Best Character Name Ever?

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I don't have a cat. :(

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In a thread last year, Devilkiller suggested a name as an example of what someone might use in a game that isn't serious, but I think it sounded pretty cool. Perfect for an Anti-paladin: Kotex Bloodshield. Although now with the ACG, it might go well for a sadistic shield champion brawler.

In a similar vein, I had a Blood Elf Paladin on WoW that I named "Valtrex". Both exotic and visually fitting. Went well with my Night Elf Druid named "Ambien".

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Here are some of the more interesting (I think) names I've come up with for characters:

Female elf paladin: Holly LLewia
Male ifrit fighter/inquisitor: Blayze Pascal (he worked best under pressure)
Female elf cleric: Parsley Sage
Her female elf fighter bodyguard: Rosemary-Ann Thyme
Female human summoner: Sharon Cheryl
Her eidolon: Ike
Male human wizard: Cri Menently Jr.
Male human bard/dragon disciple: Meson Dixon

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The Puns. They hurts us.

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A player in my game came in with a silly name for his half-orc, until I got the backstory. Growing up destitute in the city he would taunt the baker's children into calling him names and eventually chasing him off with thrown baked goods just so he had something to eat. One of the often used names was shortened and he was known now as Biscuit. Best silly name made good.

Vincent Takeda wrote:
The Puns. They hurts us.


Scythia wrote:

In a thread last year, Devilkiller suggested a name as an example of what someone might use in a game that isn't serious, but I think it sounded pretty cool. Perfect for an Anti-paladin: Kotex Bloodshield. Although now with the ACG, it might go well for a sadistic shield champion brawler.

In a similar vein, I had a Blood Elf Paladin on WoW that I named "Valtrex". Both exotic and visually fitting. Went well with my Night Elf Druid named "Ambien".

We have at various times kicked around the idea of creating a pantheon where all the gods are named after current medications and their powers are similar to the effects.

Genocidecles: A hackmaster Half-ogre gladiator with 2 personalities. The first was the gladiator, the second personality had a completely different name and was aware of the gladiator, due to some mishaps the split personalities had some inverse stats. Genocidecles was the fighter while the split personality was the gladiators handler.

Scarab Sages

My character in a PARANOIA 1-shot: Alyo-R-BAS (sound it out in a single breath).

We had a Gnome oracle named Glowy Douchnozzle

I ran an Age of Worms campaign for a couple of years, until I had to hand over the reins to a friend of mine due to my life going down the toilet. After my buddy Jimmy had been running the game for a couple of sessions, the game began to go delightfully off the rails. I think it finally sunk in when he decided to name the Red Thane of Tiamat, a 25th-level great wyrm red dragon demigod, Steliokontos the Destroyer.

There was a contender for the Roman throne named Maximus Thrax; I've been wanting to use that for years.

Sparkleshower Brightpony, the dungeon bastard elf parody

A kid in the 20something group I GM for has a Barbarian named "Karkus Karnaj".

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Kronk...obviously a barbarian and I believe inspired by a member of the "Justice Friends" on Dexter's Laboratory.

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I went to high school with a guy whose name, I kid you not, was Weston Faircloth. We told him a few times that he had an adventurer's name. So when I got into college and met a new group to play with, my first character was a human wizard: Weston Faircloth. To this day he's one of the most badass characters I've ever had.

Met a guy once named Tap Hartley and new a girl named Holly St. Germaine. I always wanted to play in a pulp adventure or noir setting with his name.

Best character name ever: Min Mei

Used for an annoying uber cute NPC the PCs had to keep rescuing. Mostly because one of the three main villains had an obsession with her. Oh and she was a singer because I just HAD to give a nod to her name sake.

-edit: the character was very well developed and a pleasure to role play, the name just became a catalyst to placing her into the role of recurring NPC my players loved to hate.

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my real name is Ilina Aniri, a rather unique name and worthy of the fey i play frequently and obsess over.

One of my players has an Orc Paladin named "Brutalatops"

Eric Withakay

In an Aftermath game one of our PCs is named Dinah Beatrice (or something starting with a B) Cooper...

I have a Cleric named Edin

As a joke I named several of the characters for my upcoming con:

Bobbin Goods
Tom Tiny
Bill Purple (I think)

Bragol Ruth - One of earlier characters from 1st or 2nd Ed was a fighter with a propensity for sudden acts of violence and aggression in the face of frustration. A player running an eleven archer flipped to the elvish dictionary appendix of the Silmarillion and created the name Bragol Ruth (Sudden Anger) for my character.

Bad Karma - A character (not mine) in a Hero game. He used a huge autofire gun (think Jesse Venture with the 50 cal machine gun in Predator).

High Noon - Not a character name, but a weapon name. In the same Hero game a couple of character created a huge bomb with a number of significant disadvantages and limitations (Hero is a point-based game and limitations can make something cost less). It only worked at Noon.

Nargle Sihn - Mindflayer Wizard (Recurring NPC villain).

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"Hiccup"- Kingmaker campaign, Cleric of Cayden Cailean. Actual name "Aethelwulf Brauer", but everybody still calls him by his nickname.

