Bad behavior on internet forums

Off-Topic Discussions

I have noticed that over the spread of 10 or so public forums people often get nasty or post things that they would NEVER say in a face to face conversation. I am not saying that things on the Paizo forums are nasty, honestly they are very good and people seem to play nice. I just wonder what makes someone sit down at computer and take offense to a topic and then type in a response that they would never ever say if a living person was involved in the conversation? I like a good debate but it seems that maturity gets tossed away at the key board.

Your thoughts and observations?

Jib wrote:

I have noticed that over the spread of 10 or so public forums people often get nasty or post things that they would NEVER say in a face to face conversation. I am not saying that things on the Paizo forums are nasty, honestly they are very good and people seem to play nice. I just wonder what makes someone sit down at computer and take offense to a topic and then type in a response that they would never ever say if a living person was involved in the conversation? I like a good debate but it seems that maturity gets tossed away at the key board.

Your thoughts and observations?

lol stfu nub

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Jib wrote:

I have noticed that over the spread of 10 or so public forums people often get nasty or post things that they would NEVER say in a face to face conversation. I am not saying that things on the Paizo forums are nasty, honestly they are very good and people seem to play nice. I just wonder what makes someone sit down at computer and take offense to a topic and then type in a response that they would never ever say if a living person was involved in the conversation? I like a good debate but it seems that maturity gets tossed away at the key board.

Your thoughts and observations?

lol stfu nub

I wonder what this Flag button next to Kobold Cleaver's name does?...;-)

Dark Archive

Jib wrote:
I just wonder what makes someone sit down at computer and take offense to a topic and then type in a response that they would never ever say if a living person was involved in the conversation?

A keyboard, a monitor, and at least 5 miles of cable.

Seriously, Paizo boards sometimes feel refreshing like an oasis.

Dragnmoon wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Jib wrote:

I have noticed that over the spread of 10 or so public forums people often get nasty or post things that they would NEVER say in a face to face conversation. I am not saying that things on the Paizo forums are nasty, honestly they are very good and people seem to play nice. I just wonder what makes someone sit down at computer and take offense to a topic and then type in a response that they would never ever say if a living person was involved in the conversation? I like a good debate but it seems that maturity gets tossed away at the key board.

Your thoughts and observations?

lol stfu nub
I wonder what this Flag button next to Kobold Cleaver's name does?...;-)

nub n07 c001!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1111!

Jib wrote:

I have noticed that over the spread of 10 or so public forums people often get nasty or post things that they would NEVER say in a face to face conversation. I am not saying that things on the Paizo forums are nasty, honestly they are very good and people seem to play nice. I just wonder what makes someone sit down at computer and take offense to a topic and then type in a response that they would never ever say if a living person was involved in the conversation? I like a good debate but it seems that maturity gets tossed away at the key board.

Your thoughts and observations?

I actually have an amazing ability to say things like this to people's faces. ;-)

I think this has been much discussed - my take would be that its a lot of things - perhaps first on the list would be lack of body language and conversation marks. When you are face to face with someone, much more attention is paid to how your comments are being received, and theres also the if I'm really offensive I may get hit in the face thing going on - but all i would say second nature, not something that you really think about. Its a deep down hard wired human nature dealio.
Theres also an element of the unreal about typing away at a keyboard - its almost like an internal dialog as opposed to an external conversation - so your thoughts are less guarded / well behaved / obey the social nicities. Its just you, a keyboard, and a rambling brain whilst you stare at the ceiling, so to speak.
In the same kind of way, emotion is also important - typing is very poor at conveying emotion or worse, nuances of emotion and meaning, and so something thats taken as a throw away comment or debatable, may be seized on by someone else who takes serious issue with the particular. Lack of correct emotional context is a notorious problem with things like email, but its not just the real obvious things - like taking a joke as a serious comment etc - but there are also a myriad of nuanced sub texts going on as well. All of which gets lost between author and reader. A typed missive is very much more dependent on a) the mood of its author and b) the mood of the reader - both of which can be in entirely different time zones and so get a completely different feeling from the message.

