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Questions on Sodden Hold


My group just finished the stalkers room (It was looking bad, but the dwarf's Blind fighting came in handy), and I'm struck with a dilemma... The party left creatures alive.

Basically, they took the two guards down to -9 and -7 (stabilized) and locked them into one of the cells - The doppelganger spy slipped them a knife from Filge's Silverware and a throwing axe into the cell.

More importantly, one of the invisible stalkers is stabilized at -4 in there... Should the party know about it? Do they go poof at 0 or at -10?

I'm thinking that the party is going to rest prior to going down the pipe - they are wiped out. Although it would be fun for the last stalker to make a last attack on them if it can?

Anyone have any thoughts?

raidou wrote:
The real killer was the terrain in the grimlock caves. If you can't take a 5ft step, those chokers become INSANE with their 10ft reach and improved grab. Trying to escape ALWAYS provokes.

Wait!!! You mean they couldn't have done 5' steps???

Right... difficult terrain...


My group is going to be hitting the Free City of Greyhawk (HoHR), and I'm trying to find the supplements focused on the city.

I have "Greyhawk: The Adventure Begins" already. Any other recommendations? My interest here is more laziness - the group has no real clue RE: anything "greyhawk"'ish.

ruined wrote:

Hmm. Does this mean I screwed up when using the worm burrow against my group's paladin? I had it burrow in, go for a little way and expire, figuring that his immunity to disease would protect him from it. Is that not the case?

I'm not too worried, as he's gone into Hunter of the Dead and if any PrC should be immune, it would be that one. But also, the group cleric is about to get Divine Health, so would be good to know.

The ruling in another thread is that the Paladin's (or anyone else's) immunity to disease does not apply to Kyuss worms (or I guess other worms)...

You'd have to look up the thread - I forget the reasoning myself, and I don't feel any real need to open that can of worms again (Bah-dum-dum-ksshhh!)

Hierophantasm wrote:

One thing to remember--that I always forget myself--is the Kyuss' Gift disease that the spawn can bestow. Roll the saves behind your screen, and write yourself a note as to when it takes effect. I always forget diseases! (Slow worms comes up with respect to this, as well.)

I had remembered that, but since the only person successfully HIT by the spawn was a paladin, well, the disease roll was unnecessary (Vulnerable to the worms, but not to Kyuss' Gift)

Namely, the party raided the lizardcamp, killed the leader and parlayed with the shaman. Collected the human prisoners. And left.

They never reached the egg room - which means the false dragon egg with the worms is still there!

I'm guessing is that the egg will hatch and turn the lizardman eggs into spawn, right?

I'm thinking that Blackwall Keep is going to be overrun with wormy lizardmen soon! Excellent! (My group was dumbfounded when they had heard about how long the spawn was locked up in the basement)...

"Your friend turned into a zombie AND YOU LOCKED HIM INTO THE BASEMENT???"

"We thought he'd get better, mi'lord!"


I'm looking for information on tactics on how Spawn of Kyuss fight:

Their worm-touch ability appears to leave the worm on the target for one round - during this time, the worm can be killed by damage (10 AC, 1 hp) or the touch of silver. The worm doesn't start burrowing until the spawn's next round.

Now, what are the rules for attacking a worm on yourself or another person? I'm currently playing by: Using a light weapon, then std. attack that hits damages the worm, but not the "host". Use a bigger weapon, and you will cause the target half of the damage rolled (a morning star or a dwarven waraxe isn't exactly designed for worm squishing).

The "touch of silver" maneuver is a std. action and will automatically work - no roll needed.

Thoughts on that?

Next, seeing that an individual spawn can only deploy a worm 1/round, my thought is that a group of spawn would attempt to concentrate attacks on one person - The trick is to keep as many worms on the target so they can't get all of them off until the next round.

Are they that smart?

(My initial encounter with the Spawn in EoBK was a little anti-climatic - The paladin was within 10' radius of the party, so they got the +4 bonus to fear and saved against all three spawn. At which point it was just hack, hack, hack - the fast-healing was definitely annoying the wizard: "I do 5 pts with the magic missle" "O look, the wound just was stiched up by worms!" "Dammit!")

