
Vyvyan Basterd's page

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Vic Wertz wrote:

We have no plans for such a thing.

Also, the question perhaps implies the addendum "for a discounted price." We have no intent to undercut early adopters by offering the game to new players for less money. You will find that Paizo does not generally reward people for waiting to buy a thing; indeed, we prefer to reward people for buying things as soon as possible—especially those who subscribe!

Except now everything is at a discounted price. So if you wait REALLY long...

Still waiting for card lists.

Still waiting for character sheets.

Still waiting for anyone at Paizo to speak up so we know if we're holding our breath in vain.

Right now Paizo makes my favorite game. But my interest is slowly draining as customer service slips further and further.

Following up on Abyssalstalker's question from 2 weeks ago. I want to play the characters I purchased. When will the Class Deck PDFs be updated?

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Following up on Abyssalstalker's question from two weeks ago. I'd like to play the characters I purchased. When will the Class Deck PDFs be updated?

Chicago Gameday 42
Oct 17 in Mt. Prospect, IL, US
Register now! Event sign-up begins Sept 28.

What is Chicago Gameday 42?

Chicago Gameday 42 is a day of FREE RPG gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 17th, 2015. We have two slots of events, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.


I am running a Pathfinder all-day event (with a possible continuation at future Gamedays based on popularity):

Pathfinder — "Ruins of Greyhawk: First Day of Camp"

The looming ruins promise wealth, fame, and power to those brave enough to enter. Many have never returned, but rumors of those who have tell of great riches pulled from the ancient site. Are you brave, or crazy, enough to explore the Ruins of Greyhawk?

Bring a 1st-level Pathfinder character (or two, you know, "just in case"). 15-point buy, no third-party options, no campaign-specific traits. See for Greyhawk deity domains and favored weapons. The ruins are by no means a meatgrinder for careful and effective characters, but they are designed in a "chips fall where they may" manner. The feel and tone of the original material was kept in mind with a basis in the Pathfinder ruleset. Feel free to email me with any further questions at vyvbasterd [at]

Both slots will be played as a continuous session but you are welcome to play in either or both. Those playing in both will be allowed to play the same PC, level up (using the Slow progression chart), and play in future Gameday sessions as desired.

Plus, there are still seats open for Dungeon Crawl Classics, Earthdawn, Numenera, I Was a Teenage Creature, Tenra Banso Zero, and Worlds in Peril

An update: Just picked up the S&S Character Add-On and Deck two and my store (Unique Gifts & Games) still has no promos.

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A player in my game came in with a silly name for his half-orc, until I got the backstory. Growing up destitute in the city he would taunt the baker's children into calling him names and eventually chasing him off with thrown baked goods just so he had something to eat. One of the often used names was shortened and he was known now as Biscuit. Best silly name made good.

Granted! Now everything is filmed and set in downtown Toronto.

I wish the weather would stop playing hell with my allergies.

JCAB wrote:
I think it is possible to understand the sentiment and just don't care about those people and their “fun” or simply value your own” fun” more. As a general rule I think that people should be allowed to play any character they want, that could reasonable exist within the setting and conforms to the general tone and theme of the campaign. However, sometimes that fact that you want to play a character, which you do not have the Out-of-Game abilities to portray can impact the other players’ enjoyment of the game negatively. And while I think that all players and GM should give each other the benefit of the doubt and go to great lengths to accommodate people who want to play, for example social characters without being so themselves, there is a limit to this principle. I used to play in a campaign where one of the other players was supposed to play this really smart mastermind-tactical-genius character, but the player was so bad at it that every plan or stratagem he came up with was either impossible or suicidal. His plans were so bad that the GM would have to fundamentally alter the campaign setting and its laws of physics and...

Maybe this is just a bad example, but this differs from the "face" issue, IMO. There is no mechanical support for being a "really smart mastermind-tactical-genius" in the game. There are rules linked to Intelligence that grant you character knowledge, but there is no mechanical support for being a tactical genius. Anything without mechanical support is left in the player realm of control, thus you would actually have to be a tactical genius to play a tactical genius.