And lastly, the transaction length of an online conversation is much longer - its more like two or more people lecturing each other than a give and take conversation - which is important. Given enough steam people can work themselves up into a fine hand waving lecture from on high ( no feedback, lets keep going ) - which can inflame their own point of view, as well as having the reverse effect on someone else who basically has to sit there and become more and more agitated as they wait to have a say. Cue lecture response. Rinse and repeat. In a face to face conversation the give and take is much shorter and much faster - a lot of information and balancing goes on very quickly. Part of the basic nature of human evolution, learning to communicate quickly and efficiently -, so you dont get hit over the head by a possible competitor, and everyone knows that today, is banana hunting day. Or something like that. Social groupings lending themselves to better survivability, but requiring excellent communication ( and by implication increased intelligence ). And by that I dont mean correct usage of language, but communication overall, body language, choice of words, intonation, ad nauseum.
Back to conversations - try a conversation where you speak long monologues at some one. Possibly whilst holding your hand up to them and telling them to shut up its your turn everytime they want to refute something. Even better, do it with a chess clock - a minute each to talk at the other. Its going to raise the temperature of the conversation. Annoyances and anger build over time - proper anger takes a while to build. Apparently. Conversations are less likely to do that, than a delayed - extra time built in - forum conversation.

Bottom line : Lack of body language / social feedback , lack of emotion, correct emotion and intent identification, and slow feedback / size of message transaction.

Lastly I would like to apologise for going off on a long lecture ha ha. :P

golem101 wrote:
Seriously, Paizo boards sometimes feel refreshing like an oasis.

*runs naked through the oasis, tossing handfuls of flower petals around*

bugleyman wrote:

I actually have an amazing ability to say things like this to people's faces. ;-)

I think this is connected to Bugley's return to his old avatar.

double ;-)

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
lol stfu nub
I wonder what this Flag button next to Kobold Cleaver's name does?...;-)
nub n07 c001!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1111!

Hey KC, why are you talking funny? Is that Undercommon or Troll? Will you teach me? Then later, we can watch Billy and Jeff.

Greater Internet F+&%wad Theory
Someone being wrong on the internet

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
lol stfu nub


Silver Crusade

REH had some words to say on the matter if I recall correctly.

Robert E Howard was a time traveller?

Silver Crusade

"Something something people something rude something under the protection of society's rules something more politeness if that protection were to be removed something."

I really can't remember how the quote went and now it's really bugging me.

"Something something Darkside something something complete"?

Liberty's Edge

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." REH

is that it? I googled "Robert E Howard rude" and that came up.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, that's the one. I think the other bits I'm remembering are bleedovers from other quotes about how civilization = the bad.

In this case, replace the protection of civilization with that of the internets, and there ya go.

Freedom of consequence from others, and freedom of having to see any consequence of your actions towards others.

(aside on that last bit: I remember one person excusing his behavior as "people on the internet are no more real to me than characters in a book or videogame. I'm just here to have fun and kill time so whatever.")

Liberty's Edge

He's always talking bullcrap about civilization.
"Hey, twogun; want a waffle?"
"your weak civilized breakfasts with your segmented square holes for your syrupy sappiness makes me retch! Such truck makes you and your tribe of milksops scrawny and prone to debauchery. I'm going to go spear a boar."

Liberty's Edge

There are a lot of things I imagine could be said on the subject. Me personally, I kind of feel you really get to know someone and see who they really are on the inside through online means. It's like a world of no consequences where you can say whatever you want and get away with it without much of a problem. Worst case scenario is you get banned ... so you move on, no biggy.

So I guess I honestly think some people act the way they do on public forums the way they do is because deep down ... they really are just jerks. Not saying they can't change or that they don't have redeeming qualities but if you pull back the curtian, the mind behind it is still tricking some girl and her dog.

I'm sure people could/may/will go into much more deep and introspective thought ... but I'm pretty keen on just believing the "they're jerks" thing.

Silver Crusade

Can't make lasagna properly with a spit and campfire. Barbarism isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The computer screen can't punch you

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
lol stfu nub

omg milk shot out of my nose:

I swear to god, just as I read your post > Beethoven's 9th < started blasting from another room.

