Scott Mcclintock's page

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Hi Everyone!

I am trying to come up with some good riddles for a campaign that I am about to run. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



Thanks Vic!


Thanks Sean! Im actually a math professor and getting ready to submit a couple math articles for publication. Your 'will' advice helped me clean it up quite a bit, I think.


Thanks for the feedback and attention!


Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th

Slot Neck; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This holy necklace consists of a small sealed sachet hanging from a plain hemp cord. This sachet is generally filled with dried exotic blooms harvested from the Celestial planes. An odour of sanctity imbues its wearer with an incorruptible fragrance, granting her a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. Because this sacred odour emanates from the wearer's blood, the fragrance intensifies anytime the wearer is injured. Whenever the wearer suffers damage equaling or exceeding 25% of his or her total hit points from a single attack, there is a 25% chance she will receive the benefits of a sanctuary spell. If the wearer suffers damage equaling or exceeding 50% of her total hit points from a single attack, this chance increases to 50%. Finally, if she suffers damage equaling or exceeding 75% of her total hit points, the
chance increases to 75%.

If a slain wearer is buried with her necklace, 2d4 Celestial roses will sprout from the grave overnight.. However, this process causes the necklace to deteriorate. The fragrance of these roses has beneficial properties. As a standard action, a character may inhale the scent of a single rose, granting the benefits of a divine power spell. Each rose wilts after being used in this manner.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, eagle's splendor, sanctuary, divine power; Cost 4,000

Darkjoy wrote:
Scott Mcclintock wrote:


My thoughts:

1) it's a monster in a can - this is bad
2) description is good
3) gurgling FX is fun
4) armor and luck bonuses, ok
5) monster in a can stuff - bad! this ruins the item I think. Because you invite questions like: how do you feed it remnants, what happens if it touches active oozes etc?

I believe that if you tied your design to a specific ooze it would have been better.

Thanks Darkjoy. I never quite saw it that way but now that you point it out I see that youre right. Much obliged :)


Id be open to any comments from my fellow Paizo-ites. This was written a year ago so I have no clue where my brain was when I was pricing it but it seems a bit high now that Im looking at it again?


Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot shoulders; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Made entirely from congealed slime, the appearance of the corpus is in slow, constant flux. At times it appears as an ochre cape, although, days later, it might look like a dull green cloak. A DC 15 listen or spot check is sufficient to notice the slime's gurgling undulations.

The malleable corpus grants a +1 armor bonus to its wearer. The wearer also gains a +2 luck bonus on saves from any slime or ooze based attack. Additional powers can be added to the corpus by feeding it the inert remnants of slain slimes. Possible powers include:

Ooze mephit ichor: Once per day, the wearer can hurl a glob of caustic slime that functions as an acid arrow spell.
Ochre jelly: +5 competence bonus to climb checks.
Gray Ooze: Once per day, the wearer, as long as they stand motionless, can turn invisible for up to five minutes.
Black Pudding: Once per day, the wearer can cast resist energy attuned to acid.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb, invisibility, resist energy, acid arrow;
Cost 10,000 gp


Thanks a ton Sean!


Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot shoulders; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Made entirely from congealed slime, the appearance of the corpus is in slow, constant flux. At times it appears as an ochre cape, although, days later, it might look like a dull green cloak. A DC 15 listen or spot check is sufficient to notice the slime's gurgling undulations.

The malleable corpus grants a +1 armor bonus to its wearer. The wearer also gains a +2 luck bonus on saves from any slime or ooze based attack. Additional powers can be added to the corpus by feeding it the inert remnants of slain slimes. Possible powers include:

Ooze mephit ichor: Once per day, the wearer can hurl a glob of caustic slime that functions as an acid arrow spell.
Ochre jelly: +5 competence bonus to climb checks.
Gray Ooze: Once per day, the wearer, as long as they stand motionless, can turn invisible for up to five minutes.
Black Pudding: Once per day, the wearer can cast resist energy attuned to acid.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb, invisibility, resist energy, acid arrow; Cost 10,000 gp

Feedback welcome from any and all.



Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot shoulders; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

Made entirely from congealed slime, the appearance of the corpus is in slow, constant flux. At
times it appears as an ochre cape, although, days later, it might look like a dull green cloak.
A DC 15 listen or spot check is sufficient to notice the slime's gurgling undulations.

The malleable corpus grants a +1 armor bonus to its wearer. The wearer also gains a +2 luck
bonus on saves from any slime or ooze based attack. Additional powers can be added to the corpus by feeding it the inert remnants of slain slimes. Possible powers include:

Ooze mephit ichor: Once per day, the wearer can hurl a glob of caustic slime that functions as an acid arrow spell.
Ochre jelly: +5 competence bonus to climb checks.
Gray Ooze: Once per day, the wearer, as long as they stand motionless, can turn invisible for
up to five minutes.
Black Pudding: Once per day, the wearer can cast resist energy attuned to acid.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, spider climb, invisibility, resist energy, acid arrow;
Cost 10,000 gp