And this could be where some of the holdvoer comes from. Old school D&D (1E and BECM) had no mechanical support for social skills. Thus, you had to actually be good socially to play a "face."

And I'm not here to tell anyone they are wrong. Each is a playstyle. "Challenge the Character" or "Challenge the Player" weigh on this heavily and your preference will color how you like to treat these things whether the mechanics support it or not.

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Joana wrote:
There's a player in our group who is low-Cha IRL. I mean, he's a nice guy who means well, but if there's an absolute worst way to put something, that's the way he's going to say it. When he's playing a high-Cha PC, I encourage him to just roll the Diplomacy dice and tell me what he wants to get out of it. Anything he actually says when he tries to roleplay it out just makes me want to give him penalties.

You just have to work to flip that around. I'm sure you can imagine ways your friend would say things IRL compared to things other, more charismatic, people say. You just have to take the horrible way the player puts it while roleplaying and apply the result of his Diplomacy check to "translate" it into what his more charismatic character would say. No need for penalties (or bonuses IMO), just relate it to what the dcie tell you. You may get the flipside where a well-spoken player may roll a 1 with his CHA 6 barbarian. Then you just think about how your other friend would say it that would offend the people he's trying to speak to.

Vic Wertz wrote:
All that is correct, and I'd like to know who their distributor is...

Not sure, but the stores are Unique Gifts and Games in Grayslake, IL and Games Plus in Mount Prospect, IL.

jones314 wrote:
csouth154 wrote:
That is a seriously risky card, especially since you have at LEAST two 1 in 6 chances to suffer the penalty; more if there are more d6's in the roll than the two he contributes to it.
To not roll a 1 on two d6 is 5/6 times 5/6 = 25/36. So about a 30% chance of fire damage. Maybe there's a hide of fire resistance type armor or another Ring of Protection ...

Don't forget, he deals 1d4-1 fire damage, so 25% of the time you roll a 1 he still doesn't deal any damage. That drops it to about a 23% chance.

My question is how do I get a Mogmurch card? My two favorite retailers seem to have never heard of the card. According to Paizo they should have gotten it in July. Both stores are normally on top of these things, so did something change?

The thread said *twisted*, but no personal offense meant, I've edited my response.

Granted! Ric Flair dies while having "relations" with a fan. Woooo!!!

I wish people would learn how to drive properly in the rain.

Steve Geddes wrote:

I dont see anything inherently wrong with some people being super-competent at building characters next to others (like me) who pick feats, classes and abilities based on how cool they sound.

However, I think everyone at either end of any spectrum should be mindful of how the group works. If you're very skilled at building characters but the other players arent - it's bad form to criticise their characters if you're not asked for feedback. Similarly rolling one's eyes when the skilled player solos a significant monster and muttering something derogatory about rollplaying-not-roleplaying makes me cross.

I have high expectations around fitting in and making the game fun for the other players. That's more important to me than how well you do or dont know the system.

Part of this for me is making sure the gap between system masters and guys like you (and me, although I usually GM) isn't too large. I've got system masters that can't or won't turn it off. It was ruining my enjoyment of 3.5 because I like to present a challenge, not a cakewalk for some and a nightmare for others. 4E did solve the power gap issue, but in the long run it didn't feel right. Relatively recently we started playing Pathfinder. Paizo mostly solved our power gap issue by making cool-sounding character choices effective. So far, so good.

I would rarely limit free actions, and definitely not for the gunslinger reloading his weapon. But why anyone would allow a character to reload a weapon they aren't holding is beyond me, no matter how short your silly bungee cord. Also, the way I read RAI, you wouldn't be able to use a hand with a weapon cord on another weapon, so I wouldn't allow you to load your gun with the hand with a sharp objext dangling from it either.

But a gunslinger with just his gun in hand? Shoot away.

