Boerngrim's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 259 posts (261 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Please cancel my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription.
Will this prevent the next subscription shipment of #166?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
regarding order # 3489201. Several items have not shipped and it has now been over a month since I placed the order.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Now if there were a Chicken Boo involved.....
Sharaya wrote: Dear Boerngrim,
Thanks for you feedback. I've passed it along to the Operations Team.
I've now followed up on your email as well.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.
Thank you Sharaya.
Dear Paizo Grand PooBahs,
I love you. I really do. However I must make my displeasure known.
It vexes me that Paizo's shopping cart still cannot process a preorder item and an in stock item in the same order. This problem is persistent and needs to be fixed.
I have also been waiting about 2 weeks for a reply to an e-mail. You have explained that you have a backlog and convention season and yadda yadda. You have all been in this business too long to continue to make these excuses for service failures. You know when convention season is every year. You have an entire year to prepare for it. You have a responsibility to do better.
Perhaps you should launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise the resources you need.
Good day.
Since yesterday afternoon, I have not been able to access my shopping cart to edit or complete my purchase.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Brinebeast wrote: I have a problem with my shopping cart. I can't seem to make a purchase!!!
If the powers that be can fix this that would be greatly appreciated
I've been having the same problem all evening.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Is it just me, or do Jason, Erik, and Jessica seem to have Goa'uld glow going on the photos above.
Welcome news!
*Psst. warlords of the apocalypse.........* Really though, Congrats OKC!
Erik Keith wrote: Greetings Jared,
It looks like our system was having trouble processing your Print/PDF bundle and subscription together in the same order. I was able to split the two items into two separate orders and successfully submit all of the products. You should have just received a confirmation email for both, let me know if I can be of further service!
- Erik Keith
Thank you Keith. It looks like that sorted it!
Several times today I've attempted to checkout with what is currently in my shopping cart but every time I click on "Place Your Order" your system just sends me back to my cart.
Please help.
Thank you,
Can I change my Pathfinder Comics subscription from Deluxe Ongoing to just Ongoing? When there was only one series, the multiple covers was kind of cool but automatically receiving (and being billed for) multiple copies of multiple issues of different titles is way to expensive and way too many books.
Thank you,
Thank you! That was all Rite of you. :)
Erik Keith wrote: Boerngrim wrote: Hello CS,
Could you please take a peak at my order #2746103 as well? It looks like the Pathfinder Advantage discount interfered with the Promo mini pricing.
Thank you!
I poked your miniature into being properly priced. Theres a small chance that when it gets moved from your sidecart to your active subscription order for September it might jump back to its previous price. If such an event occurs let me know and I should be able to fix it. Thanks! Thank you Erik!
Hello CS,
Could you please take a peak at my order #2746103 as well? It looks like the Pathfinder Advantage discount interfered with the Promo mini pricing.
Thank you!
Hello CS,
Could you please take a peak at my order #2746103 as well? It looks like the Pathfinder Advantage discount interfered with the Promo mini pricing.
Thank you!
P.S. Ah Lurv Miniz
Justin Riddler wrote: The item has become available from our distributor, and is on its way to us at this time. Your item will ship once it arrives at our warehouse.
~Justin Riddler
Customer Service
Thanks for the update!
The Doctor Who Time Traveler's Companion is now (finally) available at another retail outlet. Is there any chance it will be shipping soon?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Thanks for the reminder Dale! That's one I've been meaning to pick up for a long time. Great opportunity to get a good product at a great price!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I'm in! I ran Death in Freeport as my 3.0 starter adventure multiple times and I love the setting. The modular nature of it makes it useful in just about any campaign.
Sara Marie wrote: It looks like the holiday13 code was used on the order for the bundle so factoring in that the total refund is $6.05. Currently that amount is being applied to the pending part of the order.
sara marie
Sounds good!
Sara Marie wrote: After doing some investigation, it looks like Midgard, Book of Drakes is Out of Print. I've cancelled the item off the order and you should hopefully see the rest of the order ship out this week.
Because of the way print/PDF bundles work, you have already been charged for the entire bundle. Since you have not downloaded it yet, I can either: refund the whole amount of the bundle ($17.84) or if you'd like to keep the PDF, we can refund the price of the bundle minus the PDF ($9.35).
