortunate that we were playing a city campaign with a larger time/resource pool (and a DM who saw the predicament this ability but him in) but if this had happened in a dungeon it would be a game killer as it would leave a party no recourse but to retreat and spend several days expending heals hoping to roll extremely well so they can get back to adventuring.

Scarab Sages

I love this class. To give you some background, my inquisitor is level 6 now and is a straight laced, hard boiled 'Detective' with a Law and Order themed church. As an elf his HPs are a little low but his AC is the best in the party (Medium Armor and Shield) and fully buffed it gets ridiculous. His attack and damage are all second rate, he is there to take shots for the easier to hit DPS characters but when it comes to unloading he can buff up to dish out some serious hurt.

Skill Set is great, with a Bard in the party I am the Bad Cop to his Good Cop and with the Ranger I am always there to shore him up in case he rolls poorly on a track. This character does not step on anybody's toes despite his broad spectrum of abilities.

Cunning Initiative is the best, I have a High Dex character with Improved Initiative to boot. I almost always go first which lets me start my Judgments right away.

Tactical Feats and Solo Tactics. Awesome. I like the new feats and after a few games of watching me get the bonuses solo the Rogue and Fighter are thinking about picking them up too. The ability to swap the latest one is a little confusing but I like having that ability there.

Judgments. I like them, I even like the scaling. Makes for more tracking but I would rather have +3 eventually instead of +2 right away. The only thing I would ask for is more per day.

Bane. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Spells, took me a bit to wrap my head around. 3rd level is a little weak in the list but 1 and 2 have some great spells. I do think that Inquisitor should get the domain spell as a free spell known but leave spells per day untouched. 4-5-6 all look good but I am not there yet.

For the abilities that are yet to come. Evasion seems strange to have so high up there. Exploit weakness is just strange and having it tied to crits just exacerbates that. Slayer I think should happen earlier, like 12th. The first two rounds of combat tend to go quick. A more powerful ability to have at 17th would be the ability to switch 1 judgment that is at max to another and have it stay at max.

The only ability he doesn't have that I think he should have is Trap Sense, same progression as the Barbarian.

So far I am thoroughly enjoying this character that has so many faces. Detective, Monster Hunter, Zealot, Bounty Hunter, Terrorist, Freedom Fighter and I am sure many others.

Scarab Sages

Well now that Atari and Hasbro are fighting over the decaying corpse that is the D&D Video Game licensr there may be a real shot here at seeing a Pathfinder video game. Bioware has finally given WotC/Hasbro both fingers with Dragon Age being based on its own system so they are out but there has to be some developer that can pull it off.

Scarab Sages

Does anyone have any word on RPGXplorer? I just checked and their site is down.

Have they gone the way of abandonware?

Scarab Sages

Adun wrote:

My proposition:

Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 10 ft., Fly 30
ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (bad), Ref (good), Will (good); Attack bite (1d4), Claw (1d3); Ability Scores Str
8, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 11; Free Evolutions
bite, wings, limbs (legs), claws.

Because as it is, the Eidolon doesn't represent all the archtypical life forms, it's got Biped, Quadruped, and Serpentine, but not Bird-like. So, unlike the others, it's starts out small, and can get bigger, but only as big as large.

I know this isn't perfect, but I think the wings benefit is outweighed by the small size.

I agree but all Eidolons seem to have 4 points of free Evolution.

Flight Form Avian = Legs, Wings would be 4 points and a fair start for a winged critter.

What I would like is The ability to have a floating ball with perfect magical flight taking all 4 of my base points. Add a bite, a big ole eyeball, some spell like abilities, a few tentacles later on some Spell Resistance...

Scarab Sages

The whole gear question is crazy.

What if you make an Eidolon without a mouth? Do you suppository his potions?

If you have crab claw hands it doesn't say you can't wear rings.

I know, I know these are things that can be settled at the table but without some kind of guidelines I don't look forward to that argument.