Dave Riley wrote:
Another factor is: you don't always want the games to end early. Especially in RoRL, where it was two months between expansions and expansions are only 5 scenarios that take 30 or 40 minutes each, why would we want to clear out an entire location on the first turn?

Because we would log our cards, each choose 3 characters we personally hadn't played before, and start the AP over again with a brand new party. We hope to eventually each play both paths of each character at some point. Although with the ton of new characters in the character decks that goal has become much more lofty. :)

Sarah Bull wrote:
Various groups out here will look at the timer on a 3-4 player game and go "we have plenty of time, lets go shopping!" we also see things like no locations closed and 10 turns remaining: "eh we will probably fail, lets get some shopping done before then". The funny part is when the latter happens and we win by the skin of our teeth anyways. =) I love shopping in ACG. Nothing like ending and having 15+ cards to choose from to upgrade with (thank you barriers)! We usually are more prone to shopping at the beginning of a new adventure deck.. We want the new shinies. ;)

I understand the style, certainly. In the RPG the others want every scrap of loot they can snag. When I do get to play I'm more interested in getting out there and adventuring, loot's an afterthought. While the others are haggling over our party's fee, I'm already headed out the door ready to go.

As for the blessings deck and a 6-character game, we rarely run up against the deck either. We could easily shop and still complete the adventure, we just don't.

DirkSJ wrote:
Conversely we almost never closed on henchmen. And if we hit the boss early we would consider failing on purpose so that we didn't lose a full deck of boons (plus you get free blessings for failing!).

We *never* boon-hunt. The majority of boons do not seem worthwhile to dig for them too heavily. Sure, we occasionally have an "aww, wish I got that" moment, but then our characters perform just fine without that boon.

Maybe it's because the two of us play three characters each. Party size coudl be a factor.

The scouting cards achieve two things for me:

1) They allow me to avoid fighting non-henchman, non-villain monsters. Which is a good strategy in the game. They are all-rsik, zero-reward cards. It also hearkens back to old-school D&D. Unlike modern games, you were best to avoid any fight you could, it was key to survivability. I enjoy getting that feeling out of a card game.

2) More often than not, they prevent battles against the villain before we have characters in place to temporarily close all other locations. I *hate* wasting resources to "beat" the villain, only to have him scurry off to another deck. And if I don't spend resources to beat him, he tales them anyway in the form of time from the blessings deck.

I consider it smart play. Not in the sense that you're stupid if you don't take them. Presumably you are instead taking resources that allow a more blunt-force approach to the game, which many people also enjoy.

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1) Hijinx
2) Deathnet
3) V for Victory
4) Thunderball Rally

I think the better question is which is better karmically.

Whenever I've had a crit range of 15-20 my dice only seem to roll 1-14 or natural 20s as if they were in defiance of my mathematically chosen weapon. When they do roll a 15-19 it seems to be against an opponent that I don't hit with that roll.

Might as well just pick whatever weapon seems cooler.

Gauss wrote:
That is pretty clear that observed means creatures that you do not have cover or concealment from.

This is where TEAM OR's logic fails for me. A character with concealment that *fails* his Stealth check, by your above definition, is not observed because he has concealment. Isn't that kind of counter to the whole point of what Stealth is meant to resprensent?

We finally got back to the game after an extended board game break with everyone taking summer trips.

After multiple divinations the party determined that they could safely spend 9 days prepping before people began to suffer. I had planned out the Scribbler's actions for 40 days to be able to answer their questions. Since I originally thought a week was reasonable, this was close enough of a compromise to make (mostly) everyone happy.

The party crafters are concerned that their feat choices will be wasted and I get that. So I plan to have the research into Runeforge be a many-month montage that will give them time to make use of their hard-spent feats.

@Mudfoot - They may have meant a Wall of Stone instead.

@RCW - The decision is purely in their hands. I wouldn't like their decision if I was one of the players and would state my case to the group why I didn't. I am planning to have the Scribbler advance his goals. I'm just seeking others' opinions as to how much he can achieve in the time given.

