Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

I hope you don't mind me taking a stab at your item.
The 'find the path' spell is also known as the 'ruin the adventure' spell and the new Pathfinder rules seem to have dialed back its effectiveness. That said, the imagery is effecive.
But what really kills your submission is the fact that it is a 3 in 1 submission, you introduce two other lamps and one of them is cursed. No other SRD item does that to my knowledge, this is what got you rejected.

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Ernest Mueller wrote:Ooo ooo, me too! Thanks for doing this Clark.
Wow, that's creepy...
Manacles of the Submissive Prisoner
Aura: Moderate Necromancy; CL: 7th
Slot: -; Price: 8000 gp; Weight: 2 lbs.DESCRIPTION
These iron manacles are often used by bounty hunters, paladins, or others who need to keep a captive subdued, but alive.
When placed on a subject’s wrists, the targets immediately stabilizes, healing normally, but is unable to rise above 0 hit points. Magical healing of hit points or ability damage functions normally. A creature at 0 hit points gains the disabled condition and is incapable of strenuous action, such as escaping, without taking damage. This causes the wearer to fall unconscious, but immediately stabilizes again. The manacles can be escaped exactly like masterwork manacles (pg. XX).
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Bestow Curse, Stabilize, Cost: 4000 gp
Okay, I'll assume Clark's done with the thread, so general feedback is appreciated...

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Dear Clark,
I look forward to your reply, wherein you will hopefully give your impressions and feedback for my RPG Superstar Round 1 Submission, the Ghostlight Lamp. Give my best to the fam; Gertrude sends her regards.
OK I couldnt resist just ONE more.... I'm like an addict.
And your email was so kind, particularly your reference to Sicily! Ah, those were the days!
Unfortunately, you ran into me in a pricing mood.
Here are some thoughts:
I wrote:
"Oy, dancing lights and faerie fire at will? Hmmm. And then find the path? Gotta check that price. Tough mix. At first blush its a low level item. But then it adds a pretty high level effect. Mixing 1st level effects and 6th level effects is kinda whacky. I mean we are talking 1st level then 11th level caster spells. I dont know. And I gotta check the cost on this. Leaning to reject."
I looked at it some more and Wolf and I talked pricing.
I then commented:
"Yeah, ok, no way. A find the path scroll alone is 1650 gp. And this thing is, what, 3800? And it allows for find the path 1/week? Plus ff and dl at will. Nope. OK, now to check the creation table itself.
Sean, can you check the math on this for me? I get different answers when I figure it and I dont want to blast this guy on the price if he got it right.
Now, price isnt exactly my only concern. I dont know that I want to give low level PCs the find the path spell. On the power curve, this costs more than elven boots and a type I bag of holding and a chime of opening, but costs less than any +2 item and slippers of spider climbing (which dont even give continuous spider climb)."
Wolfgang was not a big fan of find the path, as being on his "hate" list along with teleport and zone of truth. Takes some of the joy in the game right out.
In the end, Wolf and I were the votes to reject.
But this was a good concept. It got our attention. It was cool. It had that. What you needed was a tighter mechanical theme and a bit more thought on the use of the item, what it provides and cost. What that means is you are right there. If we are rejecting an item for that stuff, we gave it some thought and your design mojo is strong. I think you suffered from the fact that two judges are not fans of "remove the fun" style spells. Now that's not your fault. And may be an example of our subjectivity at work, I admit.
Listen, when we are cutting good items like this, you know the game is on!!!

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Here's why I can do this three years in a row:
On one side, a little voice says: "go to bed, you have to get up early for work, you have a ton of stuff to do, then you have to workout during lunch and its going to be brutal! You know Crossfit kills you when you are tired, and its Friday so the whole week of sleep deprivation is piling up on you! Then after work you have to drive an hour to referee a varsity basketball game and wont get home till after 10, at which time your lovely wife will likely need tending. Go to bed you freaking idiot!"
On the other side, a little voice says: "come on...just one more item. It will be fun! You don't need sleep. You are a caffeine fueled robot, even Wolfgang said so. You are in sick shape, you will crush that workout. And you only need 4 hours of sleep anyway. You can rest on the car ride to the game, you aren't driving."
And I listen to the second voice.
I need therapy.

