Goblin Squad Member. Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 50 posts (51 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.
Cauldron is a whimsical game where the players are witches and warlocks who compete to see who is the greatest potion maker. Players must use their cards to either grow and harvest potion ingredients, to hex (or curse) their opponents, or to save cards as recipes to brew.
Ingredients are placed in cauldrons and at the end of the game you see what you have managed to brew out of your recipe book. But watch out(!), whenever you play hex on other players you receive corruption tokens in your cauldron which ruins an ingredient. Failure to brew all the recipes in your recipe book will cause you to lose points.
Finally, the two other ways to earn victory points is by harvesting many ingredients and by casting many hexes, allowing for a number of different strategies to explore in the game.
The game runs 45 minutes to 1 hour, for 2-4 players, ages 12+.
Check out the wonderful artwork featured in the video!
I played a Gnome Summoner (the King, primary face) in Kingmaker (starting with Summoner beta and transitioning to official Summoner) so I feel your pain.
After the campaign was over I discovered an iPhone app called "summoner" which has both Monster Summoning and Nature's Ally on it. And you can add the augmented summoning feat. It will even roll the dice for you. I wish I had it during the game.
I think its price was 99 cents. Well worth it. I do not know if it is on other platforms.
So, in short, there is an app for that! Do you have an Iphone?
I think you should try sticking with the character a bit more, if you have access to the app above. There may also be a website somewhere that does the same.
BTW I am not affiliated with the above mentioned app.
Ultimately, play what you think will be fun, isn't that what the game is about?! My two cents+
To split hairs... it isn't the throw anything feat that adds int damage, it is the throw anything extraordinary ability that grants the throw anything feat, that gives the int bonus. The throw anything feat is as follows:
Throw Anything (Combat)
You are used to throwing things you have on hand.
Benefit: You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised ranged weapon. You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons.
Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls made with an improvised weapon.
...but yes, I had included the int damage without the explanation of where it came from.
I am considering playing a goblin alchemist in the newest AP and I have a rules question.
Would the Burn! Burn! Burn! feat ( Burn! Burn! Burn!) apply to the alchemist's bomb damage...
I know that it DOES NOT apply to splash damage. Splash damage affects everyone adjacent on a successful hit. The target does not suffer splash damage.
So at first level the damage of a fire bomb would be 1d6+int+1d4 and splash damage would be 1+int.
The issue is whether bombs are alchemical (it is an alchemist we are talking about) or magical . I raise this question because of this line from the Alchemist description ( alchemist):
"When an alchemist creates an extract or bomb, he infuses the concoction with a tiny fraction of his own magical power—this enables the creation of powerful effects, but also binds the effects to the creator."
So is it magical or alchemical or both?
I think it would be OK to allow it, as the extra d4 quickly becomes irrelevant by third level or so, as we are talking an average of 2 extra points of damage.
perhaps try a different game system where you want to roll low instead of high. I can't think of one off the top of my head that uses d20, but you get the idea.
But then again that means less time for Pathfinder and that is, of course, heresy!
Its been so long since anyone in my group has played an elf...I guess I need to go back and look at them again :) (In fact, I don't think I've seen one in play for Pathfinder...egads).
OK, good points all.
Berinor wrote:
anthrorob wrote:
Looking at it there seems to be a lot more going for it than some other races...or is it just me...
spoiler alert!** spoiler omitted **
Or am I being overly paranoid?
Compare to elves. ** spoiler omitted ** Immunities to sleep, bonuses against things that suck, free stacking spell penetration feat, free weapon proficiencies. Elves even get +2 Int to sweeten the deal.
They're good but I see enough in other races that I would need to play one before I would conclude it's overpowered.
I would give +1 trust for resolving event three. Perhaps 1 trust per thing they dispatch in event three. Also, event three is repeatable...it can happen multiple times.
Second, there is some wiggle room in my game for exceptional roll-playing the "trustworthiness" of the PCs and could grant a +1 or +2 for that).
Finally, I might not start the -1 per day event until the locals are truly terrified (after the fire). This is because the novelty of the new people to gossip about outweighs the loss of trust...at least that is how I rationalize it.
Now to come up with some additional stuff to fill up their days.
