Shorafa Pamodae

Not that inoccent.'s page

248 posts. Alias of Moorluck.


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Dread Pirate Rumnaheim wrote:
Yar, there not be a good all out blitz in a long time.

You know what else I haven't had in a good long time?

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Of course, not everything is a-ok here in zombie land. I seem to have come down with a bit of a cold. Winter's last laugh before its well deserved demise.
winter is innocent. You have the vestiges of the spring plague that is going around.

Winter innocent? You obviously don't know her like I do.

Br@in wrote:
Here we plot to take over the world. Every day.

In every way you can possibly imagine.

Come here often Big Boy?

Obnoxsexxi Drowess wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Erotic, but not pornographic, literature.

Stop your lying mouth and put it back to work.

You wish. You couldn't handle me, skank.

And by the way, your <redacted> smells like fungus.

I made $750 today, and I never had to get off my back, or even out of bed!

taig wrote:

Sorry to hear that everyone is having it so rough. :(

But some of us like it rough.

Hula Girl wrote:
Not that inoccent. wrote:
Hula Girl wrote:

Anybody else want to get lei'd?

Why? I mean why get lei'd when you can get laid? I know which one I would choose. ;)
It's called subtlety sweetheart. You might want to look into it. ;)

Meh. I don't do subtlety... I do multiple O......

Hula Girl wrote:
0gre wrote:
Hula Girl wrote:
0gre wrote:
Hula Girl wrote:
So, who wants to get lei'd? ;)
Oh I picked the perfect to join this thread PICK ME !!!

Well, since you were the first to speak up, you go first. ;)

*places a lei around Ogre's neck*

Woot! I got Lei'd by the Hula Girl! She rubbed her boob on my elbow when she did it, I think she likes me!


Anybody else want to get lei'd?

Why? I mean why get lei'd when you can get laid? I know which one I would choose. ;)

Ooooooh, would you look at all those tentacles. Did it just get hot in here?

Urizen wrote:
Priest of Bacon Cheesburgers wrote:
Urizen wrote:
BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are learning much, soon you shall jorney down the path of enlightenment to reach that point of nirvana known as The Triple Bacon Cheesburger, with fries.

I don't think it's going to be possible. *sniffle* It's too much meat for mah mouth and mah belly.

But it's good to know you can unhinge your jaw and fill your mouth full with meaty goodness.


When you say it like that it just sounds dirty.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Too much.... just too much... of..... something.
I live to service. :D

I bet you do.

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:


<trousers drop>



Incorrect response. You were supposed to gasp.


<pulls up trousers>

I got nothing here. Move along, move along.

That's what she said. ;)

Hardwood floors.

I feel skishy.....

Moorluck's Rustmonster wrote:
Buttuglypoodlekin. wrote:
Mairkurion's Loyal Mastiff wrote:

~Runs up and begins humping Loyal Mastiff~


~Runs up and begns humping BUPK~

~Runs up and begins kicking dogs and rust monster~

Ewwwe, stopit you freaks! I know I wanted more doggie in here, but this is NOT what I meant!

Emperor7 wrote:
Naughty nurse takes over?

I was a nurse once. A 'Head' nurse.

Jilly Bean wrote:
General Zod wrote:

Get your own corner b%!%&.

taig wrote:
So, with the new look, are we gonna allow gambling in this thread?

And what about prostitution?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Ooh... I like the carpet you picked out, leafy.
I was going for a Caesar's Palace kind of look for the lobby and the lounge.

Mmmmmm, Ceasar's Palace gets me all skishy. Remind me to tell you about the wild night I had with Ceasar, Brutus, and Cleo sometime.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Ooh... I like the carpet you picked out, leafy.

Ignore the wet spots, Solnes gets me all excited. Besides it'll be cleaned before we move in for good.

~Throws sundries out window.~

Well then work it for us and I'll buy you some new ones.

Solnes wrote:
Eric Swanson wrote:
Not that inoccent. wrote:
~Seeing no resistance, slides tail up to carress sweet spot.~

Like what you see? Then Take a danged picture!! It'll last longer! ;)

*Pulls shirt up and steps away from the infernal horned temtation.*

~Rips blouse off and takes bra with it.~

Honey, as gorgeous as those things are, you should never hide them.

~Shifts into Liv Tyler.~

Solnes wrote:
Not that inoccent. wrote:
~Seeing no resistance, slides tail up to carress sweet spot.~
Grabs Tail and Pinches....I also don't do audiences...

~Whimpers and squirms.~

Ooooo, I like it rough.

~Seeing no resistance, slides tail up to carress sweet spot.~

Solnes wrote:
I have been here for nearly a year and I is just learning the linky trick...this may be a bit sad. :)

Hey, I'm not done with you just yet, thread hopping won't save you.