Might I suggest an "Incorporation" Mechanic. Using a good formula you can can make magic items a part of your Eidolon without making him a god (Well more of one). Humanoids get the best incorporation rate with (and say lose their starting NA bonus), Quadrupeds second, Serpentine last with some boost to compensate. On the Evolutions that add limbs/features they can allow for new slots.

Essentially you can cover your Eidolon with Gear but only some of it works (your choosing) and if he gets poofed he only takes what is incorporated and everything else falls to the ground. If you want to change his gear it is as simple taking a minute to refit him (so no hot swapping in combat).

I love the Eidolons but they are already overpowered without being able to turn them into magic item Christmas Trees.

Scarab Sages

The Scout

Level 1:

Small Serpentine (2d8+0)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.;
AC 18 +4Dex +2 NA +1Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2;
Attack bite +1 (1d3-1), tail slap -1(1d4-1);
Ability Scores Str 8, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth
Feats: Dodge
Skills: Bluff, Perception 15, Sense Motive, Stealth 22, Acrobatics 9, Escape Artist 6, Fly 10

Level 5:

Small Serpentine (5d8+5)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 20 ft.;
AC 25 +5 Dex +8 NA +1Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +4;
Attack bite +4 (1d3), tail slap +4(1d4);
Ability Scores Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armor, Swim, Flight, Resist Fire
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness
Skills: Bluff 4, Perception 20, Sense Motive 6, Stealth 27, Acrobatics 13, Escape Artist 7, Fly 14

Level 10:

Small Serpentine (9d8+9)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 20 ft.;
AC 29 +5 Dex +12 NA +1Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +6;
Attack bite +11 (1d3+1), tail slap +11(1d4+1);
Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 12;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armor, Swim, Flight, Resist Fire, Spell Like (Invisibility)*, Blindsense**
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Acrobatic
Skills: Bluff 8, Perception 24, Sense Motive 8, Stealth 31, Acrobatics 23, Escape Artist 12, Fly 19

*Pick up a Junk 1 point at level 6-7 at 8 bump up CHA buy drop the 2 junk points, Pick up Spell Like and 2 Pt Tremorsense.
**Drop 2 point Tremorsense pick up 3 pt Blindsense

Level 15:

Small Serpentine (13d8+13)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 60 ft.;
AC 32 +6 Dex +14 NA +1 Size +1Dodge; Saves Fort +5, Ref +15, Will +8;
Attack bite +11 (1d3+2), tail slap +11(1d4+2);
Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armor, Swim, Flight 3, 3x Spell Like (Invisibility)*, Blindsight
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Acrobatic, Skill Focus Stealth, Skill Focus Perception
Skills: More of the same but redonkulous now due to being over 10 ranks and feats
*Dropped Resist Fire to bump up to 3x

Level 20:

Small Serpentine (17d8+17)
Statistics: Size Small; Speed 20 ft., climb 20, Swim 20, Flight 60 ft.;
AC 40 +6 Dex +22 NA +1 Size +1 Dodge; Saves Fort +6, Ref +18, Will +10;
Attack bite +19 (1d3+3), tail slap +19(1d4+3);
Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 26, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 12;
Free Evolutions: bite, climb, tail, tail slap.
Paid Evolutions: Scent, Skill Perception, Skill Stealth, Imp. Natural Armorx3, Swim, Flightx3, 3x Spell Like (Invisibility)*, Blindsight, Spell Resistance 30
Feats: Dodge, Stealthy, Alertness, Improved Initiative, Acrobatic, Skill Focus Stealth, Skill Focus Perception, Pfeh who cares at this point
Skills: Pretty Disgusting Perception and Stealth

Edit: Crud, got all that done and realized I forgot to redo scent since it becomes superfluous after you get Blindsense unless you want to track.

Scarab Sages

Illithar wrote:
If a which dies it's familiar is still around...usally. But, under the 'Adding Spells to a Witches Familiar' it says that a familiar of a dead Witch '...only retains it's spell knowledge for 24 hours.' If a Witch dies and isn't brought back within 24 hours does s/he then have to pay to get their familiar back, or is the familiar restored upon the Witches return?