*sobs* I forgot one tiny snippet of information...one that they will need...something along the lines of a DC or bonus number implied but not expressed. Waaah. I think that may sink my entry. Oh well. I don't think I can manage the agonizing here at the fora over the next 18 days so I will try to stay awaya s much as posible. Wishing everyone luck! (Especially me!!!)...and happy New Year!!!
To use anthropology terms, elves are very gracile hominids whereas orcs are extremely robust hominids. Humans are somewhere in the middle. If you crossed a pureblood orc with a pureblood elf, you'd get a hominid which would look like a slightly funky human but with the same human statblock or, on rarer occasions, an individual who took after one parent or the other and thus used the half-elf or half-orc statblock.
Two creatures are of the same species if they can viably procreate (viable in that the offspring is also fertile. Horse + Donkey = Mules which are unable to procreate). If the offspring can procreate (viably) then they are the same species.
Species can be divided up into sub-species or even races but these are difficult to delineate, especially in creatures with high gene flow (humans). A race (and even more so, sub-species) is a population that is isolated from their neighbors for such a dramatically long period of time that absolutely no genetic inflow occurs. As such, there is no biological race in humans (PLEASE NOTE: There is SOCIAL Race. WE all have RACE but it a social construction. It is very important to us, but no population has been isolated long enough to cause a race to occur, let alone a sub-species).
So you have to ask yourself. Are 1/2 Orcs and Elves the same species? If humans and elves can viably reproduce and humans and orcs can viably reproduce we can infer that all three are one species. As for race, if orcs and elves are "races" in the scientific sense, it would be 1/4 Human race, 1/4 Orc race and 1/2 Elf. But the fact that there is a lot of genetic flow back and forth from humans and orcs and humans and elves would likely erode any "racial" distinctions.
Ripping off Aliens to create a creature? Not cool.
Are you familiar with parasitoids? The Alien life-cycle is heavily inspired by real-world biology. And considering that the ardorwesp are designed to be Calistrian wasp-monsters, and her faith already is tied to parasitoid wasps, I don't think Alien even crossed the designer's mind.
Indeed. I mentioned parasitoid wasps earlier (see my post above). If anything, Aliens was ripping off mother nature!
I don't think having a larval creature should make one think, "oh this isn't a real monster". Young monsters can be a nice way to have players encounter different versions of monsters. Just look at the alternative route DnD4.0 took where they just slapped descriptors on the end: Anthrorob Brute, Anthrorob Skulk, Anthrorob Sulk...that is a far less interesting way then to introduce a whole life cycle of beasties.
Here is another thought: What if Prismwings are large, relatively harmless giant insects. Players see them and say "oooh pretty"...and then find their young being total threats..."UH OH!". That would be a twist.
The name of the beast is evocative and gets my mind working on the possibilities. The attacks sound interesting too. I like the idea of the coccoon/pod thing as well. It could be an incentive to start digging if their were value in the item (rare prismwing silk for example).
The mandibles aren't a problem as long as it is clear if they help it dig or vibrate the sand.
Big bonus as I love insect monsters, but minuses for poor execution. Too many questions are raised about the (1)life-cycle, (2)motivation, (3)society, (4)ecology and (5) mechanics of the creature. Also, why bother mixing it with a dragonfly appearance at all? It really is simply a giant parasitoid wasp (which are totally cool critters!) but as much as I want to like this one I am kinda shying away from it.
Have we gotten feedback on the items on the second page yet?
I am on page two too, for anyone who would like to review it...Blood-stained War Cassock
It is included below under the spoiler button (so as to avoid spamming my item)...
** spoiler omitted **
Since you were kind enough to critique my item, I'll be glad to return the favor.
Descriptiveness: could have used more, especially with an inspiring name like "Blood-stained War Cassok". I do like the addition of the wearer's holy symbol after he prays. However, this raises the question of whether or not this symbology is removed when removing the Cassok, or remains until the conditions are met by a worshiper of another deity (I could see a worshiper of Iomedae having a real problem donning a cassok formerly worn by a worshipper of Zon-Kuthon, for example.)
Sacred bonus: does anything else give a sacred bonus to AC? I couldn't find anything. This means this AC bonus stacks with everything else. This could be a big problem. Probably would have been more acceptable as a deflection bonus.