It could not have been coincidence.

Kobold Cleaver you win the boards!!

>here it is<

Kobie, KC's #1 Buddy wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
lol stfu nub
I wonder what this Flag button next to Kobold Cleaver's name does?...;-)
nub n07 c001!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1111!
Hey KC, why are you talking funny? Is that Undercommon or Troll? Will you teach me? Then later, we can watch Billy and Jeff.

stfu nub!

lol nubz
/\Cool. Where's my prize? I mean, stfu u nub!!!11!

Liberty's Edge

I've been looking on the internet about it. I found an interesting anecdote.
Apparently there's this thing called Second Life; I don't know much about it, I guess you walk around with little avatar peep's doing stuff;
well he said that he went to a philosophy talk building with his avatar. There was a new guy there; the story teller was on about bonobos and humans and the fine line between animal and beast; the new guy was on about "the difference is humans have a soul...."
Then one guy said, "dualism......*yawn*" and made his avatar guy leave; the storyteller guy said he was waiting for it to devolve into the usual flame, but it didn't. He also said that the avatars being there seemed to chill it all out.

Heathansson wrote:

I've been looking on the internet about it. I found an interesting anecdote.

Apparently there's this thing called Second Life; I don't know much about it, I guess you walk around with little avatar peep's doing stuff;
well he said that he went to a philosophy talk building with his avatar. There was a new guy there; the story teller was on about bonobos and humans and the fine line between animal and beast; the new guy was on about "the difference is humans have a soul...."
Then one guy said, "dualism......*yawn*" and made his avatar guy leave; the storyteller guy said he was waiting for it to devolve into the usual flame, but it didn't. He also said that the avatars being there seemed to chill it all out.

I've tried Second Life many years ago. I wanted to go in and start a trading exchange, like nasdaq, in the Second Life economy. However, I never made it off the training island, because I got bored. Also, the first other-avatar I ran into was controlled by a person who didn't speak english. Yay, that's fun. I kept trying to type louder and slower, but nothing seemed to help.

Me sitting at home, my avatar in a virtual world -- now there is dualism! I'm surprised the guy who flew away didn't realize this. He's dumb.. *yawn*.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

stfu nub!

lol nubz
/\Cool. Where's my prize? I mean, stfu u nub!!!11!

You being able to post that is your prize. enjoy.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Robert E Howard was a time traveller?

He once remarked that he heard the stories he wrote being told to him in his mind..

Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
The computer screen can't punch you

Sounds like you'd really...

*shades on* to get in touch with someone.

Horatio Caine wrote:
Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
The computer screen can't punch you

Sounds like you'd really...

*shades on* to get in touch with someone.


The Exchange

Jib wrote:

I have noticed that over the spread of 10 or so public forums people often get nasty or post things that they would NEVER say in a face to face conversation. I am not saying that things on the Paizo forums are nasty, honestly they are very good and people seem to play nice. I just wonder what makes someone sit down at computer and take offense to a topic and then type in a response that they would never ever say if a living person was involved in the conversation? I like a good debate but it seems that maturity gets tossed away at the key board.

Your thoughts and observations?

Ethics are an obligation of Citizenship...

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
Apparently there's this thing called Second Life; I don't know much about it, I guess you walk around with little avatar peep's doing stuff;...

What? Making up imaginary characters, and choosing avatars for them?

Pffft; how utterly lame can you get?

Wurzel McFurzel wrote:

What? Making up imaginary characters, and choosing avatars for them?
Pffft; how utterly lame can you get?

I concur!

Wurzel McFurzel wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Apparently there's this thing called Second Life; I don't know much about it, I guess you walk around with little avatar peep's doing stuff;...

What? Making up imaginary characters, and choosing avatars for them?

Pffft; how utterly lame can you get?

Yeah, that is totally lame. YAP!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Horatio Caine wrote:
Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
The computer screen can't punch you

Sounds like you'd really...

*shades on* to get in touch with someone.

sorry... I find internet forums are like my job in customer service. People want to talk down to you, completely disregard any sense of tact, belittle and attack you....but you know in your black little heart if you saw them on isle 7 of the local supermarket they'd sing a different tune. Especially, when you clocked 'em with a frozen turkey loaf. That is why my liver is bubbling with hate for mankind..... All cowards hidding behind a screen or a customer service complaint line. Give me a turkey loaf. I'll show them all.

