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Quiver of Persistence
Aura moderate varied; CL 12
Slot -; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 2 lb.
This appears to be a bejeweled, 20 arrow quiver with an ivory arrow inlay. The quiver will bestow a ‘persistence’ special ability to any arrow pulled from the quiver and fired in the same round. This ability lasts for one round, the round the arrow is fired. If an arrow with persistence misses its intended target, it will dimension door back into the quiver it was drawn from and be available for use the next round. It will not be subject to the normal 50% chance of destruction or loss. Arrows that hit the wearer of an activated arrow catching shield are destroyed and do not dimension door back to the quiver.
If the quiver has no room for the arrow, or is destroyed before the arrow can return, or the intended target was more than 880 feet away from where the arrow was fired, then the persistence on the arrow does nothing.
Placing arrows into the quiver is a move action.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimension door, contingency; Cost 5000 gp