Sheik Voodoo |

One year since I last posted here and we're finally into book 4! It seems we're only the second group to get this far on the PbP boards and prob only one using the Director's cut. Just leaving the Serpent Isles and the additional material was useful.
I've moved the proteans more into the background as shadowy watchers and I'm looking forward to how the encounter with Dilix will go.

John Mangrum |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

My players are approaching the end of The End of Eternity, and I thought I might offer up some side notes I prepared. I'm running a mix of the published and director's cut versions of the adventure, so the Pleasure Palace is still intact. The palace contains an extensive but wildly outdated library. Since a few party members were of a mind to do some research during their stay, I jotted down some bullet points on the state of the Inner Sea around the period when the library was last likely to see much new material.
(As a note, this convinced me that the "Common" tongue spoken in Kakishon is not Taldane but Osiriani.)
Out of Date Research
While the antiquity of the reference works at the Pleasure Palace shouldn't affect most Knowledge checks on topics of fauna, flora, magic, planar subjects, or religion, it may play a large factor in Knowledge checks regarding geography, history, local matters, and nobility. Here's a very brief recap of the state of Golarion when Nex stopped updating the library in the Age of Destiny (circa –300 AR):Race
* Chelaxians: The Ulfen and Taldan peoples have not yet encountered each other, so the Chelaxian ethnic group will not exist for many centuries.
* Dwarves & Gnomes: Both races arrived (separately) in the Inner Sea region thousands of years ago.
* Elves: Having largely fled Golarion just before Earthfall and not yet returned, elves are extremely rare in the Inner Sea region (though the wild elves of the Mwangi Expanse are present).
* Keleshites: The Padishah Empire of Casmaron has not yet expanded to the Inner Sea. Qadira has not yet been founded and the Keleshite people as a whole do not yet have any significant presence in the region.
* Vudrani: The Vudrani have not yet arrived in the Inner Sea, and Nex has not yet claimed Jalmeray. (The Vudrani do arrive in time to interact with Nex shortly before his disappearance, however.)Religion
* Aroden: Aroden has not yet raised the Starstone from the Inner Sea, created Absalom, or become a god.
* The Ascended Gods: Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, and Norgorber all have yet to be born.
* Rovagug: Xotani the Firebleeder will not emerge from the Darklands for roughly 2,400 years, but the Tarrasque's infamous rampage is less than 400 years old. The first Spawn of Rovagug, Ulunat, was defeated roughly 3,000 years ago.Politics
* Ancient Empires: Three post-Earthfall civilizations of northern Garund (the Jistka Imperium, Shory Empire, and Tekritamin League) have all long since collapsed—two of them having fallen to an ascendant Osirion.
* Katapesh: The origins of the city and nation of Katapesh (as well as the earliest legends of the Templars of the Five Winds) still lie about 2,500 years in the future. In this period, the region remains a sparsely populated southern province in the ancient empire of Osirion, mostly abandoned to the native gnolls. If certain legends regarding Xotani are to be believed, it may currently be covered in lush grasslands rather than arid wastes.
* Nex, Geb, & the Mana Wastes: Nex and Geb have been at war for roughly 600 years (nearly as long as Geb has existed as a nation), and will continue for another 8 centuries. The conflict is still in the process of creating the Mana Wastes as they are understood today. Both Nex and Geb (the individual archmages) are still alive and extremely active.
* Osirion: Ancient Osirion is long past its peak but still technically covers all of northeastern Garund, including the modern nations of Rahadoum, Thuvia, and Katapesh. In practice, however, the empire has already lost control of Rahadoum and Thuvia. Osirion lost control of its southernmost provinces (now the nations of Nex and Geb) centuries ago.
* Taldor: The nation of Taldor is about 900 years old and still ascendant. It is still several centuries away from sending out the Armies of Exploration that would spread Taldan influence throughout the Inner Sea region (and result in Taldane becoming a widespread common tongue).

Xenocrates |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm going to be running Legacy of Fire soon, and after all the good things said about the director's cut of The End of Eternity, I am understandably interested in reading it.
Mr. Nelson,
If you would be so kind as to send me a copy of the director's cut, it would be most appreciated.

