Cheliax and Taldor (and *sigh* Andoran too) really need new 64-page books.

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Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OK, I think it's about time we can badger Paizo for Campaign Setting line books on Cheliax and Taldor.

In case of Cheliax, it's one of the most oft-referenced, most visible, bad guy nations of the setting. Every five minutes or so, questions return as to how does Cheliax treat demons, how does Cheliax treat genderless kitsune Inquisitors of Arshea and how does Cheliax deal with stray kittens.* While the current 32pg volume is really nice, it totally doesn't do justice to the glorious nation under benelovent rule of Her Imperialix Majestrix.

In case of Taldor, all of the above AND the fact that "Taldor persecutes worship of Sarenrae" got retconned out of existence this month AND the fact that IIRC Taldor was a Josh J. Frost thing, and since I doubt he's ever going to resurface in the RPG industry, it's about time to pass stewardship of Taldor to somebody really awesome (Maybe Crystal? Or Owen K.C.S. now that's a slave to Cosmo? Heck, maybe Cosmo itself?) and have that person do their magic on Big T.

On side note, Andoran likely needs that book too, but since that's an U.S. expy, and everybody knows I despise 'murica with my infidel heart, I'm not going to shout that from rooftops. I'll leave that to TOZ or Beckett or some other fan of democracy, freedom and murderous lumber industries.

* - no, I really don't wanna know.

I agree that 64 page setting guides for Cheliax and Taldor are long overdue.

But I must have missed something… where does it say that "Taldor persecutes worship of Sarenrae" got retconned out of existence? Is this is PFS thing, or in some other product?

Silver Crusade

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Don't forget Qadira and needing to stress the matriarchal elements that got overlooked in some books(like Seekers of Secrets) and that controversial schism in the church of Sarenrae involving war, nationalism, and slavery!

(the Osirion book is REALLY good, can't help but hope the rest of original five get their big books eventually)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TwiceBorn wrote:

I agree that 64 page setting guides for Cheliax and Taldor are long overdue.

But I must have missed something… where does it say that "Taldor persecutes worship of Sarenrae" got retconned out of existence? Is this is PFS thing, or in some other product?

Inner Sea Gods states that Taldor accepts worshippers and temples of all non-evil deities. JJ confirmed that it is indeed a retcon and Sarenrae is welcome in Taldor, while the matter of her militant dervish splinter sect will be addressed at some time in the future.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Qadira didn't get a 64pg? Zoinks, missed that! So, add that to the list, complete with a liberal splattering of artwork featuring voluptuous tiefling harem girls...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
TwiceBorn wrote:
I agree that 64 page setting guides for Cheliax and Taldor are long overdue.

They are, as is an AP set in Taldor, full of political intrigue, backstabbing, fighting for power, having secret meetings in dark alleys, discovering dirty family secrets of your rivals and using those to your advantage ... I'm eagerly awaiting such an adventure path and a new setting guide would make for a perfect addition.

I'll add my voice. Also, the original Cheliax book was... not bad, but I thought it really didn't do justice to the crazy high concept of the setting.

Also, the original book is long since sold out. Well, it came out five(!) years ago, and deals with one of the most important parts of the setting. It's still available as a .pdf, of course -- but Paizo wouldn't be cannibalizing old sales with a new product.

Doug M.

Upon consideration... in a perfect world, the new book would accompany another AP set in Cheliax. (Which there hasn't been one since 2009, so it's not like the setting is getting overexposed.)

Doug M.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

I totally agree on all fronts, and I offer to write the damn things for peanuts and a handshake if it helps get it made.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I'm all for a new Taldor book, of course.

(And I am sad about the Saranae retcon. I'd rather see that be something like a proposal of the princess.* Or at least be something still done in the southern provinces.)

*PFS vague spoilers.

There's at least one scenario of PFS where you're smuggling Saranites out of Taldor, and LotL does show that the princess has some 'ins' with the Society.

Scarab Sages

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Gorbacz wrote:
OK, I think it's about time we can badger Paizo for Campaign Setting line books on Cheliax and Taldor.