They do know that guards went in to explore and have not returned. They assume they are already dead.

They plan to seal the sinkhole with a wall of force and probably have non-crafting PCs keep watch over it. They figure if anything dangerous emerges they can deal with it then.

Two of five players were ready to dive right in. That was until the two main proponents of crafting lured them in with promises of much cooler items than they could afford by outright purchase and telling them they would enter the sinkhole without the crafters if they didn't wait for them. They suffered a TPK just before the giant raid on Sandpoint and I think part of the issue might be fear of failure. Then again, the two proponents of crafting are big time optimizers.

I'm not much one for delaying the villains timelines to accomodate the party's crafting needs. Nor do I wish to tell them they can't choose to take longer. I'm really not trying to pass judgment on their choices even though, as a player, I would push to investigate the sinkhole immediately. I'm looking for ideas from other DMs as to what would be reasonable progress for the Scribbler with an extra month added to his timeline before he must contend with the PCs.

I was thinking of having the Scribbler's rituals spread Lamashtu's influence through Sandpoint. Finding a group of suicides performed by expectant mothers, having cut their own grossly deformed children from their wombs.

But I'm also trying to think of how much mechanical representation I could reasonably add in this section and many even further sections. Level the Scribbler? Advance the hounds? Add more opponents? But by how much would be fair?

The characters have just returned to Sandpoint and learned of the recent goings-on with the sinkhole. Instead of investigating relatively quickly, they've decided to spend 40 days crafting magic items.

I'm looking for ideas on how to represent the Scribbler having over a month to advance his plans. What changes to the adventure would you make if this villain had another month to push his agenda?


STRENGTH d4 □ +1
DEXTERITY d10 □ +1 □ +2
CONSTITUTION d8 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3
INTELLIGENCE d10 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3 □ +4
WISDOM d6 □ +1 □ +2
CHARISMA d6 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3

WEAPON 1 □ 2
SPELL 4 □ 5 □ 6 □ 7 □ 8
ITEM 2 □ 3
ALLY 3 □ 4 □ 5
BLESSING 5 □ 6 □ 7

*When you defeat a monster, you may examine your location until you find a monster that shares a trait with the one you defeated. Shuffle the remaining cards and place the monster on top (□ or bottom) of the location deck (□ or immediately encounter it).
*Recharge an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 (□ +1) to your check. If the ally also has the Arcane trait you may reveal it instead.
*□ Bury a card to choose a character at your location to shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.

HAND SIZE 6 □ 7 □ 8
*When you defeat a monster, you may examine your location until you find a monster that shares a trait with the one you defeated. Shuffle the remaining cards and place the monster on top (□ or bottom) of the location deck (□ or immediately encounter it) (□ or shuffle it into another location deck).
*Recharge an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 (□ +1) to your check. If the ally also has the Arcane trait you may reveal it instead.
*□ Bury a card to choose a character at your location to shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
*□ Add 1 (□ 2) to checks you make with the Poison trait (□ or to acquire allies with the Animal trait).
*□ Add 2 to checks you make to close a location.
*□ When you play a Blessing of Gozreh to add a die to a check add a 1d12 instead of the usual die.

*When you defeat a monster, you may examine your location until you find a monster that shares a trait with the one you defeated. Shuffle the remaining cards and place the monster on top (□ or bottom) of the location deck (□ or immediately encounter it).
*Recharge an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 (□ +1) to your check. If the ally also has the Arcane trait you may reveal it instead.
*□ Bury a card to choose a character at your location to shuffle 1d4+1 random cards from his discard pile into his deck.
*□ For your combat check you may use your Intelligence + 1d4 (□ +1) (□ +2) (□ +3). If you fail to defeat a monster other than a Villain with this check you may place that creature on top (□ or bottom) of the location deck instead of shuffling it back into the deck (□ and add an additonal 1d4 to the next combat check made against the monster).
*□ Add DISABLE: DEXTERITY +1 to your skill list.
*□ When you play a Blessing of Pharasma you may recharge it instead of discarding it.