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I thought you were insane to offer to review all the items. That was a heroic feat in an of itself. While I would have loved for you to give me feedback on my entry the past two years, I recognize the odds you were up against and know how the burnout can happen, especially with plenty of other thing at hand.

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Mr. Reynolds was kind enough to review my item for me, so I got a little insight and have narowed my focus for this year. I totally have to break through this year. Always a bridesmaid!

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Here's why I can do this three years in a row:
On one side, a little voice says: "go to bed, you have to get up early for work, you have a ton of stuff to do, then you have to workout during lunch and its going to be brutal! You know Crossfit kills you when you are tired, and its Friday so the whole week of sleep deprivation is piling up on you! Then after work you have to drive an hour to referee a varsity basketball game and wont get home till after 10, at which time your lovely wife will likely need tending. Go to bed you freaking idiot!"
On the other side, a little voice says: "come on...just one more item. It will be fun! You don't need sleep. You are a caffeine fueled robot, even Wolfgang said so. You are in sick shape, you will crush that workout. And you only need 4 hours of sleep anyway. You can rest on the car ride to the game, you aren't driving."
And I listen to the second voice.
I need therapy.
Clark Peterson: Lean, Mean, Reviewing Machine!

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Monster’s Siren
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th
Slot neck; Price 17000 gp; Weight ---
Originally crafted by cultists of Lamashtu (pg 21, Pathfinder Beta), this hexagram constructed of ivory and obsidian hanging from a silver chain has become a boon to conjurers. A spellcaster wearing the pendant is considered to be one level higher when casting a conjuration spell.
Also, spellcasters who create an arcane bond with the pendant can augment three summon monster spells a day to summon one additional creature from a lower level list than level of list selected in addition to the creatures the spell would normally summon. For example, a spellcaster casts summon monster IV to summon 1d3 creatures from the 3rd-level list and may also select to summon a single creature from the 2nd-level list to summon at the same time. This ability has no effect on the summon monster I spell.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, Spell Focus (conjuration), summon monster II; Cost 8500 gpAppreciate feedback most definitely. (Note: I've already of thought of ways to make it better, but I still want feedback)
Just to give some feedback, it may be a little harsh:
The name needs some improvement, now I have this sonic vibe but that is not what the item is about.
Lamashty cultists, this give me a cleric vibe yet the item gives the most benefit to a wizard.....that is a disconnect.
If your mechanics needs explaining (for example) then that is not Superstar, yet merely complicated. Clean design is important I think.

Ryan Marsh RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 aka Anry |

Well mention of a god doesn't make automatically cleric domain. I included Lamashtu as she was the mother of monsters. As the more unique ability calls more monsters to you. It made sense.
I can see the disconnect. Originally I was intending some kind of instrument that did something similar. In the end I stuck with the name as Sirens to me was represented of calling things to you. Like in the Odyssey.
As for the explanation, I didn't beleive it needed explanation. But I figured adding the example avoided abuse of the item. Seeing as it took a single sentence and I had the words to spare at the time. *shrugs*
Thanks for the feedback.

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Monster’s Siren
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th
Slot neck; Price 17000 gp; Weight ---
Originally crafted by cultists of Lamashtu (pg 21, Pathfinder Beta), this hexagram constructed of ivory and obsidian hanging from a silver chain has become a boon to conjurers. A spellcaster wearing the pendant is considered to be one level higher when casting a conjuration spell.
Also, spellcasters who create an arcane bond with the pendant can augment three summon monster spells a day to summon one additional creature from a lower level list than level of list selected in addition to the creatures the spell would normally summon. For example, a spellcaster casts summon monster IV to summon 1d3 creatures from the 3rd-level list and may also select to summon a single creature from the 2nd-level list to summon at the same time. This ability has no effect on the summon monster I spell.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, Spell Focus (conjuration), summon monster II; Cost 8500 gp
Anry, since you hung in there like a hero, I will give you my thoughts.
We all thought you had some editing issues with that second power. Also, we all felt that a one round bump and 5 feet more of range wasnt that interesting. And the 1 extra creature not enough to make us that interested.
I will say both Sean and I thought it was a real good swing and was real close.
It missed with some editing issues we couldnt look past. It also missed with mojo. You needed a bit more. This is a great example of a "good but not good enough item." These ones are real hard. One extra creature was just a bit underwhelming for superstar. And not that massively original for a summoner.
Would this have made a big book of magic items? For sure. Top 32 for Superstar? Nope. Though I will say, one of us suggested it be kept around for further consideration. It was, but then was finally rejected.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