I take it you'll be counting the days till Wayfinder 11, then?


Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Qadira didn't get a 64pg? Zoinks, missed that! So, add that to the list, complete with a liberal splattering of artwork featuring voluptuous tiefling harem girls...

May I interest you in Wayfinder 10?

Voluptuous harem 'girls' are certainly in abundance.

Yes I think it is great idea. Taldor, Cheliax, Andoran, and Qadira all need a 64 page book expansion (atleast 64 pages)..

I'll add to the list also...

Absalom (the old 3.5 book is so out of date maybe those could be a hard cover))
Kyonin (maybe JJ can finally fix some of those problems)
Five Kings Mountains (finally maybe a little Dwarf love)
Razmiran (I really just want to set campaign in that area)

Shadow Lodge

I'd love the Taldor and Andoran ones. Not really interested in Cheliax, personally.

Taldor I think really needs one the most, even before the Sarenrae thing, it's always been a little "ok, now what do I do with it", and different sources tend to present rather different views, sometimes contradictory. Early on, the theme of Taldor (land and faction) was that it was an extremely rich and divided nation, on a downward spiral but still in the game because of it's enormous wealth. Lately it seems to be that the wealth is nearly gone, (and has been for a long time but no one acknowledges it), and the country really has no power or pull, (or point).

Sometimes the country is presented as being the iconic civilization of humanity, where it's noble families grant patronage to worthy prodigies and are known for their charity and aid of the less fortunate, and others it's a wannabe Game of Thrones, with everyone just bickering about their own personal schemes and letting everything else go to hell.

Sometimes it's presented as having a lot of power from it's grand history and because so many people and nations owe Taldor favors of debt, and sometimes it's presented that Taldor is so weak and broken that no one else even cares to acknowledge it's even still a thing for the last century.

It kind of feels off topic to make other suggestions, but if not Mendev, (not worldwound, Mendev) and Lastwall.

DM Beckett wrote:

I'd love the Taldor and Andoran ones. Not really interested in Cheliax, personally.

Taldor I think really needs one the most, even before the Sarenrae thing, it's always been a little "ok, now what do I do with it", and different sources tend to present rather different views, sometimes contradictory. Early on, the theme of Taldor (land and faction) was that it was an extremely rich and divided nation, on a downward spiral but still in the game because of it's enormous wealth. Lately it seems to be that the wealth is nearly gone, (and has been for a long time but no one acknowledges it), and the country really has no power or pull, (or point).

Sometimes the country is presented as being the iconic civilization of humanity, where it's noble families grant patronage to worthy prodigies and are known for their charity and aid of the less fortunate, and others it's a wannabe Game of Thrones, with everyone just bickering about their own personal schemes and letting everything else go to hell.

Sometimes it's presented as having a lot of power from it's grand history and because so many people and nations owe Taldor favors of debt, and sometimes it's presented that Taldor is so weak and broken that no one else even cares to acknowledge it's even still a thing for the last century.

Agreed. It's a country with great adventuring potential, and I currently am running The Dragon's Demand which is set therein, but I do find the political, economic, and socio-cultural context described for Taldor in various products as a bit contradictory and confusing.

Gorbacz wrote:
TwiceBorn wrote:

I agree that 64 page setting guides for Cheliax and Taldor are long overdue.

But I must have missed something… where does it say that "Taldor persecutes worship of Sarenrae" got retconned out of existence? Is this is PFS thing, or in some other product?

Inner Sea Gods states that Taldor accepts worshippers and temples of all non-evil deities. JJ confirmed that it is indeed a retcon and Sarenrae is welcome in Taldor, while the matter of her militant dervish splinter sect will be addressed at some time in the future.

Thanks for the info. Haven't got Inner Sea Gods yet. I thought the persecution of Sarenrae's faith was an interesting angle. IMC, the further one gets from Oppara and southern Taldor, the lesser the odds of active persecution. And of course, some folk in the south, especially those of Qadiran descent, might turn a blind eye to signs of her worship.

