About CSI Miami Intro SongSpoiler:
These next three characters are some of the NPCs that the players have grown the most attatched to that don't have official artwork(ie: these were made up for our campaign ;) )
Where I'm not quite comfortable filling in the blanks for the PC's descriptions for fear of getting in the way of how the players see them, the NPC's don't have that problem. :D Kirielle Jenna Fortner LG Female Half-Orc Paladin of Iomedae Background: Kirielle was born in Old Korvosa to a half-orc couple that struggled to provide a better life for their daughter. This struggle led to Kirielle being orphaned at an early age. She spent most of her childhood in an orphanage in one of the poorest districts of the city. She had little in the way of comforts except the tales of Iomedae told to her by the old priestess that ran the orphanage. She was shaped by those stories as she grew; she stood up for the smaller children on the mean streets of Old Korvosa and would later work herself sick trying to help support the orphanage that raised her. She had little in the way of education, but she had much in the way of strength of character and virtue. Even though she never learned to read, she memorized The Eleven Acts of Iomedae from front to back. She dreamed of following her hero and goddess' footsteps as a heroic knight. She eventually went so far as to reclaim a dulled, nearly broken longsword and scrapped, puctured, cobbled-together armor. Once she had grown up, she began to hang around the taverns and inns that adventurers were known to congregate. She tried time and time again to find a virtuous knight that would take her on as an apprentice, but she always was either turned away because of her heritage or she herself left in disgust when the adventurer she hoped would teach her turned out to be morally lacking. One day, during the first troubled week of Queen Illeosa's reign, she met Bogs as he was going from tavern to tavern trying to rally support for the new queen. She instantly fell for his words of loyalty to crown and country, of justice and honor being brought back to Korvosa, not to mention the character of the man himself. Bogs recognized her as an idealist much like himself, and he took her under his wing as the second-in-command of the mercenary company he had not even formed yet. Kirielle's fortunes changed immediately. Once Bogs found out she was currently homeless, he gave her his house and started living out of an inn. When Voharius noted the poor condition of her sword and armor that she cherished so much, he reforged them himself. When it came out that she didn't know how to read, Dorinvil and Bogs taught her. She also finally felt the calling to become a true paladin of Iomedae. She finally got to be the hero she had always dreamed of becoming. She also had developed a strong crush on her mentor, Bogs. She has since realized that Bogs is deeply in love with Cressida Kroft, and has tried to channel her feelings towards a sort of concept of courtly or knightly love. Bogs, for his part, has always seen her as more of a little sister than anything else. She currently serves as the commander of Korvosa's Finest, and travels alongside Bogs and the others in their quest to save Korvosa. She's been deeply shaken by the revelation that Queen Illeosa is the source of Korvosa's recent troubles, and the party has been taking steps to shield her from some of the shadier things some of their associates are having to do in order to save their city. A wide-eyed idealist to the core, Kirielle is polite and optimistic through and through. Racial slurs concerning her half-orc heritage tend to slide right past her, due to a sort of strange denial she has put upon herself concerning her race. That facade cracks at times however, and when it does it leaves her uncharacteristically morose. Description: Kirielle is an attractive, highly athletic woman, despite the stereotypical view of her race some might expect. The half-orc example given in the Races section of the Campaign Setting book might be a good place to start if she were more bright-eyed and cheerful. More "cute" than outright beautiful in a lot of peoples' eyes. Her skin is green, her eyes a lighter shade of the same color. Her tusks are fairly small, barely poking up above her lower lip. She keeps her rough, black hair cut in that Joan of Arc "pageboy" style Iomedae is portrayed as having. She wears an ornately crafted suit of plate mail, with the hood of chainmail she retains from the original armor she cobbled together before joining Bogs. She weilds the same old longsword she cared for since she found it in an old scrapheap, still plain yet now gleaming after its restoration. Her steel shield is emblazoned with a stylized symbol of Iomedae. Her long red and white cloak is taken from the popularly known representation of Iomedae as well. Quinta Leroung NG Female Human (Chelish) Cleric of Sarenrae Background: Quinta was born to the noble Leroung family and grew up surrounded by comfort and wealth. She was given the best education her parents could afford, and her entire life was planned to be one of prestige and ease. Quinta felt an emptiness in her life until she found her calling at the temple of Sarenrae. She left the prestige of station of nobility behind to serve her goddess and the common people of Korvosa at the temple, much to the chagrin of many in her family. She stood her ground, and eventually her family accepted her decision, some because they recognized it as her choosing her own path, and some because having a family member in the clergy of a popular goddess was good PR. She came to consider her fellow clergymen as a second