I have no idea on this but was thinking that a nice little ability would be that if the Witch is killed she becomes her familiar until she is rezzed. No spellcasting but keeps Hexes and allows the player to at least have something to do while the party finds a cleric willing to resurrect a Witch.

Doubt that would be something to make it into the final cut but something I would likely do as a Table Rule.

Scarab Sages

For folks saying that witch needs Diplomacy/Intimidate. She doesn't. Use the Charm Ability. It is Supernatural, does not appear to be a Spell and can be used on anyone. You can change it to Cow (as in Cower) for her threatening.

For her Disguise skill. Uh, Disguise Hex.

For Bluff. Nobody trusts a witch. Even when they are transformed there is something unseemly about them. Hell, they are lucky they got Sense Motive. Most witches are easy as pie to fool ("Why would I try to run from you beautiful Babyaga? You should check the fire before you put us in there crazy old pedophage woman.)

Scarab Sages

Screw that broom noise I am going old school and flying around my Cauldron. Get me some cover and carry snacks with me.

Scarab Sages

Me being the evil guy I am, I cannot help but wince at this thought.

Level 1 Eidolon
Scent and +8 Perception (Ouch but just as bad as some animal companions I guess)

Level 2 Summoner
Bond Senses, so you can locate hidden/invis with your Eidolon once it detects them. Great.

Level 7
Tremorsense... All the time? Okay, guess I can have flying invisible stuff if I want things to be a surprise.

Level 9
Blindsense. Gah! Really? Okay, no more melee, everyone gets attacked at range so we can even have surprise rounds.

Level 11
Blindsense Traded for Blindsight. Sigh, with Share Senses and Glitterdust nothing will ever sneak up on the party ever again.

Every fight trying to use stealth/invisibility will need to be setup in a football field with anything melee holding their actions until the party is within 35' and then charge in. Not to mention casting Invisibility on the aforementioned Eidolon (with the unlimited radius evo and maybe stealth skill evo) gives you the best scout conceivable.

Sure this Eidolon is weak in combat skills and will die easily but with a good build on Defense he can be hard as hell to kill and just spends every game as a 30' radius radar. Not mention he doesn't need sleep, or food. He can be a fantastic guard dog, just have him set up holding a rope in his mouth attached a pulley with pots and pans attached (with mental alarm cast on them for good measure). Between the actual mechanical trap if he gets Dismissed you have the Alarm on the pots. Ya know, in case you have 2 casters one casting Dismissal immediately after the first casts Silence. Would need a third with Dispel Magic or one of them high enough for a quickened Silence...

I think about these things too much but you haven't met the people I game with.

Scarab Sages

DM_Blake wrote:

It's right there in the Perception skill:

Pathfinder Core Rules, Perception skill, page 102 wrote:
Creature making the check is asleep +10 (to the DC)

*Sigh* It is late, evidently I missed word searching the Perception section of the SRD.

Scarab Sages

I think it is. In my 2 decades of playing this damn game (this is still D&D in my opinion) I can count on one hand the number of characters I have taken to the level cap. 1. So one finger I guess. That is one case where multi-classing can really cause regrets.

The new mid level abilities make it a harder decision to sacrifice those levels and there are some classes that it makes no sense to multi-class (Monk and Bard). But the Mystic Theurge gives Cleric/Wizards something to shoot for. 2 levels of Paladin in a Sorceror always makes for some fun. Barbarian mixes well with nearly every class that loves to melee (Loves me a Druid/Barbarian). For the feat happy Fighter is always there.

In the end it really depends on the player and the campaign. If it is combat heavy, no matter the Multi-Class you will be lagging behind the curve. If it is skill and roleplaying heavy Multi-Classing is practically a must.

