Toric Arthendain |

My group consists of a Varisian Ranger, an elven Rogue, a dwarven Cleric and a half-elven Paladin. A fifth player will be joining us this Friday for our third session and I beleive he is making some sort of arcane caster. All four of the original PCs just attained 2nd level after our second session.

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For a side game of RotR, I'm trying something a bit different. It's a small party consisting only of a Human Shifter and a Feral Dog Boy.
Yeah, that's Rifts.
I'm trying a RotR game set in northeast Lonestar. The goblins will attack the town of Sandpoint during Oktoberfest, armed with frag grenades and zip guns.
We're going to give it a shot tomorrow. If it works out good we'll continue trying it like this.

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Ein (LG male Elf Champion 7 [Desna] ) is one of the Forlorn. He grew up an orphan at Turandarok Academy and it was in the school's legendary basement that he discovered the sacred relic that would change his young life and mark him as Desna's Champion. (the Champion is a class that the player discovered somewhere online. It can best be described as the D&D version of DC Comics Captain Marvel [Shazam!]. I'm looking forward to introducing a Dark Champion of Rovagug later on [Black Adam]. )
The Champion core class was created by Rich Burlew, creator of the Order of the Stick and can be found on his site.
I also mistakenly wrote Revin's classes as being Rog 4/Spymaster 1/Vigilante 1. In fact it should've been Rog 5/Vigilante 1. The player's next level will be in Spymaster.
And I've already introduced the group to the other villian in this campaign...the Dark Champion. However, instead of Rovagug, I decided on a more "devilish" deity for him to serve. And given his listing of domains, he seemed more a natural fit to me in this role (especially when one considers that Desna is the goddess of freedom). He proved to be...not what they were expecting at all.

Ferd O' The Wild Frontier |

For a side game of RotR, I'm trying something a bit different. It's a small party consisting only of a Human Shifter and a Feral Dog Boy.
Yeah, that's Rifts.
I'm trying a RotR game set in northeast Lonestar. The goblins will attack the town of Sandpoint during Oktoberfest, armed with frag grenades and zip guns.
We're going to give it a shot tomorrow. If it works out good we'll continue trying it like this.
Uh. That's interesting. Despite the fact that I HATED those palladium rules, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Rifts, albiet a much slimer one (I pretty much chopped out 80% of the the stuff introduced in the World and Guide books). Will you be introducing any technological aspects to the adventures? They seem to be hanging to far to the fantasy side of things for the average Rifts fare.
What rule system are you using? I've played around with the thought of using d20 modern for such a game, although the fact that such a game probably wouldn't happen has prevented me from going any further.
Keep us updated!

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I'll be using the Rifts rules; while not my favorite rule set, I like them far better than d20.
I'll be modernizing several aspects of the RotR AP, bringing it in line with the Rifts setting. I figure the Runelord could be an Alien Intelligence or something trying to make its way into Rifts earth and using a network of evil shifters to accomplish the goal.
A lot of stuff can stay, some stuff will most definitely change.

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Getting ready to start it up as our Shackled City game is reaching the closing chapters. Current party stands at:
Ardelaneu Zakath- Chelish Scout/Ranger with Lone Wolf.
(Unnamed)- Varisian Sorcerer, with Varisian Tattoo.
Ti Odnaci Manflinger- Goliath Fighter Big Game Hunter, looking at Hulking Hurler.
It should be most interesting, and yes we rolled stats, 4d6 reroll ones. I personally think PCs should be a cut above the rest, so that their deeds come from themselves, not the magic items they wear. Plus we're not likely to get any other players going for this. More experience for the rest of us tho.

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Right now we have the following:
Galstok (M)Shoanti Fighter
Jonas (M)Chelaxian Cleric of Cayden Cailean
Lucien (M)Half-Elf Sorcerer
Zalrid (M)Shoanti Druid
and Zenobia (F)Half-Elf Rogue
I am actually going for minimalism with this campaign by only alowing access to PHB, DMG and MM and anyhting introduced by pathfinder itself. All abilities scores are based on the Elite array as well. It is forcing the party to think tactically and work together instead of cross purpose.
So far so good.

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My group is near the end of #1. They consist of the following.
Jack Spade-Chelaxian/Varisian Rogue, a scoundrel with a interesting moral code. He will not steal from others but he will cheat at gambling. He acts as an almost older brother to the sorceress of the party.
Korah Viskanta-Varisian Sorceress, a mysterious young woman with unclear motives. She likes to use her abilities to get what she wants but does not tend to like the attention that most men give her.
Shot'Ha Rust'hoveli-Chelaxian Fighter/Expert, a merchant who got mixed up with the adventure due to the death of his mentor during the shallow tail festival. He can hold his own in a fight but excells in socail settings.
Ganzadahl-Shoanti Dragon Shaman, a traveling warrior trying to prove himself. Arrogant but with good reason. He is trying to find more information on the dragons of Varisia to better understand his abilities.
Aurodol-Shoanti Ranger, an exceptional archer who will not accept help without compensation. He is a loner at heart and tends to be self reliant and will go out of his way to repay any kindness.
Tanrov-Shoanti Ranger, an exceptional warrior trying to prove that she is as capable as any man. Has hidden the fact that she was a woman from the group until recently.
Gerfoodle Lightfoot-Gnome Cleric of sarenae, who is here to learn of the people and their ways. Very curious of everything he sees, which has gotten him into trouble a time or two.
Seahara, Chelaxian Rouge, she is out for revenge of the destruction of her home in the farmlands of Sandpoint. Always looking for a way to increase her wealth.
Rather large group but roleplaying has been very good. I plan on increasing the size of the rooms the encounters take place in to compensate.

