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![]() I see. Thank you very much James - that explains a lot. Like everybody here, I really appreciate getting a response directly from the designers and developers. This is not something we take for granted, and I think it is amazing how much time you guys can spare, while at the same time churning out these great products. Keep up the good work! ![]()
![]() I must admit I am a bit confused with the distinction between the Brothers of the Seven Society and the Skinsaw Men. Spoiler: Apparently there is a "semi-secret" (whatever that means) society named the Brothers of the Seven. It was established by Ironbriar, Vorel Foxglove and five other merchants in Magnimar about a hundred years ago. I can't see what they actually do (except for some blackmailing, extorsion, and some real-estate financing).
What is the Brothers of the Seven and what do they do? One of the cult's leaders (Ironbriar) also leads a second cult called the Skinsaw Men (worshippers of Norgorber). This is actually a cult of murderers that comes from old blood - a master cult in the city of Vyre, although it is now very much its own entity. It actually says that Ironbriar established the Brothers of the Seven as a cover for the Skinsaw Men cult. Why would you use one illegal organization to cover another? That doesn't make much sense to me. And what kind of cover are they supposed to provide? Is the cover just the lending the Seven's Sawmill? You would hardly have to establish a semi-secret organization just to operate a Sawmill... Also, the Sawmill is called the Seven's Sawmill, and is supposed to be a cover and a safe place to meet for the Brothers of the Seven. However, it seems only Skinsaw Cultists work there and visit sermons. Are All Skinsaw Men also members of the Brothers of the Seven? All in all, the two names seem to be used interchangably and this can be confusing. For example, on p. 40 it says "Magnimar's guards aren't equipped to handle a cult as crafty and sneaky as the Brothers of the Seven "- when talking about the Skinsaw Men's murder spree. ![]()
![]() My group of 5 characters have been doing fine so far. One casualty at Thistletop when a character fell of the bridge (awkward). I agree, the average encounter is rather easy, and sometimes the monster's feel rather suicidal to even try (one ghoul vs. 5 heroes?). However, if you were running the attack on Sandpoint with 7 PCs then it isn't unusual to have 25 goblins. The adventure has 13 goblins +1 goblin dog, and is designed for 4 characters. If you almost double the number of players, you could almost double the number of enemies. The first real challenge for my group was the quasit queen. She is supposed to be hard to kill - but she isn't very deadly. My group loved hating that little thing, and they ended up using the grab and drown tactic. Very memorable. The throne room turned out to be very easy, because the group was sneaky and managed to surprise them. The yeth hounds however were tough and so was Nualia - but it wasn't unfair. They didn't find Malfeshnekor - and I guess I should be glad they didn't. I think there is too much XP for the haunts. There is usually only one character who has to make a save, and if he makes the save there is usually no damage or anything. And if he fails the save the other PCs can sometimes save him. Still, the whole party is awarded CR3-5 XP. I have seen much more dangerous CR 4 traps. The group was very [pleasantly] surprised when I handed out the XP after the first session in Misgivings. We haven't run the Aldern encounter yet, but I don't expect it to be too hard. In fact, I was thinking about boosting him up a little bit (spellstitched). However, I believe the Xanesha encounter is potentially lethal. There isn't much treasure, so far, but I personally don't think that 5th-6th level characters should have much permanent treasure. I definitely don't think they should have +3 weapons at 3rd level, no matter what! As regards the names - they don't bother us at all. ![]()
![]() Ok... I know this is an old an archived thread, but I am currently running Misgivings, and Iesha ran past the PCs, heading towards Aldern. Fortunately for me, the session was over at that point, because I had no idea how to deal with the situation. I've been browsing the messageboards, and found this thread where this has been discussed. Everybody seems to agree that Iesha should win a fight against Aldern, but also that it would kinda ruin the adventure not to allow the PCs to fight the Skinsaw Man. So it has been suggested to drop Aldern's HP to 50% and have him win the fight with Iesha after a dramatic confrontation etc. This is interesting, considering James Jacobs' own thoughts on bolstering undeads (page 40 of the adventure). I quote (hope that is OK): "Bolstering the Undead
But now he is back to 40 HP (although it may still be memorable)... Another problem I have been considering: How does Iesha open the door to room 29? Even with her impressive strength score, she can't break it open. Can she claw her way through an iron door? ![]()
![]() Name of PC: Volvere Trelock
