Sean is putting out fires...

RPG Superstar™ 2009 General Discussion

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Sean I would love to read your comments. Thank you.

Rogue's Deck

[b]Aura Weak illusion; CL 5th
Slot -- ; Price 27,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb


These enchanted decks of playing cards grant those lucky enough to possess them with the ability to perform a vast array of card tricks (including tricks that would be impossible with a conventional deck). Rogue's Decks grant their users a +10 bonus with regard to perform checks using card tricks. Further, Rogue's Decks allow users with ranks in perform to make perform checks with the deck as if their ranks were in the perform style "card tricks." In addition, users of a Rogue's Deck can throw a card or cards at targets as weapons. Thrown cards fly towards and strike targets in precisely the same fashion as missiles generated by a magic missile spell save that cards inflict only 1 point of damage. For the purpose of determining the number of missiles, range, and other variables the effective caster level is equal to one half the user's ranks in perform. Cards thrown are never damaged and reappear in the deck as soon as they make impact.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, magic missile, prestidigitation; Cost 27,000 gp.

Thanks for doing this as well Sean!
This is mine as submitted.

Bard’s Army Sack

Moderate Transmutation, Illusion CL 11
Price: 19,000gp Weight: varies

This colorful, cloth sack is tightly cinched with a braided, leather cord. Jumbled inside are 2d4 (holds 10) beautiful, wooden marionettes (Tiny) with carved, sharp points for hands. Once/day when dumped out en masse they clatter upright and perform their master’s bidding (11 rounds). They follow one, specific verbal instruction at a time. Serving (any Class) like a “massed” Familiar, they stay together. No Intelligence. Improved Evasion. Share Spells (affects all puppets). Touch. Range: 210 feet. HD = master’s level. HP = ½ master’s divided among the puppets (5 hardness each). AC 16 +1/every 2 master’s levels (a Hit throws it 10 feet away). Attacks (+1) and Saving Throws = master’s base bonus (one roll/2 puppets). Damage: 1d4/2 puppets +1/2 master levels. Movement: 30ft. When the master wishes, his voice can eerily emanate from the opening mouths of all puppets. If out of range or “killed” it falls limp. Placed in the Sack, puppets are “mended” over 24 hours (irreparable if below -10). New puppets can be created (new characteristics?) with appropriate Craft Skill.

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Animate Objects, Haste, Ventriloquism, Mend, Craft 10,
Cost 9,500


Jason Beardsley wrote:

Oh, what the heck, i'm still waiting for Clark to get to mine anyway.. so here goes:

Orb of Acquiescence

Two problems here: spell-in-a-can, and Swiss army knife. It's a functional, utilitarian item, just not very exciting.


My comment to the other judges was:
There's a gem of a neat idea here, but the description of how it works and the mechanics of its operation aren't up to par.

Is it actually summoning these undead like a summon monster spell? I see the summon monster spell in the requirements, but does that mean if there are no undead in the area it doesn't work at all? If the range isn't a limitation, why list the range at all? Undead are immune to hypnotism, so how is this effect working on them? Can you choose which undead appear? The save mechanic is wonky--a CR 9 creature faces a DC 14, a CR 12 a DC 11, a CR 15 a DC 8, etc., so the more powerful the undead is, the easier its save is, and given that its Will save generally increases by CR, that means the effectiveness drops off quickly.


Eibom’s Ineffable Headstone
My original judge comments:

I would like this much better if it augmented a cleric's undead-based abilities, rather than just giving you those abilities*, in a poorly-explained manner (do all undead within 500 ft. leave their posts and approach?** What do they do when they arrive? What does "desecrate automatically fail" mean?*** I assume "another power's DC" refers to the powers of this item, and not the owner's class ability or some other item they own?).
hp-based cost is strange and unclear, and the "can't be healed magically" limitation is annoying ("sorry, the goddess of healing herself is unable to cure this damage on you because you used a 30,000gp magic item").

* "Stealing" class abilities isn't fun for the person who's already that class. "Aww, channeling energy was my schtik, now the rogue can do it, too."
** How many does it affect? How long does it last?
*** Autofails and autosaves can lead into strange game design territory. A lich in an area of desecrate autofails its save because of this item and is under the command of the wearer.


Bloodbark Bracers:

My original comment:
it's bad enough that you have to wait to identify an item, now you have to wear it for 24 hours before you can use it. In this case, you have to sleep in wooden bracers, I'm sure they're VERY comfortable.
Attunement = poo.