STRENGTH d8 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3
DEXTERITY d8 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3
CONSTITUTION d8 □ +1 □ +2
INTELLIGENCE d6 □ +1 □ +2
WISDOM d4 □ +1
CHARISMA d10 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3 □ +4

WEAPON 2 □ 3 □ 4
SPELL 4 □ 5 □ 6 □ 7
ARMOR 1 □ 1
ITEM 3 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6

HAND SIZE 5 □ 6 □ 7
*When you take damage, discard a card from the top of your deck and you may choose not to reset your hand this turn.
*Instead of your first exploration, choose a character at your location to shuffle 1d4+1 (□ +2) (□ +3) random cards from his discard pile into his deck and draw a card. At the end of the chosen player's next turn he must discard two cards.

HAND SIZE 5 □ 6 □ 7
*When you take damage, discard a card from the top of your deck and you may choose not to reset your hand this turn.
*Instead of your first exploration, choose a character at your location to shuffle 1d4+1 (□ +2) (□ +3) random cards from his discard pile into his deck and draw a card. At the end of the chosen player's next turn he must discard two cards.
*□ You may discard an item to move at the end of your turn.
*□ Add 1 (□ 2) (□ 3) to noncombat Wisdom checks required by monsters.
*□ At the end of your turn you may name a card type and examine the top card of your location deck. If the card is of the type chosen you may shuffle the card into the location deck (□ or put the card on the bottom of the location deck).
*□ You may discard a spell to evade a creature.
*□ You may discard a Blessing of Gorum to add 2 dice to your Wisdom check.

HAND SIZE 5 □ 6 □ 7
PROFICIENT WITH ▪ Light Armor □ Weapons
*When you take damage, discard a card from the top of your deck and you may choose not to reset your hand this turn.
*Instead of your first exploration, choose a character at your location to shuffle 1d4+1 (□ +2) (□ +3) random cards from his discard pile into his deck and draw a card. At the end of the chosen player's next turn he must discard two cards.
*□ When attacking with a weapon, you may discard a spell to add 1d4 (□ +1) (□ +2) to your combat check.
*□ Reduce combat (□ or any) damage dealt to you by 1 (□ 2).
*□ When playing a Blessing of Gorum to add dice to your check, add a 1d12 instead of the usual die.

My wife hates the Enchanter.

And I can't stand the Siren. I swear every time I play Veleros that she-bird is stalking me!

Since I've too many ideas to test I figured it would be best to not clog the board and instead contain my odeas to a single thread. On to the first offering:

STRENGTH d8 □ +1 □ +2
DEXTERITY d6 □ +1 □ +2
CONSTITUTION d8 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3
INTELLIGENCE d12 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3 □ +4
WISDOM d4 □ +1
CHARISMA d10 □ +1 □ +2 □ +3

WEAPON 3 □ 4
SPELL 4 □ 5 □ 6 □ 7
ARMOR 0 □ 1 □ 2
ITEM 2 □ 3
ALLY 2 □ 3 □ 4

PROFICIENT WITH ▪ Light Armor □ Heavy Armor ▪ Weapons
*When you make a combat check with a weapon, you may discard a card to add the Magic (□ and Acid) trait(s) to the check.
*When you make a combat check with a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait, reveal a spell with the attack trait to add an additional 1d6 (□ +1) to the check.

HAND SIZE 5 □ 6 □ 7
PROFICIENT WITH ▪ Light Armor □ Heavy Armor ▪ Weapons
*When you make a combat check with a weapon, you may discard a card to add the Magic (□ and Acid) trait(s) to the check.
*When you make a combat check with a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait (□ or any weapon with the Melee trait), reveal a spell with the attack trait to add an additional 1d6 (□ +1) (□ +2) (□ +3) to the check.
*□ Add DIVINE: CHARISMA +1 to your skill list.
*□ You may bury a weapon to automatically succeed on a check to acquire a weapon.
*□ You may discard a card to recharge a spell from your discard pile.
*□ You may discard a Blessing of Pharasma to add two dice to a Melee combat check.