Story: So the party had more or less cleared out Thistletop (didn't find Malfeshnekor though), wounded and tired, they decided to head back to Sandpoint. They had arrived to Thistletop via boat, but the fisherman had left as soon as he dropped them off. So this time, they had to walk. They came to the bridge, only to find it partially collapsed (some goblins had fled the longshanks when they found out they were the heroes of Sandpoint - forgetting to disarm the trap before crossing the bridge themselves...). There was no pressure on them, and they could've come up with dozen simple solutions. However, they decided it would be easy to climb across. The first character made it easily enough. However, the rogue of the party was not so lucky. After a few bad dice rolls he plunged to his death. Rather embarrasing... The rest of the party spent the next hour trying to fish out his body to be buried in Sandpoint (and because he kept a lot of the loot). ![]()
![]() Eyebite wrote:
Wow - that was fast. Does it say somewhere, or has this already been discussed on the message boards. I didn't find it. ![]()
![]() In my RotR campaign, the heroes have encountered an attic whisperer in the Turandarok Academy. The attic whisperer spawned when the little sister of Jervis Stoot was murdered by the Academy's previous caretaker, who also molested children (including her brother). This cruel man became Chopper's 24th victim. The attic whisperer never bothered anyone, until recently when a kid managed to break into Ilsoari's basement, where the corpse of the small girl had been hidden. One of the items fused into the attic whisperer was a music box, with bird carvings (one of Stoot's earlier works). The heroes always hear the haunting tune of the music box while searching for the "ghost". It has turned into a very interesting ghost story, and the heroes are now very interested in the Chopper's murdering spree, five years ago. I was wondering, the bird-like demon the Chopper supposedly worshiped whose name none dared say aloud, is this perhaps Pazuzu, king of the Wind demons...? ![]()
![]() Fake Healer wrote:
This I like! I've been considering doing something about this part of Nualia's background, but hadn't thought of this. However, in my campaign Hannah (the midwife) is murdered in a most gruesome way (and it wasn't the skinsaw man)... ![]()
![]() Fake Healer wrote:
I like that idea! thanks :) But I think I'll have to let him lose the wings and tentacles though :p ![]()
![]() I had an interesting development in our last session. The PCs entered the Catacombs of Wrath for the third time and encountered the Vargouille. It surprised them and managed to Kiss one of the PCs, who failed his save. Now his head is transforming into a new Vargouille, and there seems to be nobody in Sandpoint at a sufficient level to remove the disease. Poor bugger - what a way to die. They have about 11 hours to prevent his head from flying off (he's already lost his hair and is starting to grow tentacles and wings on his head). Father Zantus has told them about a certain ointment which was buried with Father Tobyn. Unfortunately, his casket has been stolen. I reckon Magnimar is about 10 hours ride away - which would be a close call. But I wonder, can they raid Thistletop in a single run (5 characters level 2-3)... ![]()
![]() marvin_bishop wrote:
First thing to come to mind is to work as a dungsweeper for Gorvi. Sandpoint tolerates this half-orc because he does such a good job. I imagine Sandpoint might tolerate a couple of goblins running around town with red wheelbarrows. This would also be in line with one of the "ten fun facts about goblins"; Goblins raid junkyards. Anywhere there is garbage, there are goblins. ![]()
![]() Why don't any of the NPCs have Varasian bonus feats, as described in the Pathfinder Player's guide? Also - the Big Game Hunter feat. It looks very unbalanced. Did anybody else think this? I ruled that it only applied to large or larger animals (and suddenly nobody thought it was interesting... damn meta-gamers). ![]()
![]() My group just entered the Catacombs of wrath last night :) Also in level 2 - and they also went directly into the Cathedral. They butchered the Sinspawn and the summoned fiendish wolf and snake easily enough (btw my players really feared the sinspawn (the sorcerer was quite surprised to find out he was up against a monster with spell resistance, at level 2)). However, when it came to battling the AC 24/30hp/fast heal 2/DR 5(cold iron/good)/flying/invisible quasit queen... The quasit kept flying 15' up most of the time, letting its tiny dagger rain upon them (dmg 1-2 each round). It didn't really bother being invisible, since nobody could hit it anyway. It shattered the barbarians Earth-breaker, caused fear etc. etc. Meanwhile, the party spent all of their spells and most of their arrows. They tried grappling it (escape artist), they tried to lasso it and what-not. In the end, I had a very frustrated group of players - a relatively unwounded party of PCs and a totally unwounded quasit (with no spells). Since I didn't want us to die of boredom, the quasit retreated, woeing to return and slay the infidels. I reckon the party will do some more research before returning to the catacombs, and hopefully return with some ideas on how to defeat the quasit queen. I guess I will have her and Koruvus together, as I don't think she will dare to use the runewell again, even to save her own skin. If only they'd remembered the birdcage... ![]()