My post was after Clark's and Wolf's, and they pointed out the SIAC and SAK, so I didn't mention them. Clark also mentioned that "natural environment" isn't really defined in the rules, so using it as a price reduction is problematic.



My original comments:

I want to like this item, but it's just not giving me enough "oomph." I don't know why you couldn't use it to haste yourself. And spending a full-round action to gain 1d4+1 rounds of action would be really annoying if you rolled a 1 ("great, I spent a round to ... gain one extra round").

It's a nice support item for a character who's run out of things to do in the battle, but not something I'd see a PC using much. Might be better as a trap or localized magical effect.


Amulet of Discord

This thing I could see as a trap, but not as an item you'd want to wear or carry. It's really nice for an undead leader of an undead gang, because the undead are immune to the effect and it'll mean it's just the PCs attacking each other.

Supershort summary: it's a spell in a can, you just need to jump through some hoops to activate it.



Lacking a spell level limit, this item means a Wiz20 can spend 20gp, make the Spellcraft check (at this level it should be impossible to fail), and turn a 9th-level slot into a sorcerer's 9th-level slot, which totally bypasses the sor/wiz class balance. I don't mind fiddling with that class difference as a general concept, but I think for 3e this bypassing mechanic was built as a feat and only affected ONE spell slot (and may have had a level limit), not a 20gp dose of a magic item. Or if it was a magic item (I'm thinking Magic of Faerun), it only affected one spell of a single slot, kinda like a reversed pearl of power (which costs way more than 20gp).

Also, as skill checks can't autofail, introducing a fail-on-1 mechanic for skill checks is weird and I wouldn't want it to set a precedent.


Gloves of Kindling

My original comments:

I think conceptually this is a neat item, but it has some technical flaws, stuff that makes more work for the developer in the long run.
I'm not sure what they mean by "any square inch of flammable material."
"Reflex safe" instead of "Reflex save"
"Burning Hands" and "Prestidigitation" instead of "burning hands" and "prestidigitation" (no caps)
"Craft Wondrous Object" instead of "Craft Wondrous Item"
The long-distance fire ability would make me want to include something like produce flame or scorching ray as an additional prerequisite.


Nix's Chalk of Endless Ways \

The game doesn't have a definition for "sentient."
It's basically teleportation circle SIAC, with limitations.
Teleportation circle 1/day would be a 55,000gp item, yet this is far more expensive, with more severe limitations (it's overpriced).

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9 aka Dementrius

Doctor, I'd like a second opinion...

Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th
Slot —; Price 46,800 gp; Weight 2 lb.


This clot-red shard of daemon pate whispers across honed steel like a conspirator plotting murderous treason. Once per day, as a standard action, a Charon-shard can lower the massive damage threshold for a weapon to 25 points of damage and one-quarter of the target’s maximum hit points. The duration is 24 hours, or until an opponent fails a saving throw against massive damage or maiming.

In addition, the wielder can strike an enemy’s limb in lieu of a standard massive damage saving throw. If this saving throw (Fort DC 15 + Strength modifier) fails, the target loses the use of the limb for as long as it has outstanding hit point damage. A slashing weapon instead permanently severs the limb.

A maimed arm, tentacle or other appendage may no longer use items, make attacks or cast spells with somatic components. A maimed leg renders the target prone and immobile apart from crawl actions. A maimed wing does not support flight. Immunity to critical hits does not prevent maiming.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, bestow curse, slay living; Cost 23,400 gp

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for putting in this extra time, Sean!

Berserker’s Battle Trophy
Aura: moderate conjuration; CL 8th
Slot: throat; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 1 lb


This small war totem (such as a dragon’s fang or beholder’s desiccated eye) is threaded by a thick leather cord and decorated by pictographs painted in dried blood. It is keyed to a particular type (or subtype) of creature, just as with the bane magic weapon ability (see table on p. 346 of the PFRG).

Once per round when worn by a raging barbarian, the totem adds 2d6 damage to a successful strike against any opponent of the appropriate type or subtype. The totem then cackles viciously, providing the wielder with four temporary rage points. These points must be used before the wielder exits their current rage, even if only to extend it, but otherwise act as normal.

Multiple totems may be worn on the same cord, though only one may provide a bonus during any single round. Opponents affected by the bonus damage are instantly aware of the totem’s power and may disarm the trophy (treat it as a well-secured worn item) or sunder it (hardness 1, 2 hp).