Channel energy: At 6000 gp, this is probably too good. I think you may have wanted to scale this, for example 1 use per day at +1/+2, 2 at +3/+4, and 3 at +5 (or maybe 1 at +1, 2 at +2/+3 and 3 at +4/+5.) I just looked at the Metamagic, Quicken Rod for a comparison and a lesser is 35,000gp. Granted, this is much less versatile since it can be used for only one ability, but, even so, my gut tells me this feature may be what killed it even more than the sacred bonus.
Overall, I like the idea behind the Cassok, getting Clerics and Paladins into the middle of battle. But without changing it, I would want every evil cleric I run in my campaigns to have one, and I'm sure every PC Cleric/Paladin and a good amount of the fighty types would want one too. The 6000gp version at the very least.
Edit: on the creation requirements: the first two are...
Good points. I really agonized over the pricing as it wasn't clear how to calculate something that affects a class ability. Also, good points on the DF (it disappears when you take it off) and the spell requirements. I wanted it to have a broader use, not just limited to clerics/paladins which is why I included the AC bonus. In retrospect a deflection bonus may have been better.
Have we gotten feedback on the items on the second page yet?
I am on page two too, for anyone who would like to review it...Blood-stained War Cassock
It is included below under the spoiler button (so as to avoid spamming my item)...
Blood-stained War Cassock
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot body; Price 6,000 gp (+1), 21,000 gp (+2), 46,000 gp (+3), 81,000 gp (+4), 126,000 gp (+5); Weight 1 lb.
This well worn, ankle length robe is favored by clerics who take up arms along side of their comrades. The blood-stained war cassock grants a sacred bonus to the wearer’s armor class from +1 to +5, depending on the kind of cassock. If the wearer is a divine spellcaster (e.g. cleric, paladin) the holy symbol of the wearer’s deity will appear on the front of the cassock after the first time the divine spellcaster prays for spells, allowing the wearer to also use the cassock as a divine focus. Finally, three times per day the wearer can use his channel energy class ability as a swift action.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate, cure light wounds, mass; creator must be a divine spellcaster; creator's caster level must be at least three times the cassock’s sacred bonus to armor class; Cost 3,000 gp (+1), 10,500 gp (+2), 23,000 gp (+3), 40,500 gp (+4), 63,000 gp (+5).
There are some great items here and in the top 32. So I can see the competition was intense. However, I would still love to get some feedback on the one I submitted. Thanks in advance.
LEERING MONOCLE OF THE JEALOUS CRITIC Aura moderate necromancy; CL 7th
Slot eyes; Price 56,000 gp; Weight –
This circular, crystal lens is framed by a gold band and dangles from a fine gold chain meant to be attached to the wearer's clothing for handy retrieval. The device appears to be an optical enhancement piece normally worn by aged members of the aristocracy. When placed over one eye, it not only lends the wearer an aura of uncompromising distain, but also grants a gaze attack that may be used as a standard action (one target per round). Targets failing a DC 16 Will save are subject to the item’s curse, which causes the victim to effectively roll a 1 on the next skill check they make regardless of when it occurs. The target is unaware of this effect, and may not take 10 to avoid this predicament. However, the curse may be broken as per the methods listed in the bestow curse spell.
CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bestow curse; Cost 28,000 gp
I enjoyed the flavor text a great deal...however, I don't like that the (1) the item has no limit per day, (2)the victim doesn't know what hit him or her. At least give the victim a chance. The idea of being leered at by a jealous critic would imply that the victim was well aware of the item owner. It is almost like messing up when you know you are being closely watched...a deeply psychological response to stress. And (3) The price seems way out there. This item has the potential to be abused if you could use it every round.
Wraps of Stolen Swiftness Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 5th
Slot Hands; Price 45,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Emblazoned with intricate arcane sigils, these distressed linen wraps wind around the wearer’s hands and forearms, displaying a continuous flowing mantra. The Wraps of Stolen Swiftness, provide phenomenal skill in combat by bestowing the wearer with a burst of inhuman speed and awareness, while drawing that speed from an opponent.