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I'm DMing a group consisting of:
Leland Gamaliel - Varisian Human Binder CN
Kitara - Shoanti Human Spirit Shaman CG
Misha - Varisian Human Ranger/Scout CG
Aidan Hearthward - Chelaxian Human Paladin LG
It should be tons of fun. The group is chomping at the bit but our first scheduled game isn't until Jan 6th 2008. :-)
-DM Jeff

Uncle Monkey |

I've been running for a couple of weeks now. Just finished (mostly) Burnt Offerings. The party has included:
Val'rin - Male Human (Varisian) Wizard (Conjerer) - summoning specialist
Valymar - Male Human (Celaxian) Cleric of Iomedae
Yngvarr (RIP) - Male Human (Shoanti Axe Clan) Barbarian
Wilhelm - Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter
Lenzial (RIP) - Male Human (Chelaxian) Rogue/Fighter
Two PCs have bitten the dust so far. Lenzial's replacement TBD.

mevers |

Finally got my Runelord Campaign started last night, so can finally post my party.
Ferrago Human (Chelaxian) Hexblade from Korvosa
Huon Half Elf Rogue / Swashbuckler / Invisible blade from Riddleport
Alth Gnome Druid from Korvosa
Lia Elven Ranger (from Mierini forest I think)
Reinkil Dwarven Crusader, reformed thug, now follows Gorum
Arcanis Human Arcane Trickster

Noir le Lotus |

We are playing Rise of the Runelords for a few sessions. In order to be more involved in SandPoint, our DM asked us to create characters born or living in the town for years.
So here is our group :
* Richard Deverin (Male Human Chelaxian Aritocrat / Fighter) : nephew of the mayor, works in the townhall
* Holy Goodhead (Female Human Chelaxian Paladin) : born and raised in Magnimar, she moved in Sandpoint a few years ago to live with some of her cousins.
* Lilianna Haladan (Female Human Chelaxian Cleric of Desna) : daughter of Chask Haladan, she is working in the House of blue stones as a scribe
* Arati Niviarash (Female Human Varisian Wizard) : Born in the wilderness, she settled in the town to learn magic form the old varisian lady Niska Mvashti. She is focused on Enchantment spells and has a varisian tatoo. She is working as a maid in the White Deer Inn.
* Naello Velerin (Male Elven Rogue / Fighter) : an orphan cousin of Hanna Velerin, that she adopted. He is working in the jewelry and has some affiliation with the Sczarni.

Arctaris |

Tsillmas Mithralvin- Elf Ranger 6: Your typical elf ranger, Tsillmas is married to Shayless with a child on the way. He is also much maligned as the 'moderately dashing elf'.
Asheart-Gnome Druid 5/Fighter 1: An evil gnome druid in the process of reforming, Asheart acts much like a rogue and helped my previous character (who was tragically blinded by Nualia) pull off a con job and many shennangins.
Tonks-Shifter Monk 2/Swashbuckler 2 or 3: An irritable monk, the only really memorable thing about her is that she's got an inordinate number of crits and her brief marriage to Aldern Foxglove (who is now dead and animated as Nerius' mnservant.
Nerius Invisus Daergal, Puppeteer of the Damned and Master of the Macabre- Gnome Bard 2/Necromancer 3/Ultimate Magus 1: A slightly insane gnome, Nerius enjoys animating the dead and putting on puppet shows with animated corpses. He sees no evil in the undead and can't understand the revulsion most people have to the undead (this one is my character).