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster I; Cost: 2,000 gp

Thank you Sean for the comments on the Bone Metronome, I will take this information and rework my item as an attempt to improve. I was attempting to make the user of the metronome immune to the haste and slow, I originally had freedom of movement, but thought it was not in the theme and thus a swiss army knife. Thanks again, what an amazing opportunity for me to improve on my design.

Please, sir, may I have another?

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot -; Price 2,500 gp; Weight -
These 12 perfect acorns are each encircled by the painted Druidic phrase “Seed-Tree-Flower-Seed-Tree-Flower-”. If one is planted in at least 10 cubic feet of fertile soil, it will immediately sprout and grow steadily at the rate of 4 feet in height and 2 inches in diameter per hour for 8 hours, until it is a Huge oak tree (32 feet tall, 16 inches in diameter) and will thereafter grow at a natural rate.
If planted adjacent to a manufactured structure, the tree will only grow to half its size over the 8 hours, but will cause 1d6 cumulative structural damage per hour to the structure, ignoring any hardness less than 10 (1d6 after 1 hour, 2d6 after 2, etc… to 8d6 after 8 hours).
If uprooted or cut down during its 8 hour growth period, the tree will cease its magical growth rate. Only one acorn will grow in each section of soil.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be a druid, acorns from a healthy oak of at least 20 years age, plant growth; Cost 1,250 gp


Nethersight Torch

My original comments:
It's a "potion" of see invisibility, except it helps all your friends instead of just you.



Original SKR comments:

Unclear. Is this like share spells with a familiar? Does it have to be activated before the spell is cast, or can you mooch it off and active spell?

Not a bad item, not ready to reject it yet.

I thought it had potential, we just had some questions, and there were stronger submissions. Definitely try again next year. :)


Rogue's Rouge

Original SKR comments:

Mechanically it's smart, and I can see utility in it (though more in the hands of NPCs). But seeing rouge so many times in the item hurts my brain because I'm used to people spelling "rogue" incorrectly and wanting to fix it.

Not an outright reject, I suppose we can save it for when we need to whittle down to 32?

I liked the item, it just didn't make the final cut to 32. Kept it around for a long time, though. A little more punch, moxie, mojo....


Third Eye of the Bard

Normally I'd be cranky about granting a class feature in an item, but Inspire courage and the bless spell are pretty similar, so this item is a SIAC... and a SAK.

The iBard didn't even occur to me (though I wondered what eyeballs have to do with bardiness).
I don't mind that it's a third-eye item. I like eyeball items. This one just didn't have enough pizazzzzz to be a Superstar this year.

Sovereign Court

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Rogue's Rouge

Original SKR comments:

Mechanically it's smart, and I can see utility in it (though more in the hands of NPCs). But seeing rouge so many times in the item hurts my brain because I'm used to people spelling "rogue" incorrectly and wanting to fix it.

Not an outright reject, I suppose we can save it for when we need to whittle down to 32?

I liked the item, it just didn't make the final cut to 32. Kept it around for a long time, though. A little more punch, moxie, mojo....

Thanks! That's really encouraging to hear. Oh, and sorry I hurt your brain. I just couldn't think of a better term for "fantasy lipstick" than rouge.

Dark Archive Star Voter Season 7

Hi Sean - I'd love your feedback. Any others who want to chime in, feel free!

Aura none; CL Least 5th, Lesser or Curse-render 10th, Greater 20th
Slot objects only; Price 21,000 gp (least), 42,000 gp (lesser), 56,000 gp (curse-render), 70,000 gp (greater); Weight –
This woven ribbon appears inert to normal magical detection. However, when fastened to a magical object, the ribbon will render the object inert (non-magical) so long as it remains. Furthermore, any object a ribbon is fastened to is also granted a measure of protection from magical effects. Any magic that would affect the protected object is treated as if targeted by a dispel magic spell of a caster level equal to the CL of the ribbon. Variants of these ribbons, called curse-renders, include an additional enchantment that allows the ribbon to disrupt cursed items and are highly prized by good clerics. Greater ribbons can also disrupt curses as the spell greater dispel magic. Ribbons of Disjunction have many uses, including using them as magical peace-knots, theft protection, to disguise or conceal items of magical nature, or to suppress harmful magical items.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dispel magic, break enchantment or greater dispel magic; Cost 10,500 gp (least), 21,000 gp (lesser), 28,000 gp (curse-render), 35,000 gp (greater)

My mistake in bold: I accidentally submitted the wrong version (this was an early draft). Unfortunately, once you hit submit, you can't take it back and I think it cost me, as it is "broken" as written above. The spoiler below is the corrected text I had intended to glad you didn't hear my foul utterings after this error - I think it was laced with "dark speech!"