Theldrick's temple in 3FoE did a total TPK on our guys.

The Grimlocks weren't too bad, namely because I didn't read it all the way through.

The Vecna labyrinth was a breeze.

The Vecna wizards though... That was a bit tougher on them - The scorching ray scrolls did a lot of damage when people started coming out of the woodwork.

But so far, Theldrick's temple was the killer.

Peter Fuesz wrote:

A few questions for you.

How far into the Dourstone mines is the group?

Did they kill everyone and leave them lying in the caves?

We finished when the Faceless One died. The only thing left is the Ebon Aspect...

It was 11pm when we finished, on a work night... we were all bushed.

Decent idea RE: Balabar... Hmm...

I'll have to dig some more around here...

I'm needing to throw something together for my party for Thursday's session (Unless the fight with the Ebon Aspect will go for WAY LONGER than it should).

Has anyone done anything with sending Dourstone and Smenk to justice? Anyone use anything from Dungeon?

Right now, I'm thinking of someone stealing the 60-or-so potions that are clanking around in the fighter's backpack.

Looking for some ideas, that's all... Thanks.

Wayland, the extremely unprepared...

Ragboy wrote:
Sidenote: How do you guys handle bringing in a whole new party when there's been a TPK?

I TPK'ed our first group in the Hextor Temple.

Basically, I sent the next squad in as a Hieroneian strikeforce to investigate strange going-ons in the mine, on the behest of Allustan... Had them fight zombie versions of the first party which was fun.

If this party goes down in 3FoE, I'm going to have to figure out something else though... I don't think I can pull the same thing again. 3FoE is tough that way - just not very good lead-in's as written.

Wayland Smith wrote:

I love the dog barks... I have a dwarf that's been wanting to speak orcish, so that was what I was going to use... Heh heh heh.

Man, I HOPE they go into the maze tomorrow... *rubs hands together*.

Well, they did the labyrinth last Thursday and I think it worked really well.

I enlarged the map as much as possible and taped it to heavy box cardboard. Then I got a bunch of those little map pins and taped labels on them (K1-12, KB (Kenku Boss), KS (Kenku Sorcerer) and W1-2) and then used the pins for me to keep track of their positions.

I revealed the labyrinth as the party went - kinda slow at first, and it was tricky, but it was worth it the first time a kenku appeared BEHIND the party without any visible entrances.

The combat wasn't too bad on the party, except toward the end when the Kenku Boss let loose with a certain magic item, bringing the mage down to near death. The rogues couldn't get far enough away to use sneak attacks from darkenss to good effect, and the two tanks had darkvision to 60', so that was no good.

One thing I'd mention is that the module's advice to reserve so much space on a battlemap seems wrong (at least I ran out of space), so I'd double check.

If I had more time, I would have sent a kenku into the inner sanctum to pull out some of the sorcerors, but it was 11 pm on a worknight, so the Faceless One will have to wait till later.

David Roulston wrote:
Does anyone else remember "Tucker's kobolds?"

Yup... Can't remember which Dragon magazine though... It think it was Roger E. Moore's tenure.

To my Dragon archive CD's!

Ralphas Malphas wrote:

PC Name: Shaman Ravenfeather, 1st level Flan Cleric
PC Name: Brother Ludd, Halfling and 1st level

You are sending 1st level characters through EoBK? I assume you adjusted the adventure (it was written for 5th level characters...)

windnight wrote:
In terms of Identifying scrolls / potions / wands, I generally let a UMD check work on the wands, an alchemy check work for the potions, and read magic has always worked on scrolls.

What do you do for DCs on the checks? I'd probably choose Spellcraft instead of UMD on the wand, but that's six o' one, half-dozen o' the other...

1) Are Wands of Identify legal by the rules?

2) Would dumping a WoI w/ 10 charges be too overbalancing in 3FoE? The party is stuck there and burned through a lot of resources, and I'd like them to be able to use at least SOME of the assorted scrolls/potions/wands/toys that they've found so far...

... namely CLW...

If the spell assigned to a wand is a touch spell, does the wand wielder need to touch the wand to the subject to activate the spell.