anthrorob |

Since you are all done with the first wave of Superstar 2010 any chance of feedback on my 2009 item? ::grovel:: I was way back on page 3 of this post...
Bracers of the Hermit
Aura faint transmutation; CL 4+
Slot hands; Price 4,000 gp, Weight 2 lbs.
These mottled brown, orange and white bracers are made from the carapace of a giant hermit crab. These bracers grant the wearer the ability to attack unarmed as if they had the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. It is rumored that there are a cursed variety of this magic item which causes the wearer's most dominant hand to grow to a grotesque size while their off-hand atrophies.
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, Improved Unarmed Strike; Cost 2,000 gp.
In retrospect it is a feat in a can item I suppose...I should have maybe added an improved grab mechanic, damage modifier or go the other direction with the crab hands perhaps.
Even if you don't have a chance to look at it and reply...

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Bracers of the Hermit
Aura faint transmutation; CL 4+
Slot hands; Price 4,000 gp, Weight 2 lbs.These mottled brown, orange and white bracers are made from the carapace of a giant hermit crab. These bracers grant the wearer the ability to attack unarmed as if they had the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. It is rumored that there are a cursed variety of this magic item which causes the wearer's most dominant hand to grow to a grotesque size while their off-hand atrophies.
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, Improved Unarmed Strike; Cost 2,000 gp.
This one got a very short comment from one judge. I agreed and hit reject. He noted, and I agreed, that it basically just granted a feat, so its a feat in a can and that's not Superstar. Hope that helps!
We did both think the crab stuff was cool though. Or, as the other judge noted: "cute flavor with the crab."

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Darkjoy, didn't I review your item? If not, post it and I will.
Eyes of Fear and Fire
Aura faint evocation and necromancy; CL 1stSlot eyes; Price 2600 gp; Weight –
These soot colored, crystal lenses always feel warm to the touch. The lenses fit over the user’s eyes and color them pitch black, the user receives a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks due to the otherworldly appearance of his eyes. Three times per day, the user can will the lenses to blaze with hellish fire for 10 rounds as a free action, the user gains a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. Two times per day, the user can launch a ray of fire (treat as a ray of frost) from his eyes at a target as a standard action. Once per day, the user can use cause fear (Will DC 11 partial) as a gaze attack. The gaze attack can only affect one target.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear, ray of frost; Cost 1300 gp

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Eyes of Fear and Fire
Aura faint evocation and necromancy; CL 1st
Slot eyes; Price 2600 gp; Weight –
These soot colored, crystal lenses always feel warm to the touch. The lenses fit over the user’s eyes and color them pitch black, the user receives a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks due to the otherworldly appearance of his eyes. Three times per day, the user can will the lenses to blaze with hellish fire for 10 rounds as a free action, the user gains a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. Two times per day, the user can launch a ray of fire (treat as a ray of frost) from his eyes at a target as a standard action. Once per day, the user can use cause fear (Will DC 11 partial) as a gaze attack. The gaze attack can only affect one target.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cause fear, ray of frost; Cost 1300 gp
Oh, those were yours? I liked those. They were a "good, but not good enough" item. Sorry about that.
The big problem is that your item generated more discussion on stuff not related to the merits of your item than it did to your actual item. For instance, your item had way more discussion on its name, which we all felt was way too close to the name of the monster "eye of fear and flame". We thought that was a problem.
But before we even started that discussion we agreed the item was just not quite there.
Your item, being a "good but not good enough," was nudged out of the keep bin most likely because of the issue we had with the name. Plus, to the extent the item is just granting powers from a specific monster, we dont like "monster in a can" design.
Sorry that took so long for me to post. You have been a total stud waiting this long. Your devotion to the contest is appreciated. ;)
I'm hopeful your item this year makes the cut. But I will say this year was filled with items like this--good items that would make it into a book of magic items, but not quite Superstar.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