Any magic that directly targets an unattended ribbon-protected object is treated as if targeted by a greater dispel magic spell of a caster level equal to the ribbon's CL.

Total word count = 199



3e already improved things for wizard prepping spells, 1 hour isn't a big deal, so accelerating that really makes this a niche item, and not very useful--meaning that the number of times this accelerated prep is campaign-critical is few or none. So this item is really saddled with two problems:

(1) Is it a niche that's worth exploring? Sadly, there's not really anything "sexy" you can do with improving spell prep time. So while it's sharp to notice "hey, nothing's been done with this in the rules," it's not likely to lead to anything awesome.

(2) Given the very specialized nature of this niche, it's hard to determine what's an accurate price for it.

1 + 2 = problematic item. It's 1 that tends to keep this from being a superstar item, tho.


Bells of the Horse Lords

You don't see many horse items, so this gets a plus.
But while insta-cart, insta-saddle, and insta-barding are useful and functional, they're not very "sexy," which means they're not particularly superstar.

This would be a fine addition to a Big Book of Magic Items, just not a contest where you need to wow the judges with awesomeness.



My original comments:

PFRPG version of the Diehard feat automatically stabilizes you at -1 to -9. As a 2nd-tier feat, that should cost about 10,000gp. Yet this item is 182,000gp.

The gentle repose part is irrelevant ... if you're of a level to afford an item worth 182,000 gp, you can afford resurrection or true res and not care about the 1 day/level for raise dead.

Basically, it's way overpriced for its value, and needs more thought for the consequences or irrelevancies of someone who could afford it.

Scarab Sages

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Nethersight Torch

My original comments:
It's a "potion" of see invisibility, except it helps all your friends instead of just you.

Thank you, Sean. That's exactly what I figured. I have to step up my creativity for next year!


Hoop of Holding

My original comments:

Spell in a can, in quotes.
Creature sizes not capitalized correctly.
Awkward wording.

Almost a haiku, really.

So here are my beefs with this item:
1) It is a spell in a can. It just does the effects of animate rope and hold person.
2) It doesn't properly capitalize creature sizes. As a developer, that's something I'd have to fix in your turnover, and something a designer should get in the habit of doing correctly (just as you cap skill and feat names).
3) Mostly a pet peeve of mine, but you don't need to list the command words for an item. The character using the item isn't speaking English and isn't actually using those words. And not all copies of this item will have the same command word.
4) You didn't put "gp" after the gp values. Same sort of issue as #2... something the developer has to fix, but is really the designer's responsibility to get right.
5) The wording doesn't flow as naturally as it should, like it's been translated to another language and back.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012 , Star Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Amulet of Discord

This thing I could see as a trap, but not as an item you'd want to wear or carry. It's really nice for an undead leader of an undead gang, because the undead are immune to the effect and it'll mean it's just the PCs attacking each other.

Supershort summary: it's a spell in a can, you just need to jump through some hoops to activate it.

Thanks, Mr. Reynolds! I envisioned it more as something a "tank" could use to wade into a swarm of goblins and just have them start smacking each other around. I definitely failed to make that come across in my submission.

I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my item, as well as everyone else's.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Hoop of Holding

My original comments:

Spell in a can, in quotes.
Creature sizes not capitalized correctly.
Awkward wording.

Almost a haiku, really.

So here are my beefs with this item:
1) It is a spell in a can. It just does the effects of animate rope and hold person.
2) It doesn't properly capitalize creature sizes. As a developer, that's something I'd have to fix in your turnover, and something a designer should get in the habit of doing correctly (just as you cap skill and feat names).
3) Mostly a pet peeve of mine, but you don't need to list the command words for an item. The character using the item isn't speaking English and isn't actually using those words. And not all copies of this item will have the same command word.
4) You didn't put "gp" after the gp values. Same sort of issue as #2... something the developer has to fix, but is really the designer's responsibility to get right.
5) The wording doesn't flow as naturally as it should, like it's been translated to another language and back.

Okay, thank you for putting in the time to comment!

2) I actually never realized that creature sizes, feats or skill names were capitalized. Oh well. Now I know. At least I have some solace in that I looked up and conformed to spell name capitalization rules.
3) Oh. I suppose I over-corrected after seeing that the submissions last year were sometimes criticized for not being "precise enough."
4) Oops. Oversight.
5) ...I ruminated on this. I should not have attempted to squeeze extra words into the submission. I should have eliminated the ungrammatical "ings". Thank you.