If so, then my party is going to b+~&+. If not, then I can definitely see some munchkin'ism - what would the range be? Do they have to make a ranged touch attack for the ray?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Characters: Melinde (Pal3 NPC), Albrecht (War1 NPC), Dieter (War1 NPC), Farrel (War1 NPC)

Location: TFoE - Temple of Erythnul

Catalyst: The Chieftain's Axe, Too many Grimlocks, and a Sound Burst spell.

(The party is part of a garrison strike force assembled to investigate the disappearance of the FIRST group of adventures into the mines).

The party negotiated their way into the Grimlock caverns and their scout was detected by the two Grimlock guards. The guards raised the hue and cry and moved to attack.

The party moved into the room, and the guards and chieftain moved in from the adjoining rooms. The slope in front of the tunnel caused great difficulty for various characters getting into position.

Then the chieftain got a 45 point critical hit onto the already wounded Melinde. And she fell to the dust. Then the guards started really taking it on the chin as one by one they fell, only to be kept just alive with heavy usage of a wand of CLW and a wand of lesser vigor.

Things looked dire for the party when a new squad of grimlocks, with the head cleric - Grallas Kur, came from the southern corridor. The dwarf fighter valiantly held the line, and only his fine armor and his sharp axe (and his Cleave feat) kept the horde at bay.

Then Grallas Kur, already insane by his dealings with the dark forces of the Ebon Triad, cast a spell causing waves of sonic pain to rip through friend and foe alike. This was too much for several of the stout guards to withstand, and they passed to Heironeous' reward.

Then the PC's set upon Grallas, weary with their battle, and heartsick from the lost of their comrades, and tore him asunder.

Raphael the Rafu wrote:

Let me hijack the topic...

Those references in the adventure ought to be cool for players who've played through at least some or them, or who read Dungeon magazine. My players belong to neither category.
I'm about to start running the AoW adventure path, and it's going our very first Greyahawk campaign (our previous ones having being set on different worlds); what would you advise changing the references in Spire of Long Shadows to?

Are YOU familiar with the adventures? If so, then just give them information if they ask about the omens.

At the end, it is just "color", and reveals some of the mythos and mysterious things that have happened before... Gives the AP a bit of dynamisism (is that a word?)

But, if you want, reference events from your own campaign, or some of the "iconic" greyhawk adventures - "The queen of fungus will arise and be buried in her own temple" - Temple of Elemental Evil, "A party will confront the Queen of Spiders in her home of the Abyss" - Vault of the Demonweb Pits, "A dead lich with arise again in his tomb" - Tomb of Horrors, etc...

Even if your players never played in Greyhawk before, they SHOULD know about those adventures at least...

Stonesnake wrote:
Any help? Anyone? Please help! :)

Also, if you have Unearthed Arcana, you may want to consider Gestalt characters - Other groups seemed to have used them with good effect.

I had exactly the same problem - my first party wasn't tactically minded, and the rogue was an idiot (see my post on the Obituaries thread).


After my group made new characters (bumped up a level), I added Melinde and 6 1st level warriors to form a strike force to raid the mines. Less experience for the party, but I'm offsetting it by awarding XP bonuses for each NPC to survive the adventure.

I would probably let the party recruit some help - Involve Melinde or maybe some of the Free City Trio...

Also, the new paladin bought a CLW wand. This has been a total campaign-saver.

So far, they tore through Theldrick's (although I'm having some issues with their desires to retreat and call in "air raids" - "We know there's evil here - we should go back and get the entire garrison down here" - "Um, you do know that YOU'RE the HEROES?")

dungeonblaster wrote:

do you allow your spirit shaman to detect ethereal ghosts with the detect spirit ability?

It made for an interesting encounter with Alastor Land in my group.

It hasn't come up.

The spirit shaman was created due to a TPK during TFoE - Alastor Land was already put to rest when he entered the scene.

(Fortunately, the party trusted Allustan, showed him the letter to Filge, and was asked by him to go to Dourstone. Leaving Allustan as the ideal launching point for the replacement adventurers)

Lord Vile wrote:

Where is everyone at in their AOW campaigns?