Three times per day, the wearer of the wraps may activate them by delivering an unarmed strike on an opponent as a touch attack. If struck, the target of this attack is debilitated as the speed is siphoned off of them, rendering them under the effects of the slow spell, (DC 14 Will save negates.) The energy stolen from the target is channeled directly into the wielder, granting them the effects of the haste spell. The duration of both these conditions is 5 rounds.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, haste, slow; Cost 22,500 gp
Interesting concept, but here are my concerns: (1) very video-game feel to the item (2) activation requires an effective unarmed attack first, which really limits this item to monks. (3) How many combats does a group go through a day? In three of those this PC would be hasted! That is a high number of daily uses. (4) It is a canned spell (which isn't nearly as bad a thing as some make it out to be) and (5) The cost seems excessive.
I may have edited this one more time before submitting it (changing or deleting the Craft requirement,) but here is the item I submitted. Please critique it.
This intricately carved darkwood whistle resembles a cricket. When the whistle is blown, the wings of the cricket flutter and the whistle emits a high-pitched chirping sound. It is considered a masterwork wind instrument for the purposes of Perform checks and bardic performance.
As a move action, the possessor may make a Bluff check to send a secret message of up to ten words to one target with a +5 competence bonus on the check using the whistle. The possessor may choose to blow the whistle loudly (base Perception DC -10 to hear), regularly (base Perception DC 0 to hear), or softly (base Perception DC 10 to hear.) The target must succeed on a Perception check with a +5 competence bonus to hear the message, but does not need to be within line of sight or line of effect. Creatures other than the target who hear the whistle may make an opposed Sense Motive check against the Bluff result to understand the message. The possessor chooses a language he knows, and any creature (including the target) must know the language in order to understand the message.
Additionally, once per day, the whistle can be used to disrupt a spell being cast with a verbal component. As an immediate action, the possessor blows the whistle at a target caster within 30’. The target must make a concentration check as if casting defensively or lose the spell.
CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, message, dispel magic, creator must have 2 ranks in the Craft (sculptures) skill; Cost 2500 gp
I like this however:
(1)Maybe mention the "secret messages" Bluff skill use specifically in the description, (2)I assume how loud you blow the whistle determines the distance it can be heard, otherwise why would you ever blow it loudly? (3) How is this an improvement over just using message? Is it a line of sight issue? (shouldn't the craft be something like woodworking, carving or carpentry? ...and (5) I really don't like the disruption of spellcasters effect. It could be abused I think. Perhaps another angle would have been to allow the whistle user to disrupt sonic abilities like a bard's countersong? But that would have fallen into the "giving class powers away" category. Another angle would have been to add a sound burst like attack or something to do with crickets like maybe a jump bonus. Either way it is sort of a "spell in a can". Mind you, I think all the talking down of canned spell items is overblown. Some of the most useful items in the game are canned spells.
I could definitely see using something like this in my campaign with a few tweaks.
The description is literally one sentence, I don't think you can both both create a Superstar level item and describe it's functions in one sentence.
Brevity is the soul of wit. While I suspect that most items which are not canned spells will end up needing more than one sentence, I could envision a really good item being very brief. On the flip side, I think that many of the entries posted tend to be far too wordy.
I couldn't agree more. I thought the word limit was very reasonable and that some items had a fair bit of added padding. These make the item feel bloated and overly complicated.
Here is mine...which I think is a nifty cleric item...gotta show the clerics some love!
Blood-stained War Cassock Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot body; Price 6,000 gp (+1), 21,000 gp (+2), 46,000 gp (+3), 81,000 gp (+4), 126,000 gp (+5); Weight 1 lb.
This well worn, ankle length robe is favored by clerics who take up arms along side of their comrades. The blood-stained war cassock grants a sacred bonus to the wearer’s armor class from +1 to +5, depending on the kind of cassock. If the wearer is a divine spellcaster (e.g. cleric, paladin) the holy symbol of the wearer’s deity will appear on the front of the cassock after the first time the divine spellcaster prays for spells, allowing the wearer to also use the cassock as a divine focus. Finally, three times per day the wearer can use his channel energy class ability as a swift action.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate, cure light wounds, mass; creator must be a divine spellcaster; creator's caster level must be at least three times the cassock’s sacred bonus to armor class; Cost 3,000 gp (+1), 10,500 gp (+2), 23,000 gp (+3), 40,500 gp (+4), 63,000 gp (+5).
Best way is to post in the thread and ask; even if Clark and I can't get to all of them, it should show enough precedents to help most people.