Greyish-Greenish Slaad wrote:
Wurzel McFurzel wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Apparently there's this thing called Second Life; I don't know much about it, I guess you walk around with little avatar peep's doing stuff;...

What? Making up imaginary characters, and choosing avatars for them?

Pffft; how utterly lame can you get?
Yeah, that is totally lame. YAP!


Frank the Mime wrote:
Greyish-Greenish Slaad wrote:
Wurzel McFurzel wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
Apparently there's this thing called Second Life; I don't know much about it, I guess you walk around with little avatar peep's doing stuff;...

What? Making up imaginary characters, and choosing avatars for them?

Pffft; how utterly lame can you get?
Yeah, that is totally lame. YAP!

Am I an alias, or is Celestial Healer an alias?

You may never know.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
Horatio Caine wrote:
Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
The computer screen can't punch you

Sounds like you'd really...

*shades on* to get in touch with someone.

sorry... I find internet forums are like my job in customer service. People want to talk down to you, completely disregard any sense of tact, belittle and attack you....but you know in your black little heart if you saw them on isle 7 of the local supermarket they'd sing a different tune. Especially, when you clocked 'em with a frozen turkey loaf. That is why my liver is bubbling with hate for mankind..... All cowards hidding behind a screen or a customer service complaint line. Give me a turkey loaf. I'll show them all.

AMEN...certain Bearish personalities on here are the wilting coward in real life... too bad the worst seem to be so far away from the woodshed beating they obviously need

Liberty's Edge

Blood stained Sunday's best wrote:
sorry... I find internet forums are like my job in customer service. People want to talk down to you, completely disregard any sense of tact, belittle and attack you....but you know in your black little heart if you saw them on isle 7 of the local supermarket they'd sing a different tune. Especially, when you clocked 'em with a frozen turkey loaf. That is why my liver is bubbling with hate for mankind..... All cowards hidding behind a screen or a customer service complaint line. Give me a turkey loaf. I'll show them all.

I like the way you think.

Use something that is worthless and won't be a waste. Tofurkey Loaf.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Speak for yourself - I behave better online than in real life.

I'm adding that to my list of blessings.

Scarab Sages

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I'm adding that to my list of blessings.

And how about adding a delicious Hungry Jack® breakfast to your list?

Fiesta Breakfast Casserole

• Crisco® Original No-Stick Cooking Spray
• 1 (4.9 oz.) package Hungry Jack Mild Jalapeno Cheddar Potatoes
• 2-2/3 cups boiling water
• 1 cup Hungry Jack® Buttermilk Complete Pancake & Waffle Mix (Just Add Water)
• 2 large eggs, slightly beaten
• 1/3 cup water
• 1 cup mild salsa
• 1 (10 oz.) package fully-cooked sausage links, cut into 1/4-inch slices
• 2 green onions, chopped (1/3 cup)
• 1/2 cup shredded taco-flavored or Cheddar cheese

Preparation Directions:
1. HEAT oven to 400° F. Lightly coat a 13 x 9-inch baking dish with cooking spray. Combine potatoes slices, boiling water and sauce packet in prepared pan. Bake uncovered 20 minutes. Remove potatoes from oven. Reduce oven temperature to 375° F.
2. BLEND pancake mix, eggs, water, salsa, sausage and green onions. Pour over potatoes.
3. BAKE uncovered 24 to 26 minutes, or until center is set. Remove casserole from oven; sprinkle with cheese. Cover with aluminum foil; let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 45 min

I find the Paizo forums to be decidely un-oasis-like, to be honest. The amount of vitriol and bullying makes me queasy at times.

FabesMinis wrote:
The amount of vitriol and bullying makes me queasy at times.

Me too!


Either Jib has lead a sheltered life or I have been exposed to humanity's worst.

(rolls through)

Cosmo's Wandering Eye wrote:
(rolls through)

(skitters in, scratches CourtFool behind the ears, skitters out)

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