Scarab Sages

Can someone indicate the page number/section regarding sleeping or being asleep? From what I have seen sleeping just means your helpless I have found nothing in the SRD (literally word searched each section of the SRD) about its own condition or being a condition that affects any skill. As far as I see the dog is asleep, cannot observe the rogue with scent any more than it can with sight or hearing and if he passes his check it keeps sleeping. Nothing says that would wake it up f he moved within scent range. If the dog is awake and blind it can observe you with scent but it can no more observing when asleep then it can when it is awake.

Also, as to taking 10, you may take 10 if you are in no immediate danger. If the Thief wanted to prevent the farmer with his crossbow from taking 10 all he would need is a stout stick or a hefty rock and the condition 'I'm gonna brain that farmer if he spots me'.

This was a fun little thread. The bright daylight and open space gave me some pause. The hedges not giving cover was just silly, to make it fair you could have said picket fence but that would have made it even harder to argue. I could have sworn they changed Scent at some point to just be a bonus to perception but it looks like it is back to old annoying self. The sleep situation is a little weird. I would have thought it would be it's own condition under Helpless, like Paralyzed is (i.e. You are Paralyzed and also Helpless).

Once again if anyone has the section/link/page numbers detailing the affects of the sleep condition or being asleep please post them here.

Scarab Sages

I would stick with the highest stat in Dex and next highest into Wis. With this build you will not likely be casting a lot of spells that require an enemy to make a save. Definitely the 10 in Str and then a toss up between Con and Cha for your 3rd highest score. Cha can help out the cleric abilities and give you a little more push on the social skills.

I would stick with Half-Elf, going down to a 8 STR would just hurts and the Half-Elf is built for multi-classing. 30 spd and no hit to carrying capacity is nice too.

Feats at level 5. Weapon Finesse, Improved Initiative and then maybe Dodge or Selective Channeling.

With the +2 Race Bonus it up to you. 17 Dex is fine and taking it to 18 at level 4 would be the route I would take.

Now here is the tricky thing. Weapon finesse is affected by the check penalties on shields. So get a masterwork small shield or buckler early on that has no penalty then move on if you can (Any Magic Heavy shield will on be -1 penalty and that can be acceptable). If you ever end up with a darkwood or mithral large shield pay to have that sucker enchanted and never let go of it.

So starting off with a Short Sword, Buckler and a Chain Shirt you should have enough defense and offense to make a difference when you are out of spells without dying right off the bat.

We have a goblin Cleric/Rogue in our campaign right now. It was a slow start but he is fitting into both roles nicely. His God doesn't allow him to backstab from hiding so he can only do it when they are flanked or denied their Dex. Makes for a good time.

Scarab Sages

Actually from what was explained in a thread earlier the Velociraptor would be

Claw, Claw, Bite +10
Bite +5

The Claws and Bites are considered its primary attacks and do not need Multi-Attack. The extra attack gained from BaB 6+ would only be 1 attack and I would personally use whichever one had the most damage.

JJ's Response to similar question

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:
There's no real easy option. The game simply isn't built that way.

Excellent! I love a challenge. Honestly I just didn't want to think I was missing anything.

We will likely keep the HD = CL to keep things fair and find a way to mitigate some of the other power discrepancies. Lucky enough to have an experienced group of lifetime gamers who are used to

James Jacobs wrote:
using a wrench to tenderize meat, or a knife to dig out a piece of spinach stuck between your teeth, or a car to open a gate.

i.e. The Wrench works fine if you clean it. How big/sharp is the knife in question and is the spinach in the back teeth? And are we being chased by the cops, chasing a squirrel that stole our severed thumb or escaping from a sanitarium (all 3 cases cars are great for opening gates).

Scarab Sages

Fast response and from up on high. I cringe at the thought if you are still at work.

This is good to know, the Lizardman had us confused and seeing as how we have a Lizardman, Bugbear and Drow (a goblin too but he is not complex in the slightest) in our Tuesday Night, Thieve's World style game we have been itching for the Bestiary.

