Mysterious Cultist's page
30 posts. Alias of Wolfthulhu.
Uh, guys... Erik's birthday is in April.
Erik Mona Day is just because he's... well, he's ERIK F!$@ING MONA!!!
Jess Door wrote: Urizen wrote: *peeks outside* *looks at ground*
*picks up box* *shuts door* Gratz! I just got my Inner Sea Guide last night. I may have to get the pdf too. ::ruminates:: subscribe... subscribe...
Psst.. Come 'ere, let me tell you about.. whisper, murmur...
Pulls an amazingly large Dead Horse out of a surprisingly tiny bag, beats soundly with a frighteningly vicious stick and then replaces it within it's confines...
For whatever it might be worth, I agree with TM and the OP, but this is an oft repeated subject, which just goes round and round with no discernible beginning or end.
Bob Sothoth wrote: Y'AI'NG'NGAH
Ia! IA!
Wolfthulhu wrote: Jess Door wrote: Crimson Jester wrote: Jess Door wrote: Oh! And Lunar Eclipse FTW!!! WTF? ...i like eclipses...
They're cool. However... a total lunar eclipse during the winter solstice? I believe it is a sign. The Great Ones return...

James Jacobs wrote: ciretose wrote: Mikaze wrote: Mikaze wrote: Pathos wrote: Mikaze wrote: Actually, didn't the Shoanti article say they accept their half-orc brethren as full Shoanti, even if they see them with pity?
Also, nothing is said anywhere about Shoanti abandoning half-orc babies.
Personally I'd wager half-orcs raised amongst Shoanti get treated a hell of a lot better than most raized by Belkzenian orcs. Because Belkzenian orcs. Which article is this? Shoanti cultural article from Pathfinder #10, History of Ashes. Fantastic stuff. Both of the Shoanti PC players in our Crimson Throne campaign adored it. Actually, just to be certain, the specific details about Shoanti half-orcs I'm remembering might be from the player's guides for Curse of the Crimson Throne and Rise of the Runelords instead. I think the fact that the developer who commented in this thread (2nd comment) trumps you.
Just sayin' Actually, the developer doesn't have a 100% accurate encyclopedic knowledge of the world, and therefore when someone can mention something we produced, like in the aforementioned article about the Shoanti, that actually DOES talk about how they feel about half-orcs... THAT even trumps the developer. Or the Creative Director, in this case. What? James Jacobs isn't perfect??? I refuse to believe such lies.
All hail the Great Jacobs. Hail. Hail.
No, really guys. It's starting to hail. Crap, I'm outa here. Ow!
Conspiracy Buff wrote: Yellow Dingus wrote: The moon tells me things.
Actually that's not the moon talking to you. What we know as the moon has actually been hollowed out and turned into a hidden stellar fortress by humans who have been genetically altered to gain the traits of telepathy, advanced intellect, and accelerated healing. For many years, they've been content to leave us be, watching in amusement as we descended into a spiral of madness and destruction. But ever since we visited the moon and increased our space travel capability, they've begun to realize we could eventually be a threat. Now they are communicating with their chosen agents (i.e. you) in order to encourage you to turn against the rest of humanity and aid them in their conquest of Earth. I, for one, welcome our psychically powered moon dwelling overlords.
I post because they tell me to.
Ashe Ravenheart wrote: Really? We're all so busy that I gotta *BUMP the thread to keep in the top 5?
Jeez, Fridays are for slacking off from work! ;)
Bumpity bump.
Conspiracy Buff wrote: lebreton wrote: I have another buddy who will be playing by the name of John. He plans on getting on these forums soon. Doooooooon't!!!! It's a trap! Shut up! We need fresh vict... *cough cough* Members. We need new members is what I was saying.
F. Wesley Schneider wrote: How's "Within the next 6 Adventure Paths" for a timeline? :P Or sure, give us a three year window.
Hmm, Kingmaker is set, do we know what comes after that? If so we actually have a two year window. 2012 or 13. Better warm up the 'ole time machine...
Now, here's a cult I can sink my... teeth... into.
Evil Lincoln wrote: BWAHAH
I get it!
... cuz they live in mines.
This is no mine... It's a TOMB!
The safest bet, is to join them all.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: This is all happening before 2012? Well, it can't happen after. Duh!
Who knows what secrects lie in the hearts of aliases... aliasi... ali...
Ah hell. Who freaking knows?
Elorebaen wrote: Vic Wertz wrote:
The Core Rulebook PDF actually isn't ready. We're working hard to make this the best PDF Paizo has ever produced. Not only will it be fully bookmarked, but it will also be internally hyperlinked, and we've had four people working on that project since it went to the printer. (The initial pass has been completed, and it's being checked now.) We're also hoping to incorporate some errata into the PDF; that's also being compiled now. This is music to my ears!! Indeed.
I said it in the other thread, but it's worth repeating.
"Pathfinder Core PDF; this one goes to eleven".
Vic Wertz wrote: The Core Rulebook PDF actually isn't ready. We're working hard to make this the best PDF Paizo has ever produced. Not only will it be fully bookmarked, but it will also be internally hyperlinked, and we've had four people working on that project since it went to the printer. (The initial pass has been completed, and it's being checked now.) We're also hoping to incorporate some errata into the PDF; that's also being compiled now. Bookmarked is no suprise, but hyperlinked?
falls to knees and begins worshiping the Golem
That is awesome.
"Pathfinder Core PDF. This one goes to eleven."
Party's over here. >>Linky<<
You better know the secret handshake.
David Wickham wrote: Daigle wrote: Seriously. There could be.
You should go check. My threads are safely hidden in the archives... probably. Love archives. All the best knowledge is kept there.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Daigle wrote: Seriously. There could be.
You should go check. Indeed. How would you know? I wouldn't. Why not? I lied. Does it work? Occasionally. Did you account for the variable? I did not. I will likely be punished for that error. Hmm. Just remember, make sure you lock it. And hide the key, yes.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Daigle wrote: Seriously. There could be.
You should go check. Indeed. How would you know? I wouldn't. Why not? I lied. Does it work? Occasionally. Did you account for the variable? I did not. I will likely be punished for that error.
Kobold Cleaver wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Daigle wrote: Seriously. There could be.
You should go check. Indeed. How would you know? I wouldn't. Why not? I lied. Does it work? Occasionally.
CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Daigle wrote: Seriously. There could be.
You should go check. Indeed. How would you know? I wouldn't. Why not? I lied.
CourtFool wrote: Mysterious Cultist wrote: Daigle wrote: Seriously. There could be.
You should go check. Indeed. How would you know? I wouldn't.
Daigle wrote: Seriously. There could be.
You should go check.