family, the closest among them being Voharius. They shared a tight bond that eventually blossomed into full-blown romance. When the riots broke out, her family tried to convince her to take shelter in their estate, but she refused and stayed at the temple where she was needed most. After that, she came to know the rest of the party and became increasingly involved in some of their more social adventures. She has been a valuable source of knowledge about nobility and politics for the party. Things have recently taken a dark turn for her. The party discovered that her brother had been murdered by Jolistina Suspero. While Voharius was able to convince a shaken Quinta to return to the temple after her crisis of faith, she has grown more serious and grim. While she had always been a gentle healer before, she has been aching for revenge on the people responsible for her brother's death. She was eventually forcefully smuggled out of Korvosa to join Voharius and the rest of the party when it became clear to her fellow priests that her investigations into her brother's death were going to get her killed. While she understands that they were trying to protect her, she is still insistant on Voharius training her in the art of the sword, so that she'll be ready to use it when the time comes. Appearance: Quinta still carries much of her noble bearing, but it stems entirely from how she carries herself rather than the trappings of wealth. Polite and gracious to all she meets, it's clear that she's a person of peace at heart. She's much more of a healer than any sort of warrior. She dresses in the traditional robes of her clergy, sharing a similar design with Voharius' tabard, but cut as a long skirted, more feminine robe. She has little in the way of jewelry, save for the golden ankh of Sarenrae which hangs from her neck and the similar steel ankh that hangs from the sash about her waist. She keeps a scimitar tucked into her sash as well, but until recently it was only there for ceremonial uses. It has never seen any wear or tear because of this. Quinta is a pale skinned, slenderly built woman, possessed of fine, proud features that belie the gentle look in her brown eyes. Her long blond hair is often worn up in a complicated style of buns or braids popular with the nobility. What little jewelry she has is worn there or upon her ears. Tris'kah CG Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian Background: Tris'kah was raised on the Cinderlands along with her older brother Udak among the people of the Hawk tribe of the Shoanti. They were very close, and became quite adept at hunting alongside each other. They were quite different however; Tris'kah was very practical minded, Udak was more of a dreamer. Udak was more thoughtful though, where Tris'kah preferred to go for the most direct and simple solution. When Udak left the plateau to journey to the lowlands to find fame and fortune, Tris'kah stayed behind where she felt her responsibilities lay. A few years later, she had had enough. She did miss her brother, and was worried about him, but she also had been struck by a bit of wanderlust as well. She left to find him. When she got to the edge of the plateau, rather than search for a path leading down to the lowlands, she simply climbed down the cliff's surface. She still doesn't understand why people are so surprised when they hear about this. She eventually found her way to Korvosa and her brother, just in time to be stuck inside the city when it closed its gates during the plague-induced quarantine. She was frustrated to find Udak so acclimated to city life, but still helped him as he did what he could for the plague victims in the city. Once the plague had passed, Udak managed to convince Tris'kah to stay in the city for just a while, and to come with him as he sought work with a mercenary company that had just started up. Udak was shocked to find that the company was run by Bogs and his friends, the same people that had saved his life during the first riots. Tris'kah was curious about the people that had saved her brother, and she and her brother both were given jobs immediately(and asked to remain while other applicants came in to be interviewed, in order to root out any anti-Shoanti racists and potential troublemakers). It was around this time that she became romantically curious about the Varisian half-elf Dorinvil. Completely unused to the social standards of the city, her awkward attempts at gaining his attention managed to make him curious as well, but also somewhat frightened of the barbarian woman. During the exodus from Korvosa, Tarouk and Trinia Sabor joined the group. Where Tris'kah at first saw Trinia as a potential rival, she also became more curious about Tarouk, especially after learning more of his past. Currently Tris'kah has been on friendly terms with Trinia. Where Sashka has been pushing Tris'kah to pursue Tarouk's attention(as well as pushing Tarouk towards Tris'kah), Tris'kah has been pushing Trinia towards Dorinvil. Her grace at matchmaking leaves much to be desired. Tarouk's player has comfirmed that he's going to try and win her hand in marriage. Tris'kah may very well wind up getting played by that player's wife, who just married him last week. It's weird how this is playing out. Appearance: Proud and fierce-looking, Tris'kah is a tall, muscular woman with deeply tanned skin like her kinsmen Tarouk and Sashka. Her light-brown eyes contain a certain intensity. She bears the Hawk tribe symbol over her heart, with various other tattoos signifying daring feats and impressive hunting kills trailing about her shoulders, back, and arms. Like Tarouk, Sashka and most Shoanti, Tris'kah keeps her head shaved. But instead of doing so completely, she has kept a long, thick braid of flame red hair growing from the back of her scalp. She does this to impress any potential suitors, not because she thinks it makes her more attractive, but in the hopes that it would impress them with her courage to fight with such a dangerous liability. Tris'kah dresses very lightly in hide armor, made more for ease of mobility than anything else. It's one of the bigger ironies of the campaign that the most muscular, frightening woman in the party is the "fanservice" girl, in the words of one of the players. Spoiler:
