TWWombat's page
15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
I guess there still are traders in here. I've been out for a while, but I'm still looking for a few cards to finish both my HH and RoW sets.
HH: 10, 30, 39
RoW: 6, 18, 94
HH: 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28x2, 29, 31, 32, 33, 40x2, 41x2, 42, 43, 46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 55, 60, 62, 64x2, 68x2, 73, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83x2, 86, 87x2, 89, 97, 100, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109
RoW: 4, 8, 9, 11, 14x2, 16x2, 17, 25, 32x2, 36, 37, 40, 41, 44, 46, 49x2, 54, 55x2, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 68x2, 71, 75, 78x2, 79, 81, 85, 87x2, 90, 99, 107, 109, 110
These are all non-foils, except I do have a HH #33 available for trade. I'm willing to take foils in trade if I have something you need.
Anyone still out there interested? I can be reached at jim at twwombat dot com.
The community and the advice links given here are simply awesome. I missed submitting in last year's contest, but I look forward to reading the 32 this year.
Nothing left now but anticipation. And brainstorming the next few rounds.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to give us a peek into your head. I've posted some self-editing analysis in Clark's feedback thread. The killer in my mind was using the sneak attack mechanic - in hindsight it didn't really fit the function.
TWWombat wrote:
Bailey’s Bracers
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 16th
Slot hands; Price 14,000gp; Weight 1 lb.
These rare leather wristbands were originally created by the legendary bard Bailey and sold when his partner Barnum banned all magic from their show.
Bailey’s Bracers grant a +1 competence bonus to all ranged attack rolls.
The bracers have 3 charges which renew at sunrise. Uses of bardic performance can be used in place of or in addition to the charges stored in the bracers. As a swift action the wearer can expend up to 3 charges causing a ranged attack (including spells up to 3rd level which require a ranged attack roll) to ricochet wildly and hit a target within 60’ from an unexpected direction. The ricochet attack negates all cover penalties (including full cover if there is a way around it) and does an additional 1d6 sneak attack damage per charge expended, which does not stack with the class ability. The bracers do not negate concealment, so any miss chance from concealment still applies.
Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have sneak attack and bardic performance class abilities, animate objects; Cost 7,000gp
Thanks again for your brutal honesty!
Clark, you are a madman for volunteering (two years running!) to drink from the firehose in this thread, and we love you for it. Ten thousand thank yous.
I'm not at all adverse to feedback from those of you who aren't Clark, so have at it. If I missed an abusable loophole, please let me know.
Here's my submission. Self-editing notes follow...
TWWombat wrote: Bailey’s Bracers
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 16th
Slot hands; Price 14,000gp; Weight 1 lb.
These rare leather wristbands were originally created by the legendary bard Bailey and sold when his partner Barnum banned all magic from their show.
Bailey’s Bracers grant a +1 competence bonus to all ranged attack rolls.
The bracers have 3 charges which renew at sunrise. Uses of bardic performance can be used in place of or in addition to the charges stored in the bracers. As a swift action the wearer can expend up to 3 charges causing a ranged attack (including spells up to 3rd level which require a ranged attack roll) to ricochet wildly and hit a target within 60’ from an unexpected direction. The ricochet attack negates all cover penalties (including full cover if there is a way around it) and does an additional 1d6 sneak attack damage per charge expended, which does not stack with the class ability. The bracers do not negate concealment, so any miss chance from concealment still applies.
Both bracers must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have sneak attack and bardic performance class abilities, animate objects; Cost 7,000gp
1) You made the "bizarre" comment about real-world names in the "what we're seeing this year" thread. Yes, it was intentional. I did it as a wink to the real-world references sprinkled thoughout early AD&D supplements and the Giants In The Earth column in Dragon waaay back around issue #59 (the first Dragon I bought). Names carry meaning, and I used it as a shortcut to portray a famous showman. I debated leaving Barnum out of it to see if anyone would pick up on Bailey's name...
2) I realized after submitting that calling it "sneak attack damage" broke too many rules, especially requiring flat-footedness and that concealment prevents sneak attacks. I should have just called it "surprise damage" and been done with it. I was too focused on researching bardic performance that I glossed over rereading the sneak attack rules. Shame on me.
3) Adding some text about taking a standard action to use bardic performance in place of charges would have fit better. Think magic act patter when making something cool happen. I think the words saved from staying clear of sneak attack would have been enough.
4) Price was completely eyeballed. They're on par with a set of +4 Bracers of Armor, which seemed about right to me given the 3-charge limitation and the bonus uses for bards. Yes, they're Bracers of Archery with a 5th level rogue-in-a-can once a day plus an extra boost, but I kept having visions of an acid arrow ricocheting around a throne room and I just had to put it on paper. I'd love some feedback on pricing this thing.