>>Hoops are often carried around an adventurers' thigh or neck, contracting to fit the skin, then expanding when commanded."

Should have been: "Hoops are often carried around an adventurers' thigh or neck. They contract to fit the skin, then expand when commanded."

Was: ""This hemp-woven three foot diameter hoop is thrown around creatures to entrap. When a user's ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet succeeds, and the user speaks the command word "tighten," the hoop's hemp constricts until taut, binding a creature's legs or arms. The command word "loosen" makes the hoop expand to its original size.""

Should have been: ""This hemp-woven three foot diameter hoop is thrown around creatures to entrap. When a user's ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet succeeds, and the user speaks the command word "tighten," the hoop's hemp constricts AND BINDS a creature's legs or arms. The command word "loosen" makes the hoop expand to its original size.""

I do not like this language: "When a user's ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet succeeds," but it is verbatim from a similar DMG magical item.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Eibom’s Ineffable Headstone

My original judge comments:

I would like this much better if it augmented a cleric's undead-based abilities, rather than just giving you those abilities*, in a poorly-explained manner (do all undead within 500 ft. leave their posts and approach?** What do they do when they arrive? What does "desecrate automatically fail" mean?*** I assume "another power's DC" refers to the powers of this item, and not the owner's class ability or some other item they own?).
hp-based cost is strange and unclear, and the "can't be healed magically" limitation is annoying ("sorry, the goddess of healing herself is unable to cure this damage on you because you used a 30,000gp magic item").

* "Stealing" class abilities isn't fun for the person who's already that class. "Aww, channeling energy was my schtik, now the rogue can do it, too."
** How many does it affect? How long does it last?
*** Autofails and autosaves can lead into strange game design territory. A lich in an area of desecrate autofails its save because of this item and is under the command of the wearer.

You comments are much appreciated. I would note, though, that sometimes a spade is just a spade-- you seem to have gone looking for obfuscation where there was none.

In response to your points:

* If it were channeling positive energy, I'd agree with you, since 90% of the clerics people are going to play are going to be good. But this allows the control of undead using an established mechanic. I felt it more appropriate to use an established mechanic for gaining control over undead than to create my own. The fact that it can also be used as an offensive item against anyone within 30ft. of the owner is a pleasant feature, but certainly not the intended use. Where you saw "ability theft" I saw the opportunity to have a bad guy leading a mob of undead who wasn't necessarily the evil priest-- and that changes the old trope into a new twist. ("Oh noes, zmobies! Wherez teh evil cleric? What? It's a ranger/wizard/bard? Huh? But, but...")

** The summons affects as many undead as are within 500ft and fail their saving throw. That seems pretty clear, otherwise it's not much of a summons, is it? More of a mild suggestion. :) The summons lasts until they travel to the headstone, but you're right, I probably should have put a duration there. Definitely a design stumble, but not a horrendous one, I think.

*** You're right, it does lead to strange territory that must be tread carefully. But it also implies that the user has taken the time to cast a desecrate in the area, an evil spell. But then that Lich is going to have a lot of HD, and that's going to consume much of the utility of the item. I guess I'm ok with the fact that a Lich within a desecrate (20ft?) when the headstone is activated is going to be forced to serve the owner of the headstone until that manacle is removed. I really, really hope that owner either destroys the lich or is slain before the lich is freed, because that is a tiger by the tail...say, I wonder if that was intentional... ;)

RE: "What do the do when they arrive?" Well...whatever undead do. If the headstone's owner doesn't take control of them, I would suppose they would try to consume whomever was at the site and then wander off.

RE: "What does desecrate automatically fail" mean? ...It means that any undead within a desecrate spell effect automatically fails the attempt to resist becoming controlled by the owner of the headstone. That seems fairly clear to me, but it might have been clearer if I'd italicized desecrate.

RE: "another power's DC"... Yes, this was intended to mean the headstone's powers, and I would have thought that was clear, but it probably would have been worth the extra word to provide the clarity.

The HP based cost for additional charges is meant to provide a mechanic that allows heroes to decide just how important it is to activate the headstone when all charges are expended-- is it worth 10% of your HP? 20%? When is that cost too much? If you could use the headstone to break an undead siege of a fortress at the cost of your own life, would you do it? Where you see annoyance I saw opportunity for emotionally invested decisions that have tangible and impacting consequences. In my opinion, that is when the stories get really interesting.

(and the quip about a goddess not being able to heal you? Please, that's silly. She's a goddess. I'm certain she can overcome the limitations of a wondrous item. Otherwise she's not much of a goddess, is she? Now her high priestess on the other hand? She's SOL, because they're not really consequences if you can just get rid of them with a spell slot.)