This answers one of our longest running dilemmas and our player will be glad to know he can drop Multi-Attack since he has been using tooth and claw exclusively for awhile now.

Scarab Sages

Another thing I need cleared up, using the Lizardman again.

Lizardman, CR 1, 2d8 HD, nice bonuses.

If a PC plays one in a campaign starting at level 2. He takes the 2 HD, adds a character level, all the bonuses and the rest of the party who play standard races get 2 levels.

So the Lizardman starts out with 8 (I assume it is 4 per monster HD) skill points + Class Skill points + Int Bonus x3, 2d8 + Class HD + Con Bonus x3, +1 BaB + Class BaB.

So a Lizardman Fighter vs. a Dwarf fighter with Identical stats would be on average rolls with +2 Con, 27 HP vs. 21 HP. Skill Points with no Int Bonus, 10 vs 4 and Identical BaB with the only difference being that he will be 1 level behind until they reach level 4 and then he gets a free level to catch up?

Something just smacks wrong about that. I was hoping that a better solution to the difficulties of ECLs but this is just seems inherently flawed.

Scarab Sages

Okay... Using the Lizardman as an Example.

So if you have 3 or more natural attacks you would:
Claw, Claw at Full BaB and Bite at -5?

If you have MA feat:
Claw, Claw at Full BaB and Bite at -2?

If you are using a weapon in one hand:
Weapon at Full BaB and Claw,Bite at -5 or -2 depending on if you have MA feat?

If this is so, why does the Ghoul, Grizzly Bear and Deinonychus (just looking for critters with 3 attacks) all have their first 3 attacks at full bonus? Deino if the only one with a 4th attack that seems to follow the -5 rule.

What is the point of Multi-Attack feat? Or more importantly what is different about the Lizardfolk that he needs it? Seems to me that if he ditched the weapon and the feat he should be able to make 3 attacks at his full BaB.

Help me out here, what am I missing?

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4/5 *

So since Field Agents can't retrain into a school for free, I'm planning on doing it the old fashioned way. I just need a question answered as far as

I start retraining Scenario 1: I have 12 days so I use them all to retrain. Check.
Scenario 2: I have 2 days left to retrain and then I am done. So since I am no longer a field agent, do I only have 6 days left or do I get another 12 days since I started downtime as a field agent?

In the cosmopolitan trading city of Kibwe, at the edge of the Mwangi Expanse, innocent people struck by a terrible curse known as the slithering are melting into malevolent oozes. The heroes are at the epicenter of this slimy curse and might be the only ones capable of recovering the ancient magic required to break it. Tracking the course of the slithering through Kibwe's colorful markets and shrines, the heroes must untangle the curse's origin and discover the role the nefarious Aspis Consortium plays in the unfolding conspiracy. The mysteries the heroes uncover might usher in a new era of plenty and prosperity for Kibwe, if the heroes can survive the slithering to experience it!

The Slithering is a deluxe adventure for 5th-level characters written by Ron Lundeen. Featuring terrifying new monsters, repulsive new rules and magic items, and an in-depth look at one of the most exciting cities in the jungle-choked Mwangi Expanse, The Slithering provides a wealth of secrets and dangers! Be sure to check out the Flip-Mat for this adventure here!

I am planning on running this module over the next month or so. I am running it over Virtual Tabletop via Google Slides and Discord for chatting and dice-rolling. This will be for PFS credit. Likely will take over on the weekend on sundays or a saturday or two. I plan on finishing in 3-4 sessions but it may take a little longer. I plan on starting this weekend if possible. Inquire here!

Male Human(Amazing)


Male Human(Amazing)


The Sarkoris Scar still aches from the recently closed Worldwound, but that hasn't stopped the Pathfinder Society and their allies in the Farheavens Clan from maintaining their efforts to reclaim the Sarkorians' ancestral homelands. At a trading post near the southern border of the Sarkoris Scar, the PCs meet their contact from the Farheavens but not all is as it seems. The PCs and their allies will need to unravel the twisted skeins of an infernal plot if they have any hope of avoiding becoming the next victims of a fiendish spirit. This adventure was concepted at Paizo's Adventure Design Workshop panel during GenCon 2019.

