
Tomovasky's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I always like the Brain in the Jar idea.

When: Second Game of the campaign Chapter 1
Who:Rollend the half elf 1st LV bard
Reason of Death: Suicide over his Half brothers death

When: Second Game of the campaign Chapter 1
Who: William the Half Orc 1st LV Inquisitor
Reason of Death: The Mimic in J60 and no one knowing how to speak Dark lands. Also not know when best to let something alone.

We just finished the Vampires of Water Deep campaign ark. Now we are gearing up to run Shackled City with the pathfinder rules.
Should be starting next Saturday if all goes as planed. I've run the first 4 adventurers before so I don't feel as I need a whole month to prep this time.

Ok so a time ago I posted a gestalt group that was to play, well that did not go so well and we gained some new players, anyway here is my current group of players who just finished there 3rd game leaving the catacombs of wrath

Eveles- Elf knight of ordaren 2nd (home brewed class that allows him to play his Ninja’ paladin idea from the gestalt game)

Ferthwind- Varisian fighter/ artificer 1/1: crossbow orientated relies on a trained dog , a family history filled with greed J.

Emailon – elf sorcer 2nd aiming for the magic missile mage: soon to be wife of ferthwind and obsession of foxglove.

Raven- ½ orc monk 2nd : shoanti mother from the skull clan.

Vincent -ninja 2nd lv- Assassin type character who gave up his trade for the love for his life, sadly wrath finds it way back into his veins with some magic persuasion and at the cost of his daughter , now he runs from his past.

Thank's that was the one... your a game saver

Hey guys a few week ago there was a thred where pepole were sharing there opening speaches for the opening of Burnet offerings, yet I can not seam to find it can anyone point me to where to find it,

Now I only have 3 players so I am letting them be Gesalt,
The Players
A elven Paladin/ Ninja (complete Adventurer) trying to add the kensi or darkstaker inquisitor (CW?) –goal to drive out all evil

A dwarf Cleric of Torag /Sorcerer- Wanting to build an army of worshipers, remove the evil that his greedy uncle gave to his family name, and become a master black smith.

A Varsian and Shoanti mutt Psion / fighter- wishing to become a master of the star blade, a man that is about to cross the line of insanity who goals in life are to kill as many goblins as he can before finding his Spartan inspired perfect death. Whith some mother issue that he works out by beening a man slut... should be intresting

It's part of the SRD here is the link

I have 3 players and that is what we ate using, So I am hoping it will work :). Good luck

I bet you guys were trying to fit in as much as you can in the page limet, and for that I thank you. But I do agrea that the font size was on the small side.

Hmmm. So there packing them as we speak.... So that means that My copie of pathfinder is siting about an hour away from me. By chance can I just stop by and pick up my copie?

When I first looked at running pathfinder I thought I should only allow core books because that is what paizo has to draw from then add class as they come out in the pathfinder books, but my players seem to want more options, Will allowing splat books make it so that the players can just walk though the game, I mean I know I can always add stuff to make it hard if need be but just curios about as written

Not much love for my group favorite. Harbringer (SP?) from “The obsidian eye”

Hey guys I was just wondering if you were planning on have a article in Pathfinder about if they the party fails and dose not stop the Runelord how that may change the path finder world ?

Just a thought, Have you put any thought into a Living world. Kinda like what the RPGA has done with so may worlds.

Ok guys I all exited for you new campain world and I want to be with you all the way... So later this week all be geting my Pathfind subscroption and geting D1.

But to my dismay I found there is not a shop near my that will be doing the Free RPG day. So I am wondering how will I get this module, So that I will not be missing any of the Pathfinder expernice.

Not to still the post away from the 0P, but I also have a PC who wishes to be in a gladiator and I was think of useing the gladiator fight from "Pandemonium in the veins" Dungon #96 befor he heads off to the Isle of dread.

