Neolandis Kalepopolis

omen2zippo's page

Organized Play Member. 40 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Well i hope you can make it to Indy for GENCON i will be here rady to play. Long live Mordzuk

I also started with the red box version then Quickly went to the AD&D books

Please no one talk about the heavily armored cleric!

ummm where on youtube can i watch this vids?

scout,scout,scout,and did i say scout.

in my campain Magnimar actually has golem driven ricshaws. drop enough gold in the box and you have a ride anywhere in magnimar.

my party level's up as soon as they get the XP and since everything stops as they level up that is the time we use to bring out the munchies cook what needs cooked take smoke breaks not that i approve of smoking an the like so a level up spot is a good place to enjoy your friends

O.k. so here it is my group is just starting Hook Mountain Massacre and so far the entire party has died once in Burnt Offerings, twice in The Skinsaw Murders, and once in The Seven Swords of Sin module i threw in to give them so more XP. Now i know i only have a group of 4 and i have seriously reduced the strength of the big baddies. My group finds it to easy fighting the smaller battles cause they use most of their resources on them then when they get to a main encounter they are FUBARed.

Or they do really stupid stuff like oh lowering a cleric who can't swim into a hole in thistletop that they know has water in the bottom then after the bunyip bites the cleric in half they decide to lower down the mage this proceeds until only the paladin remains.

O.k. not gonna say to much bout Skinsaw except my entire party died at the bottom and the top of the clock tower.
And then we come to Seven Swords of Sin more like one book of death for my party. i need a way to make my party realize that they are doing things wrong without killing them and yes i have fudged rolls in their favor and i have weakened the baddies but when it comes down to it i think my players are just not that committed to their characters because they just keep killing themselves in silly ways

So ummm let me get this straight no one is posting maps here????? at all?

Also i know this isnt the thread for this but i had seen a very well done fan created Golarion Calander on one of these threads, and i am sure Lilith and SirUrza know the one i am refering to. If anyone knows where it is please post a link here or e-mail it to me at

Thanks all

those dots were my way to know what threads i had seen something woth going back to read again now i am just lost. like i know i seen on the boards where someone had created a calander for the Pathfinder world but alas i cannot find it now now matter how i search

I hope to be at GEN-CON supporting them with my hard earned dollars

thanks lilith now if only i can get to a comp tuesday evenings
i'll be set

is just wondering if the cookies ever made it there????

yes monster books monster books

Hi there i am looking for a grop to join and enjoy the goodies that paizo heaps on us. i am currently in a group who hasnt played since the begining of April and i am wanting to play on a more regular basis. let me know if anone is in the Indianplois erea and needing another player

Wow i hate to say this i have never been upset by someone on here as i have been reading Airwalkrr's rants. We got your point, you don't like the skill. So now that's been said yes my group has been using a fly skill for about 4 years now we also had perception as an ability not a skill but thats a wholw other thread in itself.

grrrrrr grrrrrrr mumble grumble hasbro upset head hurts WoTC nooo grrrrr please not 4E D&D pain pain!!! ahhhh PRPG pain relief.

well my group likes it so far but we really havent been able to game since alpha 1 so...

well i have

human chelaxian rogue
human chelaxian paladin (dead)
Human varisian cleric of desna
human varisian wizard
human varisian fighter

i notice a lot of people asking for more feats i was just wondering if you have heard of an old web site they have a book of feats on there. Let me see yes it is called gryphons book of feats and as far as i know its all OGL

ummm what are the Golarion months?

ummm what chat ???

Thank you hograth and yes even sub optimal charecters got played yes they may have died quickly but they often were either A) a well placed comedy point in the game or B)well remembered for something very heroic they tried to do and died in the process of doing. My fav charecter is a wizard with the following stats

HP: 17

thats using first edetion D&D rules with an 18th level wizard. i have many many fond memories of playing this character.

all of a sudden to me i have played with a very select few people and most of us roll with the bad rolls, this is the first message board i have been on so all this complaining bout low rolls is new to me. i mean when we roll our charecters we still do 3D6 for each stat we dont buy points or do 10+1D6 or whatever.

leave the randomness of rolling hd alone it has been for almost 40 years been a perfect way to get hit points now all of a sudden people want to cry if they get bad rolls well deal with it . If your fighter gets bad rolls for HP then learn a new way to fight. just becuase you gelt low rolls does not mean you cannot have fun with that charecter it just means you have to find a new way to play a class you have probably played to death.As for me some of my fav charecters have been wizards where i have had a -to Con and rolled super low on hit points imagine if you can playing a tenth level wizard with 13 hit points now that to me is fun and challenging.

cmon no ones gonna tackle the sandpoint lumber mill??? i would if i actually had a computer of my own and new how to make em all i have is a flash drive a a friend with a comp and printer

wow couldn't have said it better myself

...eats jello pudding pops made from only the best parts of Bill Cosby

Hip hip hazah to you for telling it like it is. I have been playtesting PRPG in paizo's very own Rise of the Runelords adventure path making changes on the fly, and having players change as well. so far it seems to be going ok once the players changed over and got used to new ways of doing things. But alas the things you mentioned could be quite handy

So let me get this straight if you take the turn elemntal feat and you channel the energy will not living creatures around you take the damage since you are channeling potentially harmful things

Well i for one would just like to tell James Jacobs and the rest of the pathfinder teams and the people at paizo great job. i just cant get enough. even though my poor wallet disagree's

smurftatsic i hate smurfs i need a gargamelle avatar


the four players in my group and myself all agree that perception and it's five sub groups is much better than spot and listen but then thats just us. On the search vs. perception i think it fine being bundled in perception after play testing my group loved the way they had to use all thier senses to search for trap and hidden things they are recently starting ROTR #2 the Skinsaw Murders and being able to use an olfactory based perception check has really helped them find clues.

I honestly don't know why you went back to the skill ranks the players and I all love the purchase skills of Pathfinder RPG Alpha. It is so much simpler we refuse to change back to buying skill ranks. We were all very sad to see that in alpha2 it seems that purchasing skill ranks was back.

OK this is easy enough in my party there is 1 paladin, 1 cleric, 1 wizard, and 1 rogue. The party was doing well enough till they decided to lower themselves into the Howling hole where a very hungry bunyip was waiting. one by one they went down and died fist the rogue Wren got it with a nice decapatation. then the cleric Belk drowned while trying to fight the bunyip underwater, can we all say DOH! Finally that brings me to the palaidn who nualia captured and tried to sway to the darkside, well he said no and coup de grace!oh the are all 2nd and 3rd level

All i know is that the bunyip killed my rogue and my cleric then Nualia offed the palidin.

I recently finished running Burnt Offerings with a party of 4. 1 paladin, 1 wizard, 1 cleric, and 1 rogue. well needles to say all but the wizard has died i even fudged rolls in thier favor and made goblins run away has anyone else had this problem????