
Oberyn's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

Mr. Nelson,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm running a Legacy of Fire campaign and my players will soon play through The End of Eternity. I finished recently reading thorugh it and I can say it is perhaps one of the best AP adventures ever written!!! This adventure alone could span an entire campaign and it is epic since the very title. Reading through this post I've seen that there's a director's cut. Would you please send it to me?

oberyn at gmail dot com

Thank you very much in advance, and thank you for a great adventure!!

The Exchange

I'd have liked a different art for the cards themselves. I don't have anything against Kyle Hunter art but the almost comical style ruins my group inmersion every time a Harrow card hits the table. Glad with the new backs and size though.

The Exchange

I'm reading Death's Heretic right now and I'm enjoying it a lot! Glad to see that 3rd position ;) Regarding Desert of Souls I have to say that after reading Plague of Shadows I looked for more works from Howard and ordered Desert almost instantly! I haven't read it yet but this news have earned it a second place in my "to read" list. Congrats to both of you and special thanks to the Pathfinder Tales team of editors and writers for the great moments. Long live Golarion!:D