So has anyone played/ran this advunture,From what I can tell it puts the heros in to the pits and battles and end with the stadum being wreaked for the time being wich push the PC to go and leave the ring and go to the island.

I like to see the Blood Empress. From the moment I read about her ship made of bones and skin in the FC, I thought she was perfect for the savage tide.

I was thinking wouldn’t Olamgru start hounding them on the beach… I do not think the PC will stay on the beach if one of there NPC friends or a PC get kidnapped.

My players should be making it to parrot island this week and I was wanting to make it as horro filling as I can for Halloween. Well anyway I was thinking of saying becuase of Olidammara cruss the zombies do not die and after beening killed after a few minutes are brought back to there undead state.
Any thoughts?

Yes, I can finally post my group for the savage tide, I been waiting for the players to finish the characters. Now my group has a harder time and seams to die really easily so I have given some homebrew rules to help them. First of all I am using the reserve points and the Defense bounces from the UA, Also If got a rule I found online called “fate points” which allows PC to spend points to re-role or to avoid meaningless death and or to by extra feats, skills, gold. So they may have a few things one should not at this Lv.

So on with the group
Edimer Leftblade: LV.1 knight (PHB2) Human. An old friend of the Vanderborn who has come back from knight training to comfort Lavinia.
He spent his points to get a keen long sword which is a gift form his father.
He also took the Honor Bound feat from Dragonlance.

Johnson: LV.1 Jester (DC) Human: Living with his “Aunt” a small time alchemist, Johnson has dreams of becoming a great fighter after reading stories of the battles. His aunt and her friend Kora Whistlegap have decided to have him help lavinia in hopes that it will give him the taste of adventure that he craves, Also he dream that Johnson and lavinia may fall in love.
Johnson has the Merchant Tong feat and also uses a fate point to get some more gold. Which he has spent on Alchemy items which are his main way of fighting.

Alabas the second: Lv1 cleric of Pelor. This character was made more off the cuff and will be working on a story.

Lumanes: LV 1 monk. A poor farmer boy with a bloodline worth gold, the great soel empire lives in his veins. A young mind just deciding if the pat of light or darkness is right for him. (The group munchkin so I will not list all the feats and such)

In the next few games we will have a Goliath Warblade joining the group.

Thanx for the cach up class guys.. There been some relly good info. I have a player that wishes to be in the suel blood line. So I glade to get a the facts.
I hope your games go well -Tomo

So the Scarlet brother hood (a grope in the Savage tide adventure path) is tide to the Suel Empire, Also in the Complete Arcane there is a Suel arcanamach which is also tide to the mysteries Empire; so I was just wondering who they are. Any and all info you can give me about them would be a great help.

Hey guys I was just wondering what your thoughts about using the “Heroes of Horror” Taint rules in STAP. I was thinking of using the Depravity rules when they go to Parrot Island, or as the see the destruction that leads to kraken cove.

I got mine today, I have not read all of the second adventure of the AP but of what I have read I am so hyped to get this game started. The amount of details that are given to you So you can add them to give scary creep filling. The pools of blood, the dead animals
The mad laughter….This should keep my players jumping all night.

Also the Hellfire mountain adventure looks like it will be soon going into the classics (though I have not gotten to read it) and may make a great marathon session.

No magazine for me, Wich is sad becuse it is my birthday ....Oh well tomarow is allways another day

Well as I plane for the adventure I was thinking about the past ones, Both in my games and others I read over there have been high death rate. AoW seamed harder then SCAP though I have not been able to run the whole thing.
So do you guys think that this STAP will be even harded, Should I add some rules that will give my players an edge?

For those lost fans that are wating for the DVD's of 2nd season they will be out this coming tuseday wich is the 5th.

I have a filling save tide is going to have a sad emding. After killing demorgon, your going to have tone of demons trying to kill you/ or trying to take the spot of Demorgron. Also those that you made alies with may now try to kill you befor you can come to try and get them

I live in Wa and I have not seen a sine of it.

