Aaron Bitman |

While it's true that fame helps to get attention, there are ways we newcomers can compensate.
For one thing, we can post more messages. You say you don't have time to compose so many posts? Just copy and paste the same post to different threads. Expect to be ignored much of the time, but once in a while, you will get attention. And once in a while, that attention will come in the form of an answer to the question you actually wanted answered.
If you start a new thread and it is ignored, maybe the answer is to post into existing threads. This might mean a post that's somewhat off-topic, but hey, threads get derailed all the time. And if some people find that annoying... well, that might be the price you have to pay for attention. There's a reason I picked a kender as an avatar.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I am not exactly new, but I'm not a frequent poster and am not commonly responded to... which is probably universal to any message board I respond to (mind I haven't actually started any threads here, that I can recall). I figure my stench is so bad it wafts into the Internet itself, and I make people run away.
But I read lots and lots of message boards, and this event is not unique to this one. I will also say that there might be a little bit of a popularity thing going on, but I think it's more specifically--
1) The posters in question are extremely active. They'll show up in ANY provocative discussion thread eventually, and because they actively engage in discussion at a more frequent rate than I know at least I could never achieve, it makes it look like they're the ones driving the discussion. And, they might be, but I don't think that's the sole reason why other people are posting.
2) Because these people are well-established and active, other posters have read enough of their comments that they feel comfortable engaging with them. That's something only time and further interaction with others can allay.
And for the record, I will read any thread that has an interesting subject title about something I'm interested in, and I'll comment if I feel I have something to say. Newbs don't scare me--in fact, sometimes I'll make a point to respond to a new person if I think what they have to say is good to help keep the discussion going (if the problem above doesn't apply).
The only time who the poster is that makes a difference to me is if I am familiar with the poster and I think they are a troll or at least not productive/helpful/kind or don't have a reading comprehension higher than that of a preschooler's, in which case I WILL ignore the thread. But I can't think of anyone like that HERE (yet ;) ). Other message boards I've recently run away from, sure, but not here.
And if my posting makes people run away or stop responding to this thread, I apologize. :) I'll try to stand downwind.

Seldriss |

It is a fact that famous posters tend to get more attention.
Their posts have more impact and the threads benefit from them.
However, some infamous posters have the opposite effect.
If they have a general bad attitude or reputation, whatever they post will bring confrontation and tension, and the threads will become chaos, and eventually get locked.
For the common of the mortal posters, not having the aura of the superstars can sometimes be frustrating.
But it is not about fame or showing off with witty remarks (although some famous posters are known for this), it is about contributing to this online community, sharing a passion about games and many things from our geeky lives.
The thing is that the famous posters are often here for a while, and they know their audience. They know the general mindset of the messageboards and what gets some response.
They post accordingly, commenting on topics in a direction that will get followers, or suggest things that will please many. That's demagogy. That's what politicians do with their voters.
Of course, some others post the opposite way, brushing against the fur, to tease and enjoy the chaos they spread.
Truly, the name and avatar of the poster shouldn't give more or less credit to the post.
But people are people, and when an actor talks on TV about economics, war or hunger in the third world, they think it's cool and they buy it, like if it was the words from a god among us.

Aaron Bitman |

If you start a new thread and it is ignored, maybe the answer is to post into existing threads.
What am I saying?!? CuttinCurt has only been posting for a couple of months, just like I have. And look at all these responses he's getting! Maybe I should start a new topic just to see what happens.

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So much to reply to. I am extreemly appreciative of the comments. I really like the banter and the joking around.
I will admit that I had no Idea some of you would go through all my old posts and profile information. But that is nice.
I, in no way, expected that, nor wanted anyone to try to read through that Military "drill sergeant" build I posted a while ago. After re-reading it, I knew it was much to long to garner any real discussion.
The main points here, however, seem to focus on the interest level of the posters I happened to mention in my original text. Perhaps most of my interests fall in line with Yoda and Kaeyoss and not many of the others that have 1000's of posts that I have never read.
I enjoy product discussion, especially since I have fallen in love with (Paizo) and the amazing, high quality material they produce.
I love character creation. Reading through 2008's Superstar competition Villain proposals for the top 32 has been very fun. I so wanted to post to those and discuss what they were thinking, but, alas, I figured no one would be looking at those until this years competition started.
The gaming group I am currently playing in is almsot done with Second Darkness. Upon completion, we will be starting RotRL AP, which I will be playing that Military Bard character.
I loved the Beta version of the bard, and it will be my last chance to play under those rules, as my gaming group will be adopting the new pathfinder core rules once that AP is over.
I hope to get to know many more of you as the weeks and months go on. I am a joker, a smoker, a midnight toker... But dont let that stand in the way of responding to any of my posts. Most of the time I am asking questions and getting clarification of content found in PF products.
If any of you are going to try 2009's superstar, good luck with that, as I will be stalking those threads with a vengence.
Thanks again, CC