5) I have a soft spot for bards. Sue me. Yes, the creator needs to be a Bard 16/Rogue 1 with the Create Wondrous Item feat - not likely, but workable.
It's probably just as well I didn't make the cut - work tried to kill me this week so I wouldn't have had the time to get a villain concept in. In fact this is the first chance I've had to hit the boards since briefly looking at the top 32 on Tuesday. Kudos to the winners - there's some cool stuff in that batch.
Next year for sure. *grin*
Thanks in advance, everyone!
Thanks to Lisa, the Paizo crew, and the judges for putting this thing together. Good times and good competition in the name of having fun. I'll have a hard time waiting for 10 more days to find out who made the cut...
And Clark? Just a quick hair-splitting correction:
Clark Peterson wrote: Einstein said genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. You got the wrong brainy "E" guy. You were thinking of Thomas Alva Edison, the guy who holds 1093 patents for his inventions. And it's 1% and 99%. Just so's y'know.
Thanks again, all!
I've got one, DFool, but not to trade. It's like the bracers (94) for Relics of War...
I've decided to shoot for a complete set of foils for each set - we'll see how far I get with that dream. I haven't tracked my foil wants since I still need far more than I have. I'm interested in getting a complete set of normal cards first, then foils. But if you're unloading foil cards I'll be glad to give them a good non-smoking home.
Trade proposal emails have been sent to Derek, Kaomera, Mosaic, and DFry based on latest posts here; my lists will change based on responses from those four. Feel free to mail me a trade proposal at twwombat-at-gmail-dotcom and we'll work something out.
Hero's Hoard
WANT: 2, 10, 14, 20, 22, 36, 37, 39, 56, 74, 85, 96
HAVE: 3, 6, 7, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28x2, 29, 31, 31, 33, 40x2, 41x2, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 53, 55, 60, 62, 64x2, 68x2, 73, 75, 78, 80, 81, 83x2, 86, 87x2, 89, 97, 100x2, 105x2, 106, 107, 108, 109, plus Foil 33 (my only duplicate foil)
Relics of War
WANT: 6, 10, 18, 94
HAVE: 4, 11, 14x2, 16x2, 17, 32x2, 35, 36, 40, 44, 46, 49x2, 54, 55x2, 57, 60, 61, 64, 66, 68x2, 71, 75, 78x2, 79, 81, 85, 87, 88, 93, 99, 104, 109, 110
Thanks in advance, all!
And the nice thing is it's a deck of cards, so if you don't like a result take its card out of the deck before letting your players draw. Nicely done.
I'm liking cards to run my tabletop games more and more. They're flexible and compact, so you can store a pile of cards in a box and tote them to the game instead of lugging a stack of books and multiple 3-ring binders.
So here's another product for my wishlist.
I emailed you a RoW trade proposal late last night, but my email server has been flaky lately. Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll try again.
Thanks in advance,
Hey, all! I just got my box of Relics Of War cards this morning and ended up with a few holes and a few to trade off. FatalLaughter, I emailed you with a proposal already, so those cards aren't listed below pending your positive response...
I'm interested in foils as well, but I'm more concerned with a full set of normal cards for starters.
Here's my list -
1 Breastplate
6 Leather Suit
13 Steel Shield
18 Dagger
51 Potion
92 Book
94 Bracers
Also 10 (Studded Leather) and 83 (Wand) at a lower priority since I've got the foils but want plain cards.
4 Half-plate
16 Club
31 Scimitar
44 Potion
45 Potion
46 Potion
49 Potion
54 Potion
57 Ring
68 Scroll
71 Scroll
79 Wand
85 Wand
87 Wand
104 Powder
107 Salve
109 Unicorn Horn
Temmogen, you've listed 51 (Potion) for trade, but I've got nothing you need... Sad.
If anyone's interested in contacting me, email me: jim at twwombat dot com.
"The Perfect Costume" (aka Lord Marvin's Curse)
(Dungeons & Dragons 3.5)
Two hundred years ago in the Island Kingdoms, a spoiled ponce named Marvin had his father killed to inherit his land. He named himself Lord Marvin and started a perpetual party to end all parties, spending every coin he could find and writing IOUs when the coffers emptied.
He made the mistake of overextending his credit to a cabal of particularly vengeful wizards and then laughing when they tried to collect.
The wizards created a mask for one of his weekly costume balls since they knew he was always looking for a better costume. They presented it to him humbly "to apologize for the miscommunication." They extended his credit and agreed to provide his light show yet again.