Sheik Voodoo |

Hmmm, we just got to the Isle of the Dead and I am wondering about the calm emotion spell on Area 1. The Plaza of Welcome.
I am using the director's cut, but both this and the published version lack a CL for the effect. CL 20 like the other spells in the published version or 1/day like the director's cut spells on the stairs?
If it's long lasting, the spell basically undermines most of the other spells on the island which have effects like despair, fear, and confusion.
I guess, I'm wondering what the intention for this effect was?

Sheik Voodoo |

Calm emotions affects an area; once you leave the area, it no longer affects you.
really? I ended up running it as an ongoing effect which resulted in our normally totally paranoid and aggro archer acting like a stoned hippy. She had to be persuaded not to go soak in the Well of Tears : )

Sheik Voodoo |

My players are approaching the end of The End of Eternity, and I thought I might offer up some side notes I prepared. I'm running a mix of the published and director's cut versions of the adventure, so the Pleasure Palace is still intact. The palace contains an extensive but wildly outdated library. Since a few party members were of a mind to do some research during their stay, I jotted down some bullet points on the state of the Inner Sea around the period when the library was last likely to see much new material.
Same here and this collection of titles is great! Unfortunately, the most studious PC was uncharacteristically distracted by the "help" (pleasure slaves) and didn't get around to exploring anything beyond his chambers... sigh.

Rojo Lluch |
Hi. My players are actually finishing House of the Beast, and before starting The Jackal´s Price I would like to reread The End of Eternity, so I think this is the moment to ask Mr. Nelson if he could share with me his Director´s Cut Edition.
Thanks a lot for your constant support.