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

Tyr - Male Shoanti Barbarian 1 / Cloistered Cleric of Nethys 3 -- specializes in knowledge of monsters
Ozmondo the Magnificent - Male Chelaxian Wizard (Generalist) 5 -- historian, student of monuments
Dead Crow - Male Shoanti Barbarian 4 -- Tyr's traveling companion
Olleiric Redriver - Male Elf Rogue 4 -- "apprentice wizard" with anger issues
Cel - Female Chelaxian Rogue 5 -- artist, rather unpredictable (other characters might say lunatic)

Noir le Lotus |

Noir le Lotus wrote:From the James Bond movie "Moonraker"? <snickers> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holly_Goodhead>
* Holy Goodhead (Female Human Chelaxian Paladin) : born and raised in Magnimar, she moved in Sandpoint a few years ago to live with some of her cousins.
Exactly !! ;)

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I run 3 groups at this time:
1) halfway through book 2
Chelaxian Crusader/Favored Soul of Iomedae
Varisian Skarni Rogue/Fighter
Shoanti (Axe Clan) Barbarian/Ranger/Warblade
Varisian Battle Sorcerer
2) just hit book 2 last night
Varisian Cleric of Sarenrae/Human Paragon
Varisian Rogue/Beguiler/Human Paragon
Chelaxian Priest of Torag
Halfling Ranger
3) (group starts tomorrow)
Varisian Wizard
Varisian Bard
Human (nationality still being determined) Priest of Calistria
Human (nationality still being determined) Warblade

Tomovasky |

Ok so a time ago I posted a gestalt group that was to play, well that did not go so well and we gained some new players, anyway here is my current group of players who just finished there 3rd game leaving the catacombs of wrath
Eveles- Elf knight of ordaren 2nd (home brewed class that allows him to play his Ninja’ paladin idea from the gestalt game)
Ferthwind- Varisian fighter/ artificer 1/1: crossbow orientated relies on a trained dog , a family history filled with greed J.
Emailon – elf sorcer 2nd aiming for the magic missile mage: soon to be wife of ferthwind and obsession of foxglove.
Raven- ½ orc monk 2nd : shoanti mother from the skull clan.
Vincent -ninja 2nd lv- Assassin type character who gave up his trade for the love for his life, sadly wrath finds it way back into his veins with some magic persuasion and at the cost of his daughter , now he runs from his past.

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

Tyr - Male Shoanti Barbarian 1 / Cloistered Cleric of Nethys 3 -- specializes in knowledge of monsters
Ozmondo the Magnificent - Male Chelaxian Wizard (Generalist) 5 -- historian, student of monuments
Dead Crow - Male Shoanti Barbarian 4 -- Tyr's traveling companion
Olleiric Redriver, RIP
Cel, RIP
Now added:
Agreis Swiftfeet - Male Elf Rogue 5 -- home security specialist
Damstein "Mug" Blackcliff - Male Dwarf Fighter 5 -- bit of a downer at parties
(Tyr's now Cloistered Cleric 4, and Dead Crow is Barbarian 5).

Pat o' the Ninth Power |

I also play a cloistered cleric of Nethys. If your DM allows it, the Knowledge Devotion feat from Complete Champion really helps make my character shine.
I'm the GM, and yes, I allowed it, though I sometimes regret it. With the Knowledge domain, and a spell (forget which) that boosts his Knowledge skills, and the Knowledge Devotion, he's pretty dangerous!

The Dalesman |

Jeez - it feels like it's been ages since I've posted...
I'm running another gestalt-variant campaign, though with a much smaller party than my Savage Tide game. This party consists of:
- A male goliath barbarian/chaos monk (variant from Dragon Magazine), an outcast from his clan;
- A female fire elf (custom UA variant) druid/cleric of Desna, a feral Forlorn who has to learn how to communicate and fit into 'polite' society;
- A male human wizard/ranger (Black Company sourcebook variant), the son of a wandering Varisian merchant and a Shoanti barbarian;
- A half-elf Thief (Black Company variant rogue)/Gemini Dancer (core class submitted to WOTC messageboards by frasmage), the half-sister of the wizard/ranger and practitioner of a secret style of Varisian dance.
We just started the game today, getting everone into Sandpoint. It's the day of the Swallowtail festival when next session starts - I hope they work well together... :)
Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

That Kind Of Orc |

My "Group" is simply my wife, as a single PC.
Maro, male Chelish CG Paladin of Freedom (Desna)/Warlock gestalt with the Enlightened Spirit PrC. Level 12, doing Fortress of the Stone Giants right now. The balance of one really self-reliant all-day-long Hideous Blow Warlock at a couple levels too high is making the CRs work really, really well. He dishes out a lot of damage and has a nice high AC/HP to survive, and being a Paladin of Desna with a frighteningly dark background contrasted him -incredibly- well with Nualia at the beginning and built instant investment in the campaign (a girl with a frighteningly nice/good-aligned background who went evil against a guy with a frightenly dark/evil background who went good).

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Starting next Monday my group will consist of.....
Stielwulf, 1st level Human(Chelaxian)/Warblade - A Magnimaran(?) gloryhound.
Piccolo Puff (Sigh), a 1st level halfling/rogue who intends to multiclass as a mage with arcane Trickster in sight.
??????, 1st level elven fighter, will multiclass into mage then bladesinger.
??????, 1st level Human/Cleric of Abadar.