When Lord Marvin donned the mask, he transformed into a clay golem. He could not talk, but he went to the party and wowed his guests. Everything went swimmingly until he realized he was having a harder and harder time controlling his body's actions and there was no way he could remove the mask. Eventually one of his guests sparred with him and he lost control in a berserk rage. The guests who were armed fought long and hard to defeat him. The golem's body disintegrated and the mask clattered to the ground - it had taken its first tooth.
The mages reclaimed the mask, but it was stolen soon thereafter. It made its way across the world, being found in random places after its wearer died or escaped the curse. The mask has almost a full set of teeth now, but there's always room for one more...
The Perfect Costume turns the wearer into a clay golem permanently (including a zero Int score). The wearer's spirit can control the golem's actions at first, but eventually the wearer becomes completely trapped in the golem's body (Will save DC 10 +1 per successful control for one round of controlled actions).
In addition to the normal spells that affect clay golems, a Stone Tell spell will allow the caster to converse with the wearer, who is undoubtedly slightly insane from the experience. Removing the mask requires a remove curse cast by a 16th level caster immediately followed by stone shape and stone to flesh spells. The mask must then be removed within one round or the process must be restarted.
Regardless if the mask is removed through magic or through the destruction of the golem's body, the mask will take a tooth from the wearer and imbed it somewhere within itself. The teeth can't be removed, but they can be used as a focus for the contact other plane spell which will give the past wearer's name and allow the caster to ask questions of the past wearer as if he or she were a demideity on an Outer Plane.
Strong Transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Construct, animate objects, flesh to stone, stone shape, trap the soul; Price 21,000gp; Weight 1 lb.
Hunh. Seems like the all-invalid contest this week.
(Pronounciation of "invalid" is left to the reader's discretion... *grin*)
Woontal wrote:
It's my tribute to my Guitar Hero fetish ;)
This week is all you, man... *grin*
"I'd like to thank everyone at the Academy for making this possible..."
Seriously, thank you!
I responded to your email this morning and asked if I'd be precluded from entering for the remainder of the contest - let me know if you didn't receive my info.
Angeltongue (aka Kendrick's Voice)
(Built for Dungeons & Dragons - the Marshall class is found in the Miniatures Handbook)
400 years ago, just before the founding of the Empire, dozens of warring nations scarred the land. Kendrick was the warlord bard known far and wide as "The Singing General". On the eve of the Battle of Goatsford, Kendrick's scouts found the opposing warlord had hired an army of gnolls, outnumbering Kendrick’s forces five to one. He prayed to the gods saying, "Grant my army courage and I will unite the land in peace."
The gods heard him and sent help in the form of an angel with golden wings. Kendrick spent all night in his tent with the angel. Nobody knows the details of the deal they struck that night. In the morning, Kendrick was everywhere on the battlefield at once, shoring up morale and never letting his men believe that they could be defeated. Gnoll shamans cast their spells but the magical flames always died down around Kendrick and his army. Finally the angel revealed himself and turned the battle’s tide toward Kendrick.
After the battle Kendrick had a silver sword made with golden angel wings for quillons. He spent two weeks in his tent enchanting the blade after it was forged. Some say he stole the angel's tongue and infused it into the weapon. When he finished, Angeltongue never left his side. He used it to unite the land and form the Empire. Kendrick died during the final battle, but by that point he had convinced all but one of the warlords to unite and name an emperor to govern them all.
Angeltongue is a +2 Silvered Longsword of Speed which sheds a golden light out to 60’ as the daylight spell and makes a wordless angelic singing noise when swung in battle. Its wielder enjoys a +30’ bonus to base land speed, a +2 bonus to charisma, and a +5 bonus on any attempt to rally troops. Angeltongue allows an additional attack at the wielder’s highest bonus when using the full attack action. The wielder and all allies within 60’ gain a +1 sacred bonus to all saves.
In a bard’s hands, Angeltongue allows the wielder to double the range of all bardic music effects and double the number of targets affected by Inspire Greatness and Inspire Heroism.
In the hands of a marshall or any other character that can manifest auras, the radius of each of the wielder’s manifested auras is doubled to a maximum bonus of +60’. Angeltongue also allows the wielder to manifest one additional aura above the maximum normally allowed, but it loses its +1 sacred bonus to saves while the additional aura is manifested.
A character with levels in both marshall and bard can use both of Angeltongue’s special abilities simultaneously.
Strong Transmutation and Enchantment, CL 15, daylight, eagle’s splendor, expeditious retreat, greater heroism, haste, resistance, sculpt sound, creator must be a bard, 136,315 gp.