UpSbLiViOn |
I have been running D&D of the 3.x variety since it came out but I humbly must admit no one has ever use a prestige class for various reasons. So that leads me for the first time in over 10 years with the chance to play the game actually instead of DMing it with questions about how PrC's work. Ill be specific in hopes of not wasting anyone's time.
First question and at the moment the most important is Attack bonuses specifically Base Attack Bonuses.
I am making a Fighter 7/Divine Champion 2. The Fighter(Pathfinder Version) has a BaB of +7/+2 and the Divine champion at level 2 has a +2 according to the Forgotten realms players guide(Yes I am mixing two systems). Does the combined 9th level character have an BaB of +9/+4 or +9/+2 or something completely different?
Again sorry for such a n00b question but PrC's thought they are cool none of my players have used them for whatever reason.
concerro |
I have been running D&D of the 3.x variety since it came out but I humbly must admit no one has ever use a prestige class for various reasons. So that leads me for the first time in over 10 years with the chance to play the game actually instead of DMing it with questions about how PrC's work. Ill be specific in hopes of not wasting anyone's time.
First question and at the moment the most important is Attack bonuses specifically Base Attack Bonuses.
I am making a Fighter 7/Divine Champion 2. The Fighter(Pathfinder Version) has a BaB of +7/+2 and the Divine champion at level 2 has a +2 according to the Forgotten realms players guide(Yes I am mixing two systems). Does the combined 9th level character have an BaB of +9/+4 or +9/+2 or something completely different?
Again sorry for such a n00b question but PrC's thought they are cool none of my players have used them for whatever reason.
Only worry about the first number since it controls the others. The others are always 5 less.
Tem |
Though if you are using Pathfinder/Paizo rules in your game, check the save progressions. In 3.5 they were higher than with Paizo's PrC's so I would adjust them down accordingly.
Actually, the "good" saves were decreased by a point, but the poor saves are actually slightly higher in Pathfinder. Either way - yes, you should probably use the new progression.
UpSbLiViOn |
Next n00b question though not directly related to a PrC.
The character I am looking to play will use a shield and Dwarven waraxe. Though he didnt take two weapon fighting I am still hoping to use the shield as an alternate weapon.
He has an attack bonus of +9/+4 with no modifiers added(Str etc). For him to use the shield as a secondary weapon without two weapon fighting what would his attack layout look like?
And thanks a ton for the responses. I have not gotten to play in over 10 years and it seems I am playing a character that none of my players has ever thought of so I am encountering some rules I am unfamiliar with.
Big Bucket |
It will make a difference whether the shield is heavy (it counts as a one-handed weapon) or light (a light weapon). [PFRPG p.152]
Without Two-Weapon Fighting the penalties for using a heavy shield would be -6 for the primary hand and -10 for the off hand. [PFRPG p.202]
Waraxe: +3/-2
Heavy shield: -1/-6
Without TWF using a light shield, -4 primary hand and -8 off hand.
Waraxe: +5/0
Light shield: +1/-4
With TWF the numbers get better:
With a heavy shield, -4 primary, -4 off hand:
Waraxe: +5/0
Heavy shield: +5/0
With a light shield, -2 primary, -2 off hand:
Waraxe: +7/+2
Light shield: +7/+2
I hope that helps.
Big Bucket |
Actually if a heavy shield gives a -6 penalty if used in the offhand and the example fighter has a attack bonus of +9/+4 wouldn't that make the total +3/-2?
The -6 is for your main hand, the axe. The off hand, your shield, takes a -10 penalty without TWF. Having TWF gives equal penalties for both hands, using either a heavy or light shield.