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. Unfortunate that you didn't read the same opportunities for the item that I did.


More judges' comments; rockin':


Aura faint illusion CL 3rd
Slot eyes; Price 5800 gp; Weight --

This simple-looking mask is a favorite tool of enchanters, bards, and other spellcasters who desire to use their powers unnoticed. While worn, the Veil melds into the wearer's face and provides a continuous magic aura effect, rendering it visible only by true seeing. Once per day, the wearer can cast a spell or use a spell-like ability imperceptibly, by disguising its components with mundane actions. As required by the spell or ability itself, any arcane spell failure chance still applies, the caster must still be able to speak, and the caster must still possess any material or focus components. However, unless the spell or ability has some other noticeable effect, all observers, including the spell or ability's target, have no knowledge that a spell was cast or a spell-like ability was used. If the wearer possesses the bardic performance ability, he may use this item additional times per day by expending a usage of bardic performance each time.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility, magic aura, silence; Cost 2900 gp


Hi Sean,

Thank you for doing this we all appreciate your dedication and time (and possible insanity to take this on).

Here is my item, I already have some ideas bu would like to know if I'm on the right track,

Headband of Sixth sense

Aura: Moderate Divination
CL: 3
Slot: Head
Price: 2300GP
Weight: 1Ib


This fine silver headband has an opal gem set so it rests on the forehead of the wearer. The headband grants the wearer an enhancement to her senses. The wearer gains +2 to perception based checks as if the wearer had taken the Alertness feat. Like the feat if the wearer has 10 or more ranks in a perception based skill this bonus becomes +4. The Wearer also gains an intuitive understanding in combat and is treated as having the Improved initiate feat adding +4 to Initiative rolls. If the wearer already has these skills the bonus’ are cumulative. Once a day the wearer can Detect Thoughts exactly like the spell.


Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Detect Thoughts
Cost: 1150GP

My thoughts so far..

1) Name not evocative enough.
2) Feats and spell in a can
3) maybe not WoW enough
4) As peer feedback suggested it is probably underpriced for what it does.

I could of course be off base so will be guided by the pro's


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Sean K Reynolds wrote:


My original comments:

PFRPG version of the Diehard feat automatically stabilizes you at -1 to -9. As a 2nd-tier feat, that should cost about 10,000gp. Yet this item is 182,000gp.

The gentle repose part is irrelevant ... if you're of a level to afford an item worth 182,000 gp, you can afford resurrection or true res and not care about the 1 day/level for raise dead.

Basically, it's way overpriced for its value, and needs more thought for the consequences or irrelevancies of someone who could afford it.

Thanks very much for taking the time to provide this feedback Sean. There is alot more wrong with my item, you just scratched the surface.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9

Stone of Savior's Deliverance
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot –; Weight –; Price 1,400 gp
Thin bands of platinum encircle and bind this pale opalescent stone. Using the power of the stone creates a momentary sympathetic bond between you and an ally, enabling you to receive an injury directed at him or her. With this stone, you can save a comrade from a potentially fatal blow. While you hold the stone, you can activate it as an immediate action, to transfer to yourself all the hit point damage from one attack or effect that is about to be dealt to another creature. The damage is dealt to you instead of being taken by the other creature. You must be within 35 feet and able to see the creature. You can activate the stone after the damage is rolled, but before the damage is applied to the creature. Forms of harm that do not involve hit point damage, such as ability damage, are not transferred. The stone crumbles to dust after it is used.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, shield other; Cost 700 gp

Hi Sean,
Thank you for any feedback or advice, I definitely appreciate it.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi Sean... thanks for the kind offer of a review of my Wondrous Item.

Here it is, and I'm anxious to hear what you (or anyone else) thought of it. Thanks again,

Dean; the Minstrel Wyrm

Figurine of Wondrous Power, Iron Tiger
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
Slot ---; Price 19,200 gp; Weight ---

This rough chunk of iron ore has a distinct outline of a tiger, crouched as if poised to pounce. When animated, an iron tiger becomes a normal adult male tiger (MM 281-282) under the command of its possessor. The item can be used once per day for up to 1 hour per day. A separate command word enables the possessor to call upon a dire tiger instead (MM 65) however, after three transformations into dire tiger form, the figurine loses all its magical properties. In addition, once per day, the iron tiger (in either form) may emit a roar (as per the shout spell, CL 11th PH 278). Although it behaves as a living creature, the iron tiger retains its iron-like consistency which grants it hardness 10. (This renders it vulnerable to rust monster attacks, as well as spell effects like rusting grasp.) If slain while animated it reverts to statuette form and cannot be used until 1 full week has passed.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, shout; Cost 9,600 gp, 768 XP

*I think, upon reflection, I realize some of the flaws in my item. Of course, like many others, I intend to enter RPG Superstar 2010, and anything you can provide to help me along to better Wondrous Item design would be truly appreciated.* Heh heh... I still really liked my Figurine of Wondrous Power... those have always been favorites of mine.