Solnes wrote:
Not that inoccent. wrote:
Solnes wrote:
taig wrote:

That's nice, but I can also see you in the OTHER THREAD! :)

But here we can be alone. ;)

*Throws nasty demon out of thread and locks door.*

~Slips in through an open window and rips off Solnes blouse grabbing her breast~

Or we can see how high his 'blood preasure' can get. ;)

Uhm...I don't do evil.

~Closes mouth around one exposed breast.~

Then just lean back and let evil do you.

Solnes wrote:
taig wrote:

That's nice, but I can also see you in the OTHER THREAD! :)

But here we can be alone. ;)

*Throws nasty demon out of thread and locks door.*

~Slips in through an open window and rips off Solnes blouse grabbing her breast~

Or we can see how high his 'blood preasure' can get. ;)

taig wrote:

Gah! Nothing!

<Throws "Hot Badgers" magazine across the thread>

Were you looking at the Ms Badger Beaver of the Month again you naughty boy?

taig wrote:

Are they all gone?

Yes, now we have it all to ourselves my sweet fuzzy wuzzy stud.

Snuggle wrote:
Attack Goblin #23 wrote:
runs into thread with a burning torch, lights self on fire

That goblin is giving me bad vibes.

Oh wait, no, that's the toy I got from the store. It's running low on batteries.

You should have got the rechargable one then.

General Zod wrote:

So do I... by the way, you owe me $60 for past services.

taig wrote:

How insensitive of me!

You hick.

Did someone say di.... oh hick. Nevermind.

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Good evening to everyone

Oops! Spoke to soon.

~Hides B.O.B. behind back.~

So how's things... er, Thing?

Pretty quiet in here tonight. I know what will help me pass the time.

~Hooks up B.O.B. to a car battery.~

Dark Solnes wrote:
Not that inoccent. wrote:
Dark Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Still a bit 'meh', but I'd always perk up if I see some strippers. :P

*drops her bra and panties.*

Oops ;)

Wow, is that a dong tucked between your legs? Oh My Gawd, it is!

No. Not a dong...just your husband's crushed body.


HA! Do you really think any one man could ever be enough to satisfy a slut like me?

Dark Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Still a bit 'meh', but I'd always perk up if I see some strippers. :P

*drops her bra and panties.*

Oops ;)

Wow, is that a dong tucked between your legs? Oh My Gawd, it is!

General Zod wrote:


~Resumes her Hoover impresion.~


Thank you Mister Shakespear, you always know how to fill a girl's heart with love.... among other things.

William Shakespear wrote:
Remember to shake my spear when you're done.

~Begins nodding head.~

Es ir!

Butter Patrick wrote:
Any of you perverts need some butter?

~Thrust her rear up and wiggles.~

Ave at it.

Jackin' Ape wrote:
OOO! OOO! OOO!!!!!

Oo ill owe e a wenny!

William Shakespear wrote:

Did someone call me? A playwright by any other name would


If you say so Big Willie.

~Hits her knees and starts her Hoover impression.~

Snuggle wrote:

Anyone see some laundry. I'm supposed to freshen it.

<Looks at Laundry of the Damned>

f%#~ that!

I would but he's broke.

Laundry of the Damned wrote:
Sharoth, you need to do meeeee!

Wow, you are hard up ain't ya sweety... c'mon I'll give you a free poke.

Alien Abductor wrote:
This requires some deep probing.

Sounds fun, you got a twenty?

Angsty, the Androgynous Vampire wrote:
I just added a verse to my poem. Now it's perfect.

You know if I could find your thing in those tight chicken legged pants you wear, I might do some sucking of my own.

Angsty, the Androgynous Vampire wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
That reminded me that I was behind on my profiles. All updated.
My profile contains my magnum opus - a poem with the very outpourings of my soul.

Oh stick a sock in it gltter boy. I've f***ed more bloodsuckers than you have twilight posters and trust me, they don't sparkle unless I... well we can't say what I do to make them shine on these boards.

Urizen wrote:
You guys switch avys really fast. Is there a short cut to toggle or something?


William Shakespear wrote:
Not that inoccent. wrote:
William Shakespear wrote:
Not that inoccent. wrote:
William Shakespear wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Great pr0n name... Big Willie Shakespear.
Well, I didn't start out by writing the greatest plays in the English tongue... let's just put it that way.

~Appears in a cloud of perfumed smoke.~

Really. Hello, have we met? ;)
Truly thou wouldst remember if I'd noted thee.
Noted? Honey, I don't want to be noted, I want to be f*****!
Yes, I was speaking of country matters.

Country, city, hell you can do it in a ditch if you want, as long I get mine I don't care.

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