Check out our pictures of Demogorgon and Wat Dagon

Savage Tide Adventure Path

Liberty's Edge

Well it's over the Pc's killed Demogorgon. We have picture's. check out the other thread This saturday the final show down for the address's Thanks Paizo for a great AP>>>>>>


Professor, now that it's run its course completely and you have a chance to look back on it, what parts of the STAP would you say you and your players liked the best? What parts did they like the least? And if there was any parts you wish you could have changed, what were they?

Sorry, to put you on the spot, but Paizo and us freelancers on the writing team like to know what we did right so we continue to do so. And, of course, we want to know what we failed to deliver on so we learn from our mistakes.


Liberty's Edge

Steve Greer wrote:

Professor, now that it's run its course completely and you have a chance to look back on it, what parts of the STAP would you say you and your players liked the best? What parts did they like the least? And if there was any parts you wish you could have changed, what were they?

Sorry, to put you on the spot, but Paizo and us freelancers on the writing team like to know what we did right so we continue to do so. And, of course, we want to know what we failed to deliver on so we learn from our mistakes.


I think Tides of Dread was a high point! I liked the victory point aspect of that adventure.It all ran smooth,save for a few part's I fudged up.I should have let my Pc's kill Khala the first time they fought in City of Broken Idols.He teleported away and the Pc's were a little frustrated after a four hour fight and he run's.In Wells of Darkness I felt like the Pc's freed Shami only to have her say go to Iggwilv and to tell them how Demogorgon has 2 personalities.They were like that's it ,why the hell didn't we just go to Iggwilv and skip taking a chace of getting our souls sucked out by Ahazu.But this also helped to give them the feeling that the Abyss and those who dwell there are untrustworthy.All in all I have no real complaint's. Everything that went wrong was mostly mistakes I made.This was my first 3.5 campainge that I ran all the way to 20+ lvls.Out of playing this game for 25 years I have only had 3 character's myself that have gotten that far.Next AP I get to play. Ready or not Sandpoint here comes Napoleon Casanova!!!!!!


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