Still trying to get momentum back after January (TPK + family death + my insomnia before session kinda screwed with stuff).

Anyways, my group has finished Theldrick's chapel in 3FoE, and will spend next Saturday's session going over the loot from the battle royale.

I'm allowing for Players:

Complete series
Unearthed arcana
Arms & Equipment guide
Spell Compendium
Dragon articles after vetting...

Problem is that I'm the only one with those books (book junkie - ask me about my collection of GURPS books I'm never going to use in my life...), so no one is all that interested in the stuff (except I have a spirit shaman in the group).

That and I'm having a hard enough time remembering what the PHB and DM rules are, much less anything else.

DM-wise I will add:
Libre Mortis
Lords of Madness
Dungeon / Dragon where useful.

Also, I've gotten dependant on DMGenies, and none of the above are OGL so I'll have to get around to learning how to code the monsters/classes/spells/feats/skills... Yeah, right...

... Or whatever the Yellow King adventure was called.

I was thinking that it would be a great side adventure between EaBK and HoHR.

Have the first village be about a day's travel north of Blackwall Keep. Have the party stay there before the Keep. That way, when they return, the town will be dead.

Then have the theater troupe actually hit Diamond Lake as the small town. Replace the sheriff with Nebin, and have either Smenk or Neff be the mayor going insane.

This + "A gathering of winds" = Diamond Lake in need of SERIOUS urban renewal.

Finally, have the final theater be in Free City. It will definitely put the party on the map as people to watch.

The big challenge is that the party won't be quite powerful enough for the adventure even toned down to 7th level (After EaBK, the party should be 6th level right?). Some more adjustments might be needed.

And maybe work on tying "The Yellow King" into the whole AoW plotline - Maybe fudge the Hastur connection into having the bard troupe be a member of the Ebon Triad?

Anyone else have ideas on these lines?

Hojas wrote:
It's always the little things that make a DM shine, and I missed a couple of big ones during my gaming session last night. The party was about to face the Grick/sphere trap in the whispering cairn and meet the ghost of Alastor Land. Even though I had planned all week for this encounter, and really liked the idea of Alastor busting the PC's chops while they were in action, I still forgot to play it out that way. I got caught up in the excitement and didn't even realize I missed it until the PC's were on their way back to Diamond Lake with the bones and a smile on their face. I guess I need to start using notecards to remind me of the important details for every encounter. What do all the great DM's here on the Paizo boards use to keep track of everything?

I always keep a notepad handy. I put a column down the side, and as a creature or trap is dealt with, I write the CR for it for XP generation at a good point. Also, write down other notes, or quotes, or if PC actions pissed of a NPC for later revenge.

My problem is getting to the combat rules quickly - Trip and Grapple rules are the worst, but Cover and Concealment are tricky too. I've started preping a cheat sheet for just quick rules and references. Also, I need to get stick-on tabs so I can just flip to the sections (instead of trying to remember if the encumberance rules are before or after the combat section)

Getting the d20 files onto a handy laptop might also help, but I never remember which of the 40 files the rules would be in (I'd rig a search engine for it, but I'm opposed to doing development on stuff I don't get paid for).

But I forget things too - Like in the resting room for the workers in the beetle section of the WC - I forgot that everyone in the room should have been fatigued. So the party didn't quite get it when I said "Suddenly, a great wave of weariness washes over you", AFTER the fight with the beetle. There was much "Okay, who set off the trap?"

Eric and crew, it would be FANSTASTICALLY helpful if you can "highlight" the areas where special rules are in effect in an encounter - put a box or a different color or just a "*YO LOOK HERE!*" before it. Especially where the special rules wind up on the next page...

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:

Besides the old baby crying or woman screaming for help trick, I'm having the kenkus use a series of dog barks as codes to alert their comrades if they notice the party entering the inner sanctum--five short barks followed by one, two, or three to indicate west, central, or east door. They use a caterwauling sound to indicate when they've made contact with intruders, so that the other kenku groups can move closer and set up ambushes in the surrounding parts of the maze.