These are the last two characters out of the bunch, for a different campaign than the others. Liath Samathran LG Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae Background: If you need the short versions of these, I'll be happy to provide them! Before the campaign: http://paizo.com/people/LiathSamathran During the campaign: http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/community/gaming/campaignJournals/sixO utOfRestovAKingmakerJournalSPOILERS Appearance: Liath is a mostly human-looking tiefling. He's lightly built, but highly athletic after years of hard work. His skin is colored in Taldan skin tones, but he is far more pale than is usual, due to his childhood spent in confinement. His face is youthful, often carrying an air of innocence about him. His eyes are pale blue. His long black hair hangs mostly to the back and side of his head, but some falls forward between the horns growing from his forehead. His ears are pointed and a bit long, like those of a half-elf. His eight-inch long horns grow upward and away from his skull, rather than back and alongside it like 4E tieflings. His legs bend like those of a satyr or a draenei, and end in solid horse-like hooves. (the upper leg is the same length as a normal human leg, then it bends back a bit, and then bends forward again before ending in the hoof) He had a pair of vestigial, bat-like wings growing from his back, but they are long gone now. All that remains are the two-inch long stumps. Liath weilds a gleaming, well-cared-for longsword and a medium steel sheild bearing a stylized Iomedaean sword-like emblem. He wears a suit of silverish half-plate armor, which has been modified heavily around his unusual legs. The backplate of his armor bears a pair of steel ornamental angel wings, a bit similar in design to those worn by Inphyy from Ninety-Nine Nights(linked below), but just a little bit more masculine in design. ENTER LINK HERE Upon his head, whether he's in his armor or in his plain commoner's clothing, he wears a long, brown cloth Link-from-Zelda style cap. He keeps an assortment of equipment on hand, the most important or most used being his holy symbol of Iomedae(a small longsword replica), his hardbound journal, a hooded lantern, manacles, a coil of silk rope, and a confiscated longbow. He also has a white cloak with red trim, in Iomedae's colors. Naella Samathran LG Female Tiefling Cleric of Iomedae Background Naella shared most of the same childhood experiences as her brother Liath. She spent her early childhood captive in her own home, first in the manor and then in the cellar, and recieved the same abuse as her brother as well. After being set loose from their imprisonment and their adoption by the church of Iomedae, things changed between them. Naella was more capable of putting her past behind her and coming to peace with her tiefling nature and her belief in Iomedae's acceptance of her. When Liath proved to be far more troubled by his experiences, she had to take the role of the stronger sibling and stayed by his side to help him find himself. Unlike her brother, she has written off her old family entirely, with the single exception of her mother. She wishes to have nothing to do with them after their treatment of her, her brother, and her mother. She has fully accepted her fellow followers of Iomedae as her new, real family. While she has had martial training and recently took part in driving out bandit invaders from the monastery that took care of her and her brother, she is far more focused on healing and offering spiritual guidance to others. Appearance: Naella is the same age as her brother, but she is clearly more serene and mature. She shares the same tiefling traits as her brother(horns, legs and hooves), except that her wings are still intact. They are kept exposed, as they are too large to conceal comfortably under clothing. They are small, two-foot long bat wings sprouting from between her shoulders, far too small to be truly functional. She takes after her mother more than her brother, but despite her more serene disposition she's also more steely and unyielding than her brother. She shares his blue eyes and black hair, although she keeps her hair cut short. She wears nun-like priestess' robes similar to the nuns pictured in the fiction section of Pathfinder #32(the ones fighting with staves, that is), except longer, more flowing, and with a slightly more feminine cut. She wears a long robe with a cloth belt wrapping it about her. She keeps a simple longsword sheathed by her side along with a copy of the 11 Acts of Iomedae. She also wears a cloth coif, covering all of her neck and head except for her face and her horns. Her robes bear Iomedae's symbol as a stylized design integrated into the way they are cut, along with a simple white cape with red trim. While humble, she carries the air of authority about her. Kind and compassionate like her brother, but with cold steel waiting to reinforce those traits hiding underneath the surface. (she's also going to be the High Priest of our kingdom in our Kingmaker campaign!)