Taldor has gotten a lot of love recently with two of the new 64 p. modules set therein or partially therein and a novel in the novel line. I do feel that a new Taldor campaign book would be great, however, there are other areas like Absalom that I would love to see set out in greater detail first.

Cheliax has gotten a lot of attention due to Council of Thieves being an AP and Westcrown has gotten the short end as well.

Paizo Employee Developer

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I do not disagree with the OP. In fact, I'd love to see more 64-page nation books in the Campaign Setting line, but there are only so many spots in the schedule where we can do them. Compared to books on general themes, like the "Revisted" and "Unleashed" titles, which are fairly modular and templated in their construction, regional gazetteer books are much more time intensive. They are easiest to develop when they're written by as few authors as possible (like 1 or 2), but it's hard to find the right author for such a book and who has the availability at just the time the book needs to be written. Further, we already have two such books that are pretty much mandatory each year to support the Adventure Path line.

So know that I (and several others here at Paizo) really want to see these nations explored further in 64-page Campaign Setting books, we just haven't found the right time or place for them in the schedule.

Perhaps asking James, Rob, and Adam for a Cheliax-, Taldor-, or Andoran-based Adventure Path will speed things along?

Or, you know, getting enough responses to this thread that we determine it'd be worth it to make a nation sourcebook that isn't directly tied to another dozen or so products released around the same time.

Hey Mark. As a chelaxian at heart, perhaps a compromise could be to do a module (the new big ones) in Cheliax and see with the sales if people have an interest to revisit the Cheliax nation with an eventual AP...

I would definitely love to see a new 64 page Cheliax book, and would most certainly buy one.

I also would like one for Geb, Nex, Kyonin, Qadira, and even though it has lots of support elsewhere, one for Varisia.

Andros Morino wrote:
Hey Mark. As a chelaxian at heart, perhaps a compromise could be to do a module (the new big ones) in Cheliax and see with the sales if people have an interest to revisit the Cheliax nation with an eventual AP...

I like this.

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I'd much rather see more setting books, be they 64 page gazetteers (although I'd prefer them to be longer than that even) or more esoteric things like Inner Sea Gods than more crunchy rules expansions.

Mark Moreland wrote:

I do not disagree with the OP. In fact, I'd love to see more 64-page nation books in the Campaign Setting line, but there are only so many spots in the schedule where we can do them. Compared to books on general themes, like the "Revisted" and "Unleashed" titles, which are fairly modular and templated in their construction, regional gazetteer books are much more time intensive. They are easiest to develop when they're written by as few authors as possible (like 1 or 2), but it's hard to find the right author for such a book and who has the availability at just the time the book needs to be written. Further, we already have two such books that are pretty much mandatory each year to support the Adventure Path line.

So know that I (and several others here at Paizo) really want to see these nations explored further in 64-page Campaign Setting books, we just haven't found the right time or place for them in the schedule.

Perhaps asking James, Rob, and Adam for a Cheliax-, Taldor-, or Andoran-based Adventure Path will speed things along?

Or, you know, getting enough responses to this thread that we determine it'd be worth it to make a nation sourcebook that isn't directly tied to another dozen or so products released around the same time.

Well, then count me in for a more "conventional" AP set in theese regions. I really like the feel of those nations.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
John Kretzer wrote:
Absalom (the old 3.5 book is so out of date maybe those could be a hard cover)

How is out of date? The world is not really changing, is it?

Liberty's Edge

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I would love to see a Andoran 64 pages book.
Also, a adventure path set in the Darkmoon Vale =)

Paizo Employee

Zaister wrote:
How is out of date? The world is not really changing, is it?

Not changing, just filling out. As details get filled in, some of the old books don't hold up quite as well as others.

There are some things that sounded like good ideas at the time that have to be changed and other places where it'd be really nice to explain connections to newer content. Hopefully I'm making sense :)


Liberty's Edge

Just throwing my name on to the list of people who would like to see these. Also APs in each of these nations would be cool.