If the party gets split up, I'll have the kenkus imitate other party members (if they've heard them and know which ones are not with the group they encounter) to try to lure them into ambush.

I love the dog barks... I have a dwarf that's been wanting to speak orcish, so that was what I was going to use... Heh heh heh.

Man, I HOPE they go into the maze tomorrow... *rubs hands together*.

My group may be hitting this tomorrow (that or the Grimlocks). My current plan is to just show them on the battle mat and then have the Kenku and Weasels fade in and out of view

It will be easier than having to describe every twist and turn (one player is extremely anal and gets pissy when he doesn't understand what I'm saying).

However, It would be helpful to keep track of where the opposing forces are. I have a laptop with me - Are there any good freeware map systems that are easy enough to use without too much problem - alternatively are there any commerical mappers that are useful for mazes?

Also, has anyone used the Kenku's mimicry abilities to good use? I was thinking of having them mimic the Elf NPC from the first party - With a paladin in this party, it could be fun to get them to pursue the damsel in distress smack into the dire weasels.

Gibbon Riot wrote:

I hate to be the one to do this.

Any ETA on the supplement?

Heh, take your time - My group isn't even out of TFoE, and at this rate I don't expect to be done with it till next year.

And besides, my group wouldn't care if I called Alaster "Frobozz", Kyuss - "The Guardian", Free City - "Skara Brae", and Manzorian - "Wernda".

And 50 points for each CRPG reference!

Erik Mona wrote:
Guys, I had to drop in (on my vacation, no less) to clean up this thread a little.

Eric, I apologize for using "Castamanir" in a post... It will not happen again.

Oh... well after this post....

(And here I am wishing I looked at this thread earlier - I apparently missed the rampage :-) )

Callum Finlayson wrote:

It's perhaps one of the major problems published adventures face -- balancing for all the different options available. Most of the people I play with are core-rules only, but judging by these boards and the WotC ones most other groups thrive on wacky prestige classes, templates, races etc. Even if these don't consistently raise (or lower) the party (or threat) power level they make it harder to determine/predict/analyse.

This reminds me of a few of the old 1st edition modules.

Namely, I'm thinking of "Lost Island of Castamanir" - It was a GenCon RPGA event module for characters 1-3rd level (or so it claimed).

It has a room with 23 hobgoblins - A little beyond the abilities of a party of 1-3rd levels - The only way I figured it would be beatable was that if you were using the pre-generated characters, one had a wand of fireball with 2 charges.

Seeing how much trouble my players had with TFoE (TPK) the first time around, I may need to take a closer look at Spire.

James, which of the AoW AP were written by "industry professionals"? So I know which ones to worry about ;-)

Nowhere near it...

My group suffered a TPK on the first attempt with 3FoE. Party #2 has just finished offing Theldrick.

We try to play once a month, although family crises and holidays have been working against me with this.

I agree, these fights are killers (especially with a party that tends to expect that their combatants don't have any tricks up their sleeves).

Maybe I'll have to see about the kenku's after all... I think it will have to depend on how the party is doing against the priests.

wampuscat43 wrote:

The wand of CLW is the key. Put a gun to the rogue/wiz's head and make him take some ranks in UMD. Then get another wand, or take Theldrick's. My PC's crafted their own just prior to going down there, and used it all up. But they only had two deaths in the whole 3FoE, one of which was a near-miracle.

Your problem is going to be that the whole complex will be on high alert now. Theldrick might move his forces in with the FO for the duration.

I wouldn't worry about Mass Invis to get in the mines - just have the garrison march in and quarantine it. Play up Dourstone's protests, but he'll be busy trying to figure a way to beat the rap. Have the garrison leader set a 3-day timeframe before they 'nuke it from orbit' - that'll ratchet up the pressure a bit.

Fortunately, the spirit shaman is also buying a wand of lesser vigour - which is a slow regen effect - so healing shouldn't be a problem unless they are stupid.

You mentioned that the complex is going to be on high alert - any ideas what that would look like?

Since Grimlocks are xenophobic, I can't see Gralak or his crew changing their patterns much.