2008's goblin gruel only received reject, reject and reject from all judges so actual discussion is a sign of improvement in my book.
I agree with your judgement about the name, other feedback hinted that it was problematic.
This year's item has double the mojo.....we'll know in a week if that is enough.

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

2008's goblin gruel only received reject, reject and reject from all judges so actual discussion is a sign of improvement in my book.
I agree with your judgement about the name, other feedback hinted that it was problematic.
This year's item has double the mojo.....we'll know in a week if that is enough.
Really good work! Yes, this was an improvement on the gruel. In fairness, this was a really good item. The name caused us trouble. And in a contest with this many applicants you just cant have that kind of trouble. It gives us a reason to sort you into the reject pile. That is exactly what happened to you.
But since you have been such a sport I am going to give you more commentary.
Let's look at this item further. Because if I take the name out of it, this is a reasonably good item. It does some things I like. Your eyes are a pretty low level item, and good low level items usually attract our attention. Its tightly tied to a good theme, though we do have plenty of cause fear items. As a general matter, its usually good to stay away from powers that we already have some solid items for in the game already. I think the judges all feel that fear is not one of the niches that is crying out for a new item. But that said, you provide a couple of good powers that are tightly tied to your theme, they dont do too much.
The one thing I would have you think about is that basically you just gave spell effects (with minor tweaks). Just granting a spell or power is not the best design. This may be the best advice I can give you. Since people often ask "what do you mean by not Superstar." This item is a great example. Just granting ray of fire (frost as fire) and a cause fear are basically just granting the ability to cast a spell. That's not superstar. A Superstar item takes that spell power and changes it a bit or does something the spell doesnt do in a fun way that breaks the rules in a limited fashion. You will see a few of those this year, and last year. I often use boots of speed as an example. They grant 10 rounds of haste, but you can click the heels and break up the 10 rounds however you want. That's different from the spell. You didnt really do that with your item, and that is what was lacking. For instance, boots of speed done your way would just say "the wearer can use haste 1/day." But the boots grant the spell in a different and fun way. Your item doesnt. Do you see the difference?
Hope that helps.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Thank you for the extensive review!
I see what you were doing. Intimidate and the FX you put on it seem like it would cause fear. But you are right, that did sort of feel like an "add on." We can usually sniff those out and they dont help the overall impression of an item.
Usually, items that have multi powers like that need a bit more thought from the author.
More than once I have seen a submitted item where I really thought the author didnt find the core of the item and gave us 3 powers when they should instead have found the one cool power and really detailed that. In short, you need to "find" your item. And build from there. Like with a story. Find your main character and build from there. Lots of items suffer from clumsy add on powers when the item instead should have found what was really cool about the item and focused on that. If that makes sense :)

Larcifer |

Just in case u see this Clark.... I wrote on page four :)
Hey Clark Thanks in advance....
Aura strong transmutation, CL 17
Slot--; Price 29,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
A slender bone pendulum sways within the heart of this decrepit instrument. A haunting tick-tock echoes off its petrified wooden frame.
When the pendulum is pulled to either side of the metronome and released, its clicking tempo grants its user a +2 competence bonus on Perform (any instrument) checks.
Furthermore, by adjusting the tempo of the metronome as a standard action, its owner may affect up to 5 creatures (but not herself) as if they were targeted by either haste or slow for up to 5 rounds each per day. The duration of these effects need not be consecutive rounds.
Finally, if the owner (and only the owner) ever dismantles the metronome as a full round action, she may act as if a time stop has been cast.
The metronome’s pendulum speeds up during haste, it is sluggish during slow, and it is absent during time stop. Thus, only one effect can be active at any given time.
Once dismantled, the metronome cannot be reassembled.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, haste, slow, time stop; Cost 14,800 gp.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Just in case u see this Clark.... I wrote on page four :)
Clark is on a (well-deserved) break, my impressions:
1) The name, it rhymes. I don't think that is a good sign.
2) +2 skill bonus, no problem there.
3) Haste and slow, usable for up to 5 rounds. Pretty good and still in line with the item's theme. I do like that it does not apply to the user.
4) time stop, feels like a late minute add-on, your item goes from good mid-level to epic in two seconds flat!
5) costing is off, that single time stop costs 9000 gp, the slow and haste should each start at an unmodified 30k, so it is undercosted.