Sovereign Court

I recently started playing a Taldan paladin of Sarenrae. It was only after (as in, the week after) playing Library of the Lion that I found out about the worship being banned.

I went through Faiths of Purity and Inner Sea World Guide looking for any references to that, and came up with nothing. As far as I can tell it was only in the old Taldor book.

I am... intrigued that it's been retconned. It'll make "my life" easier. I'll need to take a look at that. But if it's just quietly shuffled under the carpet, as if it was something odd that Paizo doesn't want to talk about, that would be a bit disappointing.

It's been at least two Stavians since the ban, so if it was just quietly re-allowed in-game, that'd be fine. Even if the Taldans were a bit embarassed about it. But flat-out OOC acting like it never happened at all is a bit weak I think.


I also hope there'll be more material on Taldor in general. It's a nation with great story potential. I recently played Silent Tide, again as the Taldan paladin. It was great fun groaning about how embarassing all that was. Playing a Taldan paladin is a nice bittersweet experience. And the season 5 storyline about restoring glory through righteous crusading is perfect :)


As for Cheliax: sometimes it seems as if the old Cheliax book is the source of all sorts of spells/feats/traits that have "finicky" mechanics at best, or smell of OP at worst. A new version might be an opportunity to do a bit of cleaning?

Scarab Sages

Mark Moreland wrote:
...Or, you know, getting enough responses to this thread that we determine it'd be worth it to make a nation sourcebook that isn't directly tied to another dozen or so products released around the same time.

I'd support more Chelish material...

what is would like to see is a set of regional hardcovers..nuff said

5 people marked this as a favorite.

how about a 200+ page book called the Avistan inner sea coast.

contains stuff on Cheliax, Andoran and Taldor

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:

how about a 200+ page book called the Avistan inner sea coast.

contains stuff on Cheliax, Andoran and Taldor

I'd buy it.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Steelfiredragon wrote:

how about a 200+ page book called the Avistan inner sea coast.

contains stuff on Cheliax, Andoran and Taldor


Shut up and take my money!

Dark Archive

Put me on the list of people interested in the creation of these new setting books.

Silver Crusade

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Mark Moreland wrote:

Perhaps asking James, Rob, and Adam for a Cheliax-, Taldor-, or Andoran-based Adventure Path will speed things along?

A Taldor AP would be glorious.

Shadow Lodge

I'm with people on a new Taldor book as they feel the most in need of a new book to give them a unified theme in the current pathfinder scene especially considering how much the scene has changed since the first book came out and I would love to see someone incorporate all the new empyreal lords, archetypes, and other content that has come out.

That being said I'm really not feeling a new andoran or cheliax book quite yet (or at least before Taldor) since both of those nations still feel pretty well represented thematically and mechanically as new content and additions happen to them pretty regularly with more characters, items, archetypes, and modules coming out all the time to help expand them.

Shadow Lodge

That's my thoughts as well. Taldor basically needs it, while Cheliax and Andoran are ok as is.

Grand Lodge

I would much rather have a book(s) documenting the nations of Southern Garund, Casmaron, Sarusan, and Arcadia before an update to the existing books for Cheliax, Taldor, or Andoran.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
In case of Taldor, all of the above AND the fact that "Taldor persecutes worship of Sarenrae" got retconned out of existence this month

Seriously? Boo. This ruins my best in-world joke.

Did you know that whenever a temple is converted to worship of Sarenrae they shorten all the door frames?:
After all, everyone knows Sarenrites aren't allowed through Tall-door.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How about "revisited" and "unleashed" books about Taldor, Cheliax, Andor and Quadira?
Especially "unleashed" might fit two of those in some ways.

I would prefer more material on other regions though, like Tian Xia.
And not just the whole continent in one thing.
An AP in the kraken run country for example would be super awesome!!!

Also there needs to be the Kitsune Player Companion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's unfortunate that the Sarenrae law got lifted in Inner Sea Gods and wasn't replaced with anything just as interesting. The ban, which was made for arguably justifiable reasons, made for a more grey and more interesting Golarion.