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I'm a lot like Patrick. I am interested in discussions about fluff, rather than crunch. As GM I know what works in my game, so I'm not really interested in endlessly debating this rule or that. I'm looking for ideas that will add color to my game. I am also looking to socialize with others in the hobby, something that is scarce where I live.
I really don't have the time or energy to get into an internet argument. There is no point. So I tend to stay away from many of the rules questions which is a big part of most noob posts. I also like to spend my time making fun of both Tarren Dei and Mairkurion...

hogarth |

I can only speak for myself, but if I've read a bunch of good ideas from Poster A, I'll be more likely to read one more post from Poster A.
Likewise, if I've seen a bunch of uninteresting (to me) ideas from Poster B, I'll be less likely to read one more post from Poster B.
So being "famous" ("prolific" is probably a better word, IMO) could help or hurt you.

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I'm totally offended that KaeYoss and Yoda8myhead rated higher than me.
How do you think I feel... I've been around longer than both of them put together.... I've started prolly about 200 threads, only 3 or so have made it onto a second page. A good amount of my posts are triaging the customer service board for posts that come in overnight before the zombie toy and sea monster come in to give the offical word.. I also will comment on the world articles in the adventure path books since I don't have a regular group to play them in, the adventures themselves don't really concern me (except that I'm running a CotCT play by post)
After 2,800 posts on my main avatar, I've learned that keeping a thread on the main page can be more benificial than who posts in it. Being a 'lord of the boards' means only that you are more likly to get the first 2 replies, after that the thread grows on it's own. The posters you mentioned are ones who are known to keep threads on target. This is the reputation that helps a thread get noticed. Someone who was once interested in the thread, but knew it had the chance to go off target, will see that one of these posters has posted and know that the thread is on target.... Heathy has the opposite effect, but his posts leads to a lot of extra replies.

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David Fryer wrote:I'm a lot like Patrick. I am interested in discussions about fluff, rather than crunch. As GM I know what works in my game, so I'm not really interested in endlessly debating this rule or that. I'm looking for ideas that will add color to my game. I am also looking to socialize with others in the hobby, something that is scarce where I live.+1!
I really don't have the time or energy to get into an internet argument. There is no point. So I tend to stay away from many of the rules questions which is a big part of most noob posts. I also like to spend my time making fun of both Tarren Dei and Mairkurion...
And Sebastian.

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Callous Jack wrote:And Sebastian.David Fryer wrote:I'm a lot like Patrick. I am interested in discussions about fluff, rather than crunch. As GM I know what works in my game, so I'm not really interested in endlessly debating this rule or that. I'm looking for ideas that will add color to my game. I am also looking to socialize with others in the hobby, something that is scarce where I live.+1!
I really don't have the time or energy to get into an internet argument. There is no point. So I tend to stay away from many of the rules questions which is a big part of most noob posts. I also like to spend my time making fun of both Tarren Dei and Mairkurion...
Even noobs make fun of him...

Molten Dragon |

Heathansson's 412th Alias wrote:I am not worthy. I only have 52 aliases. ;)Heathansson wrote:You just have to master the fine art of attention whoredom.Or create 412 aliases and talk to yourself so it seems like you're getting attention
I thought you were my alias and I was hearing (reading?) voices.
I've been on the boards only a short time also, but my posts usually only consist of snarky remarks like the above. ;)

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

I've heard that Vic is going to implement a policy that EVERY registered user has to comment on EVERY thread in order to not let new posters feel slighted. Should speed things up a lot!
/may be wildly inaccurate.
Every registered user AND their alts.
It's only fair. And Lilith has to give cookies to each and every one of them, in every thread.
((Has never received Lilith cookies herself, but understands the ritual.))

Arnwyn |

Or will it take a post from ... Eric Bona to do that?
Well, that Eric Bona guy is a complete idiot, so I wouldn't care what he thinks of anything.
Now, Erik Mona, OTOH, is always interesting! :D :D
To be serious, I think it's a mix of typical messageboard cliqueishness (real word?) and human nature... I don't expect it to change. With that said, I don't pay much attention to the old-timers or those who are 'well-known' any more than anyone else. (It's nice that this board doesn't have a "# of posts" listing under each and every post.)

Taliesin Hoyle |

Quality matters. Posters with a gift for wit, or a wildly lateral sense of humour, or great ideas, get noticed. Posters with large post counts don't really get more attention. Posters who say the right thing at the right time do.
I know some Paizoans are somehow high profile. They get noticed for more than just being prolific.
The posters who get remembered, get remembered for a simple reason. They are memorable. Partly through exposure, and partly by just having some sort of board chemistry.
All it takes to get remembered, is to say something smart or funny in a thread that many people read. Do that often enough, and you create a brand.
And if you want to be a lord of the boards, search for the thread by that name.