Or you could blog about it. ;)
Congrats to the winners! Will there be a specific thread for feedback? I am particularly curious because I am really a bit confused by some of the advances over my item. It isn't a matter of ego...its more a matter of bewilderment.
Best way is to post in the thread and ask; even if Clark and I can't get to all of them, it should show enough precedents to help most people.
Or you could blog about it. ;)
Congrats to the winners! Will there be a specific thread for feedback? I am particularly curious because I am really a bit confused by some of the advances over my item. It isn't a matter of ego...its more a matter of bewilderment.
I know they aren't likely to change it but I'd be grateful for knowing if I made the cut a little before the next stage was revealed. There isn't much one can do until you know the challenge.
Personally 2PM Pacific is 5PM Eastern which means evening commute, swing by the daycare, get dinner ready, sort out the kiddo for bath and bed and then...then...I will be able to get started.
Knowing ahead of time that I am a contestant would at least let me clear my mind a little bit; making space for some wonderful ideas.
Since you are all done with the first wave of Superstar 2010 any chance of feedback on my 2009 item? ::grovel:: I was way back on page 3 of this post...
Bracers of the Hermit
Aura faint transmutation; CL 4+
Slot hands; Price 4,000 gp, Weight 2 lbs.
These mottled brown, orange and white bracers are made from the carapace of a giant hermit crab. These bracers grant the wearer the ability to attack unarmed as if they had the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. It is rumored that there are a cursed variety of this magic item which causes the wearer's most dominant hand to grow to a grotesque size while their off-hand atrophies.
In retrospect it is a feat in a can item I suppose...I should have maybe added an improved grab mechanic, damage modifier or go the other direction with the crab hands perhaps.
Even if you don't have a chance to look at it and reply...
I certainly didn't mean to suggest that it should be viewed as a "prize" for winning but more like a nice gesture by Paizo. If I make the 32 cut the last thing I'd do is worry about Paizocon...in fact I am 98% sure I won't attend as I live in New England...with or without free admission. Mind you IF I do win the entire contest, well...then I would probably come.
How is that for a cool idea? Give the top thirty-two Paizocon tickets! Paizo could print out a few extra tickets! Granted you'd still have to find your way to the CON and find a couch to sleep on/under/behind...but still!
I think it would be cool to (a) be in the top 32 (Most important!) and (b) be able to meet who my competition was (obviously after the fact). You could even have some panels, et cetera.
You know, I have such good ideas Paizo should just give me tickets...and a bunch of writing work...I need something to distract me from my doctoral dissertation that keeps staring at me from across the room while I try to sleep at night.
While they judges may want to tell us the "2010 item theme" after the announcement of the top 32, maybe they could drop some little hints every couple days. For example: What slot was it usually? Did it favor a particular class, race or build? Was it more of an "in combat" or "out of combat" item?
These answered would fuel the fires of speculation without actually revealing too much. For example: They might say it is a foot slot item and then a few days later say it was particularly useful to half-orcs and then a few days later say it was most likely used out of combat.
Person A would think "oh no, my "Orcish anklets of bouncing when falling" item was it!"
Person B would think "oh no, my "elevator boots of the handsome half-orc" is the item!
What do you say judges...care to feed us a few tiny hints to help us agonize away the time remaining?
Disclaimer: Neither item described has any relation to my entry. I made them on the spot for example purposes and any likeness or similarity to any objects already submitted is purely accidental.
I can only speak for my experience in America but I suspect that the political split amongst gamers can be traced in part to the demographic factors around gaming.
1) gaming "hot beds" include the midwest (tends toward conservative) and the Northwest (tends liberal).
2) focused clusters of gamers. Universities (education increases the likelihood of liberal disposition) or military bases (military is traditionally conservative).
3) The gamers are aging (people tend to get somewhat more conservative as they age) and it is a white male dominated population (who also tend to be conservative).
4) However, minorities and women have made great inroads (but not far enough) into the hobby thus democratizing the hobby (and to an extent adding liberal voices).
5) Gamers tend to be thinkers (which also lends itself to liberal positions) who also relish in violent slaying of the enemy in games (conservative) and the game has simplistic moral models (alignment) which also tend to be conservative.
6) Gamers also tend to be exposed to several other cultures in game or out of game which leads to a more liberal position.