Revan |

It's been a while since I ran the first part of Burnt Offerings for them, so I can't remember the character's names, except one...but here's who we've got:
LG Male Human Sorcerer from Sandpoint. Just your regular farmboy who woke up one day to find himself able to cast Magic Missile. Tried to spend the night with Ameiko, and got gently rebuffed (because she got the letter from Tsuto.) I didn't get the chance to spring Shayliss on them yet; if I do that at the next session after the Glassworks, he's one of the major options. Since he bothered to dump a bunch of skill points into RP appropriate, farming related skills, I agreed to give him proficiency with a scythe.
Sharon, NE Female Elven Rogue. Aldern's obsession, and ironically a worshiper of Norgorber herself--though more for his greed aspect than anything else. Should be interesting when they confront the Skinsaw Men. A would be con woman, always trying to sell snake oils and similar questionable products to the masses. Also one of our most unlucky players, she nearly got killed by one of the first goblins who showed up. She showed me why having the town declare them heroes is such a brilliant idea: it gives Evil characters a good reason to behave reasonably and cooperate with the rest of the party. I imagine the seriously horrific villains like the Kreegs will serve a similar purpose.
LN Male Human Ranger. A traveling merchant who trades between the Shoanti tribes and the major cities. On his way to the festival, he was ambushed by a horde of goblins, who stole his caravan and pretty much everything he had. The first thing he asked Shalelu (who everyone joked sounded Hawiian) was if she'd heard anything about his caravan! He spent much of the session asking various NPCs, including Ven Vinder and Aldern to invest in him. His archery combat style makes him one of the combat powerhouses.
And my personal favorite: Thug Gruesome, NG Half Orc Cleric of Saerenrae. He's also a cook, who was at the festival selling his stews...most of which include questionable ingredients. He actually made a percentage table of various animals he was using meat from. He weighs 300 pounds, and when they succeeded in killing the goblin commando in the surprise round, he proceeded to fight the goblin dog by mounting up and crushing it beneath his weight. When one of the goblins started stuffing it's face with Ameiko's salmon, he roared "That belongs to Ms. Kajitsu!" and charged it with his longsword.
It's quite a dysfunctional group. Should be very fun!

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I have a newish, semi reliable group of gamers that are lvl 3-5. They arrived from the Forgotten Realms last session after finding a Rubics Cube in a treasure stash. I handed a real Rubics cube out to the players all messed up. Over the course of the night they messed with it while we played and eventually got is centered and BAM! Woke up in the mountains northeast of Sandpoint.
I have added a couple levels to all the baddys and a odd feat or two to make the encounters unique to make this AP level appropriate. Due to some players choosing snowboarding over DnD night I have had to throw in a NPC or two on occasion to help them out. It goes like this:
Regular Player #1 - Fighter2/Wiz3 - Arcane Archer path - Moon Elf.
Regular Player #2 - 1Rog/3Cleric - Human
Semi Regular Player - 3rd lvl Rogue - High Elf
Semi Regular Player - 3rd lvl Psi Blade - Human
On any given night I have 2-4 players so on the light nights I have a couple NPCs about.
Snow Sprite - 4HD, Invis at will, Protection from cold at will, and a few magic missiles that look like snowballs. Its Invis at will helps me bring her in and out of sessions easilly. The players met her in the mountain range they arrived on. The mage gave her a orange, she was happy.
The Shoe - Aquired while in a general store, the semingly inocuous cold weather shoes one of the members bought has a sentient right boot. A wizard who lost a bet and was confined to a shoe still has a few spells at his disposal and if the feeling catches him right he will lend a spell or 2 to a fray. The show can teleport back to the general store at will, polymorph self at will (only into non living items of similar dimentions as a shoe. The players dont know about Mr. Shoe yet.

