The "I Wish I Used This Alias More" Thread

Forum Games

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Sovereign Court

Go, Home.

What do you expect me to do? Get on a horse and ride all the way back to L.A.?

Sovereign Court

Yeah' don't fall off.

Dark Archive

Ponnies? I wub ponies!

Somebody shoot this kid!

I'm sure this nonsense is against some kind of law.

What goes around comes around

-Poodle chasing tail wisdom-




One day Patrick will have so many personalities that they will collapse under their own mass.

Patrick will disappear.

All that will remain is a alias eating black hole.


Keep quiet you little bastards!!!


* Kool-Aid man is a registered avatar of Watcher, and is used by Trey under license. Most product names are trademarks owned or used under license by the companies that publish those products; use of such names without mention of trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status.

Too bad Mona Day only comes once a year.

Moves through thread like a breeze across the empty plains - unseen and unfelt.

Kool-Aid Man * wrote:


* Kool-Aid man is a registered avatar of Watcher, and is used by Trey under license. Most product names are trademarks owned or used under license by the companies that publish those products; use of such names without mention of trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status.

Looks thirstily at Kool-Aid Man.


in the days of....the red dye seven.....the, refreshing; they added no sugar, and drank it unsweetened. The ONES who DRANK the TANG, it needed no sugar, for the sugar was allready in evidence within. Sweet, crystalline grains sprinkled in the orange sand.

I think I made a wrong turn somewhere back there...

Kill da Wabbits!

The Ghost of Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Kill da Wabbits!


Buuuu neeeeee!

All shall bow before Mistress Lilith the Creator!

Viritoth the Pureblood wrote:
All shall bow before Mistress Lilith the Creator!

Your statement is amusing but not entirely correct.

I wuv aliases.

Wuvvy wrote:
I wuv aliases.

Boy, I say boy! You sound like you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic, son.

Scurry back to Foggy Bottom and try to refrain from adding more pork to the stimulus bill you fiend!

Whacks Greasy with his walking stick

Rep. Greasy McPorker wrote:
Wuvvy wrote:
I wuv aliases.
Boy, I say boy! You sound like you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic, son.

I wuv sandwiches, too.

It's all right for you lot. I was stabbed to death by a Nubian that I used to sell hashish to.

I failed to make my job as well.

That was a letdown.

BAH! You berks at least got somewhere! All I ever did was say a few lines in a bar and walk offset. Pah, I need a new agent ...

May I give you my business-card?

Eustace Q. Figg, Chairman WNC wrote:

Scurry back to Foggy Bottom and try to refrain from adding more pork to the stimulus bill you fiend!

Whacks Greasy with his walking stick

Boah, If you don't stop talkin' so much, you'll get your tongue sunburned.


Edit: Yaaaaaaarn!

Erik the Mona wrote:
May I give you my business-card?

Is it Erik Mona Day yet?


It's the only day the monkey lets me out of my cage...

Shall I blast these insignificant meatbags?

Erik O' Mona wrote:
Erik the Mona wrote:
May I give you my business-card?

Is it Erik Mona Day yet?


It's the only day the monkey lets me out of my cage...

Remain in your cage, citizen. The day of legal impersonation of Erik Mona has not yet arrived.

*bakes mexican pizzas for Mona's day*


Someone once accused me of replacing my heart with a stone. In response I asked "Heart?"


Perfect margaritas all around.

How did I miss this thread?

BECAUSE ME EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Silence fools! There can only be one!

I like chocolate milk!

Cocaine, anyone?


Sebastard Sword the Ruleslawyer wrote:

Your lack of witty dialogue fills me with shame.

You just made the list.

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