As my Dungeon has yet to show up, I started reading Hordes to get ready, As I wonder were in the Gaping Maw will the fianle battle will rage. Will it be in the halls of his sanctuary, Or mabe after battleing though his citty making it up the way the pyrimd. What do you guys think?

Thanx beldar...Do not worry about my players they do not come to this site at all... I do not even think then no it is here.

Well after some time I am finally ready to start the AoW, But I have some questions. The biggest are besides the core book which did you find the most helpful, I was thinking of The Hero of Horrors, but besides that I am not sure which books will help and which will bring me trouble.

Next I have a group that enjoys play wired races; Right now two of the group is wishing to play centaurs. Now the race of wild was they are broken down to a class rather then a LA, but will the centaurs have a hard time. Also how would some of the other monster race be played out in this adventure?

Last but not least, I was think of doing a twist in the game where that players start out with less gold then the stating package, and not all the weapons and armor, but triad it for things that people in a small mining town would help pix, shovel and then have them have to do jobs and find ways to make money for there items….Or I was think of giving them there items but making have debts they own in the town they have to pay before they can leave and if they leave before there debts are paid they will have bounty hunters after them, but how do I do this but still be fair and not to mean to the players.

Hey nick, just have to say the first one is one of the best adventures I have ran. It was one of the first my players made though alive (at the time they were having a streck of bad lack and stupidty and keept killing each other off)
Also HARBINGER made such a imprsion on one of the players that he dressed up as him for hollowing.

I love this idea, As I play though the hard cover of scap I find it hard on my small table to flip from chapter to apendex1-5 to find this monster and the other one. I started right all the fights I need on small sheet of paper but this takes a lot of time and use up a lot of paper.
So in the simple way of saying, I rely think that is a great idea.

Hey I was wondering if there was any chance of NPC from SCAP and AOW showing up the next adventure. I love the fill that each adventure builds off the last.

jester47 wrote:

Eric Mona,

Mr. Peterson through his descriptions has single handedly convinced me to purchase SCAP. I hope his endorsement is duely compensated for. :)

Professor Webb

First I would have to say, I also think that it would be amazing to see what each of you thought as you came up with the adventures.

Second, clark as a DM who also wishes to become better at what I love I was wondering if you like to stay in touch and share what we learn and share Ideas. Pleas reply to this if intrested?

Hey everyone, so I’m restarting SCAP and I was wondering what you all did to make the city of cauldron more alive.
I was looking at economical and nobility that fits with what is already there. I hope with these ideas I can get some great role-playing going on. Thanks for any and all help?
P.S. We just in chapter 2 if it helps for time line ideas.

Add one more to the I love this idea list.

there is always rule 0.... your the DM and it make a fun incounter, So they jump on the ship no matter the rules for jump say.

I also would mind a hardback....I did not run the age of worms with the magazine because I was waitning for the extras that were giving with shackled citty.
So add one more name to the list that would love to see that book.

Hey thanx for the info Samael. Not only did you give me hints on where to get the adventures I was also looking for the Death knights on another post so you help a lot…but do you or anyone know what issue that is?

I have to say I am amazed. I come back to look at a post and I have to replies, one being from the editor. Being new to the form and only reading your magazine for about a year this makes me fill rely important and part of the community. Thanx for you thought one the “isle of dread”

I was just wounding if anyone was going to run the old Isle of dread before trying to take on AP3. My players being brought up in a third edition have not got to play this classic, I hope that it may inspire them for AP3 to play the classic.

Are there any good adventures that use Demogorgon that I can though at my player before AP3. They have never gone up against Demogorgon and I thought it be fun to throw him at them before they get chances to kill him.

In vol.1 there is a picture of a man with a skull mask on a black horse right by the cover, I do not remember the name of the article of what issue , I do remember it was about the death lords and I believe that it was a two part issue.

Also there was a dungeon and dragon with the githanki wars that would be pretty cool to see again.