Christopher Adams |

Last night I finally organised the first session of my campaign! The PCs:
Nartana, Varisian cleric of Desna.
Nartana was in Sandpoint with her extended family's caravan to celebrate the Swallowtail Festival. She knew Aaron Deverin because of his work in defusing tensions between the citizenry of Sandpoint and Varisian travellers, and had recently been approached for help by Nima Gorod, a visitor from Magnimar who is looking for a Varisian man called Meleris. Nartana is trained as a dancer in order to honour Desna, and often performs when her family is in Sandpoint.
Aaron Deverin, Chelaxian paladin of Erastil.
Aaron, who occupies a post in the Sandpoint town guard, is actually related to the Deverins on his mother's side, but his father adopted his wife's surname out of ambition for himself and his son. Aaron was sent away to Magnimar as a teenager to learn what he would need to know to make the most of his birthright, but returned to find that his best friend Jared and his fiancee Aya had fallen in love in his absence. The same day he confronted Jared and the former friends parted as angry rivals, Jared was murdered by Chopper - leaving Aaron distraught at the loss of his friend in such circumstances, and Aya grieving the loss of her new love.
Tali "Nima Gorod" Relevon, Chelaxian rogue.
Tali was born and raised a member of the Gargoyles (who are, in my campaign, an all-female outfit) in Magnimar. Her mother always taught her that it didn't matter who her father was, but Tali assumes it must have been another underworld figure. Recently, Tali fell in love with Meleris, a Varisian man who eventually convinced her to give up her criminal career and start a new life on the road with him. Meleris promised to meet her in Sandpoint in a few days, but by the time of the Swallowtail Festival Tali has been in town for two weeks and seen neither hide nor hair of him.
Tharl "the Stupendous", a Chelaxian wizard (specialist conjurer).
Tharl was born and raised in Magnimar and apprenticed at an early age with the Stone of the Seers wizards' academy. His father's glib tongue and occasional gambling wins managed to keep him enrolled despite the family's poverty, but when his father died Tharl was forced to sell everything, even their tumbledown home, just to pay out the rest of the year's tuition. He began supporting himself by stage performances in sleazy dockside taverns, using his magic to supplement his shows, but a fortnight ago he realised Magnimar was a dead end. Tharl and Aaron knew each other from the latter's time in Magnimar, and had kept up a correspondence; Aaron offered him a place to stay in Sandpoint until he got his life back on track. Coincidentally, Tharl and Tali travelled to Sandpoint together in the same merchant caravan.
So far in "Burnt Offerings":
They eagerly took up Aldern Foxglove's invitation to go boar-hunting, and I played briefly through part of their conversation. He praised both Aaron's impressive swordsmanship (he killed the goblin commando and the goblin dog in one blow) and Nartana's beauty and skill extensively. I will probably have Nartana be the focus of his obsession because she's the highest-Charisma PC, and the other characters have backstory hooks I can play with in other adventures.
Atfer I set up the encounter with Shayliss Vinder by describing the newfound popularity Aaron experienced with the young women of Sandpoint, the PCs started to talk about heading out of town to see if there were any goblins still lurking - so I had Sheriff Hemlock invite them to the meeting with Shalelu Androsana. They accepted the sheriff's request that they stay in town while he seeks additional help from Magnimar; after their dinner with Shalelu and discussion of the goblins around Sandpoint, I called the evening to a close.
Next session I plan to open with Monster in the Closet. I think I will save the encounter with Shayliss for later in the campaign - could be next session, or later on after Thistletop or the Catacombs of Wrath.

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My 2nd Edition RotR group has three players and the class breakdown is as follows:
Note: 2 of them jacked Iconic names or modified Iconic names for their characters.
Valeros:7th level human ranger with the Justifier kit. A local to the Sandpoint area who's mentor is Shalelu.
Merasil: 7th level thief / 6th level mage with the Spellfilcher kit. A Forlorn elf who initially plied her trade in Kaer Maga but fled the city after an altercation with her master.
Jander: 7th level specialty priest of Iomedae. He hails from Magnimar and happened to be in Sandpoint for the Swallowtail festival.
With only three players, there have been a few NPC's who joined them from time to time. We just recently started PF3, so far so good.

Brian Carpenter |

Since my group has finished Burnt Offerings and has just barreled their way into the
Stanis Danicos - Varisian Warblade
Lysandros Winthorp V - Chelexian Wizard
Gaijin - Shaonti Barbarian
Dez Astor - Varisian Spellthief
Everyone is now 4th level and we're having a good time with the game. The lack of a cleric was hurting them at first, so we tried an NPC cleric, who met his end at the hands of

MythrilDragon RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16 |

I have started Burnt Offerings with:
Namfoodle Stumblebuck- a gnomish spellthief who attempted to rob the Sandpoint Theater just as the goblin raid was begining.
Tarim Hairfoot - a halfling druid with a dog animal companion large enough to ride.
Zidane - a varisian sorcerer who killed the goblin dog single handed {only one rolling good that night} and is now know as "The Dog Slayer" by the townsfolk.
Nugen - a beardless dwarf who showed off his glutony by sitting down at a long table during the goblin raid to munch on a turkey leg. I couldn't help myself, I added another goblin sitting right across from him munching on a severed arm. Dwarf attack goblin with turkey leg and goblin attacks dwarf with human arm. Dwarf wins.

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I'm planning on starting my game in a few weeks but have got an initial response from the Players as to their choice of classes.
So far we have:
- 1) Human (unknown what type) Wizard/Fighter planning on going to Eldritch Knight and most likely being a ray specialist.
2) Elven Ranger
3) Dwarven dragon shaman (black)
4) Human (unknown) Rogue or scout
My initial thoughts is that the group is strongly lacking in healing power, although the dragon shaman intends to go with fast healing I may have to find other ways to keep them healthy :) If the ranger specs in ranged weapons and the 4th player goes with scout theres also a problem with melee orientated characters. normally I'm pretty strict about having at least one "healer" in the party but I thought I'd give this game a different approach, hopefully it wont prove fatal and even if they find themselves losing a party member or two they can always recruit fresh meat :)
Regarding backgrounds...
The Wizard is likely to have some connection with the noble houses of sandpoint and the rogue may have ties with the sczarni if hes interested.
The elf will be a bit of a wild card but I'm toying with the idea of working his background into a love interest with Hannah Velerin to provide the party with a cheaper source of healing.