My take on Theldrick is 1) He's a proud S.O.B., and 2) He doesn't like the F.O. - So I can't see him running to the F.O.'s maze cause he lost some pawns.

So, here is what I think is going to happen:
1) The dead PCs will be animated as zombies and placed in the entry room. When a character appears not bearing a holy symbol of Hextor, Vecna, or Erythnul(sp?), the zombies animate and attack. The surviving fighter will also be stationed there, and will go to the FOs section to return with one of the bands of Kenku's.

2) Beast will be re-animated, as well as the dead cultists and fighters and placed in the skeleton room - They will rise and attack intruders - One zombie/skeleton will move toward the temple - this will warn the priests of intruders.

This way the party will be trying to fight off the priests, and then get a squad of kenku's from behind.

Hopefully, the party, with Melinde and the garrison squad as re-enforcement - will be able to manage - I should probably calc the EL for this...

And I'm all out of bubblegum... wrote:

This marks the death of an entire party. A party of seekers of adventure. A party...with a newbie.

Adventure: The Whispering Cairn
Location: Lair of the Architect
Act that got everyone killed: Chucking a lit torch into the Brown Mold

Needless to say, everyone froze to death.

Jeez, that's nearly as embarrasing as getting killed by a grid bug!

So, as you may have seen from my recent obituary, the entire party has fallen in the temple of Hextor.

However, the party wants to continue the AoW campaign, so I'm trying to determine the best way to continue the plot.

What I need to figure out before this Saturday (I know, I should have asked before now) is a) If I want to even try continuing the 3FoE adventure, b) If I do, do I need to adjust the strength of the monsters, c) How to correctly play the opposing forces.

Issues with the previous set of PCs:
Lack of melee fighters - We had a barbarian and a rogue which prefered ranged combat. We also had two gnomes, one of which could only score 1 pt of damage in melee (Str of 7).
Tendency to burn spells instead of potions - Because the cleric was always converting spells to cures, he wasn't able to buff the party adequetly.

New party:
(I've permitted them to generate 4th level characters instead of 3rd level characters - I'm aiming for survivability here).

Human Paladin 4 w/ Cure Light Wounds wand
Dwarf Fighter 4
Human Rogue 1/Wizard 3
Spirit Shaman 4

This time we have better offense, and the lack of a "real" cleric should be offset by the wand of CLW with the Paladin.

Plot setup idea:
Allustan knows about the worm found in the mine. My plan is that he is concerned when the original party fails to resurface from Dourstone, so he contacts Melinde at the Garrison. Melinde isn't about to let petty issues of property rights to prevent her from uncovering an evil cult, so she assembles a strike force. Here she gets in touch with the Paladin PC, and the rest of his party (which is a roving band of do-gooders).

My plan is to have Melinde and a band of 6 1st-level Warriors from the garrison escort the party. This way we can see how well the Paladin manages the care of his strike force.
I will have to decrease the XP for the party, but what I will probably do is award bonuses for each garrison member who survives the excursion. My basic idea here is to try to rush through 3FoE so I can get on with AoW...

First Problem: How to get the entire army into the cultists area - My only guess would be to have Allustan cast Mass Invisibility to help them get into the mines.

Second Problem: I'm going to assume that this is a week after the previous raid - this will permit Theldrick to re-organize his defenses.

The casualties Theldrick has suffered:
All of the skeletons
All but 1 of the cultists
3 of the Tiefling fighters

What I figure is that the loot from the original party will have been ID'ed by the Faceless One and his acolytes and distributed where appropriate - this will raise the deadliness of a number of the encounters as now there is a +1 chain mail, a +1 axe and a +1 short sword around there, not to mention a whole lot of potions (cause the old party never used them).

In addition, Theldrick will animate Beast as a zombie or skeleton if he's able to, as well as the cultists, fighters and the dead PCs. That should piss off the players suitably for them to kick some a$$.

Finally the NPC sister of one of the PCs (she's a bit of an amoral survivor) has slowly been getting her sanity eaten away by the Faceless One's allip.

So, any ideas or other improvements?

TPK (sigh...)