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Urizen wrote:Yeah, it reminded me way too much of the Skin Flute...Maybe it's just how my mind works, but when I envision a bone that sways up and down and can give you perform checks ... and use that performance on up to five creatures ... well ... yeah.
Moving on.
That might have been a problem as well, but as a non-native speaker I didn't want to call him on it.....

Urizen |

Sebastian wrote:That might have been a problem as well, but as a non-native speaker I didn't want to call him on it.....Urizen wrote:Yeah, it reminded me way too much of the Skin Flute...Maybe it's just how my mind works, but when I envision a bone that sways up and down and can give you perform checks ... and use that performance on up to five creatures ... well ... yeah.
Moving on.
Believe me, I don't think the language gap would have translated any differently. Well, maybe in China. Just don't order it off the menu if you're uncertain. ;)

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Sebastian wrote:That might have been a problem as well, but as a non-native speaker I didn't want to call him on it.....Urizen wrote:Yeah, it reminded me way too much of the Skin Flute...Maybe it's just how my mind works, but when I envision a bone that sways up and down and can give you perform checks ... and use that performance on up to five creatures ... well ... yeah.
Moving on.
Ah. Good point. Was trying to make an immature joke, but hadn't considered the language issue.
Your comments were spot on. The Time Stop ability seems out of place and really outshines the other abilities. Plus, it's not clear to me what is meant by "dismantling" the device. Is it destroyed? How is the owner determined? Is dismantling different from breaking? Does it require a skill check?

MakeItADouble |

Anybody care to comment on this please go ahead. My item from last year;
Mantle of Subterfuge
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7
Slot shoulders; Price 30,240gp; Weight 1lb.
The outer shell of this cloak may consist of any suitable material although most often it is found to be a subtle dark cloth. The interior of the mantle is always lined with black silk with no inside pockets. Once the properties of the cloak are known it offers upon command a special magical endowment. As a free action the cloak grants the wearer the ability to open a one foot diameter dimension door on the cloaks interior portion. The destination dimension door opens wherever the character desires within a 100 foot range of the wearer. The doorway remains open for one minute or until it is utilized. It takes one move action to manipulate an appendage through the door. Once through a character can complete one standard action before the door winks out withdrawing the characters appendage back through the door. In order to bring back an object the character must be able to lift it and it must fit through the opening. This power can be utilized twice per day.
Construction requirements; Craft wondrous item, dimension door; Cost 15,120gp

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

Mantle of Subterfuge
1) Be specific, what does the cloak look like?
2) I like the idea of a ranged legerdemain like power3) execution of idea is clunky: wording
4) cost is off? 4x7x2000 = 56000 gp for the dimension door, but is usable twice a day so 2/5 of that is 23k-ish?
I'd say good idea, bad execution.