Herbo |

My group is just getting into RotRL #3 but they consist of:
Zinn "The Barrowman" Mossfoot -- Halfling Rogue (masquerading as a wizard named Zander Bristletoes). It defies all earthly logic, but thanks to a rocking UMD skill, bluffing, disguises, hilarious roleplay, some playing along by the other party members and some cleverly purchased items...he's kept it up. To the outside world he's known as a scholar and an adept with the arcane, but he is really a very notorious criminal wanted by almost every authority in the region known only as 'The Barrowman.'
Harlan Selburg -- Human Fighter. Began adventuring life as a bit of a simpleton with a distinct talent for martial combat and archery. Now his way with people and greater renown have made him somewhat of a celebrity of the common people. He likes the attention because nice people give him things, and the attention from the ladies is nice. He's really not a mental giant and doesn't read much further into it. No dreams of carving out his own kingdom or starting an order of knights here. Never-the-less he is a lethal creature in physical combat.
Ser Amon Lorgas -- Human Paladin. A very hard edged yet fair knight that is tasked to bring his gods' law to the lawless and swift vengeance to the cruel. Holds out hope that Zinn's wicked ways can be changed before he goes to his final judgement. He simply owes Zinn too many saves to just turn him over to the Hell Knights, with whom he has a distinct difference of opinion.
Alon Bregi -- Human Druid. A man of few words, Alon is the steward of the wild spaces near Sandpoint and hails from a small island we plopped into the world just off the coast of Sandpoint that serves as his refuge. Accompanied on his journeys by a very surly black bear named Dago, he has great concerns over anything that damages the natural order and brings nature's wrath with him where he goes.
So far so good and we have had a complete blast with this campaign.

Ernest Mueller |

My group is in the last leg of the Hook Mountain Massacre! (I'm posting all the session summaries in the Campaign Journals forum; they're all posted on my blog for your perusal).
We consist of:
Hulmar Benk, Chelaxian military veteran. He's a Scout and wields a greataxe. Being the only person even vaguely qualified (genetically) to be lord of Fort Rannek, he's the boss, even though he has an awful Charisma. Fun!
Roscoe Dillon, Shoanti of the Skull Tribe. He's a cleric of Gorum, and is power stacked against undead. Too bad we don't run into many.
Phiravno, Varisian scarf fighter (swordsage/swashbuckler/rogue). Despite being able to do more damage per round than anyone, something about being a scarf fighting gypsy means that respect continues to elude him.
Prince Eyorak, Shoanti warrior of the Sun clan. I mean, Apollo Eternium, Shoanti warrior of the Sun clan. I mean, Valen, Shoanti warrior of the Sun clan. Something about this player results in early death for all his characters. Valen is a gold dragon shaman. We don't know much about him and aren't getting too attached, if you know what I mean.
Maru Maru, Shoanti of the Sun clan. A brave monk, who despite his "flurry of misses" ability is always willing to be Benignly Transposed into harm's way to help his comrades!
Valgrim, dwarven summoner! The best character in the party (cuz he's mine). He's a Conjurer/Master Specialist/Paragnostic Apostle/Malconvoker. No, really. Check out his build progression here.
Gutterspike the gnome. He just joined the group, and is a 'divine mind'. He rides a raptor. He may not be staying because "seven's a crowd."

Brother Ra |

My group, after the glassworks:
Serith Tarmahl - CN Chelaxian human male sorcerer 2.
Serith was a noble who fled his family in Magnimar, after discovering their demon worshipping past. However, he realized his heritage left some yet undiscovered powers (fiend-bloode prestige class wannabe). He moved to Sandpoint and has been working at the Turandarok academy, keeping a low profile ever since. Serith is haunted by terrible dreams and constantly hears the mad voice of one named Xaliasa. While this voice is guiding him on how to use his powers, but it is also slowly corrupting him.
Delexar - CG Varasian human male druid 2.
Delexar is a local farmboy who lived just south of Mosswood. However, he spent most of his life studying the ways of the druid. It was his families farm that was attacked and destroyed by Mosswood goblins shortly after the attack on Sandpoint, only to be saved by Shalelu. He has the ability to shapechange at will (PHII alternate class ability).
Isocelex - CG Varasian human male cleric of Desna 1.
Isocelex is only 15 years old. However, he has spent most of his life travelling and is wise beyond his years. He came to the Swallowtail festival to honour the temple with gift; an old artifact called the Starknife of St. Evalis.
Volvere Trelock - CG Varasian/Chelaxian human male rogue/swashbuckeler 1/1.
A local in Sandpoint - Volvere has been working for Volioker Briskalbeard the locksmith. However, he has also secretly been providing information to the local Sczarni gang.
Ancrym Haddock - CG Shoanti human male barbarian 2.
Mothered by a Shirriiki Quah woman, fathered by a member of the Tamir Quah tribe, this confused Shoanti has been exiled from the Tamir Quah tribe after the shaman of the tribe caught him singing the forbidden hymn. The hymn was a part of a legend, a prophecy that a man of two faces would bring the misery to Tamir Quah, but then bring times of change. He found himself selling fish at the Swallowtail festival when the raid begun. Fortunately, his Earth breaker was not far away.
Well - that's it - hope they survive :p

