My players consit of a Gnome Dread Necromancer, an Elven Rogue, and a Human Clerif of Sarenrae. The combat was rough at first, but after destroying the Sinspawn minion they were able to consentrate on Erylium. At first they dealt w/ her sumoned minions, saved versus the shatter, and survived her spells. Then the Gnome zapped her w/ a Ray of Enfeeblement twice dropping her strength to a 1 causing her to fall to the floor. There the other two attacked, the Rogue flanking to sneak attack. Combat lasted longer than usual but otherwise it was only slightly tedious, though it was more challenging which they enjoyed.
I prefer to let my players build their own characters. I helped build each one-on-one using the backdrop article to find their "niche" in the town. We then discussed what the characters dreams, ideals, and ambissions where and where they were headed in life as well aswhy they would be interested in the adventuring lifestyle. So far it has worked out rather well with alot of memorable/iconic characters.
The Spell Weaver lasted a few rounds due to knowing he PCs were coming and had his defensive spells up and ready. With a final parting shot of prismatic ray before he recieved the killing blow, he sent the fighter and rogue to another plane and turned the wizard to stone, leaving the cleric and druid to try and rescue the others. The wizard only took one day and the other two had to wait until the PCs returned to Mage Point and enlisted aid to bring them back. >:D
My party ended very well rounded w/out me railroading them into certain classes, and have been able to handle everything the AoW AP has to throw at them w/ much more ease than I could have ever expected.
The damn wizard in my group is sort of a pack rat and never sells or gets rid of any scroll, and or potion he comes across. After slayin Beast, he decides to animate it and have it lay their while the party continued cleaning out the rest of the Temple since it couldn't quite fit. Unfortunately in the final show down between the High Priest and his Acolytes, the leader ran away due to the party rapidly dispatching his troops. He met his end as he ran past the now Undead Beast and the Wizard called out for it to attack and the poor High Priest was pulverized between Beast & the wall.
DR is normally stated as instantly healing the damage taken, therefore I would rule that those w/ DR take no dmg but the worms are able to burrow thru them and risk becomeng Spawn of Kyuss since it heals back the damage but doesn't prevent it. The Natural Armor is described as ranging from hide to armored plates, and having a +5 would definitely rank up there; so I would go along w/ those w/ +5 being relatively immune except for rare or specific instances. I mean, a rhino ain't about to be chewed on by misquetos or leeches & just how smart are you going to play the worms anyway??
I reread that section and I couldn't find anything that mentions Kizarvidexus. From the what we got from the passage was that the horns belonged to Mishka because that is whom they keep mentioning. I is beleivable that him being the last slain by Mishla's final attack, he would be burried w/ all that remained of Mishka. In 3.5 is Mishka still imprisoned on Pandemonium w/ his Essence trapped w/in the Rod of 7 Parts??
The Wizard in my group decided to fool around w/ the horns while the where having Allustan examine the box & other contents there-in passing over the horns as mundane. Seeing as that the Circlet has a Legacy of sorts I decided the Horns would as well. I had the horns absorbed by his body when he placed them to his brow & fall unconsciious, when he awakens a few days later his body will have changed slightly as it has been corrupted by the taint of Mishka. i plan on it leading him on a path of corruption during the rest of the campaign and it goes along perfectly w/ the player's character concept. Any ideas, suggestions or opinions on what I can do w/ it from here; anything is welcome.
all began 1st level & had them roleplay getting together and gathering info about the Cairn w/ the help of a buddy PC. male human/rogue "juggler" @ the Emporium
-later added another on the way to the Land Farmstead,
my campaign is in a personal psuedo-Faerun/Greyhawk. My group started w/:
They didn't seem to have too much trouble dealing w/ the encounters in the WC as most groups seemed to, even when the Rogue set off the Wind Trap w/ the Druid behind him. |