HAND SIZE 5 □ 6 □ 7
PROFICIENT WITH ▪ Light Armor □ Heavy Armor ▪ Weapons
*When you make a combat check with a weapon, you may discard a card to add the Magic (□ and Acid) trait(s) to the check.
*When you make a combat check with a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait (□ or any weapon), reveal a spell with the attack trait to add an additional 1d6 (□ +1) (□ +2) (□ +3) (□ +4) to the check.
*□ When you play armor to reduce damage, increase the amount reduced by 1 (□ 2).
*□ You may discard a Blessing of Gorum to add two dice to a spell combat check.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Vic gave the number of power feats here.


When creating custom characters I wonder at times if I am putting to many tick boxes into a single power feat.

Will a character tick all twelve boxes by the end of the AP? If it's only 8 for example, then creating a new power feat on the role card that reads:

[] Do X ([]+1)([]+2)([]+3)([]+4)([]+5)

would be pointless, as the character would not be able to check all of the boxes, even if he devoted all of his feats towards it.

If its not considered too much of a spoiler, could someone share with us how many of each feat type will be gained through the end of the AP?

Ironvein wrote:
..... Siren power removed an ally that was within the top 3 of my deck

It looks at the top three of your character deck?! Man,. we read that wrong. Thought it was the location deck.

Thanks for replying Vic! Since I posted this I've stumbled across the full story and it looks like you guys have worked this out going forward. We still really enjoy the game despite the shuffling difficulties. It does get better in our situation as Basics get removed from the set.

That's a great take on it. I take things from a less literal viewpoint. In our case the general store owner tells us the stuff we asked for hasn't arrived. The ship meant to deliver the goods won't approach because its sailors spotted a bunyip, which they took as a bad omen. If we wanted our stuff, we needed to take care of the bunyip.

zeroth_hour wrote:

2) Armor is insurance when you lose, rather than playing cards to win the encounter (which does the same thing as insurance and gets rid of the monster). Combat checks are rarely totally unwinnable (Sirens and Spectres notwithstanding)

Although I agree with most people's feelings on armor, one thing that has started popping up more since the start of AP4 is damage occurring to multiple targets. Then you don't have to be the one to lose a combat to take damage. I think armor might slightly improve in efficacy if the trend continues. It still would be the worst card-type, IMO, but any improvement is welcome.

Ironvein wrote:
So, you can't use 'Holy Light' for your divine check to defeat her? Also do these 'guest villains' (ones that are summoned <ms. foxglove, sandpoint devil, etc) close locations if defeated?

No and no. Holy Light allows you to make a combat check, not a divine check. And summoned henchman and villains never allow you to close a location.

Orbis Orboros wrote:
An interesting point (I'd point out that Poog has the same trait, but I'm assuming we're talking about if Poog's already taken / unavailable).

Is there errata adding the Divine trait to Poog? I'd much prefer him, but the card doesn't actually have the Divine trait.

Mechalibur wrote:
Yeah I'm not crazy over Father Zantus, but maybe that's because I usually play with Kyra in the group, so his bury to heal isn't as good as other options.

I like him as an ally for Kyra. Another card with the Divine trait to fuel her ability.

Vic Wertz wrote:
While I did put the size issue out there because I think it's important for people to know going in, I honestly think it will make *very* little difference in practice. We're talking about half a millimeter here. If you square up a stack of cards and closely examine it, then yes, you can pick them out... but I don't think most people square up every stack in play perfectly; at least, when I stack cards, it's not uncommon for some cards to be more than a millimeter from square, meaning you won't be able to spot the size difference unless you're really *trying* to.