Written by: Jenny Jarzabski

Scenario tags: Faction (Vigilant Seal)

This is the recruitment thread for PFS #1-13 Devil at the Crossroads as part of PbP Gameday IX.

Start Date
September 1, 2020

I will pick characters/players that I like and have a good posting history.

Game Expectations
1/day if not more as I will definitely post more than that. This is an investigative scenario so be aware of that which means more interaction.

And I will need this information.
Player name:
Character name:
Character level:
Slotted faction boon:
PFS #:
Perception modifier:
Usual exploration mode tactic:
Lore skills trained:
Earn Income check:
Trained agent or field agent?

The newly formed hobgoblin nation of Oprak has reached out to the Pathfinder Society in the name of diplomacy. Mindful of the aid Oprak could provide against the threat of the Whispering Tyrant, the Society has dispatched the PCs to escort a trial squad of hobgoblin recruits and run them through some in-the-field Pathfinder training. Will the Iolite Squad be the first in a new wave of Pathfinders, or are Oprak’s attempts at diplomacy doomed to go up in smoke?

Written by: Mike Kimmel

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–6 (subtiers 3–4 and 5–6).

I'm looking for 3 more PCs to play this as I already have 1-2 spots filled.

Post here with the alias you would like to play as.

Honestly probably by Tuesday the 25th, or sooner if I get a table I like.

Posting atleast 1/day as I want to keep the story moving.

Male Human(Amazing)

Dot here.

Male Human(Amazing)

Here is what I need from everyone!

Player name:
Character name:
Character level:
Slotted faction boon:
PFS #:
Perception modifier:
Usual exploration mode tactic:
Lore skills trained:
Earn Income check:
Trained agent or field agent?

Male Human(Amazing)

Dot here.

Male Human(Amazing)

Everyone can check in here.

Greetings pathfinders!

As per the title, I am looking to recruit a team to embark on 1 or both of these quests.

Quest#3: Grehunde's Gorget
Quest #4: Port Peril Pub Crawl Repeatable

Post here with the alias you would like to play and state which quest(s) you would like to join. As a fair warning, I will give priority to people who can do both of these quests if I get a lot of applicants.

Honestly probably by Tuesday the 16th, or sooner if I get a table I like.

Posting atleast 1/day if not more as these are fairly short. I have no preference to newcomers or seasoned veterans, but if you are new, just let me know before the game starts and I will be more than happy to help!

Male Human(Amazing)

It is the 20th day of the 9th month which marks the 1st day of the Thesmophoria. What used to be a festival all about fertility only attended by women, it has also become a celebration of the incoming harvest where all are welcome. There are games of skill and chance, stalls where vendors can sell their wares and of course food! The main attractions of this holiday week are the new and exciting recipes from all over Greece and even the world for people to try.

While most offerings are typical greek fair such as gyros, falafel, and delicious kabobs, a few stalls stand out among the crowd.

There is a stall where a swarthy foreigner has cups of a dark liquid with a single word sign: Coffee!

Another stall is tended to by a bushy mustachioed man with a giant pot with a red liquid covering what looks to be some pearl colored strands with chunks of meat. The sign reads: Spaghetti!

A third stall has a slender golden skinned man carefully slicing fish and placing it over rice. The sign reads: Sushi!

The last interesting stall has a pale mustachioed man with blond hair cooking up patties of meat and putting them between pieces of bread. The sign reads: Hamburgers!

The games are also varied this year and have more offerings than previous years with even more prices. There is a booth where contestants throw darts at a board for points. There is a line of strong girthy men and women waiting to strike board to ring a bell. There is a stall where children are throwing rings. There is also an area where a group of stalwart young adults are shooting a crossbow at moving wooden targets. Lastly, the most crowded game has a sign that reads: Whack-a-Pixie!