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Gavgoyle wrote:
Go to PaizoCon and you can get a Lilith cookie AND a Lilith backrub... One of them made my eyes roll back in my head!PaizoCon is far. :(
But back on topic, perhaps the secret to popularity is the same secret of the power of Lilith and the Dark Side: having cookies.
It doesn't hurt. ;-)
Although I was never given cookies either at my arrival, thankfully I'm no longer bitter and resentful about it. Nope, not one... tiny... bit...
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David Fryer wrote:I'm a lot like Patrick. I am interested in discussions about fluff, rather than crunch. As GM I know what works in my game, so I'm not really interested in endlessly debating this rule or that. I'm looking for ideas that will add color to my game. I am also looking to socialize with others in the hobby, something that is scarce where I live.+1!
I really don't have the time or energy to get into an internet argument. There is no point. So I tend to stay away from many of the rules questions which is a big part of most noob posts. I also like to spend my time making fun of both Tarren Dei and Mairkurion...
Yay. I've been mentioned!

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Cultist of Jack wrote:Even noobs make fun of him...Callous Jack wrote:And Sebastian.David Fryer wrote:I'm a lot like Patrick. I am interested in discussions about fluff, rather than crunch. As GM I know what works in my game, so I'm not really interested in endlessly debating this rule or that. I'm looking for ideas that will add color to my game. I am also looking to socialize with others in the hobby, something that is scarce where I live.+1!
I really don't have the time or energy to get into an internet argument. There is no point. So I tend to stay away from many of the rules questions which is a big part of most noob posts. I also like to spend my time making fun of both Tarren Dei and Mairkurion...

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It doesn't hurt. ;-)
Although I was never given cookies either at my arrival, thankfully I'm no longer bitter and resentful about it. Nope, not one... tiny... bit...
Perhaps if your name had been Joyous Jack or Open to New Experiences Jack, Lilith would have brought you cookies. Callous Jack can be a bit intimidating. Not that I can imagine Lilith intimidated by much.
Come to think of it I never got cookies either. I wonder if she dislikes bards? No, that can't be, we are so much fun. I must of just gotten lost in the shuffle.

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Callous Jack wrote:Yay. I've been mentioned!David Fryer wrote:I'm a lot like Patrick. I am interested in discussions about fluff, rather than crunch. As GM I know what works in my game, so I'm not really interested in endlessly debating this rule or that. I'm looking for ideas that will add color to my game. I am also looking to socialize with others in the hobby, something that is scarce where I live.+1!
I really don't have the time or energy to get into an internet argument. There is no point. So I tend to stay away from many of the rules questions which is a big part of most noob posts. I also like to spend my time making fun of both Tarren Dei and Mairkurion...
Yay, someone replied to my post!

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Callous Jack wrote:
It doesn't hurt. ;-)
Although I was never given cookies either at my arrival, thankfully I'm no longer bitter and resentful about it. Nope, not one... tiny... bit...Perhaps if your name had been Joyous Jack or Open to New Experiences Jack, Lilith would have brought you cookies. Callous Jack can be a bit intimidating. Not that I can imagine Lilith intimidated by much.
Sympathetic Jack or Charitable Jack just don't work too well though...

Wolf Munroe |

I only keep some of the forums expanded and I collapse the ones that don't really interest me. I'm not in any Play-by-Posts so don't read those, I get bogged down by the gamer life section because most of the time I don't care. I have read almost none of the threads about the Pathfinder RPG because I wasn't planning to buy it (but changed my mind). I tend to comment on products or ask questions about them so many of my posts are in threads about products, which I would think tend to get more responses from staff. I might occasionally joke around in a thread (I may do this more often than I think I do), but I believe if I post it's because I have something specific to say. Maybe nobody else cares what I have to say, but it matters more to me that I say it than that someone cares. I'd rather be known for the quality of my posts than the quantity of my posts though.
I do like posts from yoda8myhead as he tends to do a pretty good job of answering my question if I have one. As for KaeYoss I read some of his posts and skim others, depending on the topic. I've read enough threads that some other common posters spring to mind but I tend to remember the avatars better than names.
Any time a thread bogs down in idle chatter and a lot of short posts with quotes, I'll skim a lot more (such as the second page of this thread) unless I see a post from one of the Paizo staff members because I think they might have something significant to say.
If a thread is full of long posts, I'm more likely to read it than if it's full of short inane posts, unless they're long posts about mechanics that don't interest me, or it's a political argument that I've walked into. (I don't see the point in arguing politics on the Internet.)
I find that having a good explanatory title helps a lot when I'm looking at threads to read. I also hover over the links for the pop-up text sample of the first post. If it doesn't catch my attention, I'll move along. If it's a question I think I can answer, I'll look at the thread. If it's already answered, I probably won't post. If it's in the Customer Service forum, I probably won't post because that forum is handled by the staff from the bottom up and posting moves something further down in the queue by moving it further up on the forum. (There are a few exceptions to this but I try to avoid posting on there unless it's my own issue.)
I'd still like to get Craft(Alchemy) DCs for some of the items in Dragon Compendium.