I can't spot the difference casually. But when cards of different sizes are shuffled, they tend to group together in a way that same-sized cards will not. We have the same problem with FFG's cards in Arkham Horror. Anything you can do to keep the cards uniform size going forward would be appreciated as nothing frustrates us more in a card game than cards that don't shuffle properly.

Since it was only the character add-on deck that was a different size the problem is diminishing as we get further into the AP and banish more cards.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
For example: maybe you only have 1 weapon, but you have the Crown of Charisma. You could use the Crown of Charisma to succeed at the difficulty of the Diplomacy check, but since it would lack the Magic trait, Myriana would be undefeated. So no damage for failing to defeat a monster, but she isn't banished either.

I thought the Crown of Charisma has the magic trait, so wouldn't it add the magic trait to your check when you use it and thus defeat her?


STRENGTH d8 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4
.....MELEE +3
DEXTERITY d8 □+1 □+2 □+3
CONSTITUTION d6 □+1 □+2 □+3
WISDOM d6 □+1 □+2
.....SURVIVAL +3

PROFICIENT WITH [X] Light Armor [X] Weapons
*You may move at the end of your turn (□ or after your first exploration)
*You may bury a card from your hand to add 1d10 (□ +1) to your Strength, Melee, or Constitution check (□ or noncombat Wisdom check required by a monster)

WEAPON 5 □6 □7 □8
ARMOR 2 □3
ITEM 1 □2 □3
ALLY 3 □4 □5
BLESSING 4 □5 □6

PROFICIENT WITH [X] Light Armor [X] Weapons
*You may move at the end of your turn (□ or after your first exploration)
*You may bury a card from your hand to add 1d10 (□ +1) (□ +2) (□ +3) (□ +4) to your Strength, Melee, or Constitution check (□ or noncombat Wisdom check required by a monster)
*□ Add 6 to your checks to move to or away from a location
*□ Add 2 (□ 4) to your checks to close a location
*□ When playing a Blessing of Gozreh to add to a check, add 1d12 instead of the normal die.

PROFICIENT WITH [X] Light Armor [X] Weapons
*You may move at the end of your turn (□ or after your first exploration)
*You may bury a card from your hand to add 1d10 (□ +1) (□ +2) (□ +3) to your Strength, Melee, or Constitution check (□ or noncombat Wisdom check required by a monster)
*□ You may reveal an ally with the Animal trait to add 1d4 to your check.
*□ When discarding an animal ally to explore, you may examine the top two cards of the location deck, choosing one to encounter and shuffling the other back into the location deck.
*□ When you are dealt combat (□ or any other type) damage, reduce that damage by 1 (□ 2)
*□ When playing a Blessing of Lamashtu to add to a check, add 1d12 instead of the normal die.


STRENGTH d4 □+1 □+2
DEXTERITY d8 □+1 □+2
INTELLIGENCE d8 □+1 □+2 □+3
WISDOM d6 □+1 □+2
CHARISMA d8 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4
.....DIVINE +3

HAND SIZE 6 □7 □8
*Add 1d6 (□ +2) (□ +4) with the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane with the undead trait. Add an additional 1d6 if your check is an attack made without a weapon or spell with the attack trait.
*At the beginning of your turn you may examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a bane, you may discard two cards to put that card on the bottom of the location deck.

SPELL 2 □3 □4 □5 □6
ARMOR 1 □2
ITEM 2 □3 □4
ALLY 0 □1 □2

HAND SIZE 6 □7 □8 □9 □10
*Add 1d6 (□ +2) (□ +4) with the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane with the undead trait. Add an additional 1d6 if your check is an attack made without a weapon or spell with the attack trait.
*At the beginning (□ or end) of your turn you may examine the top (□ two) card(s) of your location deck. If any are banes, you may discard two cards to put each bane on the bottom of the location deck.
*□ Add Survival: Wisdom +3 to your skill list.
*□ On any Wisdom checks made after your first exploration, you may add your unmodified Charisma die to the check.
*□ When playing a Blessing of Desna to add to a check, add 1d12 instead of the normal die.