Sheik Voodoo |

Well, we made it. Finally finished our hybrid Director's cut/Published version of the book. Thank you, Mr. Nelson for a great adventure!
It's all on PbP <HERE> for anyone with too much time.
TL; DR- The DC presents many more details about the isles esp. Khosravi (Flint and Steel) and Ismaizade (Crystal Isle). Also, presents a much more interesting hate triangle between opposing shaitan camps and the proteans.
Set up
Our version was mainly the Diretor’s cut (DC) with occasional use of the published version (PV) when the edits felt like they would play better. Players included: a maximized archer, a very clever wizard, a strong cleric and very unlucky fighter/rogue. Really, Dicebot just hates him.
Considering that my players are all very experience and that there’s a bit of power creep between 3.5 and PF, I did a few things to challenge my players. First, PCs did the whole book at 7th level. Second, Kakishon was truly cut off from the rest of existence so I allowed no conjuration of living things. The Proteans provided simple materials, but conjuration was severely limited. This was a big hit to the conjuration specialist wizard, but he was a good sport.
Serpent Isles
A brief recap above, but I'll mention again that the leveled gnolls provided in the DC were much more useful than the PV. Several ended up joining the party forcing the gnoll hunter archer PC to bide her time until their sudden and inevitable betrayal. I did use the tracking rules from the PV which seemed a bit more streamlined. I added some more encounters in the swamp- Stymphalian birds which I imagined picking bugs off the Golden Ram's back when he traveled through the swamp. The archer basically steamrolled the Golden Ram in a couple rounds once they spotted it.
Pleasure Palace
The next stop was the Pleasure Palace because I wanted to set up the Shaitan rivalry before the Proteans were explicitly introduced. Dilix appeared as a human female and the interactions with Neshari and Auroze were quite enjoyable. Not much exploration of the palace or island occurred as the PCs were distracted by the “help” and in a hurry to get after Jhavhul. I used the dream sendings from the cat, Spooky, per the PV for a bit of foreshadowing and mystery.
Flint and Steel
Though Dilix sought to send the PCs right after Obherak, she did advise a visit to Norrin first. This is where the DC provided the best new stuff. The trek to find Norrin now included hidden terrain hazards, animated ballistae and steel swarms. I also added a cutlass spider to the mix as well. The ghasts of Black Spire don’t really work so well any more under PF rules. I brought the steel swarm in to push PCs into the dead magic zone and give the ghasts a little better chance. I also gave them a more virulent ghoul fever that acted each round instead of daily. I think that worked OK, but wonder if gargoyles would work better in the dead magic zone since there wouldn’t be any magic blades to bypass their DR. I put noqual crystals atop the Spire just because I think that they are cool. Noqual encrusted gargoyles?
Good stuff in the DC added to Norrin’s Forge. I just incorporated Ebon Flame into the powerful sword he awards them.
The PC’s get back on the boat to go after Obherak next and find him awaiting them at the hostel there. I think they were quite surprised to find him proud, but reasonable. He also cast a bit of doubt on Dilix’s character by revealing that he was a male shaitan, possibly an efreet sympathizer, and not particularly honest. This is where the DC really adds some more depth to the shaitan conflict by giving the PCs a hard choice between Dilix and Obherak. The players seemed to be really uncomfortable suddenly with picking sides. Obherak gave them three days to bring back Dilix alive or dead or become enemies by default.
Speaker of the Dead
Skipped the Crystal Forest bit and merged it with the Isle of the Dead per PV. On the way back to Dilix, the party stop to investigate the now familiar island they’ve pass a few times now. I changed the Well of Tears to a haunt that retains and reveals a vision of Andrathi’s death. Venema tests the PCs as per the DC and finally provides them with information about the presence of the Proteans.
Isles of Not
Proteans now deliver the egg that sends the reluctant galley to the edge of the world. I used the whale and squid encounter in the DC. After all the double dealing, the PCs are even MORE hesitant to trust the Proteans, but reluctantly agree to their plan of trying to recruit Dilix's aid against Obherak and then betraying all the Shaitan. The give a few gifts and promise to aid the PCs further once the Protean trapped by Obherak is released.
Obheraks’ Fane
Negotiations with Dilix are tense, but he finally grants them the charm to sail a galley over the sand rivers and a couple quivers of adamantine arrows. Braving the sandstorms and raiding gargoyles, the PCs finally find the hidden fane. They solve the sphinx’s riddle mitigating her and fend off the shaitan sentry's attack. One PC is pushed into the quicksand like dust in the Golden Bowl and has to be rescued before sinking forever.
The Delven Labyrinth became a true labyrinth where all paths led to the 7-fold chamber in a rapid manner as mazes rarely go well. It never came into play though as the clever PCs noted the lack of tracks in the scattered sand around the tempting passages and eventually figured out that the retreating genie escaped down through the rock.
The finale followed the PV a bit more closely. Due to the low level of the PCs, I only had the cyst guarded by a greater earth elemental with an aura of stone spikes. The cyst itself was the simplified version. The party had made good use of the stone salve given them by the Proteans which helped them greatly against the difficult encounter. They managed to quickly free the captured Protean which disappeared. I made the party sweat it about three rounds as they held off the powerful elemental and a growing number of shaitan. Finally, the Protean cavalry rushed in to help the party against their shaitan enemies in a 12 round battle royal.

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Well, we made it. Finally finished our hybrid Director's cut/Published version of the book. Thank you, Mr. Nelson for a great adventure!
It's all on PbP <HERE> for anyone with too much time.
TL; DR- The DC presents many more details about the isles esp. Khosravi (Flint and Steel) and Ismaizade (Crystal Isle). Also, presents a much more interesting hate triangle between opposing shaitan camps and the proteans.
** spoiler omitted **...
Neat stuff. Glad to hear your crew had a great time with the adventure.

Otter2 |
I'm running the The End of Eternity adventure now. I was looking for some extra info on the islands since my players loved the place and decided to explore all of it. You can imagine how surprised I was that there was something as the "directors cut". Could you send it to me ?

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I'm running the The End of Eternity adventure now. I was looking for some extra info on the islands since my players loved the place and decided to explore all of it. You can imagine how surprised I was that there was something as the "directors cut". Could you send it to me ?
** spoiler omitted **
Sent to you and three others!