It's a shame that Golarion became more black-and-white with that retcon.

That being said, a 64-page Taldor book, full of seeds for political intrigue and swashbuckling adventures from a new and motivated author and steward of the setting, would make my gaming year.

Heck, it would be the highlight of all of Pathfinder for me.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Personally I don't think any of these suggestions are worth the effort. They at least have had some coverage. Better to go to new places like Alkenstar or my wish for a Brevoy book given the popularity of the A Song of Ice and Fire series.

I could go for Brevoy, as well as something perhaps about the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. Not like that People of the North book, but a real Realm of the Mammoth Lords, with Mighty Kuldor of the Bearpelt Following and other major players.

sold sold and sold

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


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As an unabashed Taldor fan, I'd definitely buy a sourcebook, but the author would need to scour all of the Taldan references to get some inconsistencies resolved and provide some really good fluff with a bit of crunch.

What I'd like to see in the sourcebook.

1. Major Noble Houses of Taldor (20 or so) - in an old dragon magazine (late 80's) which I still have there was something like this for D&D, it had a page with coat of arms and such...really great.

2. A new map of Cassomir - really the current one is lacking.

3. Some more details on the various Armies of Exploration and their exploits. Lost treasures and whatnot.

4. The Imperial Regalia of Taldor - when did they lose the originals? during an interregnum - the crown and scepter are rumored to have been enchanted by Aroden himself.

5. At the Forefront - A description of the aims and current exploits of notable Taldans that are attempting to revive and restore Taldor to its former imperial glory, such as the Imperial Princess Eutropia, and her political battles with her distant cousin, the Archduke Vorath.

zergtitan wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:

how about a 200+ page book called the Avistan inner sea coast.

contains stuff on Cheliax, Andoran and Taldor


Shut up and take my money!

I'd buy the PDF.

Silver Crusade

Shivok wrote:

As an unabashed Taldor fan, I'd definitely buy a sourcebook, but the author would need to scour all of the Taldan references to get some inconsistencies resolved and provide some really good fluff with a bit of crunch.

What I'd like to see in the sourcebook.

1. Major Noble Houses of Taldor (20 or so) - in an old dragon magazine (late 80's) which I still have there was something like this for D&D, it had a page with coat of arms and such...really great.

2. A new map of Cassomir - really the current one is lacking.

3. Some more details on the various Armies of Exploration and their exploits. Lost treasures and whatnot.

4. The Imperial Regalia of Taldor - when did they lose the originals? during an interregnum - the crown and scepter are rumored to have been enchanted by Aroden himself.

5. At the Forefront - A description of the aims and current exploits of notable Taldans that are attempting to revive and restore Taldor to its former imperial glory, such as the Imperial Princess Eutropia, and her political battles with her distant cousin, the Archduke Vorath.

As another unabashed Taldor fan, I second all of this!

Sovereign Court

Hrothdane wrote:
Shivok wrote:

As an unabashed Taldor fan, I'd definitely buy a sourcebook, but the author would need to scour all of the Taldan references to get some inconsistencies resolved and provide some really good fluff with a bit of crunch.

What I'd like to see in the sourcebook.

1. Major Noble Houses of Taldor (20 or so) - in an old dragon magazine (late 80's) which I still have there was something like this for D&D, it had a page with coat of arms and such...really great.

2. A new map of Cassomir - really the current one is lacking.

3. Some more details on the various Armies of Exploration and their exploits. Lost treasures and whatnot.

4. The Imperial Regalia of Taldor - when did they lose the originals? during an interregnum - the crown and scepter are rumored to have been enchanted by Aroden himself.

5. At the Forefront - A description of the aims and current exploits of notable Taldans that are attempting to revive and restore Taldor to its former imperial glory, such as the Imperial Princess Eutropia, and her political battles with her distant cousin, the Archduke Vorath.

As another unabashed Taldor fan, I second all of this!


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