HAND SIZE 6 □7 □8 □9 □10
*Add 1d6 (□ +2) (□ +4) with the magic trait to your check to defeat a bane with the undead trait. Add an additional 1d6 if your check is an attack made without a weapon or spell with the attack trait.
*At the beginning of your turn you may examine the top card of your location deck. If it is a bane, you may discard two cards to put that card on the bottom of the location deck.
*□ Add 1 (□ 2) (□ 3) (□4) to your Intelligence check
*□ Add your unmodified Charisma die to noncombat checks required by monster cards.
*□ When playing a Blessing of Irori to add to a check, add 1d12 instead of the normal die.


STRENGTH d10 □+1 □+2 □+3 □+4
DEXTERITY d8 □+1 □+2 □+3
.....STEALTH +1
WISDOM d6 □+1 □+2
CHARISMA d4 □+1 □+2

HAND SIZE 4 □5 □6
*You may play any number of blessings on your combat check; recharge them instead of discarding them.
*If you fail to defeat a monster, other than a villain, by 4 or less, you may place that monster on top (□ or the bottom) of the location deck instead of shuffling it back in.

WEAPON 2 □3 □4 □5
SPELL 0 □1
ITEM 2 □3 □4
ALLY 3 □4 □5
BLESSING 8 □9 □10

HAND SIZE 4 □5 □6
*You may play any number of blessings on your combat check; recharge them instead of discarding them.
*If you fail to defeat a monster, other than a villain, by 4 or less, you may place that monster on top (□ or the bottom) of the location deck instead of shuffling it back in.
*□ When you fail a combat check with a weapon, you may bury a card to reroll.
*□ When you take damage other than combat damage, reduce that damage by 1 (□ 2) (□ 3)
*□ Add 1 to your Strength (□ or Dexterity) (□ or Wisdom) checks.
*□ When playing a Blessing of Gorum to add to a combat check, add 1d12 instead of the normal die.

HAND SIZE 4 □5 □6
*You may play any number of blessings on your combat check; recharge them instead of discarding them.
*If you fail to defeat a monster, other than a villain, by 4 or less, you may place that monster on top (□ or the bottom) of the location deck instead of shuffling it back in.
*□ When attacking without a weapon or spell with the attack trait you may bury a card to add 1d6 with the fire (□ or acid) (□ or cold) (□ or electricity) trait to the check.
*□ You may bury a card to explore your current location.
*□ If you would die, instead shuffle your discard pile into your deck, then deselect this power feat. It may be chosen again normally when a power feat is awarded.
*□ When playing a blessing to add to another character's check, that character may move at the end of their current turn.

kysmartman wrote:
1) The only ones anyone could make a fuss about are Seoni's character card and the Shopkeeper's Daughter (AP1).

And Mammy Graul's "wardrobe malfunction." Just *ick*. Definitely adds to the gross feel of the inbred ogres, but could offend anyone who found things like Deities & Demigods Blibdoolpoolp to be a problem.

Is the Clockwork Librarian ally really supposed to add 2d8 to all Intelligence checks when played? Or just non-combat checks? An added 2d8 when Ezren casts an attack spell seems like a huge boost.

Is the Clockwork Librarian ally really supposed to add 2d8 to all Intelligence checks when played? Or just non-combat checks? An added 2d8 when Ezren casts an attack spell seems like a huge boost.

Steel_Wind wrote:
No, I wasn't incorrect. I was, in fact, balls on accurate.

No, it was in fact wildly inaccurate. It's shameful how you hold to your position despite actual facts presented by those involved. And equally shameful that you asked for the ENWorld thread to be closed without even a simple "my bad" for spreading rumors about a campaign that it is quite evident that you knew exactly nothing about in the first place.

Is there any discount available for physical copies of Pathfinder Adventure Path issues purchased through a local hobby store?

I just realized today that this order for Pathfinder #4 never arrived.

Dixie Landoe has not participated in any online campaigns.