Not that inoccent.'s page
248 posts. Alias of Moorluck.
Dread Pirate Rumnaheim wrote: Yar, there not be a good all out blitz in a long time. You know what else I haven't had in a good long time?
Freehold DM wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Of course, not everything is a-ok here in zombie land. I seem to have come down with a bit of a cold. Winter's last laugh before its well deserved demise. winter is innocent. You have the vestiges of the spring plague that is going around. Winter innocent? You obviously don't know her like I do.
Br@in wrote: Here we plot to take over the world. Every day. In every way you can possibly imagine.
Obnoxsexxi Drowess wrote: Moorluck wrote:
Erotic, but not pornographic, literature. Stop your lying mouth and put it back to work. You wish. You couldn't handle me, skank.
And by the way, your <redacted> smells like fungus.
I made $750 today, and I never had to get off my back, or even out of bed!
taig wrote: Sorry to hear that everyone is having it so rough. :(
But some of us like it rough.
Hula Girl wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: Hula Girl wrote:
Anybody else want to get lei'd? Why? I mean why get lei'd when you can get laid? I know which one I would choose. ;) It's called subtlety sweetheart. You might want to look into it. ;) Meh. I don't do subtlety... I do multiple O......
Hula Girl wrote: 0gre wrote: Hula Girl wrote: 0gre wrote: Hula Girl wrote: So, who wants to get lei'd? ;) Oh I picked the perfect to join this thread PICK ME !!! Well, since you were the first to speak up, you go first. ;)
*places a lei around Ogre's neck* Woot! I got Lei'd by the Hula Girl! She rubbed her boob on my elbow when she did it, I think she likes me! *giggle*
Anybody else want to get lei'd? Why? I mean why get lei'd when you can get laid? I know which one I would choose. ;)
Ooooooh, would you look at all those tentacles. Did it just get hot in here?
Urizen wrote: Priest of Bacon Cheesburgers wrote: Urizen wrote: BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are learning much, soon you shall jorney down the path of enlightenment to reach that point of nirvana known as The Triple Bacon Cheesburger, with fries. I don't think it's going to be possible. *sniffle* It's too much meat for mah mouth and mah belly.
But it's good to know you can unhinge your jaw and fill your mouth full with meaty goodness.
*smirk* When you say it like that it just sounds dirty.
flash_cxxi wrote: Moorluck wrote: Too much.... just too much... of..... something. I live to service. :D I bet you do.
Urizen wrote: Solnes wrote: Urizen wrote: Personal? PERSONAL? YOU WANT PERSONAL? I WILL SHOW YOU PERSONAL!
<trousers drop>
Whoopsie. Huh...... Incorrect response. You were supposed to gasp.
<pulls up trousers>
I got nothing here. Move along, move along. That's what she said. ;)
Moorluck's Rustmonster wrote: Buttuglypoodlekin. wrote: Mairkurion's Loyal Mastiff wrote: Grrr... ~Runs up and begins humping Loyal Mastiff~
Hehehehehehe. ~Runs up and begns humping BUPK~ ~Runs up and begins kicking dogs and rust monster~
Ewwwe, stopit you freaks! I know I wanted more doggie in here, but this is NOT what I meant!
Emperor7 wrote: Naughty nurse takes over? I was a nurse once. A 'Head' nurse.
Jilly Bean wrote: General Zod wrote: KNEEL BEFORE ZOD! PAY ME FIRST!!! ;) Get your own corner b%!%&.
taig wrote: So, with the new look, are we gonna allow gambling in this thread? And what about prostitution?
Mairkurion {tm} wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: Ooh... I like the carpet you picked out, leafy. I was going for a Caesar's Palace kind of look for the lobby and the lounge. Mmmmmm, Ceasar's Palace gets me all skishy. Remind me to tell you about the wild night I had with Ceasar, Brutus, and Cleo sometime.
Celestial Healer wrote: Ooh... I like the carpet you picked out, leafy. Ignore the wet spots, Solnes gets me all excited. Besides it'll be cleaned before we move in for good.
~Throws sundries out window.~
Well then work it for us and I'll buy you some new ones.
Solnes wrote: Eric Swanson wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: ~Seeing no resistance, slides tail up to carress sweet spot.~ *ogles Like what you see? Then Take a danged picture!! It'll last longer! ;)
*Pulls shirt up and steps away from the infernal horned temtation.* ~Rips blouse off and takes bra with it.~
Honey, as gorgeous as those things are, you should never hide them.
~Shifts into Liv Tyler.~
Solnes wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: ~Seeing no resistance, slides tail up to carress sweet spot.~ Grabs Tail and Pinches....I also don't do audiences... ~Whimpers and squirms.~
Ooooo, I like it rough.