And much like previous years, Madame Cassandra(not that one) has returned to read palms and tell fortunes.

So this part is sandboxy and requires you guys to drive things.

Male Human(Amazing)

Feel free to check in here.

This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend. The gods used to be petty and cruel plaguing mankind with suffering. However, that time has long passed. The gods themselves have grown out of their petty squabbles and feuds and have realized that they were wasting their gifts. The gods are far closer to politicians than the lords they were in the time of old but no less powerful. In fact the gods themselves now live on Earth in the Hall of Olympieion. The building is less of a temple and more like a government building. The campaign takes place on ancient earth and will mostly center around the country of Greece and its neighboring countries. I will keep recruitment up until 8-28(Wednesday).

I am looking for a party of 4-5 people for a fairly long term adventure. I plan to be in it for the long haul so I expect the same out of my players. It is going to be a little sandboxy with an overarching metaplot.

Classes: Any Paizo Class and archetype though I have changed a number of feats and classes(See Houserules)
Level: 3
Alignment: Any good or neutral
Point Buy: 20
Traits: Any 2 of your choice
Races: Any Core Rulebook race.
Wealth: 3000
Posting Rate Expectations: 1-2/day(more during combat or when the encounter is about you)
If you expect to be out and cannot post for a time, a post informing me and the group is expected.
Deities: Greek Pantheon(See Gods and Monsters Document for domains and such)
PC Background: You are encouraged to develop a background and motives for your character. However, the story will start off in Athens during a Demeter Harvest Festival, so you need to have a reason why you are there.
Player Submissions: I will be looking for more than just a character sheet. I will be looking at posting history and the backstory to see for compatibility. I also encourage people to team up and have some pre-existing connection though it is not required.


Gods and Monsters

I am starting a RoTRL campaign using the PF1 system with a few houserules in the southern Orange County area and am looking for 2-3 more players. I have 1-2 players already. PM me for more details. Hope to hear from you.

Male Human(Amazing)

Please post with the following.

Character Name:
PFS #:
Dayjob(if any):
Anything I should know:

Male Human(Amazing)


When the necromancer-king Tar-Baphon rose as a lich and threatened to conquer all of Avistan, Taldor rallied its neighbors and led the Shining Crusade, a glorious campaign that defeated the Whispering Tyrant’s armies and sealed him away. For the better part of a millennium, Lastwall has guarded Tar-Baphon’s prison and fended off the orc tribes to the north, rarely sparing a second thought to the rich archaeological secrets that lie just below the soil. A local venture-captain has found a lost chapter to the Tome of Righteous Repose, which chronicles the demise of countless heroes of the Shining Crusade. At long last, this has earned the Society Lastwall’s blessing to uncover these lost sites, lay to rest the fallen crusaders, and repatriate the family heirlooms they carried to battle.

"From the Tome of Righteous Repose" is an evergreen, replayable scenario designed to provide a flexible adventure that confronts the PCs with a variety of threats more common to higher-level characters—all while uncovering the history of one of Avistan’s greatest conflicts. Depending on which lead the PCs take, they might explore the proud crusader nation of Lastwall, travel into the gloom-shrouded mountains of Ustalav, or risk an expedition into the orc-ruled wastes of Belkzen in pursuit of lost history.

This adventure is for PCs levels 3-7. I will be choosing 5 PCs for this. Posting expectations is at least 1/day preferably more as I prefer a faster pace. If you are replaying this and you are chosen, please PM me with what you encountered so I can make it new and exciting!

This game is set to start 8-25-17.

Male Human(Amazing)

I need the following.

Dayob if applicable:
Email: You can pm it to me if you want.
ETC: Anything special I should know.

Male Human(Amazing)


I'll be running the scenario The Twisted Circle(#7-12) for the 5th PbP Gameday. The game will run from August 27th to October 11th. Please post below with your applying character, including level and class. Please also make sure that the character you apply with will be available from August 27th to October 11th. This is a tier 1-5. As per usual, only sign up if you can post multiple times a day and can read my posts/look at the map. I'm looking to recruit 4 players for this one.