![]() Just started running RotR. I agree that Nualia lacks some presence in the first part of the adventure. I've been thinking about some sort of revenge on Nualia's behalf against the midwife who burned her baby (maybe she didn't miscarry - maybe she doesn't know/believe she miscarried). At the time it was a shock - but by now she hates the midwife who killed her beautiful baby/monster (probably Hannah). Not sure if it will be Nualia personally who kills the midwife though. Just something for the players to be able to discover her past. I've also been thinking to make the 3 Yeth hounds at Thistletop her babies (it doesn't have to take 9 months when you're carrying monsters). I wonder who their father is... And thanks for the pointer - I will increase her CR somehow. I have 5 players, including a crazy Earth-breaker-wielding Shoanti Barbarian, and I don't want him to 'splash' her away in 1 round. However, I don't think I want to make her a recurring villain either(although she will of course reappear if she happens to escape). I think she's a cool villain, but I reckon there will be loads of cool villains to come, so I will give my players the pleasure of defeating this one (rain check on the recurring villain :p ). Still, I hope it will be a memorable challenge. ![]()
![]() My group, after the glassworks: Serith Tarmahl - CN Chelaxian human male sorcerer 2. Serith was a noble who fled his family in Magnimar, after discovering their demon worshipping past. However, he realized his heritage left some yet undiscovered powers (fiend-bloode prestige class wannabe). He moved to Sandpoint and has been working at the Turandarok academy, keeping a low profile ever since. Serith is haunted by terrible dreams and constantly hears the mad voice of one named Xaliasa. While this voice is guiding him on how to use his powers, but it is also slowly corrupting him. Delexar - CG Varasian human male druid 2. Delexar is a local farmboy who lived just south of Mosswood. However, he spent most of his life studying the ways of the druid. It was his families farm that was attacked and destroyed by Mosswood goblins shortly after the attack on Sandpoint, only to be saved by Shalelu. He has the ability to shapechange at will (PHII alternate class ability). Isocelex - CG Varasian human male cleric of Desna 1. Isocelex is only 15 years old. However, he has spent most of his life travelling and is wise beyond his years. He came to the Swallowtail festival to honour the temple with gift; an old artifact called the Starknife of St. Evalis. Volvere Trelock - CG Varasian/Chelaxian human male rogue/swashbuckeler 1/1. A local in Sandpoint - Volvere has been working for Volioker Briskalbeard the locksmith. However, he has also secretly been providing information to the local Sczarni gang. Ancrym Haddock - CG Shoanti human male barbarian 2. Mothered by a Shirriiki Quah woman, fathered by a member of the Tamir Quah tribe, this confused Shoanti has been exiled from the Tamir Quah tribe after the shaman of the tribe caught him singing the forbidden hymn. The hymn was a part of a legend, a prophecy that a man of two faces would bring the misery to Tamir Quah, but then bring times of change. He found himself selling fish at the Swallowtail festival when the raid begun. Fortunately, his Earth breaker was not far away. Well - that's it - hope they survive :p ![]()
![]() First of all - kudos to ShadowChemosh for his Errata .pdf - thanks a lot! I thought, since everyone is doing it, I might add a question or two. First of all I found it interesting that Lonjiku Kaijitsu's stats do not contain info on his race (p. 59 and 71). I assume this is just an error, especially since Ameiko is human. Anyways - I guess it won't matter for future products :p Second - I don't quite understand why Tsuto had his father make sure nobody was at the Glassworks during the festival. I don't see there was any activity at the Glassworks that particular day. Tsuto obviously left Sandpoint after the raid to deliver the casket (according to his journal), but he then returns, with a number of goblins, to stay at the Glassworks... But why? There are a few days between the raid on Sandpoint until Tsuto kills his father. However, his father comes to the Glassworks to meet with Tsuto. Does this mean that Tsuto, and his band of goblins, in fact occupy the Glassworks for a few days after the raid? Without anybody noticing? Anyways - this is just some minor stuff I noticed - no problem to fix it. Overall the adventure looks awesome, and although we've only just finished the glassworks, my player's are already loving it :) I can't wait to run the Skinsaw murders (looks soooo cool). ![]()
