Gold Dragon

Xenocrates's page

6 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


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"Match the Mythology"
Does this mean that medusa will be correctly renamed to gorgon? That'd be nice.

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
We will next be filling out Jade Regent, Serpent's Skull, and Reign of Winter.

If I may ask, when might we see Wrath of the Righteous volumes 1 and 2 in POD? Both are out of print according to their store listings here.

Still having this issue.

I've got the same issue. I want to remove items from one wishlist and rename two others. No matter which wishlist I try to edit I get the same error page as others have mentioned.

I use Mythic Adventures in my games and quite enjoy it. I hope there is room down the line for the system to be updated for PF second edition.

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I'm going to be running Legacy of Fire soon, and after all the good things said about the director's cut of The End of Eternity, I am understandably interested in reading it.

Mr. Nelson,

If you would be so kind as to send me a copy of the director's cut, it would be most appreciated.

relthar2000 at yahoo dot com