If you would confirm my suspicion that this was simply too bland.

Mercurio’s Bells
Aura: faint abjuration
CL 5th
Slot: see below
Price 3200 GP
Weight 1 lb

Whilst performers have often used sets of these silver pellet bells, the bard/rake Mercurio’s name has been most frequently associated with them in recent decades. Coming in sets of 40, they can be either sewn onto costumes or attached to straps to be shaken as accompaniment to an act, and give a +2 circumstance bonus to appropriate perform checks.
Additionally, once per day, at a word they can be activated to provide the effects of a protection from arrows spell – as useful for avoiding rotten vegetables and eggs thrown by an unappreciative audience as the crossbow bolts of retainers of an ‘overly protective’ relative.
If worn on straps around the wrists or ankles, a set of these bells occupy the appropriate magic item slot; if shaken in hand (as instruments) or if sewn onto a set of clothes, they do not occupy any slots – although every bell of a set must be present for an owner to invoke the protection effect and attaching a set to a new costume is a time-consuming process.

Requirements… Craft Wondrous Item, protection from arrows; cost… 1600 gp

Scarab Sages Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Bloodbark Bracers:

My original comment:
it's bad enough that you have to wait to identify an item, now you have to wear it for 24 hours before you can use it. In this case, you have to sleep in wooden bracers, I'm sure they're VERY comfortable.
Attunement = poo.

My post was after Clark's and Wolf's, and they pointed out the SIAC and SAK, so I didn't mention them. Clark also mentioned that "natural environment" isn't really defined in the rules, so using it as a price reduction is problematic.

HEH, thanks Sean, I'll be sure to do something much nicer next year.


Thanks in advance for taking the time to give us a peek into your head. I've posted some self-editing analysis in Clark's feedback thread. The killer in my mind was using the sneak attack mechanic - in hindsight it didn't really fit the function.

TWWombat wrote:

Bailey’s Bracers
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 16th
Slot hands; Price 14,000gp; Weight 1 lb.

These rare leather wristbands were originally created by the legendary bard Bailey and sold when his partner Barnum banned all magic from their show.

Bailey’s Bracers grant a +1 competence bonus to all ranged attack rolls.

The bracers have 3 charges which renew at sunrise. Uses of bardic performance can be used in place of or in addition to the charges stored in the bracers. As a swift action the wearer can expend up to 3 charges causing a ranged attack (including spells up to 3rd level which require a ranged attack roll) to ricochet wildly and hit a target within 60’ from an unexpected direction. The ricochet attack negates all cover penalties (including full cover if there is a way around it) and does an additional 1d6 sneak attack damage per charge expended, which does not stack with the class ability. The bracers do not negate concealment, so any miss chance from concealment still applies.

Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.

Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have sneak attack and bardic performance class abilities, animate objects; Cost 7,000gp

Thanks again for your brutal honesty!

Hi, any and all comments welcome. I had posted this Clarks thread as well.

Duellers Polishing Cloth
Aura Faint Evocation; CL 3rd
Slot --; Weight --

These small coloured patches of soft cloth of are typically found in major cities that allowing Duelling. The cloth is used to polish a bladed weapon, usually a Rapier, to such a sheen that it begins to glow.

The blade emits a bright glowing light, the same colour as the cloth used to polish it, up to 20 feet and a dim light 20 feet beyond that. The blade flashes brightly as it moves and will shine in the eyes of any opponents in melee with the wielder. Opponents must pass a Fortitude Save DC13 or receive a –1 penalty to hit.

Any bladed weapon can be polished. It takes 10 minutes of continuous polishing in one sitting to make it shine and the effect lasts for 2 hours. Each Duellers Polishing Cloth can be used 5 times before losing its quality.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Light, Flare; Cost 1000gp

Scarab Sages

Sean K Reynolds wrote:


(1) Is it a niche that's worth exploring? Sadly, there's not really anything "sexy" you can do with improving spell prep time. So while it's sharp to notice "hey, nothing's been done with this in the rules," it's not likely to lead to anything awesome.