Owyn - Human Barbarian 3
Tesler - Elf Rogue 3
Fender - Gnome Cleric 3
Plankett - Gnome Druid 3
Mira - Elf Rogue 1/Wizard 2

Adventure: Three Faces of Evil
Catalyst: Poor reaction of the enemies using (gasp) tactics!

What happened:
The party entered the skeleton room and retreated to lure them out. After wiping them out, they entered the room. I decided that the cultists and fighters were waiting for them, and so the party was surprised and surrounded by the cultists.

The rogue had his bow ready and surrounded by 5 cultists, so of course he fired his bow. I warned him that he was going to trigger 5 AtksOfOpp, but he said he was role-playing his character's low wisdom (it was a 10 - not THAT low). Two critical hits on the attacks of ops and he went from a 19 to a -2.

The druid had to burn spells for summoning to help out. The mage was kinda useless (I'm playing her as an apprentice mage, working off of Filge's spellbook - no sleep spell). Owyn the barbarian took on Beast, and was very wiped from that - but perservered.

Then the party decided to heal up, but not by using their potions (cause they cost money - oh no!). Instead, the cleric burned all of his spells with spontaneous casting.

Also, they decided to search the corpses. This meant that the temple complex went to full alert - the priests moved to their positions and the side access corridor was barred and guarded.

Then the party moved to the main temple - barbarian first. Only the barbarian moved in - seeing the 4 remaining cultists lined up by the statue. Since it was only the barbarian, I did not have Theldrick close the doors.

The party then retreated to the skeleton room - however the druid opened the side passage door to see what was down there. In so doing, he alerted the two guards at the side passage - adding them to the melee.

So, the cultists and the fighters moved out swarm the barbarian, and the druid burned his last 2nd level summon spell to help with them. Meanwhile, I had the clerics and zombies from the temple proceed through the side passage in pursuit.

At this point, the party started rolling VERY poorly, and I started rolling VERY well. The rogue was ineffective, the mage a bit less so. The gnomes couldn't do enough damage to really help.

Then the clerics showed up, and while the barbarian got a good shot in on the female cleric, Garas completely mauled him.

It got to the point where the player of the barbarian realized I was pulling the punches, trying to keep the only person that could use the lift alive.

At that point, I asked the group if we wanted to continue to play it through and see if anyone got away. They said no.

So, the party of Owyn and crew die a painful and ignomius death, the denizens of the caves get some treasure to pass around, and Allustan will contact Melinde to get a strike force together to investigate foul doings in the Dourstone mine - emeshing a fresh party of adventurers into The Age of Worms!

Yes, I agree, which is why I would have been very careful to ensure that all skills were at the same levels as before (even if points get sunk in cross-classes)

However, it's moot, the player changed his mind, and might just decide to MC as wizard at some point.

Thanks for the opinions though.

Sebastian wrote:

I'd let him swap out and just play it as if he's always been a spellthief. It's nice when you're a player and you want to try something new to have your DM accomodate that desire. I generally allow my players to change around unused abilities or skills if they have a good non-metagame reason. If nothing else, I'd let him retire the old character and bring in a new one. My guess is that multi-classing won't make him happy even if you do ditch the 10% penalty.


Yeah, my take was to migrate (If he MC's then he has to take rogue and spellthief in lockstep, and I don't think he'd be that happy with that).

As far as scratching his old character and let him make a new one, well that's always a possibility but his character is central to some subplots right now (namely, I'm having too much fun playing his NPC brat sister as a foil).

Fortunately, he hasn't used any skills that a rogue has and a spellthief doesn't, so I may be able to work with it. I just need to get my rulebook back from him and see.

Celric wrote:

Actually, the only way that the 10% penalty would occur is if the 3rd level rogue is not a human, half-elf, or halfling.

Whups, I forgot to mention that the character is an elf...

So, the 10% does apply.

Gildur wrote:


Session in Hextor temple: Two party members died in great battle against Theldrick and his allies. One managed to escape outside of mine. Two were left (one uncouncious) inside mine. Escaped one want to go garrison and report of danger (they already found both texts from Theldricks room). What you think that garrioson should do? They haven't been at Erythul's place at all and they have visited Vecna's place briefly. If garrison comes they can quite easily raid the place.