Zulekia |

I am running the End of Eternity module soon. I have read the rules on planar connections but am not sure on how it will affect my player who is a Summoner. Mostly his Eidolon.
A. If the Eidolon has not been summoned when the players enter the scroll will the Summoner be able to summon the eidolon?
B. If my player already has the Eidolon by his side when they enter the scroll what whappens when it is time to dismiss it?

Ferreter |

So after several years I'll finally be running End of Eternity in a few weeks, is it still possible to get a Director's Cut? Knowing my players they'll want to examine every inch so anything on the other islands would be nice to have.

Pounce |

I'm also going through a Legacy of Fire campaign, and it would be lovely if I could get the Director's Cut for End of Eternity sent, so as to make it as much of an enjoyable experience for my players as possible. If it still is a possibility, thank you for your kindness.

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Mr. Nelson,
I hope this message finds you well. I'm running a Legacy of Fire campaign and my players will soon play through The End of Eternity. I finished recently reading thorugh it and I can say it is perhaps one of the best AP adventures ever written!!! This adventure alone could span an entire campaign and it is epic since the very title. Reading through this post I've seen that there's a director's cut. Would you please send it to me?
Thank you very much in advance, and thank you for a great adventure!!

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Mr. Nelson,
I hope this message finds you well. I'm running a Legacy of Fire campaign and my players will soon play through The End of Eternity. I finished recently reading thorugh it and I can say it is perhaps one of the best AP adventures ever written!!! This adventure alone could span an entire campaign and it is epic since the very title. Reading through this post I've seen that there's a director's cut. Would you please send it to me?
** spoiler omitted **
Thank you very much in advance, and thank you for a great adventure!!
Your wish is my command! Happy reading!

Whack-a-Rogue |

Mr Nelson,
The fact that you're still actively responding in this thread is incredible and gladdens me immensely. I'm currently reading through Legacy of Fire in anticipation of GMing it in the next few months and just finished perusing The End of Eternity. As has been said many times in this thread, it's really awesome. If you're still sending out the director's cut, I'd love to have it.
P.S. Anything you have for Kingmaker would also be appreciated. That's another one on my must-run list. XD

Canthin |

My group just got to Kakishon on a cliffhanger (we can't play again for another 3 weeks!) and they loved the rune imagery of islands and are awestruck at the size of the demi-plane.
My party too has a Summoner in it and I think I'm going to say there is a 50/50 chance per hour that the Eidolon gets "desummoned". Once the Summoner makes a DC20 caster level check (and spends 1 minute) he can summon it again. That way it doesn't outright kill or prevent the eidolon from functioning, but plays into the chaotic nature of the planar boundary. His Eidolon was killed by the mummy under the One Source Guild warehouse (paralyzed + Coup de Grace) so he had to use his summoning spells a little more than he usually did. He was in good spirits about it though, so I'm thinking he will get through Kakishon just fine.
If you are still sending out your director cut emails, please add me to the list!

The Dalesman |

Happy New Year Jason,
I don't know if you still check in on this thread, but I'd love to grab a copy of your Director's Cut content if so:
And in a general question to this thread - has anyone created a map for the Black Spire area on Khosravi island? I'm trying to locate something to use for it, but striking out so far
Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

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I realize that I am coming to this party much later than most but my online group is now playing LOF and we just reached the 4th book. In researching additional content and conversions I found this forum. This is my first ever post to the forums. I would love to see the directors cut for this book if you would be so kind as to send me a copy Mr. Nelson

Two Hands |

I'm only a decade late to the Legacy of Fire party :D, but I am going to begin running this in the coming weeks and after research, many good things have been said about the "Director's Cut" of The End of Eternity.
If it is still possible Mr. Nelson, could you email me the Director's Cut of this book as well, I'm excited to read it and it would be very much appreciated. Thank you, kind sir.

GrayPockets |

vikking |

So I was going threw my adventure paths and came across LoF and realized I never received my copy of book #22. I looked it up on eBay and found everybody asking a crazy price for a copy, why is this? Was there a production issue or something, could that be the reason I never received my copy?
I’ve been reading that there was a directors cut, if it at all possible and if it’s still available could I request a copy?
Email is