Had a friend almost make a character named "Jonathan Swallow" for a Skull & Shackles campaign. Had to point out to him that being known as "Able Seaman Swallow" was not a good idea.

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jabberwoky wrote:
Had a friend almost make a character named "Jonathan Swallow" for a Skull & Shackles campaign. Had to point out to him that being known as "Able Seaman Swallow" was not a good idea.

Depends, is it the same ship with Simon Darling as Captain, George Bates the Master Seaman and Roger the Cabin Boy?

Grand Lodge

Drakkar Noir.

He was a tiefling sorcerer.

A Druid: Cuprinol
A Swashbuckler: Quint Hooper (name that film!)
A Male barbarian: Mary (best back story ever)
A monk: Pious Pecker
A tiefling monk: 03v11

Back in college a dwarf PC cleric in my group was named Borin Oakenhead.

We once had a cook hireling whose name was "Stu."

Galstaff, Sorcerer of Light. (who casts magic missile at the DARKNESS!!)

Elfstar, and her friend Black Leaf.

In the 1st ed. DMG, there is an example magic-user character named "Blastum."

My favorites of mine were:
Albeoph (ALL-BEE-OFF) Moonshard
Issac (as Isaac) Daneil (DAH-kNeel)
Cameron Bryce (Favorite amongst Favorites)
Kane Thunderfall
Euvhen (YOU-vEN) DeRostalt (Duh-ROSS-TALL, silent T)

My Favorites amongst my friends are:
Tyla (Tay-Lah) Nightshade
Ungard (UHN-Garrd)Bryce (Cameron's half brother)
Ziggy Glittersparks (I actually despise hearing it, but the player's enthusiasm makes me forgive it with such rebound that if I DIDN'T hate it in the first place, it would likely be number 3 of all mine...maybe 2)

Haladir wrote:
Elfstar, and her friend Black Leaf.

Mom? Is that you?

My favorite wizard I ever played was Lord Redtower, but the party and king called him Greg. His full name was Lord Gregory Redtower. In the epilogue he did in fact own a red wizards tower.

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Stonelord Paladin named... Wait for it...

Rocky Balboulder.

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One of my friends talks about a childhood friend of his who named his monk Theo, who followed the god J'hip.

Theodore the J'hip monk.

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My Paladin, Archibald Heatherington Nastyface:

"Of the Opparan Nastyfaces, don't you know 'ol chap. Line goes back for centuries. There were Nastyfaces during the empire. Nastyfaces when Cheliax broke away. There've been Nastyfaces all through history. I guarantee you, check some major historic event, and there was a nasty face playing some part, be it major or minor."

All said with a very nasal, British accent.

Getting ready to run the 5e Dragon Queen AP and we're short a player so I'm going to run an extra dwarf cleric. Planning to name him Horvath E Albot.

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Blitz Dudeslayer, Slayer of Dudes

Gothicus Grimmdark (once I realized the people I was playing with wouldn't mix well with a serious character, I made a "serious" character)

Mo Dakka, Half-Orc (read: Ork) gunslinger

Just remembered some good ones I've used for various GURPS runs.

Jim Shorts - inventor of the Lightning Gun
Svetlana Sachs - inventor of the Choke Bomb
Jacques Strop - Jim and Svetlana's hired muscle
Giuseppe con Carne - Sniper who earned his name by surviving after being thrown into a meat grinder with a ton of beef

Scarab Sages

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In one of our first D&D 3.0 campaigns, my husband and I played brothers who were rogues. We decided to name them Geadus and Simolean, the Spondulix brothers.

We then proceeded to name all the NPCs who were part of their local crime family after names of international currency or other slang terms for money.

Shadow Lodge

my brother has a fighter named Mr. Cool, who I talked about on this thread

My brother played a flamboyantly gay Dwarven civil engineer/assassin named Pebbles, and a friend who doesn't play anymore played a rogue named Big Money Grip.

The Exchange


Trod Underfoot - Halfling Thief in AD&D

Durnim Hornblower - awesome Dwarven hero

Jubal Breakbottle - Halfling 3.5 Warlock who cast Shatter at will

Gilavar - Living Greyhawk Elven Wizard

Ferno - Tiefling Blockbuster Wizard/Diabolist with an imp named Darth

not Pathfinder-games:

Adam Pearson, the Emerald-Eyed Warrior
Cyrius Payne aka "the man they called Cyrius Payne" or "the Bonebreaker"
Escharid (or Lil"Eschie, as she quickly called herself)

Were names of my main characters in a wrestling online game until i stopped playing a few months ago

Pathfinder games I play(ed) :
Ea Zalinsel, human priestess of Pharasma
Vivian Deberth, human Rogue
Vanea Lothmathis, half elf cleric/bard of Calistria
Atsushia Greyeyes, Halfling magic user

are names I created and like.

Old games:
Enzo de Brattal (1st Ad&d edition human bard)
Fraxon Brisepierre (Fraxon Stonebreaker) 1st ed Ad&D dwarf cleric of Moradin

are all the names I remember so far.

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