Let me know which you would prefer and if you would prefer refund to your payment method or to store credit.
sara marie
Hi Sara Marie,
I'll keep the PDF purchase, I'll take store credit for the difference.
Thank you!
Is there any particular reason that this order has been pending for 2 weekls?
Hi Owen,
I'm glad to see that there is renewed hope for this project not only to be completed but to be awesome. I preordered 2 years ago. I sent you a PM with my paypal receipt info pasted. I hope that will be adequate.
I look forward to the finished product, at long last!
Thank you.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Very nice! Now someone needs to develop the Taken to challenge you properly.....
This book was well worth the price before it was a freebie. Everyone should snap this up!
Happy belated B-day Erik!
Cue stirring kick butt ballad tune. "SKR you're a shooting star! That's what you are!"
Chuck Wright wrote: Kthulhu wrote: Maybe you could talk to the guys over at 0one Games...they make more advanced used of layers in their maps than any other products I've ever seen. At the very least, they would be able to tell you what software you would need, exactly. How come there are no helpful suggestions that require someone besides ME to take a master-course in yet another program?
(And in case i haven't indicated it, I'm currently a full year without a "real" job, so it's not really a matter or finding out what programs to use, I'm flat-ass poor.) There is something wrong with the world when a talented person like you is out of work.
nullPlanet Stories Subscriber
jmidd wrote: Well, thanks for introducing me to the following authors:
C.L. Moore
Henry Kuttner
Leigh Brackett
Manly Wade Wellman
Mike Resnick
Otis Adelbert Kline
the art of Virgil Finlay
and reading Gygax's fiction was fun, as was rediscovering Silverberg and some of the Moorcock.
I hope PS makes a return sometime.
This product line is more than just reprinting old stories, it's a public service. it is a shame that more people have not recognized this.
edit: Thank you Erik
Have all the preorders of Black monastery shipped? Mine has not arrived yet....
William Wood wrote: I am one of the folks that pre-ordered, I voted I could wait awhile longer as long as it wasn't too terribly long and I would like to continue to get updates on the progress of this product.
I pre-ordered, but I didn't get the email asking for my vote. Hotmail /shrug. I do want the finished product, not a refund. Leadung a project with freelancers must be like herding cats.
Dollars to donuts, the bastard sword stats work.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Malaclypse wrote:
I doubt that, since he'll continue to work for the super geniuses. Probably a personality conflict with one of the paizo higher-ups. But this idle speculation gets us nothing, and they seem convinced to keep quiet. Looks they don't want to start a paizo internals soap opera...too bad :)
Oh! I hope they will turn it into a telenovelo like on Telemundo! Los Paizonos! Hai de Me! Hyrum no esta aqui!
(sorry) hehe
Oh! This looks very interesting. Sort of a Pathfinder and Spelljammer meets. PATHJAMMER!
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote: Well, this just became the "Dang It, I Won't Be At PaizoCon" sale. Kidney stones have laid me low, and I can't fly out. for those of you who were looking forward to meeting me at the con, I am sincerely so sorry. Stan! will still be present, and can take care of anything that gets messed up by my absence.
For those of you not going to the Con... well now I'm going to be bored, goofy on pain pills, and have the keys to the company while the other Geniuses are all busy. I assure you, I'm going to get up to something, and soon. I aim to misbehave.
Oh crap! I feel your pain sir. I have had kidney stones too. get well soon.
Zaister wrote: Boerngrim wrote: Huh. Surprised that Seoni is not in this set.
Preordered though.
Edit: Oh I get it. They match the pre-gens in the beginner box. hehe silly me. It's the classic adventuring party of fighter, cleric, wizard, rogue. Makes sense. Kickin it old school.
Huh. Surprised that Seoni is not in this set.
Preordered though.
Edit: Oh I get it. They match the pre-gens in the beginner box. hehe silly me.
The Forgotten wrote: James Jacobs wrote: While there are certainly some elements of Golarion that are inspired by more recent events and eras than the true medieval era... the same is true if you go backward in time as well as forward. We've got a lot, probably MORE inspiration in Golarion from ancient Egypt, Rome, Atlantis, and a fair amount of other ancient world stuff in the world as well as more modern ships, democracies, pianos, and firearms.