No wonder we are all over the place!
Also, I am suggesting vague tendencies, not steadfast rules...and I am using liberal in the American political sense.
Also, if you're looking at the SRD, you're using the wrong game system...
... which both the rules and the FAQ tell you. ;)
*cough* did I say SRD? It must have been a typo since the "S" key and "P" key are so close together on the keyboard...I meant PRD..."Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document" as in: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/
I havent forgotten about you all! I'll get to some more this weekend.
Mine was buried back on page three so I thought I'd re-post. Would welcome all feedback. Thanks.
Thank you for looking at this.
Bracers of the Hermit
Aura faint transmutation; CL 4+
Slot hands; Price 4,000 gp, Weight 2 lbs.
These mottled brown, orange and white bracers are made from the carapace of a giant hermit crab. These bracers grant the wearer the ability to attack unarmed as if they had the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. It is rumored that there are a cursed variety of this magic item which causes the wearer's most dominant hand to grow to a grotesque size while their off-hand atrophies.
Bracers of the Hermit
Aura faint transmutation; CL 4+
Slot hands; Price 4,000 gp, Weight 2 lbs.
These mottled brown, orange and white bracers are made from the carapace of a giant hermit crab. These bracers grant the wearer the ability to attack unarmed as if they had the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. It is rumored that there are a cursed variety of this magic item which causes the wearer's most dominant hand to grow to a grotesque size while their off-hand atrophies.
Gnomes are my favorite race. They have so much potential. to see them ejected from the 4e PH made me roil in anger! to see half-orcs and gnomes jettisoned for a second type of elf and a dragon-man...*burrrnpt*...it makes me want to vomit...*mmngphft*...OK better change the subject...
In my not so humble opinion both Gnomes and Halflings have been compromised by 3.x to 4e.
The ideas espoused by the others are all solid approaches!
Do like True20 (and some others) and simply get rid of the scores and instead focus on the bonuses (that's all they are for to begin with, right?) So have scores like Strength +2, Wisdom +4 etcera.
And then do a simple point buy. You get 6 or 7 points...one for one.
So a 6 point would look like this:
Str +3
Int +0
Dex +1
Con +2
Wis +0
Cha +0
If wizards don´t provide a copy of the core rules or the SRD (even if it only a rough draft - OTOH, I simply can´t believe that they are playtesting all that much HALF A YEAR before publishing - some kinks and some details, yeah, but the whole beast?) to 3rd party publishers in time for next years Gen Con (that is what I read out of Eriks words), that speaks to me that WotC don´t WANT any 3rd parties in the boat - at least not until 2009 or so.
If this is the case, I say: fine. Take your 4e and stuff it where...
I was a huge fan of the old World of Darkness from White Wolf, but with the new Edition, they did not see a single penny from me. The same might happen with D&D4, although I don´t know enough to make a decision yet.
Stebehil, I couldn't agree more. And I fear I will dislike 4e as much as I hate the new WoD. I think WoTC jumped the shark with Eberron and with the dumping of the magazines and nw 4e, I am convinced of it. Sadly, I seem to be the only gamer in my neck of the woods that realizes that there are other game systems out there!
I have to say I have been disappointed with WOTC and 3.x as well. At first I was excited by 3.0 but then it went down hill. I have been playing since 1981 so I have been around a long time. They have a successful business model but at the cost of the fans. Dungeon and Dragon were two magazines that I enjoyed however they were "house organs" that is to say they published only D&D stuff. While that is all well and good, I would love to see a broader approach to gaming in a magazine. It was a good place to advertise and that will hurt the industry the most.
Over the last couple of years I have discovered systems that minimize "rules bloat" without minimizing the right admixture of "crunch and fluff"...games like True20 by Green Ronin and HARP by Iron Crown Enterprises are but two. My main problem is that most folks play D&D (because they don't know better, lol) and you have to play the game to recruit new players.
People look at their vast collections of D&D stuff going into the thousands to tens of thousands of dollars and they don't want to feel like they have wasted all that money. I know, I speak from experience. But, this seems like a good time for me to turn my back on them. Their products no longer fit my need. WOTC has "jumped the shark". I place the moment to when the launched *shudders* Eberron.
So long WOTC...hello other gaming companies who treat there fans right!