![]() So let me get this straight. D0 (Hollow's Last Hope) doesn't have any Pregenerated characters, but D1 (Crown of the Kobold King) does. Still, D0 can be run as a prelude to D1... Furthermore, D1 will have the same pregenerated characters as volume 1 of Pathfinder, but Falcon's Hollow will, according to Nicolas Logue, be very far away from Varisia... While I doubt I will be using pregenerated characters for my campaign anyway (even though they are ridiculously good looking (zoolander quote)), I still find this rather weird... If, however, I would want to run through D0-D1 with pregenerated characters, I'd have to wait for D1, change the pregenerated characters to lvl 1, then run them through D0-D1. If I'd then want my players to be able to use the same characters in Burnt offerings, I'd have to "beam them away" to Varasia. I know there is no link between D1 and Burnt offerings, but why did you decide to use the same pregenerated characters? Is it simply because these iconics are fun to draw (and are really really ridiculously good looking)? Like a lot of people, I can't wait to get my hands on the first issue of Pathfinder. That is why I will probably buy D0 and D1 too! That is also why I'm considering if my players can use the same characters in D0-D1 and Burnt offerings. Would it perhaps be possible to have D1's pregenerated characters available for download for use in D0 (lvl 1 version)? ![]()
![]() I want to say that I too felt quite disappointed when I read Act 2. Especially since I loved the Whispering Cairn, it is definately one of my favorite adventures ever (especially for low-level parties (not too often that a party reaches 5th level without encountering a single orc,goblin or kobold)). The details were great, especially after I'd read the overload. Still, my group of players aren't too serious, and although they weren't too motivated in going to the Dourstone mine (I felt like I had to give them a push) they did eventually and disregarded the lack of reasons to go there - after all, it's a game and meant to be fun (and they knew the adventure was going to take place down there). The lack of opportunities to rest is a problem, as is the lack of suggestions to what happens if the heroes go back to town to rest and return (what changes have been made). Minor details are a bit annoying, and I'd like to point out a couple which I haven't seen anybody else mention:
Also, I must say I had some problems with the elevator (3 characters had to fight 2 tieflings, 8 skeletons and 6 cultists before the others could get down). I'm not complaining, but in case they make a hardcover they have to check this out (although I know it will probably be edited and proof-read a dozen times before that). I also think there should be some more info on Ragnolin Dourstone. The adventure deals shortly with what happens when they talk to Balabar, but not Ragnolin. I often feel pretty lazy because I'm using the adventure path with only slight modification. But the fact is that making a campaign of this quality takes a lot of time - and I just can't handle it. But if I don't like the way things are in Dungeon magazine, I simply change them to my liking (also to suit my groups favorite elements of D&D). So I don't think the adventure has to cover EVERY possible roleplay encounter, c'mon guys. But still, I must say I was fairly disappointed with 3foe, especially compared to the whispering cairn. ![]()
![]() Well, First casulty in the adventure path occurred last session... Jonathan (3rd lvl human rogue)
Jonathan was sent ahead to look for traps - it was "obvious" that the walkways were trapped, seeing how two had already collapsed. When he stepped onto it, the pair of wind warriors appeared, blasting him with sonic blasts, before moving in for the kill. He never had a chance.
![]() I was wondering if it is possible to download the map of Diamond Lake? It's not in the #124 supplement. The thing is, me and my friends are playing the Age of Worms adventure path using Fantasy Grounds, since two players are in Iceland, three in Denmark and one in England. This works well, because of the online supplements, but the town map is missing. ![]()
![]() Thrall_of_Ao wrote:
I thought so too, so I had them throw against AC 5 and called it a direct hit (no splash). I think it was ok, the encounter was still scary enough, a single alchemist fire isn't enough anyway. And this party too had to retreat with the cleric unconscious in tow. The characters still mention bugs as their most hated enemy! ![]()
![]() I had a similar problem with my players. They spent days digging at them rocks! I simply didn't give them a chance to get through (so I'm a bastard).
So word of advice to any who haven't started the Whispering Cairn: If you print out the player map, be sure to erase the room behind the cave-in before you show it to the players. ![]()
![]() I want to add to this. While I love these online supplements (they really add flavor to my game and I love being able to show my players the maps, 'almost' the way I see them), I don't quite understand why I have to wait for them for so long. I am using the fantasy grounds virtual tabletop, and it is great to get all these pictures and maps to share with the others (I don't have to scan them anymore), but I would like to be able to download the supplement the same day as I got the issue (issue 130)so I can use it ASAP, and I can't see why that should be a problem... I hope you take this into consideration. |