Golarion inspiration spans a HUGE range of time to either side of the medieval era, in other words. Yes but the ancient world is closer in functioning to the modern world than most of the middle ages. There is a reason Europe after the fall of Rome is called the Dark Ages. True, we lost some beautiful, elegent advances during the dark ages, that we have never completely recovered. Our technology has been able to make things easier, but not always better.

Critzible wrote: With the whole technologies arguement, and the amalgamation of golarion! I have to refer to one of the altime favorite DnD settings forgotten realms..... Egypt, Mesopotamia, Vikings, United England, Fractured England, as well as a few other examples. Or how about Mystara, or Hollow world all a mix of time periods and cultures. So I don't see the validity of this arguement when its already been done before. I mean sorry to burst your reality bubble but wow, am i the only one who sees this? I think you're right Critz. There have been anachronistic mish mashes in D&D since the beginning. In Dave Arneson's Blackmoor, the legendary dungeon under Castle Blackmoor had a turnstile and charged an entry fee. It was all in fun, but not "true to any time period" if there is such a thing.
I do think that the game has modernized somewhat by moving away from the idea that all monsters are just things to kill. The idea that the goblins have personalities and goals are there if you want to use them.
I guess, really it depends on the gaming group, and the GM. My former DM did not like fire arms in his main FR campaign, but when he ran SpellJammer it made more sense, so he rolled with it.

A lot of what you have revealed here Clark has confirmed what many of us had been speculating about for some time. When WOTC started ending or at least changing relationships with third party producers, their management thought they were reeling back in their control of the property, a classic business reorganization strategy of moving to a vertical "value chain". The corporate management team could not or would not see that it was too late for that. The "D&D" value chain was pretty much permanently spread out into a sort of far reaching network. They had Paizo, Green Ronin, Necromancer, Kenzerco, Goodman Games, etc., as part of the value chain. The greatest benefit of the OGL was good will. Good will with the consumer and with other stake holders like third party publishers is an intangible asset. It is hard to build up, hard to define, and difficult to replace once lost. The third party publishers were allies to WOTC, but they could not see that, and turned them into competitors. They wanted to consolidate the market, and instead they fractured it. The network value chain that they built is gone and broken up into smaller mini value chains and the now growing Paizo/Pathfinder chain.
The OGL philosphy seems to be along the lines of "a rising tide raises all boats" very much a free market concept. The GSL seems more of a protectionist "make sure ours is the only boat afloat" way of thinking.

ZenithTN wrote: At the risk of mortgaging today's textspace for tomorrows...
Could you please not waste post-count with simple "Oooohs", "Aaahs", "Gimme!", "Like-button" and similar when a new release is posted? Please. It doesn't add to the conversation nor is it incentive for me to buy the product. To the contrary, if the post-count gets too high, it isn't a wise use of my time to try to get up to date with the thread.
Instead, perhaps you could nudge the publisher to release more details.
Or perhaps you could sway final editing with your wish list for inclusion. Whatever you choose, please be considerate of those of us who must wade through afterwards to get to the crux of the conversation.
Thank you.
Police ourselves? Have higher standards for what is WORTHY of a post?
Well you've solicited more than a one word post and you are going to get one. In my opinion it is terribly arrogant and heavy handed of you to try to impose some personal standard of what you consider to be a worthy post on the other people who post here. If I or anyone else wish to make a one word post expressing our excitement and anticipation for an upcoming product, as long as we are not violating Paizo's forum rules, we should feel free to do so.
A simple, short post in support of a new product contributes more to the conversation than a lengthier post that complains about short posts and makes NO MENTION of the product at all.
A forum is a place for everyone to express themselves. Some do it by posting treatises, some by posting one word. They all have value to some one, even if only to the poster, and even if they have no value to you.
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Man-Sized |
Special Abilities |
Crankiness |
Alignment |
Chaotic Bored |
Strength |
3 |
Dexterity |
3 |
Constitution |
3 |
Intelligence |
3 |
Wisdom |
3 |
Charisma |
3 |