I'm worried about this as well (at least one of my party members has a tendency to think "out of the box").

Since your party is in such bad shape, I would actually let the escaped member go to the garrison. You probably won't be able to interest the supreme commander of the garrison, but Melinde (the Paladin) should be interested (especially with Theldrick's journals in hand).

Consider having Melinde gathering a "strike force" to investigate the mine, and let each player with a missing PC (dead or captured) take one of the strike force characters. It will get them involved, and provide a way for the "real" party to get the rest of the information needed.

The "real" absent PCs shouldn't get experience for the adventure (or maybe half XP if you are nice), so you may want to follow it up with a vignette or two to get the missing characters caught up.

Now, in my party's case, they aren't in bad shape, so I'm planning on having the garrison be more lazy (although I could add Melinde as a single NPC).

I just bought Complete Adventurer, and the player of a 3rd level rogue likes the concept of a spellthief.

The question is how to handle this - I have two choices:
1) Complete conversion from 3rd level rogue to 3rd level spellthief - Since the Spellthief has on par abilities as a rogue, it shouldn't be too much of a logic stretch (just assume he wasn't using any powers till now). What on a spellthief got gimped to keep it the same power as a rogue?

2) Have him multiclass. The problem is that since he is 3rd level rogue, he is going to be gimped with the 10% EXP penalty. I could waive the penalty, but I'm not sure about the balance in his case (or fairness to the other players).


Also, I'm running DMGenie, but I'm not up to creating a class definition... Anyone have a spellthief class definition available?

GUTH wrote:
I'm a fan of trying to round up relevant music to play while gaming.

I prefer softer music (It's hard to DM when shouting over heavy metal):

Icewind Dale, IWD II and Heart of Winter soundtracks
5 Midnight Syndicate albums (Realms of shadows, 13th hour, Gates of delirium, D&D soundtrack, Born of the Night)
Pool of Radience soundtrack
Baldur's Gate II soundtrack (I tend to buy a lot of the "Collector's editions for my CRPGs, even the bad ones)
Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and X soundtracks
Vagrant Story soundtrack
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night soundtrack
Assorted other game soundtracks (Ultima 6 MIDIs converted to MP3, Ultima 9 soundtrack, Ur-Quan and Yehat themes from Star Control II, Chrono Cross)
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings soundtrack
Piece de Resistance: Conan the Barbarian soundtrack

I might mix in some Iron Maiden and Judas Priest at some point... Almost definitely some Apocolyptica (once I get a new iPod, the old one had an HD crash).

I don't have any of my stuff in front of me (so it might not work), but an interesting thing would be to mix in the Istivan mini-AP (3 adventure series) Dungeon did a while back.

Basically, Istivan is attacked by outer planes thingies.

The neat thing is that the Istivan plot is refered to as an omen later in the AoW AP (Spire of Long Shadows or the one before then...).

That's the first thing I can think of here...

Wayland Smith wrote:
Azure Bonds, right?

Actually, I changed my mind... Probably "Streams of Silver"...

Cold Steel wrote:
Harpell, isn't that the ones shrinking farm animals and selling them during the chaotic days of 2nd edition DnD? Not one of FR's better ideas.

Azure Bonds, right? The first FR book I read (sniff)...

That wasn't Malchor though...

Eh, just have him be incorporeal in the wall and call it a day...

My guess would be that he manifested onto the Prime Material plane before talking - In that state, he's no longer etheral but still incorporeal...

Check your MM, I know it is talked about in there...

James Jacobs wrote:
I don't think Zeech'd be particularly be offended at people casting spells before the event, although he might mock the person for not trusting his inate abilities and his reliance on augmentations.

On the topic of Zeech, how'd he fall? (I mean he WAS a Paladin 8.) I didn't see much on it in either Prince of Redhand nor the writeup on Alhaster.

Or is that something that is yet to be revealed?

James Jacobs wrote:
The acidwraith's got fast healing 15; this is listed on its hit point line in the stat block.

Dang, I knew I was looking in the wrong place... I love the new stats block, but I still am expecting the wrong stuff in the wrong places...

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