Scott Mcclintock |
Id be open to any comments from my fellow Paizo-ites. This was written a year ago so I have no clue where my brain was when I was pricing it but it seems a bit high now that Im looking at it again?
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot shoulders; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Made entirely from congealed slime, the appearance of the corpus is in slow, constant flux. At times it appears as an ochre cape, although, days later, it might look like a dull green cloak. A DC 15 listen or spot check is sufficient to notice the slime's gurgling undulations.
The malleable corpus grants a +1 armor bonus to its wearer. The wearer also gains a +2 luck bonus on saves from any slime or ooze based attack. Additional powers can be added to the corpus by feeding it the inert remnants of slain slimes. Possible powers include:
Ooze mephit ichor: Once per day, the wearer can hurl a glob of caustic slime that functions as an acid arrow spell.
Ochre jelly: +5 competence bonus to climb checks.
Gray Ooze: Once per day, the wearer, as long as they stand motionless, can turn invisible for up to five minutes.
Black Pudding: Once per day, the wearer can cast resist energy attuned to acid.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb, invisibility, resist energy, acid arrow;
Cost 10,000 gp

Maurice de Mare RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka Darkjoy |

My thoughts:
1) it's a monster in a can - this is bad
2) description is good
3) gurgling FX is fun
4) armor and luck bonuses, ok
5) monster in a can stuff - bad! this ruins the item I think. Because you invite questions like: how do you feed it remnants, what happens if it touches active oozes etc?
I believe that if you tied your design to a specific ooze it would have been better.

Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |

Thanks Clark! Just as I suspected...but it was still nice to have some closure on the 2009 submission!
Good luck in the coming days with all the work to be done!
No problem. It was a perfectly competent item, very well done. What it didnt have is that something extra. I think you will see from this year's top 32 some good examples of what I am talking about. In fact, in some of my posts on the top 32 I pointed out some exmaples of how the item is more than just the "good but not good enough" variety. Because people often ask, "Clark, I hear you say its a good item, but not Superstar. Well what does that mean?" And its hard to explain. So I pointed it out in some of this year's top 32.

Scott Mcclintock |
Scott Mcclintock wrote:
1) it's a monster in a can - this is bad
2) description is good
3) gurgling FX is fun
4) armor and luck bonuses, ok
5) monster in a can stuff - bad! this ruins the item I think. Because you invite questions like: how do you feed it remnants, what happens if it touches active oozes etc?I believe that if you tied your design to a specific ooze it would have been better.
Thanks Darkjoy. I never quite saw it that way but now that you point it out I see that youre right. Much obliged :)

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I will toss my contribution into the ring for feedback.
Chalice of Subverted Dreams
Aura moderate illusion [evil]; CL 9th
Slot -; Price 32,400 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This golden chalice is engraved with erotic images of celestial creatures. A Perception DC 15 check shows leering fiendish faces hidden in the engravings and that all of the creatures have slender chains binding them to a large black opal. The black opal was formerly the heartstone of a night hag.
The user may place any liquid substance in the chalice, although generally a baneful magic potion or poison is used. The chalice can be activated once per day, causing the chalice to appear in a target’s dream and compels the dreamer to drink from the chalice unless a modified DC 17 Will save is made. Standard nightmare will save modifiers apply, for knowledge of the target and using a connection. If a connection is used then it is placed in the chalice. The liquid and connection are destroyed when the chalice is activated. If the dreamer drinks from the chalice then their physical body is affected exactly as if they had drank the contents of the chalice.
If the target is not sleeping or unconscious when the chalice is activated then the attempt fails because there is no trance option. A dispel evil cast on the dreamer has no effect nor is the target’s rest disturbed by the use of the chalice.
Use of the chalice makes the user susceptible to night hag dream haunting, regardless of alignment. An atonement spell can remove the dream haunting susceptibility for non-chaotic and non-evil users.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, nightmare; Cost 16,200 gp

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Aura moderate evocation [evil]; CL 8th
Slot - ; Price 96,000 gp; Weight 1 lb
This small, intricate tapestry is embroidered with sinister spiraling patterns of red, black, and gold thread. This rather unassuming piece of artwork has an insidious effect on those of good or neutral alignment.
A good character that gazes upon an infernal mandala for more than 1d3 rounds must make a DC 25 Will save or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage, plus 1d6 points of normal damage. For characters of neutral alignment, a DC 25 Will save must be made, or the character suffers 1d4 Wisdom damage, plus 1d6 nonlethal damage. Evil characters are unaffected by the sinister dweomers contained within the malevolent threads.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, blasphemy, creator must be evil; Cost 49,000 gp