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I spend nearly every free moment on the boards, reading blogs, buying stuff, and it's still not enough...
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[Borg Voice]Resistance is futile. All will be assimilated.[/Borg voice]
You forgot the new Twitter feed.
Thomas Thiessen wrote: I spend nearly every free moment on the boards, reading blogs, buying stuff, and it's still not enough... The only treatment I can think of is to take the time to actually use the products that you have purchased from Paizo. :D
Thomas Thiessen wrote: I spend nearly every free moment on the boards, reading blogs, buying stuff, and it's still not enough... Huh. I resemble that remark...
Lilith wrote: You forgot the new Twitter feed. and the pathfinderwiki
I do use them all...just too much material for a single campaign.
After I put the kids to bed and before my wife gets off work THIS IS MY LIFE :-) and I love it!!
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[jedi mind trick]You do not need help, Paizo is awesome.[/jedi mind trick]
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You ain't alone! That said, I have had to seriously reduce the amount of D&D played, read and chatted about recently because my addiction went to far and started having dire consequences. Do yourself a favor and avoid the burnout before it's too late.
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Our only health is the disease.
Hi I'm Munkir and I'm addicted to pathfinder
Hi Munkir... On a similar note, my name is Ronin and I am a Paizoholic.
It started out harmless enough - only once every few weeks. Then it got worse. I started doing it more often. Now I'm down to two or three times a day. At home, at work, in public. I've even done it with my wife and son in the same room, and I can't even say I'm ashamed of my addiction. Am I bad person?
Moorluck wrote: After I put the kids to bed and before my wife gets off work THIS IS MY LIFE :-) and I love it!! I resemble that remark. Confounded by the fact that I constantly have, at the very minimum, one Firefox tab opened to the Paizo messageboards throughout my entire work day. Thankfully I've scaled it back, it used to be much worse. There's a reason the wall had to be mended...
You do not want to cancel your subsciption.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
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Drejk wrote: You do not want to cancel your subsciption. Nah... we would never send dudes to your house.
This affliction could end if they simply started putting out stuff we don't want or of inferior quality. Gladly, I don't think that's going to happen. So, we're all in this together.
Admitting it is the first step... but yeah... I'm an addict.
Thomas Thiessen wrote: I spend nearly every free moment on the boards, reading blogs, buying stuff, and it's still not enough... You are not alone.
Is there a question you are an addict when you think about sending fanmail to the photocopier at paizo?
Hello, my name is Doodlebug Anklebiter and I am addicted to Paizo.com.
Ratatattat. Down with Paizo!
Hell is other people on the Paizo messageboards.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I'm not just addicted. I'm just a rabid, unapologetic, loud-mouthed fanboy. Sic me at 'em, be them Fans of Former Industry Leader, Denists, 3.5 Loyalists or American Fascists.
I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have a problem.
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I'm not an addict, I can quit anytime I want to.
TriOmegaZero wrote: I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have a problem. You sure, because I see you everywhere on these forum.
Everyone who has posted in this thread, are those whom are Addicted
Azure_Zero wrote: You sure, because I see you everywhere on these forum. Not true, I stay out of a number of forums.
Azure_Zero wrote: Everyone who has posted in this thread, are those whom are Addicted Nah, this is an intervention not a support group.
TriOmegaZero wrote: Azure_Zero wrote: You sure, because I see you everywhere on these forum. Not true, I stay out of a number of forums. True I have not seen you in some forums,
but I don't go through every thread either, so you might be in those
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Also an addict. I doubt I will ever find the time to use all that I have purchased, and yet I am about to hit "Proceed to Checkout" as soon as I'm done typing this message.
No Jedi mind tricks required. Every time I think about not buying something I want from Paizo, I fail my Will save. >.<
[Pets Paizo.com]
Who's a good kitty? Yes, you're a good kitty. I love you, Paizo.
I am addicted to Paizo and Pathfinder. I own almost every single Pathfinder book (3.5e & PFRPG), just missing a few supplements and a couple of volumes of the older APs. And I too have the boards open at almost all times I am near a computer.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote: [Pets Paizo.com]
Who's a good kitty? Yes, you're a good kitty. I love you, Paizo.
Prevents Doodlebug from putting the kitty into mouth: It isn't for chewing! *mumbles* damn goblins, they would eat or burn... *loudly* No! Do not ignite kitty! It's not for smoking!
I almost always have at least one tab open to Paizo when I'm online.
Thanks to Chrome, I know this is my most visited site.
Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
The Black Goblin only likes paizo. Much more after me and the Revolutionary Black Guard have been up raiding the beer store drinking and playing with the Rancor beast (he needs a bath) since 6am.
I am NOT an addict. I just....own....every book Paizo's ever printed about the Pathfinder game....and Golarion....and...every issue of every adventure path....except Rise of the Runelords. I got into Pathfinder late, see. Why did I have to wait so long?! Why?! WHY?! ::giggle:: Oh, but that's okay. Ha ha. Just a few more months and I get my sweaty hands on the reprint of Rise of the Runelords! AHAHAHA! YES! UPDATED FOR PATHFINDER! THEN MY COLLECTION WILL BE COMPLETE!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!
I'm not an addict.
Join the club....
At least it's not facebook!
How can you call your collection complete if you don't have the original six RotR AP volumes? Sheesh! :-)
When smoking could actually be cheaper than Paizo... It's a problem!
To bad I can't run to 7-Eleven and pick up a pack of Paizo!
Thomas Thiessen wrote: I spend nearly every free moment on the boards, reading blogs, buying stuff, and it's still not enough... You know, I'm still waiting for what you need help with. :)
TriOmegaZero wrote: Thomas Thiessen wrote: I spend nearly every free moment on the boards, reading blogs, buying stuff, and it's still not enough... You know, I'm still waiting for what you need help with. :) I think he needs help with "not enough". But I don't know if he refers to not enough stuff or not enough money for the stuff.