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so we FINALLY got to start RotRL
the party as of adventure 1:
Delilah, Varisian human bard 1, dancer/drummer, and thief
Taris, Chelaxian cleric of "The Demon-Lord Pelor" with hidden talent [Energy Ray]
Karigan, Whispergnome rogue, super hidey/sneaky girl pretending to be a human child
Volstak, Shoanti Paladin of Freedom....think william wallace, with an even bigger ego
Toki Jr. & Wartooth....me, goblin Druid from the Bonetossah clan and his companion wolf. the most Good character in the game as of now.
looks likes its gonna be a blast!!!
-the hamster

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It took awhile, but my group has finally finished their characters. If things go well, I plan on putting together a story hour.
I only allow PHB classes along with material from Dragon 310 - 312. Many of the fighters and paladins choose the variants from Dragon 310. Only splatbooks are the 4 'complete' books and that can only be used if option cannot be found in the other source material.
Brand Male Human (Linnorm) Fighter (commander)
Brands father was sole survivor from linnorm raider shipwreck off lost coast. Brand has grown up in Sandpoint and become leader in local militia. He has also been contacted by a knghtly order and is looking to explore that as campaign progresses (i.e. multiclassing into Sentinel from Dragon 310).
Morgrim Male dwarf fighter (survivalist)
Morgrim is from Janderhoff and was part of the troops who protect city by hunting menaces in the wilderness. Wife died and he has thrown himself recklessly into harms way ever since. Spent time among the Shoanti and may maulti-class into barbarian. In sandpoint as a caravan guard looking to make some coin.
Maedhros Male Human (Chelaxian) Evoker
Native of Sandpoint who was apprenticed to wizard in Magnimar, with hope of becoming a ship's wizard. Has focused on Air element almost to obsession (looking toward elemental savant). He has recently finished his apprenticeship and is home in Sandpoint on holiday.
Penn Male halfing Bard
For the record, this was the first character created over a month ago. Plans on multi-classing as Ranger. Penn is in the warrior- poet, skald mold. Does not play instrument but is epic poet and balladeer. His father is sherif of small halfling community southeast of Sandpoint, and owner of fire ravaged grain mill. Penn's investigation of the fire has led him to Sandpoint.
Vellana Female Human (Varisian) Rogue
Vellana was orphaned at early age and grew up in Tandorak Academy. She is brash and glib, and skilled enough to get her self out of the trouble that causes. She is going to multi-class as a swashbuckler. She works for the Sczarni, but sees her employment as only a convenience which she can shed when it no longer suits her. We will se how that plays out.
Bestla Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric of Torag
This is the character that was holding up the works. She is from Magnimar, and is part of delegation in Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival. She is a imposing woman with a scar on left side of face from a accident involving worked iron and youthful horseplay. She relishes working the forge, and has quite the artists touch. She can be matronly and caring, and when roused violent and merciless.

tbug |

Toki Jr. & Wartooth....me, goblin Druid from the Bonetossah clan and his companion wolf. the most Good character in the game as of now.
Having a goblin in RotRL is great fun. :) Please let your GM know that I'd be happy to compare notes.
Is the Bonetossah clan related to the Bonegrinder clan?

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well, couldn't find this before...for some stupid reason
I was looking for the "post your group" threads for this AP, and couldn't find it anywhere.
If it's just hiding on me, could someone w/ the power move it on over please?
So our group is really firming up, as we're on the cusp of 6th lvl, and smack in the middle of The Skinsaw Murders.
Our motley crew:
Dahlia: I call her Pickles. She's the heavy-drinking, fast-in-the-sack Varisian bard going for sublime chord. Constantly has inspire courage going, drumming away on everything.
Kerrigan: I call her Murderface (noticing a trend here, Adult Swmim viewers?). Whispergnome rogue, played by one of the nicest women i've ever know, scary in her "i'm a cute little human girl who will slice our your kidneys when your back is turned" kind of way.
Taris: I call him Nathan Explosion. CN (almost CE) Chelaxian worshipper of The Great Demon, Pelor. Ardent/Cleric/Psychic Theurge planned out, with an emphasis on the blasty ardent powers and prepared healing spells. The first death in the campaign, currently a dwarf.
The Paladin: I call him "The Paladin". Shoanti barbarian, forget his tribe and never really paid attention to his name. Paladin of Freedom variant, his aura of no-compulsion has saved our butts several times thus far, as has his immunity to the same.
Toki Jr. and Wartooth: My character. Goblin Druid with his soon to be direwolf campanion, he's the primary healer in the party, loves fire, pickles, Pickles (that's why i call the bard Pickles, cuz i like both of them), and killing undead. Is the party motivation (primarily because i take on that role regularly) and keeps us moving.
So, who else is set on the path, and what craziness do your players have made up?
Any other goblin-PC's (i thought there was one all-goblin party playing...)
-the hamster
updated from the slightly earlier post above.
tbug, no, the bonetossah's are not affiliated with any of the Sandpoint-area gobbo clans. I had read Burnt Offerings before I knew one of my usual players would be running it, and he happily let me play a goblin.
i will have to check on some of your AP threads, when we get a bit farther on into it.
can't wait!

