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Our campaign began a day shy of two weeks ago, and after four hours of play--much of it involving them meeting one another in Diamond Lake and making preparations to leave town--they entered Zosiel's false tomb and located the high passage in the blue lamp alcove.
I hope that everyone is interested enough to make it a weekly game rather than twice-monthly game. We'll see!

R-type |

We're stuck in A Gathering of Winds at the moment, things have come grinding to a halt as characters deal with deaths, destruction of the town and such.
Might have to pull something mean to force them out of their current situation and make them get off their arses and look for 'Uncle Al'.
They still dont 100% trust him...

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Started in August. We have had nine AoW sessions now.
The party just finished the Three Faces of Evil last night. I expect it will take at least three - maybe four to get though Encounter at Blackwall Keep, so by the time the AP's publishing concludes in May of this year, I expect the party will be in the beginning stages of the Hall of Harsh Reflections. (We play once a month and sometimes twice - it averages once every three weeks over the course of a year.)

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The group I judge Age of Worms for has just defeated Telakin in The Hall of Harsh Reflection. We have played through fifteen game sessions, each about four hours each. We meet two to three times a month.
The adventuring party has three 6th-level and three 7th-level characters. We are pretty far from the end of the campaign. But, that is okay, because I like this Adventure Path a lot, and I dread its end.
Don Kenneth Brown
West Jordan, Utah

Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

I'm running two groups through it. The group I consider to be my "major" group (as in, we used to meet on a fairly regular basis) is just about to take on the Faceless One (this afternoon, actually!). The other, not so regular, group had a bit of a head start, and so are running through the Mistmarsh tracking down the lizardfolk.

Arjen |

The partty is busy with their second attack on the observatory to avenge a partymember they lost in the first attack. although they managed to get the 4 Land skeletons dealing with Filge has become something personal. after that they must deal with the Cullen boys because the boys are looking for them for bungling the first attack and getting them into big problems once Smenk finds out they sold his buddy Filge.

Tak |

Well, my group just cracked into Isociols true tomb after having their butts handed to them by the elementals. One member got on the raised platform and fell in one round thanks to the guard in there. They tried to fight but the cleric deemed it a lost battle and said "I vote we get off this island" and teleported everyone to a Shaundakul temple in Waterdeep.

Bumamgar |

My party just defeated Telekin and have discovered Xyzog's lair. We play for 4 - 5 hours every Saturday, barring holidays or other wierdness. If I've counted things right, we've had 29 sessions so far. Assuming they finish up Hall of Harsh Reflections next session, we're averaging 7.5 sessions per "module", or about 2 and a half months real time.
Yeah, my group is kind of slow, I figure it'll take us about three years total to complete AoW :)

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Nice to see alot going on in here :)
My 4 player group started in October, and we have been playing every 2 weeks, unless holidays, or something major came up. We have played 8 sessions, all about 5 hours long each. Our next session will be on Feb. 25. They are still in Diamond lake. They are trying to get info out of Kullen's Gang about where the other bones of the Land family are, But there are going to be going through the Devil Box Dungeon #109, great side adventure that can fit in well, with little adjustment.
Feel this group will take a long whilke till we finish this campaign, but still moving on :-)

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*cries* Three more weeks before I can even start!
*Cries (also)* I think we won't begin before the end of march !!
However, I'll make an "easy" whispering cairn, for them to earn few XPs (they will be 5th level at the beginning of the AoW AP).Doing so, I hope we will go faster to the 2nd installment.

Rodney Thompson |

My group is just starting The Hall of Harsh Reflections. They actually finished Encounter in Blackwall Keep about a month and a half ago, but they were slightly behind in levels (due to having 5 party members) so I ran a sidetrek adventure of my own design to get them caught up. Plus, it allowed them to adventure in the Free City (IMC, Liberty from The Game Mechanics' City Quarters series) so that they were there for a while before the Champions' Games. I'm hoping that the extra adventure will have given them a bit stronger attachment to the city, so that if it gets all wraithified in the Champion's Belt it will hold some stronger significance.

AMAngel |

I have two groups. One meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday night. We've had 4 sessions and it looks like they'll finish up the Wispering Cairn when we meet on Feb 25th.
the other group meets every other Tuesday Night and just rolled up thier characters and meet up with each other two weeks ago... they should get into the Cairn early tomorrow night.
Both of my groups ar huge one 8 players and the other nine.... so it tends to take us a while to do anything... i believe this adventure path will take us into 2008!

Tiger Lily |

We finished 3FoE and are waiting to start Blackwall Keep. We play weekly, but there's two DMs in our current group, and we alternate campaigns. My work schedule went haywire at the end of October, so I finished DMing this and some other stuff I had prepped already, but we likely won't going back to AoW until my work hours even out. I just be a player for now. :)

oldmanfish |

Right now my group is 12 sessions in (although 3 of them were spent on character introduction and "unfamiliar territory" after a near TPK in TFoE) and we are just finishing up TFoE.
I don't imagine that the blackwall keep will hold this group up much at all. Probably only 2 1/2 or 3 sessions for it (hopefully).

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my group will be finishing up 3FoE this sunday. however, they will be involved in a side-adventure or two before getting back onto the path to do Blackwall Keep. this is so they don't caught in the grind that long story arcs like AoW tend have on players after a while. so the AP will probably be fully published before we even get to the halfway point (Champion's Belt). besides it'll be in keeping with televison series-like format that i'm using anyway (the opening of AGoW will serve as my "season finale').

airwalkrr |

My group just defeated Zyxog yesterday. When I say defeated I mean "forced him to plane shift away." I was using the psionic version I posted of him some months back and he ran low on power points and hp after a long drawn out battle lasting over 10 rounds. And for those who say psionics is overpowered, my party included one 6th, three 8th, and two 9th level characters and none even went unconscious in the fight. They are equipped purely with equipment found in the campaign path minus mundane stuff too. They have a healer in the party which probably aids substantially in their survival, but by and large most of their characters are built using core rules since I don't allow a lot of splat books into my campaigns. So I don't think going with the psionic (mind flayer psion3) option was too much. The funniest part was when the sorcerer got ego whipped from 18 Charisma to 7. :)

RedRobe |

My group is nearing the end of 3FoE. Last Wednesday the PCs came up from the mine before exploring the Caverns of the Keeper (we're playing in Eberron). They had enough time to rest before coming up, so they grabbed some rest at the abandoned mine office and the artificer went to work identifying some magic items. After about 5 hours, they noticed that the garrison had a signal fire going on one of the towers and so they looked over the town from their vantage point and saw that there was a fire raging somewhere near the center of town. They went to investigate and found Venelle's archery shop aflame and a rampaging band of grimlocks menacing the townsfolk. With the help of the garrison, they dispatched the grimlocks only to be confronted by Grallak Kur as he came forward on one of Venelle's outbuildings. Through the licking flames he shouted at them, "The Overgod shall rise tonight!! You are all DOOMED!!" And at that point I said, "To be continued..."