Just an opinionated note, but personally I think leaving wizard spell slots "free" (not memorizing anything there at the start of the day) is one of the best "you can do that?!?" tricks in the game. The main drawback is that it takes a minimum of 15 minutes to memorize a spell; this item cuts that drawback down significantly. Delaying the memorization lets you act as a pseudo-sorcerer for utility spells. Don't want to commit to memorizing knock or spider climb at the start of the day without knowing that you'll need them? No problem, just leave a couple 2nd level slots open and fill them in later. If you come across a chasm you can't cross any other way, fill'er'up with spider climb. If, on the other hand, you come to what you believe is the main villain's antechamber and havn't needed to prepare anything in those slots, go ahead and prep combat spells there. Even if you don't get the chance to prep the combat spells, you still havn't lost out over preparing the utility spells ahead of time in those slots.

I would actually buy or make a Study Aid for every wizard I ever play.

Hi Sean,

Would be great to have some feedback, as I am new to DnD gaming and this was my first go at creating a wondrous item....

Belt of Beckon Elemental Changeling

Aura Moderate conjuration, strong transmutation; CL 11th
Slot Belt; Price 18,900GP; Weight 1lb


Of Druid creation, “Belt of Beckon Elemental Changeling” has five different coloured gems inset into the hide strap. Four different “Elemental Gems”; air (transparent), water (blue), earth (light brown) and fire (orange) are positioned either side of an integral black “Changeling Gem”.

Alternative uses :

1) Singular Activation

Remove individual Elemental Gem and smash it (one standard action), causing effect of “summon nature’s ally V” spell, beckoning respective Large Elemental

2) Synergistic Activation

Integral to the belt itself, upon smashing the black “Changeling Gem”, the entire belt is destroyed, shattering all gems simultaneously, beckoning a single Huge ‘Elemental’ who has the ability to transform and change between Elemental types (as free action) at verbal command of the destroyer of the changeling gem; “Fire!”, “Air!” etc. taking advantage of the idiosyncratic differences of each Elemental template. Synergistic effect only works when belt is adorned with a full gem set; empty gem slots could be replaced with purchase of appropriate missing “Elemental Gem”, but “Changeling Gem” is integral to belt and cannot be purchased separately.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, summon nature’s ally V, shapechange, animal growth; Cost 9,450GP

Shadow Lodge

WOW... That is an expancive item for something any Sorcerer could cast by himself, daily, or even multiple times per day. The real limit is the single use. For ten grand, i guess, or you could make it a once a week per gem kinda thing. That would make it worth it. JMO though, i may be wrong.
Also, i am not looking it up, but compare it to a bag of tricks. What is the CR of monsters brought forth by them, and what do they cost? That would be a good way to figure a close price (I am guessing one of the bags is more than 10,000g).

Comments welcome:

Quiver of Persistence
Aura moderate varied; CL 12
Slot -; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
This appears to be a bejeweled, 20 arrow quiver with an ivory arrow inlay. The quiver will bestow a ‘persistence’ special ability to any arrow pulled from the quiver and fired in the same round. This ability lasts for one round, the round the arrow is fired. If an arrow with persistence misses its intended target, it will dimension door back into the quiver it was drawn from and be available for use the next round. It will not be subject to the normal 50% chance of destruction or loss. Arrows that hit the wearer of an activated arrow catching shield are destroyed and do not dimension door back to the quiver.
If the quiver has no room for the arrow, or is destroyed before the arrow can return, or the intended target was more than 880 feet away from where the arrow was fired, then the persistence on the arrow does nothing.
Placing arrows into the quiver is a move action.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door, contingency; Cost 5000 gp

Hello, when you have time Sean I would love some input. Also, thanks to Gary for digging my submission up.

Helm of Iron Order
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 164,000; Weight 2lb

These wrought iron helms are sealed shut, leaving only the eye slits open, allowing it to be used as a bull’s-eye lantern that cannot be extinguished by non-magical means. They are rumored to contain the severed head of a convicted criminal, but few are brave enough to ask those who bear them the specifics of their creation. A permanent magic circle against chaos is centered on the helm, and when held they allow the bearer to cast both heroism and holy smite three times per day as a 7th level caster. The holy smite affects chaotic creatures as evil, and lawful as good, the heroism can only affect lawful creatures.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, continual flame, magic circle against chaos, heroism, holy smite; Skill Craft (blacksmithing); Cost 82,000 gp

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