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My current party:
Jacques "Jack" Trade: CN male gnome rogue. Jack is a fun-loving, easy-going ladies' man who has a mild qat habit. He's too busy having a good old time to worry about how dangerous his profession is. Jack has a quick wit, a keen eye for value, and a decent grasp of the herbalist's profession.
Genevieve "Jenny" Trade: CG female gnome sorcerer. Jenny is Jack's older sister, and the family "connection." Jack meets people and makes a good impression, and Jenny turns that good first impression into a lasting sales relationship. Jenny is mildly obsessed with the concept of luck, and has a nervous habit of polishing coins if anyone leaves them out.
Rux Trade: N female gnome druid. Rux is Jack's twin sister, and as different from him as day from night. Serious and even a little dour as gnomes go, Rux avoids drugs herself even as she acts as the family's chemist. Rux is something of a pacifist; she eschews melee combat and avoids eating meat. Still, she's invaluable to her group as a battlefield controller.
Copper, Silver and Goldie: The Trade trio's pet dogs, presents to them from their parents and all from the same litter. Copper, Rux's trusty canine, is more wolf than dog, and it shows.
Cole Grundlesnak: NG male half-orc cleric of Erastil. Unlike most half-orcs, Cole is well-adjusted and happy with his life. His parents are married and provided him with a comfortable family growing up. The only real signs of his half-orc heritage are his slight tusks and powerful muscles. As a priest of Ol' Deadeye, Cole defends his friends in battle with eager readiness.
Leohand: CG male half-orc barbarian. Cole's cousin on his mother's side, Leohand was abandoned by his tribe and raised by Cole's parents. Unlike his calmer cousin, Leohand's early abandonment has left him somewhat sullen and angry, though still better off than most half-orcs. Leo (as he prefers to be called) has learned how to channel his aggression and is making real progress as a person.
Avaleen Nailo: CG female elf cleric of Desna. A wandering priestess of Desna, Avaleen has been serving the goddess since long before most of the other members of her party were born. Joining their group is the first real attachment she's had in decades, however, and she frequently wonders why she's allowed herself to become friends with such a strange and motley group of outcasts. Part of her believes that it's because she's something of an outcast herself...
Adrastos: LN male half-elf fighter (deceased). Adrastos was a veteran of a short and nearly forgotten border war with Korvosa, a campaign that left him the only surviving member of his squad, a bitter and humorless shell of his former self. He took up the plow and laid down the sword, becoming a tenant farmer for many years, but the warrior way finally called him back when a goblin raid left his dog dead and his town threatened. He joined up with the rest of his group to defend Sandpoint, but lost his life in the dungeons of Thistletop when he stood against a trio of living shadows, hungry for the life of his friends. He was laid to rest on the farm he loved so much.
As you can see, there are no humans in my game. This is the first time I've run a human-free game since my Arcana Evolved: Shackled City campaign a few years back, and it's kind of interesting. Of course, Cole is basically a human with a Charisma penalty, culturally speaking, so it's not quite as odd as it could be. Overall, they're a pretty great group, especially the Trade Trio, who are a laugh riot.
Jeremy Puckett

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Well, my D&D group just started the first adventure. One of the long-time players is trying his hand at DMing and it's been a very good time. Our group consists of:
Gaerlin Goldmantle: LG Male Gnome Dragon Shaman (Gold)1 -Primary Melee Guy & Buffing Auras
Addy Thunderhill: NG Female Gnome Druid 1 & Wolf - Healing and Divine Magic
Roderick Scrimshire: NG Male Halfling Ranger 1 - Archer
The first big fight we had with all those goblins in town earned us the nickname "The Little Heroes". Our group, naturally, just says that everyone else is just freakishly huge. :)
There will be 2 other players joining up, and hopefully they'll go with small characters too. Nice to have a themed group.

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We've just started the RotRL Adventure Path. Played only one session so far. The group is:
* Crion Jaspelriil - chaotic good elf ranger 2
* Durgal "Kurki" ("The Stork") Kline - chaotic good human ranger 2
* Eson - lawful neutral human monk 2
* Onawa "Tulisielu" ("Firesoul") - chaotic good elf barbarian 2