Goblin Snake

Rimrock's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 389 posts (3,975 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 4 Organized Play characters. 13 aliases.

Full Name

Tony Milici




Geek Level 10








Los Angeles, CA


Software Developer

About Rimrock

I started playing D&D in the late 70's when all they had was the three pamphlets (which I still have!). In middle school I met another kid who also played and we formed a club of sorts. We even talked the teachers into letting us have an actual class devoted to D&D (this was the good old days before the game acquired the negative connotation in the 80's). During this time we also played at Caltech. They had their own system (called Warlock) and we adopted those rules instead of the AD&D rules out at that time. They still play that system at Caltech. I quit playing when I went to college.

I just recently picked up the game again with a couple if friends who also played when they were kids. We started out playing the Caltech system, but I bought the 3.5 core books and was looking into playing that system instead. One day I stumbled on the Paizo website and saw the flipmat, a product I had been looking for, and bought it immediately. After exploring the site for a while I came across the APs and downloaded the Burnt Offerings PDF. The rest is history.

Pathfinder opened a whole new world of FRPG playing for me and there is no looking back. Long live Paizo!

tmilici -- at -- gmail.com