Male Human(Amazing)

I need the following.

Dayob if applicable:
Email: You can pm it to me if you want.
ETC: Anything special I should know.

Male Human(Amazing)


Male Human(Amazing)

Discuss here.

Male Human(Amazing)

Dot here.

4/5 *

If a PC only has GM credit, does it count as a new PC for purposes of boons? Like if the judge credit date is before the date on the boon?

Male Human(Amazing)

By Popular Demand, I give you table #2.

Male Human(Amazing)

Please post PFS#, dayjobs, emails, etc....

Male Human(Amazing)

DM Dot.

Recruiting 2-3 more players for this PFS scenario. It will probably be the low tier(3-4), we have a rang/wiz archer and a cavalier so anything to fill the other roles would be nice.

Male Human(Amazing)

Discuss what you have! Or not.

Male Human(Amazing)


2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

In the playtest it called it out specifically as counting as Rage for everything. They took that out in the final printing. So does it count as Rage for feats such as Raging Vitality, etc...

Male Human(Amazing)


Male Human(Amazing)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Once every 10 years, the cosmopolitan city of Goka on the western coastline of Tian Xia hosts the Ruby Phoenix Tournament on an island off the coast. Infamous for its strange spectacles and exciting mix of fighting styles, the contest draws combatants and spectators from all over the world. The tournament’s winner gets his choice of a single item from the legendary treasury of an ancient spellcaster and earns a reputation beyond imagining. But this year, not all who have come to compete do so out of respect for the traditions of battle or even out of greed for the reward. They seek instead nothing so much as red revenge and political domination!

Can the PCs’ team of contestants survive six bouts in the Grand Pavilion arena against the mightiest combatants and cleverest battle mages on Golarion? Can they prove their mettle in tests of mind and body? Can they foil the plans of an evil organization and its powerful allies who hope to destroy the Ruby Phoenix Tournament and see its champions dead? Step into the arena to find out!

This is a sanctioned module for PCs levels 10-12. I already have one player(a blasting wizard) so I am looking for 3 more people to have a table. I will start as soon as I have 3 PCs that would make a good fit.

Male Human(Amazing)

Discussion to be done here.

Male Human(Amazing)

GM Dot.

Male Human(Amazing)

Discuss here.

Male Human(Amazing)

Posting done here.

Male Human(Amazing)

Discuss here!

Male Human(Amazing)


Male Human(Amazing)

Sand everywhere!

Male Human(Amazing)

I've Risen!

Male Human(Amazing)

Discuss either elves or entangling here.

Male Human(Amazing)

I've been entangled! With Elves!

Male Human(Amazing)

Discussions are done here.

Male Human(Amazing)

Posting Here.

A wilderness adventure for 10th-level characters. (PC levels 9-11)

The black clouds of war are gathering, and evil flocks to their thundering call! While seeking the legendary expertise of a cloud giant skymage, the PCs interrupt an attack on his lair by well-armed and magically augmented hill giants. To obtain the cloud giant's arcane knowledge, the PCs must seek out and eliminate the source of the hill giant threat, yet the brutes have little information other than the name of their employer—a mysterious giant calling herself the Storm Queen, whose anger and hatred have transformed over the course of years into a murderous plan that could cost hundreds of innocent lives. Can the PCs find the Storm Queen in time to prevent her from unleashing a horde of vengeful ghosts upon the world?

So, I'm recruiting for Gameday 2.

This will not start until April 5th. It will finish by July 5th.

I already have 2 spaces filled, and I am willing to take 2 more. Yes, I know that the legal table size is 7, but I'm going to keep this to a smaller table. This is a module and not a standard scenario.

So, I'll take 2 folks that apply with a fully-formed legal PFS character. Please have them in the character's profile.

Male Human(Amazing)

Discuss Murders And/Or Marks here.

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