Otter2's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


So who was god om magic before nethys and where can i find mire info about him / her ?

Wow that was fast thanks a lot :D

I'm running the The End of Eternity adventure now. I was looking for some extra info on the islands since my players loved the place and decided to explore all of it. You can imagine how surprised I was that there was something as the "directors cut". Could you send it to me ?

desertotters at gmail d0t c0m

Hi are there any encounters or adventures featuring lamia's ?
They popped op in my campaign as a random encounter and I really liked them and would like to flesh them out a bit more.

To put it on other words what would be a good initiation ritual ?
Would a nasty trap dungeon crawl (as a test), with some nasty mantis monsters followed by some formalities be a good idea. Or should I try something else entirely.

And how would such a cult operate.

That was exactly my idea. :)
Sessions ago he was contacted by "just a member" of the assassin guild for some job. The hit was a success and I want to introduce him to the cult as soon as he reaches the city again. But I have no good plan on how to run a convincing initiation ritual or how the NPC in the temple would interact with him.

Hi does anyone have any good ideas for an interesting Red mantis assassin initiation. One of my players wants to join them but I can't find enough background information to make it convincing.

Hi a player in my group wants to join a the red mantis assassin cult.
I want it to be something they remember instead of just an other vague requirements for a prestige class. Are there any good resources / do you have any advice for initiation rituals or contacting them or do you have any advise.
We are playing a loose adaptation of the legacy of fire campaign. The player group rule Kelmarane as true evil overlords, and the player is already a member of the assassin guild of Katapesh.