~Seeing no resistance, slides tail up to carress sweet spot.~
Solnes wrote: I have been here for nearly a year and I is just learning the linky trick...this may be a bit sad. :) Hey, I'm not done with you just yet, thread hopping won't save you.
Solnes wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: Solnes wrote: taig wrote: That's nice, but I can also see you in the OTHER THREAD! :)
But here we can be alone. ;)
*Throws nasty demon out of thread and locks door.* ~Slips in through an open window and rips off Solnes blouse grabbing her breast~
Or we can see how high his 'blood preasure' can get. ;) Uhm...I don't do evil. ~Closes mouth around one exposed breast.~
Then just lean back and let evil do you.
Solnes wrote: taig wrote: That's nice, but I can also see you in the OTHER THREAD! :)
But here we can be alone. ;)
*Throws nasty demon out of thread and locks door.* ~Slips in through an open window and rips off Solnes blouse grabbing her breast~
Or we can see how high his 'blood preasure' can get. ;)
taig wrote: Gah! Nothing!
<Throws "Hot Badgers" magazine across the thread>
Were you looking at the Ms Badger Beaver of the Month again you naughty boy?
taig wrote: Are they all gone?
Yes, now we have it all to ourselves my sweet fuzzy wuzzy stud.
Snuggle wrote: Attack Goblin #23 wrote: runs into thread with a burning torch, lights self on fire That goblin is giving me bad vibes.
Oh wait, no, that's the toy I got from the store. It's running low on batteries. You should have got the rechargable one then.
General Zod wrote: EVIL BOWS BEFORE ZOD! So do I... by the way, you owe me $60 for past services.
taig wrote: How insensitive of me!
You hick.
Did someone say di.... oh hick. Nevermind.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote: Good evening to everyone Oops! Spoke to soon.
~Hides B.O.B. behind back.~
So how's things... er, Thing?
Pretty quiet in here tonight. I know what will help me pass the time.
~Hooks up B.O.B. to a car battery.~
Dark Solnes wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: Dark Solnes wrote: Urizen wrote: Still a bit 'meh', but I'd always perk up if I see some strippers. :P *drops her bra and panties.*
Oops ;) Wow, is that a dong tucked between your legs? Oh My Gawd, it is! No. Not a dong...just your husband's crushed body.
;) HA! Do you really think any one man could ever be enough to satisfy a slut like me?
Dark Solnes wrote: Urizen wrote: Still a bit 'meh', but I'd always perk up if I see some strippers. :P *drops her bra and panties.*
Oops ;) Wow, is that a dong tucked between your legs? Oh My Gawd, it is!
General Zod wrote: KNEEL BEFORE ZOD! Ok.
~Resumes her Hoover impresion.~
Thank you Mister Shakespear, you always know how to fill a girl's heart with love.... among other things.
William Shakespear wrote: Remember to shake my spear when you're done. ~Begins nodding head.~
Es ir!
Butter Patrick wrote: Any of you perverts need some butter? ~Thrust her rear up and wiggles.~
Ave at it.
Jackin' Ape wrote: OOO! OOO! OOO!!!!! Oo ill owe e a wenny!
William Shakespear wrote: Did someone call me? A playwright by any other name would
If you say so Big Willie.
~Hits her knees and starts her Hoover impression.~
Snuggle wrote: Anyone see some laundry. I'm supposed to freshen it.
<Looks at Laundry of the Damned>
f%#~ that!
I would but he's broke.
Laundry of the Damned wrote: Sharoth, you need to do meeeee! Wow, you are hard up ain't ya sweety... c'mon I'll give you a free poke.
Alien Abductor wrote: This requires some deep probing. Sounds fun, you got a twenty?
Angsty, the Androgynous Vampire wrote: I just added a verse to my poem. Now it's perfect. You know if I could find your thing in those tight chicken legged pants you wear, I might do some sucking of my own.
Angsty, the Androgynous Vampire wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: That reminded me that I was behind on my profiles. All updated. My profile contains my magnum opus - a poem with the very outpourings of my soul. Oh stick a sock in it gltter boy. I've f***ed more bloodsuckers than you have twilight posters and trust me, they don't sparkle unless I... well we can't say what I do to make them shine on these boards.
Urizen wrote: You guys switch avys really fast. Is there a short cut to toggle or something? Huh?
William Shakespear wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: William Shakespear wrote: Not that inoccent. wrote: William Shakespear wrote: Moorluck wrote: Great pr0n name... Big Willie Shakespear. Well, I didn't start out by writing the greatest plays in the English tongue... let's just put it that way. ~Appears in a cloud of perfumed smoke.~
Really. Hello, have we met? ;) Truly thou wouldst remember if I'd noted thee. Noted? Honey, I don't want to be noted, I want to be f*****! Yes, I was speaking of country matters. Country, city, hell you can do it in a ditch if you want, as long I get mine I don't care.